# Sublime Minecraft Command Formatter A Sublime Text Plugin to Format Minecraft Commands ## Installation Install this Sublime Text 2/3 package via [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net) search for package: "**SublimeMinecraftCommandFormat**" (How-To here: https://packagecontrol.io/installation , message me if needed more info) #### or manually install - `cd ` - `git clone https://github.com/destruc7i0n/SublimeMinecraftCommandFormat.git` ##### If you do not have git or Package Control - Download [me](https://github.com/destruc7i0n/SublimeMinecraftCommandFormat/archive/master.zip) and extract. - Place the folder inside that one into ``. (At the `Preferences > Browse Packages...` menu item in Sublime Text 2/3 to get into Packages folder!) ## Usage To prettify your command, make selection of the command (or else it will try to use full view buffer) and go to the Command Palette Ctrl+Shift+P. Find "Minecraft Format: Format (Pretty Print) Minecraft Command" (you can search for part of it like 'minecraft format') ### Compress / Minify JSON Using Command Palette Ctrl+Shift+P find "Minecraft Format: Minify (compress) Minecraft Command" (you can search for part of it like 'minecraft minify'). This convert the whole document or your selection as one line command which later you can use in your command blocks. ## Thanks - @yrsegal https://github.com/yrsegal or https://twitter.com/wiresegal