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Foundry Day‧Forging Expertise 

2004.12.17     14:00 - 16:30
[台北] 六福皇宮
OSSF ossfworkshop@openfoundry.org


由於開放源碼所帶來的軟體開發效益和成本之優勢,一股自由創作分享的風氣正快速瀰漫於世界各角落,使得軟體世界更有活力。許多知名的商業公司也不斷 的透過開放源碼的方式,與全球的開放源碼社群進行合作,改良其產品,或作為另外一種提高普及率與滲透率的行銷方式。而「鑄造場」 (forge/foundry)則提供自由軟體開發者所需之服務,匯集軟體專案與開發人員,讓企業主與軟體開發者能透過這樣的開發平台進行經驗交流與分享 資訊,進而創造商業機會。

中央研究院資訊科學研究所自由軟體鑄造場(OSSF)於2004年12月17日特別邀請了享譽國際的 SourceForge.net總監Patrick McGovern,和國內知名的威盛電子(VIA)與網威國際(Novell),現場分享他們如何運用鑄造場,與開發者社群的研發能量創造雙贏。並介紹自 由軟體鑄造場因應自由軟體策略,為國內開發社群所提供的嶄新功能與服務。
時間議程主 講 人
14:00-14:10 致歡迎辭  中研院資訊所副所長 莊庭瑞
14:10-14:40 Source Forge  經營社群開發者經驗分享  Patrick McGovern Director of SourceForge.net
14:40-15:00  Open Foundry 一個Forge的實例 中研院自由軟體鑄造場
15:00-15:20 Tea Break
15:20-16:00 Forge 創造產業與社群雙贏的成功案例 VIA Arena & Novell Forge
16:00-16:30 Q & A


Patrick McGovern
Director of SourceForge.net

Patrick McGovern has been overseeing SourceForge.net, the world's largest Open Source development Web site, for more than 4 years. Under his watch, the site has grown 3400% to its current size with more than 80,000 projects and 883,0000 registered users. His mission is to maintain the site's integrity, functionality, and growth while keeping true to the worldwide network of users who rely on the site to collaborate and develop the most innovative programs and projects in the Open Source space. McGovern is a frequent speaker and panelist at key industry conferences.  

Prior to managing SourceForge.net, Patrick was Director of E-Commerce for VA Linux Systems (now VA Software) and built/managed a powerful Dell-esque build-to-order for Linux servers and products. VA's e-commerce site, launched in 1999, processed over 30 million dollars in sales during its first quarter of operation. He has founded a series of startup companies including NetJet Communications and My-Website. Patrick received his BS in Computer Science from the University of San Francisco in 1991.

何錦潭 Nick Ho
台灣網威(Novell) 技術協理

何錦潭目前擔任Novell台灣網威股份有限公司技術協理一職。  在此之前,曾擔任SilverStream 銀系軟體台灣分公司技術協理,領導專業服務團隊及支援電子商務平台業務推廣。期間,協助台灣著名企業完成企業電子商務的開發應用,包含高科技、通訊、金融、汽車及流通等產業。  在加入SilverStream 之前,曾任職於國內多家應用軟體公司從事系統開發工作,行業別有製造業, 金融業, 營建業, 航空旅遊業, 物流業等, 系統從OLTP, MIS, MRP, ERP到 Web Application 。十多年IT領域經驗以及5年的企業e化實務經驗,充分了解產業需求和先進IT技術領域。其工作理念是: 客戶為主,誠信為上,尃業為準,熱忱為先。能提供經驗及資訊讓企業在評估及建置Secure Identity Management 、Portal、Enterprise Application Integration、Web Services、B2B Integration等各種解決方案時有所助益。

Timothy J. Brown
Special Projects Marketing Manager at VIA Technologies, Inc.

Timothy J. Brown is a Special Projects Marketing Manager at  VIA Technologies, Inc. focusing on strategic initiatives for up and coming technologies such as robotics and wireless mesh networking. Tim has worked in the IT industry in Asia for the past 8 years and is the former editor of the Linux industry watch website MobileLinux.com.


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Registered Users:8

