# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [0.12.0] Unreleased ### Added - Add icon and color for wellknown file `jenkinsfile`. - Add icon and color for c++ files (.cxx and .c++) - Add icon and color for wellknown file `makefile`. - Add icon and color for svelte files (.svelte). - Add icon and color for generic database files (.db) - Add icon and color for Scala Build Tool files (.sbt) ## [0.11.0] 2023-07-05 ### Added - [**#104**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/104) Migrate to Nerd Font v3 (via [@Tiberriver256](https://github.com/Tiberriver256) - [**#92**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/92) - Add icon and color for `artifacts` wellknown folder (via [@wangkanai](https://github.com/wangkanai)) - [**#91**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/91) - Add icons and colors for `demo` and `sample` wellknown folders (via [@wangkanai](https://github.com/wangkanai)) - [**#90**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/90) - Add icon and color for `benchmark` wellknown folder (via [@wangkanai](https://github.com/wangkanai)) - Add glyphs from Nerd Font v2.2.0 (must have a Nerd Font >= 2.2.0 installed to see these) - Add icon and color for Puppet (.pp and .epp) - Add icon and color for bicep (.bicep) - Add icon and color for `output` wellknown folder - Add icon and color for Scala (.scala, .sc) - Add icon and color for Autodesk Inventor (.iLogicVb) ## [0.10.0] 2022-07-06 ### Added - [**#80**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/80) - Added light color theme `devblackops_light` (via [@TamKengHong](https://github.com/TamKengHong)) - Add icon and color for Julia language file (.jl) - Add icon and color for Vim (.vim) - Add icon and color for Sass (.scss) ### Fixed - [**#68**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/issues/68) Symlink rendering on Windows PowerShell ## [0.9.0] 2022-01-27 ### Added - Add icon and color R language files (.R, .Rmd, and .Rproj) ## [0.8.0] 2021-12-15 ### Added - [**#60**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/60) Add support for Gradle (*.gradle and gradlew) files (via [@Hexeption](https://github.com/Hexeption)) - [**#58**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/58) Add support for Jupyter notebook (*.ipynb) files (via [@gaardhus](https://github.com/gaardhus)) ## [0.7.1] 2021-11-22 ### Fixed - Set default preferences if the preferences XML file cannot be parsed for any reason. ## [0.7.0] 2021-11-10 ### Added - [**#53**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/53) Add color and icon for handlebar (.hbs) files (via [@nikouu](https://github.com/nikouu)) ## [0.6.0] 2021-11-08 ### Added - [**#44**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/44) Added icons for .msi, .msix, .msixbundle, .appx, .appxbundle, .deb, .rpm, .jar, .srt, .lrc, .ass, .wav, .acc, .opus, .vmdk, .vhdx, .iso. (via [@KaranKad](https://github.com/KaranKad)) - Added option to turn off displaying custom icons or colors with `-DisableIconTheme` and `-DisableColorTheme` switches on the `Set-TerminalIconsTheme` command. ### Changed - [**#44**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/44) Changed .img icon to match other disk image formats (via [@KaranKad](https://github.com/KaranKad)) ### Removed - Removed deprecated commands `Set-TerminalIconsColorTheme` and `Set-TerminalIconsIconTheme`. Use `Set-TerminalIconsTheme` instead. ## [0.5.2] 2021-06-18 ### Added - [**#39**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/39) Added icon and color for Visual Studio Solution filter files (.slnf) (via [@kkoziarski](https://github.com/kkoziarski)) ## [0.5.1] 2021-05-21 ### Added - Add icon for `gruntfile.js` ### Changed - Theme files and preferences are now stored in the directory defined by `$env:XDG_CONFIG_HOME` (if it exists) on Linux and macOS. If not defined, the default of `$HOME/local/share/powershell/Community/Terminal-Icons` is still used. - `Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs` now returns glyphs sorted by name ## [0.5.0] 2021-04-20 ### Added - [**#PR35**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/35) Add `Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs` and `Set-TerminalIconsIcon` functions (via [@tillig](https://github.com/tillig)) - `Get-TerminalIconsGlyphs` returns the list of glyphs available - `Set-TerminalIconsIcon` set a specific icon in the current icon theme or allows for swapping one glyph for another. Changes are not persisted between PowerShell sessions. ### Fixed - Replace glyphs that are causing alignment issues - Fixed module import error when user directory containing saved themes did not exist ## [0.4.0] 2021-04-18 ### Added - [**#PR27**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/27) Add icon for Umbraco .NET CMS common folder (via [@warrenbuckley](https://github.com/warrenbuckley)) - [**#PR30**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/30) Add `.gitconfig` and `.vscode-insiders` icons/colors (via [@MJECloud](https://github.com/MJECloud)) - Added function `Set-TerminalIconsTheme` to set icon/color theme. Existing functions `Set-TerminalIconsColorTheme` and `Set-TerminalIconsIconTheme` have been deprecated and will be removed in a later version - Added function `Remove-TerminalIconsTheme` to remove an icon or color theme ### Changed - Minimum PowerShell verison is now `5.1` ### Fixed - Adding a new icon or color theme no longer raises errors ## [0.3.1] 2021-04-09 ### Fixed - [**#PR26**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/26) Display file when no extension is present (via [@zanseb](https://github.com/zanseb)) ## [0.3.0] 2021-04-08 ### Added - Icon and color for symlinks and junctions are now shown, along with the target path. - [**#PR23**](https://github.com/devblackops/Terminal-Icons/pull/23) Add icons/colors for common folders `.aws`, `.Azure`, `.kube`, and `.docker` (via [@cdhunt](https://github.com/cdhunt)) ### Fixed - Colors/icons for files with more than one extension now have the theme applied. ## [0.2.2] 2020-01-10 ### Added - New icons and colors for Terraform files (via [@TravisTX](https://github.com/TravisTX)) ## [0.2.1] 2020-11-30 ### Added - New icons and colors for Python (.py) and Java (.java) files. ## [0.2.0] 2020-11-15 ### Added - New icons and colors for well-known folder names (via [@rashil2000](https://github.com/rashil2000)) ### Changed - Module load time has been improved by ~4x by storing the current theme on disk in XML format (Export-CliXml) instead of PSD1. ## [0.1.1] 2019-06-11 ### Changed - Store RGB color values instead of escape sequences in the theme data stored in the user profile. ### Fixed - Changed `glyphs.ps1` to `UTF8 with BOM` so it's compatible with Windows PowerShell. - Changed minimum PowerShell version to `v4.0` as the `.ForEach()` and `.Where()` methods are used internally. - Fixed use of escape sequences to be compatible with Windows PowerShell and the default console. ## [0.1.0] 2019-06-09 ### Added - Initial release