import { assert } from ""; import { ffi as imgui } from "./ffi.ts"; export const BUFFER = Symbol("vkStructBuffer"); export const DATAVIEW = Symbol("vkStructDataView"); export const LE = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([0x12345678]).buffer)[0] === 0x78; function getPointerByte() { switch ( { case "x86_64": return 8; case "aarch64": return 16; default: throw Error("unhandled arch"); } } export class Bool { #data: Uint8Array; get [BUFFER]() { return this.#data; } constructor(value: boolean = false) { this.#data = new Uint8Array(1); this.value = value; } static of(value: boolean) { const ret = new Bool(); ret.value = value; return ret; } get value() { return !(this.#data[0] === 0); } set value(value: boolean) { if (value) { this.#data[0] = 1; } else { this.#data[0] = 0; } } toggle(): void { this.value = !this.value; } get buffer() { return this.#data; } } // type Int32 = number; // type Float = number; export class Float { #buffer: Float32Array; constructor() { this.#buffer = new Float32Array(1); } static of(value: number) { const ret = new Float(); ret.value = value; return ret; } get value() { return this.#buffer[0]; } set value(value: number) { this.#buffer[0] = value; } get buffer() { return this.#buffer; } } export class Double { #buffer: Float64Array; constructor() { this.#buffer = new Float64Array(1); } static of(value: number) { const ret = new Double(); ret.value = value; return ret; } get value() { return this.#buffer[0]; } set value(value: number) { this.#buffer[0] = value; } get buffer() { return this.#buffer; } } export class Int32 { #buffer: Int32Array; constructor() { this.#buffer = new Int32Array(1); } static of(value: number) { const ret = new Int32(); ret.value = value; return ret; } get value() { return this.#buffer[0]; } set value(value: number) { this.#buffer[0] = value; } get buffer() { return this.#buffer; } } export class Utf8Array { #buffer: Uint8Array; constructor(capacity: number); constructor(array: Uint8Array); constructor(x: number | Uint8Array) { if (x instanceof Uint8Array) { this.#buffer = x; } else { this.#buffer = new Uint8Array(x); } } /** * create a empty buffer */ static empty(capacity: number) { const ret = new Utf8Array(capacity); return ret; } static of(initValue: string, capacity?: number) { const _capacity = capacity ?? initValue.length + 1; const ret = new Utf8Array(_capacity); ret.value = initValue; return ret; } private getEndingIndex() { for (let i = 0; i < this.#buffer.length; i++) { const c = this.#buffer[i]; if (c == 0) { return i; } } return this.#buffer.length; } get value() { const ending = this.getEndingIndex(); return new TextDecoder().decode(this.#buffer.slice(0, ending)); } set value(value: string) { assert(value.length + 1 <= this.#buffer.length); new TextEncoder().encodeInto(value + "\0", this.#buffer); } get buffer() { return this.#buffer; } } // structs /** * Temporary storage to output draw commands out of order, * used by ImDrawListSplitter and ImDrawList::ChannelsSplit() */ export type ImDrawChannel = Deno.PointerValue; /** * A single draw command within a parent ImDrawList * (generally maps to 1 GPU draw call, unless it is a callback) */ export type ImDrawCmd = Deno.PointerValue; /** * All draw command lists required to render * the frame + pos/size coordinates to use for the projection matrix. */ export type ImDrawData = Deno.PointerValue; /** * A single draw command list (generally one per window, * conceptually you may see this as a dynamic "mesh" builder) */ export type ImDrawList = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Data shared among multiple draw lists * (typically owned by parent ImGui context, but you may create one yourself) */ export type ImDrawListSharedData = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Helper to split a draw list into different layers * which can be drawn into out of order, then flattened back. */ export type ImDrawListSplitter = Deno.PointerValue; /** * A single vertex (pos + uv + col = 20 bytes by default. * Override layout with IMGUI_OVERRIDE_DRAWVERT_STRUCT_LAYOUT) */ export type ImDrawVert = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Runtime data for a single font within a parent ImFontAtlas */ export type ImFont = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Opaque interface to a font builder (stb_truetype or FreeType). */ export type ImFontBuilderIO = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Configuration data when adding a font or merging fonts */ export type ImFontConfig = Deno.PointerValue; /** * A single font glyph (code point + coordinates within in ImFontAtlas + offset) */ export type ImFontGlyph = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Helper to build glyph ranges from text/string data */ export type ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Helper functions to create a color that can be converted to * either u32 or float4 (*OBSOLETE* please avoid using) */ // export type ImColor = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Dear ImGui context (opaque structure, unless including imgui_internal.h) */ export type ImGuiContext = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Main configuration and I/O between your application and ImGui */ // export class ImGuiIO { // #self: Deno.PointerValue; // constructor(self: Deno.PointerValue) { // this.#self = self; // } // get ConfigFlags(): number { // return imgui.DImGuiIOGetConfigFlags(this.#self); // } // set ConfigFlags(value: number) { // imgui.DImGuiIOSetConfigFlags(this.#self, value); // } // get Fonts(): ImFontAtlas { // return new ImFontAtlas(imgui.DImGuiIOGetFonts(this.#self)); // } // } /** * Shared state of InputText() when using * custom ImGuiInputTextCallback (rare/advanced use) */ // import { ImGuiInputTextCallbackData } from "./imgui_input_text_callback_data.ts"; /** * Storage for ImGuiIO and IsKeyDown(), IsKeyPressed() etc functions. */ export type ImGuiKeyData = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Helper to manually clip large list of items */ export class ImGuiListClipper { #buffer: Uint8Array; #view: DataView; // int DisplayStart; // First item to display, updated by each call to Step() // int DisplayEnd; // End of items to display (exclusive) // int ItemsCount; // [Internal] Number of items // float ItemsHeight; // [Internal] Height of item after a first step and item submission can calculate it // float StartPosY; // [Internal] Cursor position at the time of Begin() or after table frozen rows are all processed // void* TempData; // [Internal] Internal data static readonly size = 20 + getPointerByte(); constructor() { this.#buffer = new Uint8Array(ImGuiListClipper.size); this.#view = new DataView(this.#buffer.buffer, this.#buffer.byteOffset); this.#view.setUint32(8, -1, LE); } get buffer() { return this.#buffer; } get DisplayStart() { return this.#view.getInt32(0, LE); } set DisplayStart(value: number) { this.#view.setInt32(0, value, LE); } get DisplayEnd() { return this.#view.getInt32(4, LE); } set DisplayEnd(value: number) { this.#view.setInt32(4, value, LE); } begin(items_count: number, items_height = -1.0) { imgui.ImGuiListClipper_Begin( Deno.UnsafePointer.of(this.#buffer), items_count, items_height, ); } /** * Automatically called on the last call of Step() that returns false. */ end() { imgui.ImGuiListClipper_End(Deno.UnsafePointer.of(this.#buffer)); } /** * Call until it returns false. The DisplayStart/DisplayEnd fields will be set and you can process/draw those items. */ step(): boolean { return imgui.ImGuiListClipper_Step(Deno.UnsafePointer.of(this.#buffer)); } } /** * Helper for running a block of code not more than once a frame */ export type ImGuiOnceUponAFrame = Deno.PointerValue; /** * User data payload for drag and drop operations */ export type ImGuiPayload = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Multi-viewport support: interface for * Platform/Renderer backends + viewports to render */ export type ImGuiPlatformIO = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Multi-viewport support: user-provided bounds * for each connected monitor/display. * Used when positioning popups and tooltips to avoid them straddling monitors */ export type ImGuiPlatformMonitor = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Platform IME data for io.SetPlatformImeDataFn() function. */ export type ImGuiPlatformImeData = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Callback data when using SetNextWindowSizeConstraints() (rare/advanced use) */ export type ImGuiSizeCallbackData = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Helper for key->value storage */ export type ImGuiStorage = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Runtime data for styling/colors */ // export type ImGuiStyle = Deno.PointerValue; // export { ImGuiStyle } from "./imgui_style.ts"; /** * Sorting specifications for a table * (often handling sort specs for a single column, occasionally more) */ export type ImGuiTableSortSpecs = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Sorting specification for one column of a table */ export type ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Helper to hold and append into a text buffer (~string builder) */ export type ImGuiTextBuffer = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Helper to parse and apply text filters (e.g. "aaaaa[,bbbbb][,ccccc]") */ export type ImGuiTextFilter = Deno.PointerValue; /** * A Platform Window (always 1 unless multi-viewport are enabled. * One per platform window to output to). * In the future may represent Platform Monitor */ export type ImGuiViewport = Deno.PointerValue; /** * Window class (rare/advanced uses: provide hints * to the platform backend via altered viewport flags and parent/child info) */ export type ImGuiWindowClass = Deno.PointerValue; /** * ImVec2: 2D vector used to store positions, sizes etc. */ export class ImVec2 { #data: Float32Array; get [BUFFER]() { return this.#data; } constructor(); constructor(x: number, y: number); constructor(x: ImVec2); constructor(x: BufferSource); constructor(x: number | ImVec2 | BufferSource = 0, y: number = 0) { if (typeof x == "number") { // assign this.#data = Float32Array.of(x, y); } else if (x instanceof ImVec2) { // clone this.#data = Float32Array.of(x.x, x.y); } else if (x instanceof ArrayBuffer) { // view this.#data = new Float32Array(x, 0, 2); } else { // view of TypedArray this.#data = new Float32Array(x.buffer, x.byteOffset, 2); } } get buffer() { return this.#data; } get x() { return this.#data[0]; } set x(value: number) { this.#data[0] = value; } get y() { return this.#data[1]; } set y(value: number) { this.#data[1] = value; } } /** * ImVec4: 4D vector used to store clipping rectangles, colors etc. */ export class ImVec4 { #data: Float32Array; get [BUFFER]() { return this.#data; } constructor(); constructor(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number); constructor(v: ImVec4); constructor(x: number | ImVec4 | BufferSource = 0, y: number = 0, z: number = 0, w: number = 0) { if (typeof x == "number") { // assign this.#data = Float32Array.of(x, y, z, w); } else if (x instanceof ImVec4) { // clone this.#data = Float32Array.of(x.x, x.y, x.z, x.w); } else if (x instanceof ArrayBuffer) { // view this.#data = new Float32Array(x, 0, 4); } else { // view of TypedArray this.#data = new Float32Array(x.buffer, x.byteOffset, 4); } } get buffer() { return this.#data; } get x() { return this.#data[0]; } set x(value: number) { this.#data[0] = value; } get y() { return this.#data[1]; } set y(value: number) { this.#data[1] = value; } get z() { return this.#data[2]; } set z(value: number) { this.#data[2] = value; } get w() { return this.#data[3]; } set w(value: number) { this.#data[3] = value; } pointer(index: number): Float32Array { return this.#data.subarray(index, index + 1); } static fromHSV(h: number, s: number, v: number, a = 1) { const vec4 = new ImVec4(); imgui.igColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h, s, v, vec4.pointer(0), vec4.pointer(1), vec4.pointer(2)); vec4.w = a; return vec4; } } // Flag export type ImDrawFlags = number; export type ImDrawListFlags = number; export type ImFontAtlasFlags = number; export type ImGuiBackendFlags = number; export type ImGuiButtonFlags = number; export type ImGuiColorEditFlags = number; export type ImGuiConfigFlags = number; export type ImGuiComboFlags = number; export type ImGuiDockNodeFlags = number; export type ImGuiDragDropFlags = number; export type ImGuiFocusedFlags = number; export type ImGuiHoveredFlags = number; export type ImGuiInputTextFlags = number; export type ImGuiKeyChord = number; export type ImGuiPopupFlags = number; export type ImGuiSelectableFlags = number; export type ImGuiSliderFlags = number; export type ImGuiTabBarFlags = number; export type ImGuiTabItemFlags = number; export type ImGuiTableFlags = number; export type ImGuiTableColumnFlags = number; export type ImGuiTableRowFlags = number; export type ImGuiTreeNodeFlags = number; export type ImGuiViewportFlags = number; export type ImGuiWindowFlags = number; // ImTexture: user data for renderer backend to identify a texture [Compile-time configurable type] // - To use something else than an opaque void* pointer: override with e.g. '#define ImTextureID MyTextureType*' in your imconfig.h file. // - This can be whatever to you want it to be! read the FAQ about ImTextureID for details. export type ImTextureID = Deno.PointerValue; // ImDrawIdx: vertex index. [Compile-time configurable type] // - To use 16-bit indices + allow large meshes: backend need to set 'io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset' and handle ImDrawCmd::VtxOffset (recommended). // - To use 32-bit indices: override with '#define ImDrawIdx unsigned int' in your imconfig.h file. export type ImDrawIdx = number; // Scalar data types /** * A unique ID used by widgets (typically the result of hashing a stack of string) */ export type ImGuiID = number; export type ImS8 = number; export type ImU8 = number; export type ImS16 = number; export type ImU16 = number; export type ImS32 = number; /** * often used to store packed colors */ export type ImU32 = number; export type ImS64 = Deno.PointerValue; export type ImU64 = Deno.PointerValue; // Character types export type ImWchar16 = number; export type ImWchar32 = number; export type ImWchar = number;