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請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 (1 位瀏覽者) (1) Guest
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2011/11/11 17:41  (8 Years ago) Karma: 10  
Hi Victor,


20111111 1745 LUCIEN C.H. LIN
lucien (Admin)
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2011/12/24 15:26  (7 Years, 11 Months ago) Karma: 0  
Hi~ Lucien


Business-Friendly Licensing
To solve the described problems, we offer alternate business-friendly licensing options for certain parts of TightVNC. If you wish to integrate TightVNC into your commercial software package and GPL is not an acceptable option, you should obtain a commercial license. We can re-license only those parts of the software for which we own the complete copyrights.


對了,除了請教遠端搖控軟體的問題外,另外我看到上面有人請教多媒體播放軟體「VLC Media Player」
一樣,所以後來又試著找支援較多解碼套件的播放軟體,有發現一套軟體「shark007 codecs」
有標榜"100% Free" shark007.net/win7codecs.html
因為「VLC Media Player」好像內建支援的解碼器不足

syman888 (User)
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2011/12/30 11:19  (7 Years, 10 Months ago) Karma: 10  
Hi syman888,


Q1、TightVNC特別在授權頁面加註「Business-Friendly Licensing」的聲明,是不是表示取用這套軟體在企業內部使用時,必須額外取得該軟體的商業授權才可以使用呢?而UltraVNC並沒有特別加註類似的聲明,是不是表示UltraVNC允許直接佈置在企業內部使用?


右列為TightVNC的授權說明頁面:https://www.tightvnc.com/licensing.php,裡面說明其「預設」的授權方式就是GPL-2.0的版本,那麼GPL授權的元件,其實並沒有限制使用目的,將其運用在商業公司內部或是打包進商業產品進行販售都是可以的,前提是一併遵守GPL其他的授權規則,最重要的一項授權義務,就是GPL元件的衍生程式,在後續散布上也必須一併以GPL的方式進行授權,也就是說、散布者若是自行有編寫過這個元件,也必須一併釋出這些自行加工編寫的程式源碼(Source Code)才行。

所以說、TightVNC特別標榜其有「Business-Friendly Licensing」的解決方式,這個解決方式其實就是讓不想以GPL方式取得TightVNC的商業公司,能夠另行與其洽詢商業授權的方案,如果一來、依據商業授權版本TightVNC所製造出來的衍生產品,其他部份自行編寫的程式碼,就不會受到GPL授權方式的限制,而必須一併在釋出時提供程式源碼,這是自由開源軟體領域裡常能見到的「雙重授權模式(Dual-licensing Model)。



Q2、發現一套軟體「shark007 codecs」,標榜100%免費,那麼使用這套軟體及其所夾附的解碼器,是不是真的可以免費且無侵權之虞的在企業內部安裝使用呢?

初步看過這是一個解碼器的合集與播放框架,其主張解碼器方面、是依據GPL-2.0的授權方式,取自FFmpeg這個專案(This software uses code of FFmpeg licensed under the GPLv2.0)。




Patent Mini-FAQ

A lot of legal questions surrounding patents arise when discussing multimedia technology. This mini-FAQ attempts to address these issues. Note that much of this discussion is based on precedent, or what has happened in the past under similar circumstances. Very little consideration is given to what could happen. If you use your imagination, you can visualize any dire scenario and cease doing any productive work.

Q: Does FFmpeg use patented algorithms?
A: We do not know, we are not lawyers so we are not qualified to answer this. Also we have never read patents to implement any part of FFmpeg, so even if we were qualified we could not answer it as we do not know what is patented. Furthermore the sheer number of software patents makes it impossible to read them all so no one (lawyer or not) could answer such a question with a definite no, those who do lie. What we do know is that various standards FFmpeg supports contain vague hints that any conforming implementation might be subject to some patent rights in some jurisdictions, examples for such statements are:
For H.264:

ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process.

And for MPEG-4:

The user's attention is called to the possibility that, for some of the processes specified in this part of ISO/IEC 14496, conformance with this specification may require use of an invention covered by patent rights. By publication of this part of ISO/IEC 14496, no position is taken with respect to the validity of this claim or of any patent rights in connection therewith.

Q: Is it safe to use such patented algorithms?
A: Patent laws vary wildly between jurisdictions, and in many countries patents on algorithms are not recognized. Plus the use of patents to prevent the usage of a format or codec on a specific operating system or together with specific other software might violate antitrust laws. So whether you are safe or not depends on where you live and how judges interpret the law in your jurisdiction.

Q: Bottom line: Should I be worried about patent issues if I use FFmpeg?
A: Are you a private user working with FFmpeg for your own personal purposes? If so, there is remarkably little reason to be concerned. Are you using FFmpeg in a commercial software product? Read on to the next question...

Q: Is it perfectly alright to incorporate the whole FFmpeg core into my own commercial product?
A: You might have a problem here. There have been cases where companies have used FFmpeg in their products. These companies found out that once you start trying to make money from patented technologies, the owners of the patents will come after their licensing fees. Notably, MPEG LA is vigilant and diligent about collecting for MPEG-related technologies.




20111230 1120 LUCIEN C.H. LIN
lucien (Admin)
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2012/01/02 15:22  (7 Years, 10 Months ago) Karma: 0  
Dear Lucien,


syman888 (User)
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2012/04/26 18:43  (7 Years, 7 Months ago) Karma: 0  
HI Lucien


想要請教一下,Rightload 這套軟體是否能夠於企業內部使用呢?

Thank you very much.
Sonnenuhr (User)
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2012/04/27 15:51  (7 Years, 6 Months ago) Karma: 10  
Hi Sonnenuhr,







那麼真要細論Rightload這套軟體能不能在企業內部使用。我的看法是單純使用,不直接涉及商業服務行為與產品製造的話,基本上不會有太大的法律爭議,然而必須了解的事,「未來該專案的作者仍然有可能轉以較嚴縝的授權方式來釋出Rightload」,所以要確認該軟體是不是能在企業內部進行使用,最穩當的方式、應該就是直接致信給Rightload專案的原作者,住在德國的Nils Kölling先生進行確認,其連絡方式登錄於右列網址:https://rightload.org/index.php/contact.html,透過右列表單https://www.hbtronix.de/impressum.php?lng=en可以直接將問題提報給他,或是寄信到nils@rightload.org這個信箱。

我方才已經透過表單寄信詢問Mr. Kölling這個問題了,相信不久時間之後應該會有所回應的。


敬祝 順心健康、事事如意

20120427 1535 LUCIEN C.H. LIN
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2012/05/03 11:44  (7 Years, 6 Months ago) Karma: 0  
Hi Lucien

不好意思 我想詢問有關於ffmpeg的License問題
使用32-bit Builds (Dev)在我的 Source code中作Library Linking的動作
是否有違反著作權呢? 因為將來開發完之後這套軟體的周邊商品是要賣錢的

我在網路上查到很多, 例如KMPlayer, 暴風影音, 似乎都有違反著作權
感覺似乎不能作Linking Library的動作, 但我看他似乎屬於LGPL規範
理論上應該是可以才對, 希望您能夠給我解答 謝謝
rolandoo (User)
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2012/05/03 16:06  (7 Years, 6 Months ago) Karma: 10  
Hi rolandoo,

Zeranoe FFmpeg builds可以說就是FFmpeg這個開源專案(https://www.ffmpeg.org/index.html)在windows平台上的轉化版本,其本上它的授權狀態是要承繼原FFmpeg專案的方式,所以、如果要探知Zeranoe FFmpeg builds的授權狀態及應用方式,我們可以直接參照FFmpeg專案上的說明!


所以、以下就重點引述FFmpeg Legal頁面的內容,再加上部份的分析來解答您的問題。

問題一、使用32-bit Builds (Dev)版本的Zeranoe FFmpeg在專案裡,透過Library Linking的方式來與其互動,是否會違反著作權法呢?

不會、FFmpeg是一個成熟的自由開源軟體專案,它大部份的程式碼都是以LGPL-2.1及其後版本的方式對外釋出,這表示下載者可以依照LGPL-2.1+的遊戲規則自由地安裝使用、修改、重製、散布這個專案;然而、要特別注意的是,FFmpeg裡部份非必要的增效檔案是採用授權拘束性較嚴格的GPL-2.0及其後版本釋出的,如果您取用的專案內容包括這些以GPL-2.0+授權的檔案,那麼理論上此時取用的FFmpeg專案會改為以GPL-2.0+的方式來授權,而如果您個人撰寫的程式碼與這個GPL-2.0+授權的FFmpeg專案是以靜態連結(static link)或是其他緊密的連結方式建立存取關係的話,那麼整個專案解釋上就會變成GPL-2.0+授權元件的衍生著作(derivative work),而必須要在後續散布時,一體適用GPL-2.0+的遊戲規則來提供程式源碼,進一步這方面的相關資訊,可參照拙著,「GPL 條款對於衍生程式的判定標準與其授權拘束性的擴散範圍(下)」:https://www.openfoundry.org/tw/legal-column-list/8447-the-license-inheritance-bounds-of-gnu-gpl-02



FFmpeg License

FFmpeg is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or later. However, FFmpeg incorporates several optional parts and optimizations that are covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later. If those parts get used the GPL applies to all of FFmpeg.



問題二、32-bit Builds (Dev)版本的Zeranoe FFmpeg,可否植入並適用在商業性販售的裝置或是產品裡呢?



2、然而、近代的軟體授權,除了著作權的授權範圍外,還有軟體專利(software patent)方面的風險!FFmpeg團隊表示其並沒有參照其他已被專利化的演算法來撰寫程式,然而、這並不能保障其所撰寫出來的技術方法,100%沒有類似他人已申請專利範圍的狀況,已知可能涉及的例如有H.264的線上串流影音撥放專利、MPEG-4的多媒體檔案壓縮專利,就這部份的專利問題、FFmpeg團隊並沒有去進行地毯式的專利檢索,故使用FFmepg專案之後會不會涉及專利侵權的爭議,這部份原開發團隊並沒有辦法予以保障。

3、所以、如果是個人式的非商使用的話,那原則上不會有專利侵權相關的問題,因為專利權的侵權原則上是僅在商業利用行為時會產生,並且個人使用的狀態上,侵害他人專利的幅度與範圍也甚是輕微,不大可能形成一個嚴重的司法爭訟。然而、若是要將FFmpeg包裹到商業產品裡面進行販售,那麼FFmpeg團隊請大家注意專利上的問題,可能必須先和某些擁有特定專利權的公司先行取得專利授權,例如MPEG LA就其H.264專利的侵權查緝就非常積極且主動,這部份是商用FFmpeg使用者所需要特別注意的。



20120503 1610 LUCIEN C.H. LIN


Patent Mini-FAQ

A lot of legal questions surrounding patents arise when discussing multimedia technology. This mini-FAQ attempts to address these issues. Note that much of this discussion is based on precedent, or what has happened in the past under similar circumstances. Very little consideration is given to what could happen. If you use your imagination, you can visualize any dire scenario and cease doing any productive work.

Q: Does FFmpeg use patented algorithms?
A: We do not know, we are not lawyers so we are not qualified to answer this. Also we have never read patents to implement any part of FFmpeg, so even if we were qualified we could not answer it as we do not know what is patented. Furthermore the sheer number of software patents makes it impossible to read them all so no one (lawyer or not) could answer such a question with a definite no, those who do lie. What we do know is that various standards FFmpeg supports contain vague hints that any conforming implementation might be subject to some patent rights in some jurisdictions, examples for such statements are:
For H.264:

ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process.

And for MPEG-4:

The user's attention is called to the possibility that, for some of the processes specified in this part of ISO/IEC 14496, conformance with this specification may require use of an invention covered by patent rights. By publication of this part of ISO/IEC 14496, no position is taken with respect to the validity of this claim or of any patent rights in connection therewith.

Q: Is it safe to use such patented algorithms?
A: Patent laws vary wildly between jurisdictions, and in many countries patents on algorithms are not recognized. Plus the use of patents to prevent the usage of a format or codec on a specific operating system or together with specific other software might violate antitrust laws. So whether you are safe or not depends on where you live and how judges interpret the law in your jurisdiction.

Q: Bottom line: Should I be worried about patent issues if I use FFmpeg?
A: Are you a private user working with FFmpeg for your own personal purposes? If so, there is remarkably little reason to be concerned. Are you using FFmpeg in a commercial software product? Read on to the next question...

Q: Is it perfectly alright to incorporate the whole FFmpeg core into my own commercial product?
A: You might have a problem here. There have been cases where companies have used FFmpeg in their products. These companies found out that once you start trying to make money from patented technologies, the owners of the patents will come after their licensing fees. Notably, MPEG LA is vigilant and diligent about collecting for MPEG-related technologies.
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2012/05/03 16:18  (7 Years, 6 Months ago) Karma: 0  


這樣我知道該怎麼跟老闆講哩 謝啦~^^
rolandoo (User)
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Last Edit: 2012/05/03 16:20 By rolandoo.
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Re:請教相關免費軟體使用於「商業用途」上的問題 2013/03/22 11:45  (6 Years, 8 Months ago) Karma: 0  
HI Lucien 您好


在此想請教您關於 Winamp (免費版) 和 GanttProject 兩套軟體,若是於公司內是否可合法使用?

「You may use unmodified binaries for any purposes, including commercial usage.」


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