Changelog ========= **3.1.0** * Fix Calendar#getTimeInMillis with millis correctly set to 0 (#327) * Reduce width of erase button for all pickers (#337 #330 #287) * Add onDismissListener to all pickers (#338 #326) **3.0.2** * Update libs * Fix lint errors (#331 #332 Thx mtrakal) **3.0.1** * Fix setExpiration being called before setMinYear (#319) * Fix leading zeroes issue in HMS Picker (#311) **3.0.0** * Fix Fragment already added Exception (#298) * Remove deprecated methods : - CalendarDatePickerDialogFragment#setThemeDark(boolean dark) replaced by CalendarDatePickerDialogFragment#setThemeDark() - CalendarDatePickerDialogFragment#newInstance(...) repalced by CalendarDatePickerDialogFragment#setOnDateSetListener() and CalendarDatePickerDialogFragment#setPreselectedDate() - CalendarDatePickerDialogFragment#initialize(...) replaced by CalendarDatePickerDialogFragment#setOnDateSetListener() and CalendarDatePickerDialogFragment#setPreselectedDate() - HmsPickerDialogFragment#HmsPickerDialogHandler replaced by HmsPickerDialogFragment#HmsPickerDialogHandlerV2 - HmsPickerDialogFragment#setHmsPickerDialogHandlers(...) replaced by HmsPickerDialogFragment#setHmsPickerDialogHandlersV2(...) - HmsPickerBuilder#addHmsPickerDialogHandler(HmsPickerDialogHandler) replaced by HmsPickerBuilder#addHmsPickerDialogHandler(HmsPickerDialogHandlerV2) - HmsPickerBuilder#removeHmsPickerDialogHandler(HmsPickerDialogHandler) replaced by HmsPickerBuilder#removeHmsPickerDialogHandler(HmsPickerDialogHandlerV2) - NumberPickerDialogFragment#NumberPickerDialogHandler replaced by NumberPickerDialogFragment#NumberPickerDialogHandlerV2 - NumberPickerDialogFragment#setNumberPickerDialogHandlers(...) replaced by NumberPickerDialogFragment#setNumberPickerDialogHandlersV2(...) - NumberPickerBuilder#addNumberPickerDialogHandler(NumberPickerDialogHandler) replaced by NumberPickerBuilder#addNumberPickerDialogHandler(NumberPickerDialogHandlerV2) - NumberPickerBuilder#removeNumberPickerDialogHandler(NumberPickerDialogHandler) replaced by NumberPickerBuilder#removeNumberPickerDialogHandler(NumberPickerDialogHandlerV2) - RadialTimePickerDialogFragment#newInstance(...) replaced by RadialTimePickerDialogFragment#setOnTimeSetListener(...) and RadialTimePickerDialogFragment#setStartTime(...) - RadialTimePickerDialogFragment#initialize(...) replaced by RadialTimePickerDialogFragment#setOnTimeSetListener(...) and RadialTimePickerDialogFragment#setStartTime(...) - RadialTimePickerDialogFragment#setThemeDark(boolea) replaced by RadialTimePickerDialogFragment#setThemeDark() **** * Fix disable day color for CalendarDatePicker with range limit (#294) **2.5.6** * Fix typo in RecurrenceEvent (#290) * Update support library (#296) * Fix style of header of radial picker (#291) **2.5.5** * Fix recurrence picker exception (#282) **2.5.4** * Add Czech translations (#267) * Added min/max limits to RadialTimePicker (#272) * Fix Recurrence To string formatter for monthly and yearly events (#270) * Add HMSPicker negative duration option (#281) **2.5.3** * Add setter for changing cancel button label of RadialDatePicker (#266) * Add setter for changing ok and cancel button label of CalendarDatePicker (#268) **2.5.2** * Fix Chinese translations (#256) * Fix aapt error (#261) * Update roboto font (#258) **2.5.1** * Fix day dates not visible in CalendarDatePicker (#252) * Fix Fragment restoration for NumberPicker (#254) **2.5.0** * Improve auto detect for 12/24h date format for radialTimePicker (#246) * Add Feature to set disabled (non selectable) dates in calendarDatePicker (#223) **2.4.0** * Add auto detect and use of primaryColor by default for CalendarDatePicker and RadialDatePicker (#238) * Fix UnknownFormatConversionException (#240) * Better autodetect of 12/24h format for radialTimePicker (#244) **2.3.0** * Fix numberPicker exception (#230, #220, #183). Add new Handler that return BigDecimal for user entered value * Fix CalendarDatePicker Header cutted (#226, #222) * Clean unused resources (#229) * Add Ripple Effect on all picker numbers (#231) * Fix NumberPicker display for some big screens (#227, #224, #225) **2.2.2** * Fix layout for date picker on large screens * add param to hide switch button of recurrence picker (#204) **2.2.1** * Remove annoying warning when compiling (#208) * Fix italian translation (#207) **2.2.0** * Fix Number Picker Double issues (#206) * Add customizable methods on DatePicker and RadialTimePicker (#198) **2.1.2** * Fix Landscape height issue on small dpi devices (#203) * Add min or max value for datepicker (#200 #202) * Fix Leap Years calculation (#201) **2.1.0** * Set all dialogs buttons to material requirements * Rename CalendarDatePickerDialog to CalendarDatePickerDialogFragment * Rename RadialTimePickerDialog to RadialTimePickerDialogFragment * Rename RecurrencePickerDialog to RecurrencePickerDialogFragment * Rename TimeZonePickerDialog to TimeZonePickerDialogFragment * update support-appcompat-v7 * Add year as optionnal in DatePicker (#187) **2.0.3** * add setTimeInSeconds and setTimeInMilliseconds to HmsPickerBuilder (#185) * Fix DatePicker button size issues **2.0.2** * Fix NullPointerException in HMSPicker (#190) **2.0.1** * add spanish translations (#184) * add onDismissListener on DatePickerDialog in the same way that for RadialTimePickerDialog (#189) **2.0.0** * remove switch-backport import * add support-appcompat import (which break integration/compatibility with project using actionBarSherlock) * change package name from _com.doomonafireball.betterpickers_ to _com.codetroopers.betterpickers_ (change of maintainer for project) **1.5.5** * updated dependency to android-switch-backport:1.4.0 (fix for `1.5.4` problems) **1.5.4** * remove transitive dependency to org.jraf:android-switch-backport * add setTime() in HMSPicker * add some translations **1.5.3** * allow proper use of appcompat 21 * added a few translations * first release made from the new support team (Code-Troopers) **1.5.2** * Bugfix for Gradle resource processing Switch backport attrs. **1.5.1** * Package assets in library since we are now producing an .aar **1.5.0** * Package as an .aar * Add RecurrencePicker (from AOSP calendar app) * Add TimeZonePicker (from AOSP calendar app) * Resolve bold typeface errors on KitKat * Add dismiss listener for RadialTimePicker * Add option to set "Done" text for RadialTimePicker * Add Italian translations **1.4.2** * Fix the ordering of months in the DatePicker * Add header to DatePicker keyboards for better UX **1.4.1** * Fix pom.xml file in Maven Central due to an improper Gradle commit of 1.4.0 (Gradle is still a work-in-progress) **1.4.0** * Addition of ExpirationPicker for e.g. credit card expiration date * Addition of CalendarPicker from AOSP (see stock Calendar app) [screenshot here] * Addition of RadialTimePicker from AOSP (see stock Calendar app) [screenshot here] * Improved localization of months in DatePicker * Removed dependency on ViewPagerIndicator * Fix for Android 4.3 font rendering * Fix for year field of DatePicker when using e.g. year/month/day format **1.3.1** * Improve UX for min/max for NumberPicker * Added ListView demos to the sample app **1.3.0** * Add Catalan, Spanish * Enable min/max for NumberPicker * Added Javadoc comments * Added universal handlers * Added picker references * UX tweak for DatePicker indicator **1.2.0** * Removed some unused fonts from sample/ project * Refactor to Builder pattern * Fix for Gingerbread font in DatePicker * Added optional label text to NumberPicker * DatePicker reorders text and keyboards based on locale * NumberPicker scrolls horizontally to allow for more numbers **1.1.0** * Added HMS (hours:minutes:seconds) PickerFragment * Allow for PickerFragments within target fragments * Allow for February 29th input