################################################################# # Global configuration defaults. ################################################################# nameOverride: densify-forwarder # application image image: densify/container-optimization-data-forwarder:3 pullPolicy: Always # application configuration config: #=============================== # densify server settings #=============================== densify: # Hostname of Densify instance hostname: .densify.com # Protocol of Densify instance protocol: # Port of Densify instance port: 443 # User name to authenticate with Densify instance # user: # Password to authenticate with Densify instance. Only specify a password or an encrypted password (not both). # password: #Encrypted password to authenticate with Densify instance. Only specify a password or an encrypted password (not both). # epassword: # Set only the above username and (e)password settings or this Secret not both. # Secret must contain 2 fields username and epassword that will be used to connect to Densify. # UserSecretName: #=============================== # prometheus server settings #=============================== prometheus: # Hostname of Prometheus instance hostname: # Protocol of Prometheus instance protocol: # Port of Prometheus instance port: # Cluster name that will appear in Densify UI. If this parameter is disabled, then the specified Prometheus hostname is used to identify the cluster in the Densify UI # clustername: # Interval to collect data # interval: # The size of the interval to collect data from Prometheus # intervalSize: 1 # The number of intervalSize block of data to collect for historical purposes # history: 1 # Sample rate for data points to be collected in minutes # sampleRate: 5 # The list of included data types to collect. # includeList: container,node,nodegroup,cluster # nodeGroupList: label_cloud_google_com_gke_nodepool,label_eks_amazonaws_com_nodegroup,label_agentpool,label_pool_name,label_alpha_eksctl_io_nodegroup_name,label_kops_k8s_io_instancegroup # Specify the path to the OAuth token used to authenticate with a secured Prometheus server oauth_token: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token # Specify the CA certificate used to commuicate with a secured Prometheus server. ca_certificate: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/service-ca.crt #=================== # proxy settings #=================== # proxy: # host: # port: # protocol: # # # auth: # user: # password: # epassword: # # NTLM authentication # domainuser: # domain: #========================================================= # controls whether contents are zipped before transmission #========================================================= zipEnabled: true # zip name that will be used to send data to Densify. zipname: data/ cronJob: # The cronjob schedule. By default, data collection is triggered at the top of every hour. # This is in line with the default interval settings of collecting the last hour of data. schedule: 0 * * * * # This flag indicates debug logging. debug: false # If you are running Prometheus setup with Authentication such as OpenShift, # need to set up rbac with service account to allow API access to Prometheus rbac: # Create and use RBAC resourses. create: true serviceAccount: # Create service account. create: true # The name of the Service acocunt to use # If not set, will be generated using fullname. Can be used to specify existing service account. name: nodeSelector: {} resources: {} tolerations: {}