package bg.devlabs.transitioner import android.animation.TimeInterpolator import android.animation.ValueAnimator import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator /** * Created by Radoslav Yankov on 07.12.2017 * Dev Labs * * Main and only library class */ class Transitioner(startingView: View, endingView: View) { /** * The interpolator of the animation */ var interpolator: TimeInterpolator = AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator() /** * The duration of the animation */ var duration = 400 set(value) { if (value >= 0) field = value } /** * The current progress of the animation */ var currentProgress = 0f private set /** * Manually set animation progress based on a float number between 0 and 1 * @param progress The float to which the animation progress should be set */ fun setProgress(progress: Float) { currentProgress = progress onPercentChanged(progress) mappedViews.forEach { it.apply{ startV.x = origDimens.x + (endV.x - origDimens.x) * progress startV.y = origDimens.y + (endV.y - origDimens.y) * progress startV.layoutParams.width = origDimens.width + ((endV.width - origDimens.width) * progress).toInt() startV.layoutParams.height = origDimens.height + ((endV.height - origDimens.height) * progress).toInt() startV.requestLayout() } } } /** * Animate to a given percent. Optional interpolator * @param percent The float to which the animation progress should be set * @param interpolator The interpolator for the animation. Optional * @param duration The duration of the animation. Optional */ fun animateTo(percent: Float, duration: Long? = null, interpolator: TimeInterpolator? = null) { if (currentProgress == percent || percent < 0f || percent > 1f) return ValueAnimator.ofFloat(currentProgress, percent).apply{ this.duration = duration ?: this@Transitioner.duration.toLong() this.interpolator = interpolator ?: this@Transitioner.interpolator addUpdateListener { animation -> setProgress(animation.animatedValue as Float) } start() } } /** * A function, invoked on every progress change * @param func Function to be invoked on every progress change */ fun onProgressChanged(func: (percent: Float) -> Unit) { this.onPercentChanged = func } /** * Manually set animation progress based on a integer number between 0 and 100 * @param percent The integer to which the animation progress should be set */ fun setProgress(percent: Int) = setProgress(percent.toFloat() / 100) private var mappedViews: ArrayList = arrayListOf() private var startingChildViews = getAllChildren(startingView) private var endingChildViews = getAllChildren(endingView) private var onPercentChanged: (percent: Float) -> Unit = {} init { startingChildViews.forEach { old -> endingChildViews .filter { old.tag == it.tag } .forEach { mappedViews.add(StateOfViews(old, it, Dimensions(old.x.toInt(), old.y.toInt(), old.width, old.height))) } } } private fun getAllChildren(v: View): ArrayList { val visited = ArrayList() val unvisited = ArrayList() unvisited.add(v) while (!unvisited.isEmpty()) { val child = unvisited.removeAt(0) visited.add(child) if (child !is ViewGroup) continue (0 until child.childCount).mapTo(unvisited) { child.getChildAt(it) } } return visited } private data class StateOfViews(var startV: View, var endV: View, var origDimens: Dimensions) private data class Dimensions(var x: Int, var y: Int, var width: Int, var height: Int) }