### Dependents [![Gitter](https://img.shields.io/badge/gitter-join%20chat-green)](https://gitter.im/mrjoelkemp/Dependents) [![Package Control](https://img.shields.io/packagecontrol/dt/Dependents?maxAge=2592000)](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Dependents) > Navigate front-end codebases in Sublime Text 2/3 For updates, follow [@getDependents](https://twitter.com/getdependents). Currently supports JavaScript (AMD, CommonJS, and ES6) and CSS Preprocessor (Sass and Stylus) codebases. 1. [Installation](#installation) 1. [Usage and Settings Details](http://getdependents.com) 1. [Bindings](#bindings) 1. [Reporting an Issue](#reporting-an-issue) 1. [Contributing to Dependents](https://github.com/mrjoelkemp/sublime-dependents/blob/master/Contributing.md) ### Installation You can install `Dependents` via Package Control. Don't see it? Try reinstalling Package Control. Alternatively, add the repository and install it: 1. Package Control -> Add Repository 2. Enter `https://github.com/dependents/Dependents` 3. Package Control -> Install Package 4. Choose Dependents #### Nodejs Dependency You **must** have [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) installed on your system. Anything v0.10 and above is fine. * Note: The Node.js windows installer will add the install directory to the `PATH` variable but you must reboot to reload it. ##### NVM Users [NVM](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) will install Nodejs outside of the standard binary location. If you encounter an error where your Node executable cannot be found, please override the `node_path` in User settings: * Preferences -> Package Settings -> Dependents -> Settings - User ``` { "node_path": "path/to/the/node/install/directory" } ``` * This will allow Dependents to find the Node binary for every codebase ### Bindings To more swiftly and conveniently trigger the package's commands both key and mouse bindings are provided. #### Key bindings By default, the following key bindings have been supplied: OSX: * Jump to dependency: `Command + Option + Right arrow` * Find Dependents: `Command + Option + Up arrow` * Copy path to clipboard: `Command + Shift + C` Windows and Linux: * Jump to dependency: `Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow` * Find Dependents: `Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow` #### Mouse bindings By default, the following key bindings have been supplied: OSX: * Jump to dependency: `Command + Option + Click` on the dependency item * Find Dependents: `Command + Shift + Click` anywhere in document Windows and Linux: * Jump to dependency: `Ctrl + Alt + Click` on the dependency item * Find Dependents: `Ctrl + Shift + Click` anywhere in document ### Reporting an issue You can get console logs via `View -> Show Console`. Paste those logs into the body of your issue. Feel free to chat with me on [Gitter](https://gitter.im/mrjoelkemp/Dependents) if you need help or ping me [@mrjoelkemp](https://twitter.com/mrjoelkemp). ### License (Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs (CC-ND)](https://tldrlegal.com/license/creative-commons-attribution-noderivs-(cc-nd)) The no derivatives creative commons license is straightforward; you can take a work released under this license and re-distribute it but you can’t change it.