using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using MCGalaxy; using MCGalaxy.Commands; using MCGalaxy.Events; using MCGalaxy.Events.PlayerEvents; namespace MCGalaxy { public sealed class TeamData { public Team Team; public string Invite; public DateTime NextInvite; } public sealed class Team { public string Color, Name, Owner; public List Members = new List(); public Team() { } public Team(string name, string owner) { Name = name; Owner = owner; Members.Add(owner); } public static TeamData GetData(Player p) { object value; if (!p.Extras.TryGet("PARTY-DATA", out value)) { value = new TeamData(); p.Extras["PARTY-DATA"] = value; } return (TeamData)value; } public void Message(Player source, string message) { message = "&d- Party - λNICK: &f" + message; Chat.MessageChat(ChatScope.All, source, message, this, (pl, arg) => GetData(pl).Team == arg); } public void Action(Player source, string message) { message = "%dParties> %SλNICK %S" + message; Chat.MessageFrom(ChatScope.All, source, message, this, (pl, arg) => GetData(pl).Team == arg); } public bool Remove(string name) { return Members.CaselessRemove(name); } public void OwnerLeft(Player p) { Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; if (Members.Count > 0) { // Choose a new owner at random team.Action(p, "has left the party (disconnected)."); team.Remove(; Team.SaveList(); Team.GetData(p).Team = null; var random = new Random(); int index = random.Next(team.Members.Count); team.Message(p, "%dThe new party owner is %b" + team.Members[index]); team.Owner = team.Members[index]; Team.SaveList(); return; } Teams.Remove(this); // Remove empty } public static List Teams = new List(); static readonly object ioLock = new object(); public static Team TeamIn(Player p) { foreach (Team team in Teams) { List members = team.Members; if (members.CaselessContains( return team; } return null; } public static Team Find(string name) { name = Colors.Strip(name); foreach (Team team in Teams) { string teamName = Colors.Strip(team.Name); if (name.CaselessEq(teamName)) return team; } return null; } public static void Add(Team team) { Team old = Find(team.Name); if (old != null) Teams.Remove(old); Teams.Add(team); } public static void SaveList() { lock (ioLock) using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter("plugins/Parties/parties.txt")) foreach (Team team in Teams) { w.WriteLine(team.Owner); string list = team.Members.Join(","); w.WriteLine("Members=" + list); w.WriteLine(""); } } public static void LoadList() { if (!File.Exists("plugins/Parties/parties.txt")) return; Team tmp = new Team(); lock (ioLock) { Teams.Clear(); PropertiesFile.Read("plugins/Parties/parties.txt", ref tmp, LineProcessor, '='); if (tmp.Name != null) Add(tmp); } } static void LineProcessor(string key, string value, ref Team tmp) { switch (key.ToLower()) { case "color": tmp.Color = value; break; case "owner": tmp.Owner = value; break; case "members": tmp.Members = new List(value.SplitComma()); break; } } } public sealed class CmdParty : Command2 { public override string name { get { return "Party"; } } public override string type { get { return CommandTypes.Games; } } public override bool SuperUseable { get { return false; } } public override CommandPerm[] ExtraPerms { get { return new[] { new CommandPerm(LevelPermission.Operator, "can create parties.")}; } } public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { p.lastCMD = "Party"; string prefix = "%dParties> %S"; string noParty = prefix + "You are not in a party."; if (message.Length == 0) { Help(p); return; } string[] args = message.SplitSpaces(2); switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "owner": HandleOwner(p, args); return; case "kick": HandleKick(p, args); return; case "create": HandleCreate(p, args, data); return; case "join": HandleJoin(p, args); return; case "invite": HandleInvite(p, args); return; case "leave": HandleLeave(p, args); return; case "list": HandleMembers(p, args); return; } Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; if (team == null) { p.Message(noParty); return; } team.Message(p, message); } void HandleOwner(Player p, string[] args) { string prefix = "%dParties> %S"; string noParty = prefix + "You are not in a party."; Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; if (team == null) { p.Message(noParty); return; } if (args.Length == 1) { p.Message(prefix + "The current owner of the party is: " + team.Owner); return; } Player who = PlayerInfo.FindMatches(p, args[1]); if (who == null) return; if (! { p.Message(prefix + "Only the party owner can set the new party owner."); return; } team.Owner =; team.Action(p, "set the party owner to " + who.ColoredName + "%S."); Team.SaveList(); } void HandleKick(Player p, string[] args) { string prefix = "%dParties> %S"; string noParty = prefix + "You are not in a party."; Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; if (team == null) { p.Message(noParty); return; } if (args.Length == 1) { p.Message(prefix + "You need to provide the name of the player to kick."); return; } if (! { p.Message(prefix + "Only the party owner can kick players from the party."); return; } if (team.Remove(args[1])) { team.Action(p, "kicked " + args[1] + " %Sfrom the party."); Player who = PlayerInfo.FindExact(args[1]); if (who != null) { Team.GetData(who).Team = null; } team.OwnerLeft(p); Team.SaveList(); } else { p.Message(prefix + "Player not found. You need to use their full account name."); } } void HandleCreate(Player p, string[] args, CommandData data) { string prefix = "%dParties> %S"; string noParty = prefix + "You are not in a party."; string nothing = ""; if (!HasExtraPerm(p, data.Rank, 1)) return; Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; if (team != null) { p.Message(prefix + "You need to leave your current party before you can create one."); return; } team = new Team(nothing,; Team.GetData(p).Team = team; Team.Add(team); Team.SaveList(); p.Message(prefix + "%SYou created a party. You can invite people to it via %b/party invite [name]%d."); } void HandleJoin(Player p, string[] args) { string prefix = "%dParties> %S"; string noParty = prefix + "You are not in a party."; Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; string invite = Team.GetData(p).Invite; if (invite == null) { p.Message(prefix + "You have not been invited to any parties."); return; } if (team != null) { p.Message(prefix + "You need to leave your current party before you can join another one."); return; } team = Team.Find(invite); if (team == null) { p.Message(prefix + "The party you were invited to no longer exists."); return; } Team.GetData(p).Team = team; Team.GetData(p).Invite = null; team.Members.Add(; team.Action(p, "joined the party."); Team.SaveList(); } void HandleInvite(Player p, string[] args) { string prefix = "%dParties> %S"; string noParty = prefix + "You are not in a party."; Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; if (team == null) { p.Message(prefix + "You need to be in a party to invite players."); return; } if (args.Length == 1) { p.Message(prefix + "You need to provide the name of the person to invite."); return; } Player who = PlayerInfo.FindMatches(p, args[1]); if (who == null) return; DateTime cooldown = Team.GetData(p).NextInvite; DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; if (now < cooldown) { p.Message(prefix + "You can invite a player to join your party in another {0} seconds", (int)(cooldown - now).TotalSeconds); return; } Team.GetData(p).NextInvite = now.AddSeconds(5); team.Action(p, "invited " + who.ColoredName + "%S to join the party."); who.Message(prefix + p.ColoredName + " %Shas sent you a party request."); who.Message("To join, type %b/party join%S or ignore this message to decline."); Team.GetData(who).Invite = team.Name; } void HandleLeave(Player p, string[] args) { string prefix = "%dParties> %S"; string noParty = prefix + "You are not in a party."; Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; if (team == null) { p.Message(noParty); return; } // Handle '/party leave me alone', for example if (args.Length > 1) { team.Message(p, args.Join(" ")); return; } team.Action(p, "has left the party."); team.Remove(; Team.GetData(p).Team = null; team.OwnerLeft(p); Team.SaveList(); } void HandleMembers(Player p, string[] args) { string prefix = "%dParties> %S"; string noParty = prefix + "You are not in a party."; Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; if (args.Length == 1) { if (team == null) { p.Message(noParty); return; } } p.Message("%dParty owner: %b" + team.Owner); p.Message("%dMembers: %b" + team.Members.Join()); } public override void Help(Player p) { p.Message("%T/Party owner [name] %H- Sets the player who has owner privileges for the party."); p.Message("%T/Party kick [name] %H- Removes that player from the party you are in."); p.Message("%T/Party create %H- Creates a new party."); p.Message("%T/Party join %H- Joins the party you last received an invite to."); p.Message("%T/Party invite [name] %H- Invites that player to join your party."); p.Message("%T/Party leave %H- Leaves the party."); p.Message("%T/Party list %H- Lists the players in your party."); p.Message("%HAnything else is sent as a message to all online members of the party."); } } public class Parties : Plugin { public override string creator { get { return "Venk"; } } public override string MCGalaxy_Version { get { return ""; } } public override string name { get { return "Parties"; } } public override void Load(bool startup) { OnPlayerDisconnectEvent.Register(LeaveServer, Priority.High); Command.Register(new CmdParty()); } void LeaveServer(Player p, string reason) { Team team = Team.GetData(p).Team; if (team == null) return; if ( { team.OwnerLeft(p); return; } team.Action(p, "has left the party (disconnected)."); team.Remove(; Team.GetData(p).Team = null; Team.SaveList(); } public override void Unload(bool shutdown) { OnPlayerDisconnectEvent.Unregister(LeaveServer); Command.Unregister(Command.Find("Party")); } } }