define([ 'coreJS/adapt', './Defaults/DefaultTrickleConfig', './Utility/Models', './trickle-tutorPlugin', './trickle-buttonPlugin', './lib/jquery.resize' ], function(Adapt, DefaultTrickleConfig, Models) { var completionAttribute = "_isInteractionComplete"; var Trickle = _.extend({ onDataReady: function() { var trickleConfig = Adapt.config.get("_trickle"); if (trickleConfig && trickleConfig._completionAttribute) completionAttribute = trickleConfig._completionAttribute; this.setupEventListeners(); }, onPagePreRender: function(view) { this.initializePage(view); }, onArticlePreRender: function(view) { this.checkApplyTrickleToChildren( view.model ); }, onPagePostRender: function(view) { this.resizeBodyToCurrentIndex(); }, onArticleAndBlockPostRender: function(view) { this.setupStep( view.model ); }, onPageReady: function(view) { this.initializeStep(); this.resizeBodyToCurrentIndex(); this._listenToResizeEvent = true; this._isPageReady = true; Adapt.trigger("trickle:pageReady"); }, onAnyComplete: function(model, value, isPerformingCompletionQueue) { this.queueOrExecuteCompletion(model, value, isPerformingCompletionQueue); }, onStepUnlockWait: function() { this._waitForUnlockRequestsCount++; }, onStepUnlockUnwait: function() { this._waitForUnlockRequestsCount--; if (this._waitForUnlockRequestsCount < 0) this._waitForUnlockRequestsCount = 0; if (this._isFinished) return; var descendant = this.getCurrentStepModel(); this.checkStepComplete(descendant); }, onWrapperResize: function() { if (!this._listenToResizeEvent) { return; } this.resizeBodyToCurrentIndex(); this._listenToResizeEvent = true; }, onRemove: function(view) { this.endTrickle(); }, model: new Backbone.Model({}), _listenToResizeEvent: false, _isPageInitialized: false, _isPageReady: false, _isFinished: false, _currentStepIndex: 0, _descendantsChildrenFirst: null, _descendantsParentFirst: null, _pageView: null, _isTrickleOn: false, initialize: function() { this.listenToOnce(Adapt, "app:dataReady", this.onDataReady); }, setupEventListeners: function() { this._onWrapperResize = _.bind(Trickle.onWrapperResize, Trickle); $("#wrapper").on('resize', this._onWrapperResize ); this.listenTo(Adapt, "remove", this.onRemove); this.listenTo(Adapt, "pageView:preRender", this.onPagePreRender); this.listenTo(Adapt, "pageView:postRender", this.onPagePostRender); this.listenTo(Adapt, "pageView:ready", this.onPageReady); this.listenTo(Adapt, "articleView:preRender", this.onArticlePreRender); this.listenTo(Adapt, "blockView:postRender articleView:postRender", this.onArticleAndBlockPostRender); this.listenTo(Adapt.articles, "change:"+completionAttribute, this.onAnyComplete); this.listenTo(Adapt.blocks, "change:"+completionAttribute, this.onAnyComplete); this.listenTo(Adapt.components, "change:"+completionAttribute, this.onAnyComplete); this.listenTo(Adapt, "trickle:interactionComplete", this.checkStepComplete); this.listenTo(Adapt, "steplocking:wait", this.onStepUnlockWait); this.listenTo(Adapt, "steplocking:unwait", this.onStepUnlockUnwait); this.listenTo(Adapt, "trickle:relativeScrollTo", this.relativeScrollTo); }, initializePage: function(view) { var pageId = view.model.get("_id"); var pageConfig = Adapt.course.get("_trickle"); if (pageConfig && pageConfig._isEnabled === false) return; this._descendantsChildrenFirst = Models.getDescendantsFlattened(pageId); this._descendantsParentFirst = Models.getDescendantsFlattened(pageId, true); this._currentStepIndex = 0; this._isFinished = false; this._listenToResizeEvent = false; this._pageView = view; this.checkResetChildren(); this.initializeStepUnlockWait(); this._isPageInitialized = true; }, checkResetChildren: function() { var descendantsChildrenFirst = this._descendantsChildrenFirst; for (var i = 0, model; model = descendantsChildrenFirst.models[i++];) { this.checkResetModel(model); } }, checkResetModel: function(model) { var trickleConfig = this.getModelTrickleConfig(model); if (!trickleConfig) return; if (trickleConfig._onChildren) return; if (!trickleConfig._stepLocking || !trickleConfig._stepLocking._isEnabled == true) return; if (model.get(completionAttribute) && !trickleConfig._isLocking) trickleConfig._isInteractionComplete = true; if (!trickleConfig._isInteractionComplete) { trickleConfig._isLocking = true; } if (trickleConfig._stepLocking._isLockedOnRevisit || (trickleConfig._stepLocking._isCompletionRequired && !model.get(completionAttribute))) { trickleConfig._isInteractionComplete = false; trickleConfig._isLocking = true; } }, getModelTrickleConfig: function(model) { function initializeModelTrickleConfig(model, parent) { var trickleConfig = model.get("_trickle"); var courseConfig = Adapt.course.get("_trickle"); if (courseConfig && courseConfig._isEnabled === false) return false; var trickleConfig = $.extend(true, {}, DefaultTrickleConfig, trickleConfig, { _id: model.get("_id"), _areDefaultsSet: true, _index: parent.getModelPageIndex(model) } ); if (model.get("_type") != "article") { trickleConfig._onChildren = false; } var isLastPageItem = ( trickleConfig._index == parent._descendantsChildrenFirst.length - 2 ); if (isLastPageItem && model.get("_type") != "article") { return false; } model.set("_trickle", trickleConfig); return true; } var trickleConfig = model.get("_trickle"); if (trickleConfig === undefined) return false; //if has been initialized already, return; if (trickleConfig._areDefaultsSet) return trickleConfig; if (!initializeModelTrickleConfig(model, this)) return false; return model.get("_trickle"); }, getModelPageIndex: function(model) { var descendants = this._descendantsChildrenFirst.toJSON(); var pageDescendantIds = _.pluck(descendants, "_id"); var id = model.get("_id"); var index = _.indexOf( pageDescendantIds, id ); return index; }, initializeStepUnlockWait: function() { this._waitForUnlockRequestsCount = 0; }, checkApplyTrickleToChildren: function(model) { if (model.get("_type") != "article") return; var trickleConfig = this.getModelTrickleConfig(model); if (!trickleConfig) return; if (!trickleConfig._onChildren) return; this.applyTrickleToChildren(model, trickleConfig); }, applyTrickleToChildren: function(model, parentTrickleConfig) { var children = model.getChildren().models; for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) { var child = children[i]; var childTrickleConfig = child.get("_trickle"); var isLastItem = (i == l - 1); var isEnabled = true; if (childTrickleConfig) { if (childTrickleConfig._isEnabled === false) { isEnabled = false; } } if (parentTrickleConfig) { if (parentTrickleConfig._isEnabled === false) { isEnabled = false; } } var trickleConfig = $.extend(true, {}, parentTrickleConfig, childTrickleConfig, { _id: child.get("_id"), _onChildren: false, _isEnabled: isEnabled, _isLastItem: isLastItem, _index: this.getModelPageIndex(child) } ); var isLastPageItem = ( trickleConfig._index == this._descendantsChildrenFirst.length - 2 ); if (isLastPageItem) { continue; } child.set("_trickle", trickleConfig); this.checkResetModel(child); } }, resizeBodyToCurrentIndex: function() { if (!this._isTrickleOn) return; if (this._isFinished) return this.showElements(); this._listenToResizeEvent = false; this.showElements(); var id = this.getCurrentStepModel().get("_id"); var $element = $("." + id); if ($element.length === 0) { return; } var elementOffset = $element.offset(); var elementBottomOffset = + $element.outerHeight(); $('body').css("height", elementBottomOffset + "px"); }, showElements: function() { if (!this._descendantsParentFirst) return; var model = this.getCurrentStepModel(); var ancestors = this._descendantsParentFirst.models; var ancestorIds = _.pluck(this._descendantsParentFirst.toJSON(), "_id"); var showToId; if (model !== undefined) { //Not at end of trickle showToId = model.get("_id"); var isLastType = Models.isLastStructureType(model); if (!isLastType) { //If current step model is not a component type: //then show components for the selected parent var currentAncestorIndex = _.indexOf(ancestorIds, showToId); var ancestorChildComponents = ancestors[currentAncestorIndex].findDescendants("components"); showToId = ancestorChildComponents.models[ancestorChildComponents.models.length-1].get("_id"); } } else { //At end, show all ids showToId = ancestors[ancestors.length -1].get("_id"); } var showToIndex = _.indexOf(ancestorIds, showToId); for (var i = 0, l = ancestors.length; i < l; i++) { var itemModel = ancestors[i]; if (i <= showToIndex) { itemModel.set("_isVisible", true, { pluginName: "trickle" }); } else { itemModel.set("_isVisible", false, { pluginName: "trickle" }); } } }, getCurrentStepModel: function() { if (!this._descendantsChildrenFirst) return; return this._descendantsChildrenFirst.models[this._currentStepIndex]; }, setupStep: function(model) { var trickleConfig = this.getModelTrickleConfig(model) if (!trickleConfig) return; if (!trickleConfig._isEnabled) return; if (trickleConfig._onChildren) return; var isStepLocking = this.isModelStepLocking(model); trickleConfig._isStepLocking = isStepLocking; Adapt.trigger("trickle:interactionInitialize", model); }, initializeStep: function() { if (this._isFinished) return; this.initializeStepUnlockWait(); if (this.hasCurrentStepLock()) { this.startTrickle(); } else { this.endTrickle(); } }, hasCurrentStepLock: function() { var currentIndex = this._currentStepIndex; var descendants = this._descendantsChildrenFirst.models; for (var i = currentIndex, l = descendants.length; i < l; i++) { var descendant = descendants[i]; if (!this.isModelStepLocking(descendant)) continue; this._currentStepIndex = i; return true; } return false; }, isModelStepLocking: function(model) { var trickleConfig = this.getModelTrickleConfig(model) if (!trickleConfig) return false; if (trickleConfig._onChildren) return false; if (trickleConfig._isEnabled === false) return false; if (!trickleConfig._stepLocking || !trickleConfig._stepLocking._isEnabled) return false; if (trickleConfig._isLocking) return true; if (trickleConfig._isInteractionComplete) return false; var isComplete = model.get(completionAttribute); if (isComplete !== undefined) return !isComplete; return true; }, startTrickle: function() { this._isTrickleOn = true; $("html").addClass("trickle"); Adapt.trigger("steplocking:waitInitialize"); this.resizeBodyToCurrentIndex(); this._listenToResizeEvent = true; }, endTrickle: function() { this._currentStepIndex = -1; this._isFinished = true; $("body").css("height", ""); $("html").removeClass("trickle"); this._pageView = null; this.resizeBodyToCurrentIndex(); this._isPageReady = false; this._listenToResizeEvent = true; this._isTrickleOn = false; }, //completion reorder and processing _completionQueue: [], queueOrExecuteCompletion: function(model, value, isPerformCompletionQueue) { if (value === false) return; if (isPerformCompletionQueue !== true) { //article, block and component completion trigger in a,b,c order need in c,b,a order //otherwise block completion events will occur before component completion events var isLastType = Models.isLastStructureType(model); if (!isLastType) { //defer completion event handling if not at component level return this._completionQueue.push({ model: model, value: value }); } else { //if at component level, handle completion queue events after component completion is handled if (this._isPageReady) { _.defer(_.bind(this.performCompletionQueue, this)); } else { this.listenToOnce(Adapt, "trickle:pageReady", function(){ this.performCompletionQueue(); }); } } } if (this._isPageReady) { Adapt.trigger("steplocking:waitCheck", model); this.checkStepComplete(model); } else { this.listenToOnce(Adapt, "trickle:pageReady", function(){ Adapt.trigger("steplocking:waitCheck", model); this.checkStepComplete(model); }); } }, performCompletionQueue: function() { while (this._completionQueue.length > 0) { var item = this._completionQueue.pop(); this.queueOrExecuteCompletion(item.model, item.value, true); } }, checkStepComplete: function(model) { if (this._isFinished) return; var currentModel = this.getCurrentStepModel(); //if the model does not match the current trickle item then break if (model.get("_id") != currentModel.get("_id")) return; var trickleConfig = this.getModelTrickleConfig(model); if (!trickleConfig) return; //if plugins need to present before the interaction then break if (this.isStepUnlockWaiting()) return; //if completion is required and item is not yet complete then break if (trickleConfig._stepLocking._isCompletionRequired && !model.get(completionAttribute)) return; Adapt.trigger("trickle:interactionRequired", model); //if plugins need to present before the next step occurs then break if (this.isStepUnlockWaiting()) return; //set interaction complete trickleConfig._isLocking = false; trickleConfig._isInteractionComplete = true; this.stepComplete(model); }, stepComplete: function(model) { this.initializeStep(); Adapt.trigger('device:resize'); this.scrollToStep(model); }, scrollToStep: function(model) { var trickleConfig = this.getModelTrickleConfig(model); if (trickleConfig._autoScroll === false) return; var scrollTo = trickleConfig._scrollTo; //Allows trickle to scroll to a sibling / cousin component relative to the current trickle item this.relativeScrollTo( model, scrollTo ); }, isStepUnlockWaiting: function() { return this._waitForUnlockRequestsCount > 0; }, relativeScrollTo: function(model, scrollTo) { if (scrollTo === undefined) scrollTo = "@block +1"; var scrollToId = ""; switch (scrollTo.substr(0,1)) { case "@": //NAVIGATE BY RELATIVE TYPE //Allows trickle to scroll to a sibling / cousin component relative to the current trickle item var relativeModel = Models.findRelative(model, scrollTo); if (relativeModel === undefined) return; scrollToId = relativeModel.get("_id"); break; case ".": //NAVIGATE BY CLASS scrollToId = scrollTo.substr(1, scrollTo.length-1); break; default: scrollToId = scrollTo; } if (scrollToId == "") return; var duration = model.get("_trickle")._scrollDuration || 500; _.delay(function() { Adapt.scrollTo("." + scrollToId, { duration: duration }); }, 250); } }, Backbone.Events); Trickle.initialize(); return Trickle; })