5月12日(三) 上午,自由軟體鑄造場將在中研院資訊所舉辦一場半天的自由軟體授權應用演講,邀請到的講者為歐洲自由軟體基金會資深顧問 Shane Coughlan,多年來 Coughlan 先生在歐洲,協助過許多國際知名企業處理自由軟體商業授權方面的問題,具有豐富的經驗。
在本次演講中,Coughlan 先生將說明自由軟體的運作模式、如何分類與如何透過自由軟體來創造價值,內容涵括了自由軟體技術所蘊含的核心概念、授權條款的重要分類以及如何管理商業與非商業利害關係人之間的複雜關係。此外,Coughlan 先生也將會探討利用自由軟體時所可能會產生的問題,以及如何有效率地來處理這些問題。
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English Information
This talk will explain how Free and Open Source Software works, how it can be categorized and how it is used to create value. It will cover the core concepts underlying the technology, the main types of license used to support it, and how the complex relationship between commercial and non-commercial stakeholders is managed. It will also explore how problems occur when using Free and Open Source Software, and how these problems can be addressed effectively.