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Activities Details - Humanitarian FOSS and Rapid Application Development

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Humanitarian FOSS and Rapid Application Development 

2010.08.04     10:00 - 12:00
Seminar Room 101, Institute of Information Science
marr marr.tw@gmail.com

Topic Information

Information technology can improve the efficiency of disaster management. An information platform that collects data from all stakeholders involved in disaster response can provide precise information needed for all parties. With the unpredictable nature of disaster, HFOSS (Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software) that bears a collaborative and humanitarian spirit, complies with the current disaster management needs.

Being responsive is the key to disaster management, therefore, finding a way to quickly develop software applications which are consistent with the needs in disaster scenarios is the challenge for humanitarian free software programmers. Fortunately, rapid application development (RAD) provides the right methodology toward the purpose.

Time Session Speaker/Moderator
09:30 - 10:00 Registration
10:00 - 10:10 Opening Hsiao, Ching-Teng
10:10 - 11:10 Humanitarian FOSS and Rapid Application Development Fran Boon / Michael Howden
11:10 - 11:30 Tea Time
11:30 - 12:00 Q & A Fran Boon / Michael Howden

Speaker Introduction

Michael Howden and Fran Boon have involved in several disaster relief efforts and are going to share their experiences and insights about Humanitarian FOSS and Rapid Application Development.
Presentation outline is as follows:

  • Humanitarian FOSS (HFOSS)
    • Challenges for free and open source software programmers with humanitarian approach .
    • How to shorten the distances between the cultures of open source software and Humanitarian NGOs .
    • Improve the communication efficiency between open source software programmers and Humanitarian NGOs .
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD)
    • How to meet emerging needs during a large-scale disaster .
    • Demonstrate how Sahana Eden's Emergency Development Environment responses to recent Haiti earthquake .


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