# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [0.5.0] 2022-09-15 ### Added [**#28**](https://github.com/devblackops/Stucco/pull/28) Add argument completer to -Task parameter of `build.ps1` in module template (via [@webtroter](https://github.com/webtroter)) ### Fixed [**#PR27**](https://github.com/devblackops/Stucco/pull/27) - Fix comment-based help tests and filtering out common parameters (via [@HeyItsGilbert](https://github.com/HeyItsGilbert)) ## [0.4.0] 2021-04-08 ### Changed - Bumped `PowerShellBuild` dependency to `0.6.1`. - The `-DestinationPath` parameter in `New-StuccoModule` is explicitly set to `Position=0` so the parameter name is no longer mandatory (e.g.: `New-StuccoModule C:\my\path\to\module`) now works as expected. - Add `-WhatIf` support to `New-StuccoModule` ### Fixed - Removed logic trying to dot source `Initialize.ps1`. This file doesn't exist in the templated module. ## [0.3.1] 2021-02-27 ### Fixed - [PowerShellBuild](https://github.com/psake/PowerShellBuild) dependency is now correctly set to 0.5.0 ## [0.3.0] 2021-02-27 ### Added - [**#PR16**](https://github.com/devblackops/Stucco/pull/16) - Add parameter description to example function in template module (via [@mikejwhat](https://github.com/mikejwhat)) - You can now pass psake [parameters](https://psake.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pass-parameters/) via the template module build script. - Added optional VSCode dev container support to Plaster template - Added function `Get-StuccoTemplate` - Returns Stucco's Plaster template object - Added function `New-StuccoModule` - Creates a new module based on the Stucco module template ### Changed - Required Pester version in template module has been bumped to `5.1.1` - Clean up Pester tests in template module ### Fixed - [**#PR22**](https://github.com/devblackops/Stucco/pull/22) - Update dependencies for psake, BuildHelpers, and PSScriptAnalzyer (via [@HP41](https://github.com/HP41)) - [**#PR19**](https://github.com/devblackops/Stucco/pull/19) - Update tests to support Pester v5 (via [@andrewwillett](https://github.com/andrewwillett)) - Classes are now properly supported if the option to include them is selected when creating a module from the template ## [0.2.0] 2019-11-09 ### Added - **#11** - Added support for GitLab CI in module template (via [@sk82jack](https://github.com/sk82jack)) - Added support for GitHub Actions in module template ### Changed - Bumped versions of dependent modules [Pester](https://github.com/pester/Pester), [BuildHelpers](https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/BuildHelpers), and [PowerShellBuild](https://github.com/psake/PowerShellBuild) ### Fixed - **#11** - Fixed casing of `tests` folder and for `public/private` folders in psm1 (via [@sk82jack](https://github.com/sk82jack)) ## [0.1.1] 2019-04-23 ### Fixed - Azure Pipelines yaml file wasn't being output if it was chosen during Plaster execution ## [0.1.0] 2019-04-23 ### Added - Initial release