OpenFoundry - Recently Added Listings - 軟體專案 Thu, 21 Nov 2019 23:53:35 +0100 FeedCreator 1.7.3 MySQL Spatial Extensions MySQL implements a subset of the SQL with Geometry Types environment proposed by OGC. This term refers to an SQL environment that has been extended with a set of geometry types. A geometry-valued SQL column is implemented as a column that has a geometry type. The specification describe a set of SQL geometry types, as well as functions on those types to create and analyze geometry values.]]> webmaster Wed, 28 Mar 2012 01:02:22 +0100 GeoKettle GeoKettle is a "spatially-enabled" version of Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle). Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle) is a powerful, metadata-driven ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) tool dedicated to the integration of different data sources for building data warehouses. It is part of the open source BI (Business Intelligence) software suite designed by Pentaho.

This special distribution of Kettle includes extensions which enable the use of geospatial (GIS) data.

webmaster Tue, 27 Mar 2012 09:33:40 +0100
HostGIS Linux HostGIS Linux filled its position well. In 15 minutes, you could have a freshly-installed OS with the MapServer stack and a set of a working examples using GDAL/OGR, PostGIS, OpenLayers and TileCache. This saved literally days of effort over figuring out the installation process on your own platform.]]> webmaster Mon, 26 Mar 2012 09:06:38 +0100 GeoMondrian GeoMondrian is a "spatially-enabled" version of Mondrian. GeoMondrian brings to the Mondrian OLAP server what PostGIS brings to the PostgreSQL DBMS, i.e. a consistent and powerful support for geospatial data. It also provides geo-extensions to MDX.

webmaster Mon, 26 Mar 2012 02:19:14 +0100
acadmap2pgsql webmaster Mon, 26 Mar 2012 01:31:17 +0100 Ushahidi Ushahidi Engine is a free and open source platform that allows anyone to gather distributed data via SMS, email or web and visualize it on a map or a timeline. Ushahidi’s goal is to create tools for democratizing information, increasing transparency and lowering the barriers for individuals to share their stories.

Ushahidi, which means “testimony” in Swahili, was initially developed to map reports of violence in Kenya after the post-election fallout at the beginning of 2008. Ushahidi’s roots are in the collaboration of Kenyan citizen journalists during a time of crisis. The website was used to map incidents of violence and peace efforts throughout the country based on reports submitted via the web and mobile phone. This initial deployment of Ushahidi had 45,000 users in Kenya, and was the catalyst for us realizing there was a need for a platform based on it, which could be use by others around the world.

The project description quoted above is licensed by OSGeo under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License]]>
webmaster Sun, 25 Mar 2012 10:48:41 +0100
SpatiaLite SpatiaLite is an SQLite database engine with spatial functions added.
SQLite is a popular DBMS, simple, robust, easy to use and really lightweight. Each SQLite database is simply a file; you can freely copy it, compress it, send it on a LAN or WEB with no complication at all.

License:MPL-1.1 and GPL-3.0
The project description quoted above is licensed by OSGeo under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License]]>
webmaster Fri, 23 Mar 2012 19:16:46 +0100
Sahana Eden Sahana Eden is a Family of Applications to Help You Help Others. It provides web based collaboration tools that addresses the common coordination problems faced during a disaster including finding missing people, managing aid, managing volunteers, and tracking camps effectively between Government groups, the civil society (NGOs) and the victims themselves.

Solutions are available for Disaster Management, Emergency Management, Development, Humanitarian and Environmental sectors. Free and Open Source means that it is easily Customisable and Extensible. Sahana Eden is also able to integrate with other solutions and can provide a management/ticketing interface around crowd-sourced data - such as that collected in the Ushahidi incident mapping application.

The Sahana project was initiated by volunteers in the Sri Lankan FOSS development community to help their fellow countrymen and countrywomen affected during the 2004 Asian Tsunami in December 2004. The system was officially used by the Government of Sri Lanka and the system was released as Free and Open Source software. Subsequently a re-write as a generic disaster management tools was incubated with the sponsorship of the Swedish International Development Agency, IBM, the US National Science Foundation and it has been used by dozens of Governments and NGOs since then.

The project description quoted above is licensed by OSGeo under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License]]>
webmaster Fri, 23 Mar 2012 10:43:53 +0100
libLAS libLAS is a C/C++ library for reading and writing the very common LAS LiDAR format. The ASPRS LAS format is a sequential binary format used to store data from LiDAR sensors and by LiDAR processing software for data interchange and archival.

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a form of high precision range detection much like a radar system that uses laser light as the electromagnetic emission. One of LiDAR systems’ products is a “point cloud” data product that can be conceptualized as a series of point measurements representing distance from the sensor to a returned emission. A common storage format for these point cloud data is ASPRS LAS format.

Licence: BSD
The page content listed below is licensed by OSGeo under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License]]>
webmaster Fri, 23 Mar 2012 09:37:38 +0100
ZOO Project ZOO is a WPS (Web Processing Service) open source project released under a MIT/X-11 style license . It provides an OGC WPS compliant developer-friendly framework to create and chain WPS Web services. ZOO is made of three parts:

  • ZOO Kernel : A powerful server-side C Kernel which makes it possible to manage and chain Web services coded in different programming languages.
  • ZOO Services : A growing suite of example Web services based on various Open Source libraries. (get inspired !)
  • ZOO API : A server-side JavaScript API able to call and chain the ZOO Services, which makes the development and chaining processes easier.

License: MIT/X-11

webmaster Fri, 23 Mar 2012 08:35:11 +0100