#!/bin/bash function getVersionInfo { local version="$1" local token="$2" declare -n remoteVersion=$3 declare -n remoteFile=$4 local channel local tokenNeeded=1 if [ ! -z "${PLEX_UPDATE_CHANNEL}" ] && [ "${PLEX_UPDATE_CHANNEL}" > 0 ]; then channel="${PLEX_UPDATE_CHANNEL}" elif [ "${version,,}" = "beta" ]; then channel=8 elif [ "${version,,}" = "public" ]; then channel=16 tokenNeeded=0 else channel=8 fi local url="https://plex.tv/downloads/details/1?build=linux-ubuntu-x86_64&channel=${channel}&distro=ubuntu" if [ ${tokenNeeded} -gt 0 ]; then url="${url}&X-Plex-Token=${token}" fi local versionInfo="$(curl -s "${url}")" # Get update info from the XML. Note: This could countain multiple updates when user specifies an exact version with the lowest first, so we'll use first always. remoteVersion=$(echo "${versionInfo}" | sed -n 's/.*Release.*version="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p') remoteFile=$(echo "${versionInfo}" | sed -n 's/.*file="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p') } function installFromUrl { installFromRawUrl "https://plex.tv/${1}" } function installFromRawUrl { local remoteFile="$1" curl -J -L -o /tmp/plexmediaserver.deb "https://artifacts.plex.tv/plex-media-server-alpha/" local last=$? # test if deb file size is ok, or if download failed if [[ "$last" -gt "0" ]] || [[ $(stat -c %s /tmp/plexmediaserver.deb) -lt 10000 ]]; then echo "Failed to fetch update" exit 1 fi dpkg -i --force-confold /tmp/plexmediaserver.deb rm -f /tmp/plexmediaserver.deb }