% LaTeX file for resume % This file uses the resume document class (res.cls) \documentclass[margin]{res} % the margin option causes section titles to appear to the left of body text \textwidth=5.2in % increase textwidth to get smaller right margin %\usepackage{helvetica} % uses helvetica postscript font (download helvetica.sty) %\usepackage{newcent} % uses new century schoolbook postscript font \begin{document} \name{Joe G. Smith\\[12pt]} % the \\[12pt] adds a blank line after name \address{{\bf Present Address} \\ 204 Pawling Avenue \\ Troy, NY 12180 \\ (518) 273-4617 } \address{{\bf Permanent Address} \\ 29 Runner Lane \\ Syosset, NY 11971 \\ (516) 921-7653 } \begin{resume} \section{Objective} Auditing/Analysis of Operations \section{Education} B.S. in Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, May 1986 \\ Concentrations in Accounting and Management Systems \\ QPA 3.9 in major, 3.7 overall \section{Experience} {\bf Consultant,} National Money Bank USA, Melville, NY \hfill Summer 1985 \begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt % reduce space between items \item Created regression model to lower check volume forecast errors \item Authored PC-based software to determine optimal staff levels \end{itemize} {\bf System Consultant,} Fleet Van Lines, Bayridge, NY \hfill Summer 1984 \begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt %reduce space between items \item Researched, implemented new computer accounting system \item Customized existing software for inventory management \item Trained employees on both accounting and inventory systems \end{itemize} {\bf Computer Salesman,} Solutions Unlimited, Lake Grove, NY \hfill Summer 1983 \begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt \item Demonstrated extensive range of software and hardware \item Developed leads by offering seminars for specific professions \end{itemize} \section{Leadership Activities} {\bf Co-founder,} Monarch Computer Products Inc., Freeport, NY \hfill 1985 \begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt \item Leader of marketing effort for V.R.S. (Video Rental System), \\ currently in test phase \item Perform accounting duties \end{itemize} {\bf President,} Delta Epsilon Pi Fraternity \hfill 1985 \begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt \item Responsible for the overall performance of the chapter \item Chair all house and alumni committee meetings \item Liaison to the national fraternity and the RPI administration \end{itemize} {\bf Director,} Rensselaer Fraternity Managers Association \hfill 1984 \begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt \item Evaluated and approved purchases in excess of {\$}1,000,000 yearly \item Formulated bookkeeping checklists for use by all fraternities \end{itemize} \section{Academic \\ Honors} Dean's List of Distinguished Students, all semesters \\ National Merit Scholarship \\ Alan T. Hundert Memorial Scholarship \\ Epsilon Delta Sigma, Honorary Management Society % Tabulate Computer Skills; p{3in} defines paragraph 3 inches wide \section{Computer \\ Skills} \begin{tabular}{l p{3in}} \underline{Languages:} & COBOL, Pascal,C, APL, Basic \\ \underline{Software:} & SPIRES, dBase III, Datastar database systems, GPSS simulation, FCS-EPS financial planning, SAS statistical analysis, Lotus1-2-3, MPSX optimization modeling \end{tabular} \end{resume} \end{document}