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Activities Details - Open Source Innovation, Patents and the Android Platform in Perspective - 20-Lecture Series V

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Open Source Innovation, Patents and the Android Platform in Perspective - 20-Lecture Series V 

2011.11.23     09:30 - 12:00
[Taipei] 2nd Conference Room, Humanities and Social Science Building
Law and Licenses
Florence T.M. Ko 葛冬梅 tmk2005@citi.sinica.edu.tw
02-27883799 ext. 1474 / 0953-366676
Thank you for visiting! We proudly announce the end of this event. If you have any comments, you are welcome to contact us. VIDEOS
There will be a luncheon, please join us if you are interested in.


Topic Information

In May 2010, Apple filed a patent lawsuit against HTC claiming that HTC's Android phone infriged its patent. This lawsuit triggered a series of patent lawsuits regarding Android phone, which is followed by the heated discussion about software patent in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Taiwan, as a leading mobile devices and hardwares manufacturing economy, is deeply affected. Therefore, OSSF arranged this legal workshop and invited experts who will address on the patent issues in FOSS upon these cases.

This workshop will start with a brief patent introduction by Jyh-An Lee, assistant professor at College of Law, National Chengchi University (NCCU), in Chinese. The keynote speaker will be Keith Bergelt, CEO of Open Invention Network (OIN). Mr. Bergelt will share his rich experience in open source innovation, patent, and the relevant Android issues, which will cover patent topics concerned by FOSS participants. OIN is a professional organisation dedicated to Linux patent safeguard. OIN made a patent pool through acquisition, donation acceptance and cross licensing to protect the development of Linux Kernel and related industry. Mr. Bergelt has devoted himself in IP for decades. He is quite familiar with patent field and constantly expresses his insight in patent issues.

A 30-minute Q&A is scheduled after Mr. Bergelt’s talk. For deeper discussion, participants can join our luncheon at Cafe Sinica (中研院福華哲思軒). The approximate charge will be NT 250, 450, 500, and 550. [Click here]

Your attending will make the workshop a successful one. For the registration, please see the bottom of this page

Time Session Speaker / Moderator
09:30-10:00 Check-in
10:00-10:10 Opening Tyng-Ruey Chuang,
Associate Research Fellow, CITI & IIS, Academia Sinica
10:10-10:30 Introduction to Software Patent (Chinese) Jyh-An Lee,
Assistant Professor of Law, National Chengchi University
10:30-11:30 Innovation in Transition: Invention Processes and IP in the Open Source Era (English) Keith Bergelt,
11:30-12:00 Q&A Jyh-An Lee,
Assistant Professor of Law, National Chengchi University

Speakers Introduction

Keith Bergelt

  • Chief Executive Officer at Open Invention Network
  • Keith Bergelt is the CEO of Open Invention Network (OIN) and an Open Source steward with experience in organizational design and governance, strategy, business development, licensing, intellectual asset management, intellectual property finance, and diplomacy. Prior to joining the OIN, Mr. Bergelt served as president and CEO of two Hedge Funds – Paradox Capital and IPI. Previously, he established and served as General Manager of the Strategic Intellectual Asset Management business unit at Motorola Corporation and served as Motorola's director of Technology Strategy. Prior to his extensive private sector experience, Mr. Bergelt served for twelve years as a diplomat with postings at the United Nations in New York and the American Embassy in Tokyo, Japan.
  • More details about Keith Bergelt's background: https://www.openinventionnetwork.com/about.php
  • Online profile: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/keith-bergelt/5/b6b/856

Jyh-An Lee

  • Assistant Professor of Law at National Chengchi University
  • Jyh-An Lee is an Assistant Professor of Law at National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, where he teaches Copyright, Patent, International Intellectual Property, Entertainment Law, and Internet Law. He holds a J.S.D. from Stanford Law School and an LL.M from Harvard Law School. During his study at Stanford, he worked with Professor Lawrence Lessig and was appointed as the John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics. Lee’s current research focuses on the interaction between law, human behavior, and digital technologies, and now he is also the Legal Lead of Creative Commons Taiwan as well.
  • Online Profile: https://iip.nccu.edu.tw/people/bio.php?PID=399

Event Information

  • Target Audience: Individuals with interests in business applications and strategies of Open Source Software
  • Attendance: 114
  • Location: 2nd Conference Room, Humanities and Social Science Building, Academia Sinica
  • Charge: free
  • Language: Chinese / English


  • The whole event will be taped, except for the Q & A time.
  • In order to contact you regarding event alterations, please provide your correct E-mail address when registering.
  • If you are not able to attend on that day, please visit here to cancel your registration.
  • Your personal information will not be passed on to a third party except for promotion and questionnaire survey of events held by OSSF.
  • We reserve the right to make minor change of the content of this workshop and other related matters.

The registration is closed.

Registered Users:13

