/// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { GitLogOutput } from "./helpers.ts"; export class VersionReleaseText { #fullText: string; constructor(fullText: string) { this.#fullText = fullText; } get fullText() { return this.#fullText.trim(); } get version() { const version = /\b[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\b/.exec(this.#fullText); if (version == null) { throw new Error(`Could not find version in ${this.#fullText}.`); } return version[0]; } } /** Helpers for dealing with a Releases.md file. */ export class ReleasesMdFile { #filePath: string; #fileText: string; constructor(filePath: string) { this.#filePath = filePath; this.#fileText = Deno.readTextFileSync(filePath); } get filePath() { return this.#filePath; } get fileText() { return this.#fileText; } updateWithGitLog( { gitLog, version, date }: { gitLog: GitLogOutput; version: string; date?: Date; }, ) { const insertText = getInsertText(); this.#updateText(this.#fileText.replace(/^### /m, insertText + "\n\n### ")); function getInsertText() { const formattedGitLog = gitLog.formatForReleaseMarkdown(); const formattedDate = getFormattedDate(date ?? new Date()); return `### ${version} / ${formattedDate}\n\n` + `${formattedGitLog}`; function getFormattedDate(date: Date) { const formattedMonth = padTwoDigit(date.getMonth() + 1); const formattedDay = padTwoDigit(date.getDate()); return `${date.getFullYear()}.${formattedMonth}.${formattedDay}`; function padTwoDigit(val: number) { return val.toString().padStart(2, "0"); } } } } getLatestReleaseText() { const version = this.getAllReleaseTexts().next().value; if (version instanceof VersionReleaseText) { return version; } else { throw new Error("Expected at least one version."); } } *getAllReleaseTexts() { const matches = this.#fileText.matchAll(/^### /mg); let lastIndex = matches.next().value.index!; for (const match of matches) { yield new VersionReleaseText( this.#fileText.substring(lastIndex, match.index!), ); lastIndex = match.index; } yield new VersionReleaseText( this.#fileText.substring(lastIndex, this.#fileText.length), ); } #updateText(newText: string) { this.#fileText = newText; Deno.writeTextFileSync(this.#filePath, this.#fileText); } }