# An Introduction to R (www.introranger.org) # # Devan Allen McGranahan (devan.mcgranahan@gmail.com) # # YouTube lectures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKXOvaXmjIGcSHFMe2Wpsaw4yzvWR0AgQ # github repo: https://github.com/devanmcg/IntroRangeR # # Lesson 8.2: Linear regression # # Packages if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman") pacman::p_load(tidyverse) # Prepare data (steps taken in Lesson 8.1) mtcars <- mutate_at(mtcars, vars(cyl, am), as.factor ) %>% mutate(am = recode(am, "0"="Automatic", "1"="Manual"), am = factor(am, levels=c("Manual", "Automatic")), lmpg = log(mpg)) %>% rename(transmission = am) # Linear regression # Scatterplot sp_gg <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=hp, y=mpg)) + theme_bw(14) sp_gg + geom_point() # Fit trendline sp_gg + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE) # Fit linear regression model hp_lm <- lm(lmpg ~ hp, mtcars) # Evaluate summary(hp_lm) anova(hp_lm) # Two continuous variables # Fit mr_lm <- lm(lmpg ~ hp + wt + drat, mtcars) # Assess summary(mr_lm) summary(mr_lm)$coefficients coef(mr_lm) # Scaling # Option 1 sc1_lm <- mtcars %>% select(lmpg, hp, wt, drat) %>% mutate_all(~scale(.)) %>% lm(lmpg ~ hp + wt + drat, .) coef(sc1_lm) # Option 2 sc2_lm <- lm(scale(lmpg) ~ scale(hp) + scale(wt) + scale(drat), mtcars) coef(sc2_lm) # Confidence intervals confint(mr_lm) # Custom function to combine regression coefficients # and confidence intervals into tidy object coefR <- function(x) { require(tidyverse) confint(x) %>% as.data.frame() %>% rownames_to_column("name") %>% full_join(enframe(coef(x)), by = 'name') %>% setNames(c("term", "lwr", "upr", "est")) %>% select(term, lwr, est, upr) } # Obtain regression coefficient results from model terms <- coefR(mr_lm) terms # Plot CIs (w/out Intercept term) terms %>% slice(-1) %>% ggplot(aes(x = term)) + theme_bw(14) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2, color="grey70") + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), width = 0.1, size = 1, col="blue") + geom_point(aes(y = est), shape = 21, col = "blue", fill = "lightblue", size = 4, stroke = 1.25) + coord_flip() # Continuous + categorical variables # Conditioned scatterplot ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) + theme_bw(16) + geom_smooth(aes(color = transmission), method="lm", se = F) + geom_point(aes(fill=transmission), pch = 21, size = 2, stroke = 1.1) + labs(y = "Fuel economy (mpg)", x = "Vehicle weight (x 1000 lbs)") # Fit a multiple regression model cat_lm <- lm(lmpg ~ wt + transmission, mtcars) summary(cat_lm)$coefficients # Fit a single regression model... wt_lm <- lm(lmpg ~ wt, mtcars) # ... and compare: anova(wt_lm, cat_lm) # Fit an interaction model... int_lm <- lm(lmpg ~ wt + transmission + wt:transmission, mtcars) # ... and compare again: anova(wt_lm, cat_lm, int_lm)