Sublime-TortoiseSVN ============= sublime-TortoiseSVN is a tiny and simple plugin for [Sublime Text]( . It's behavior is similar to [subclipse]( in [Eclipse]( **It runs only on Windows and needs the TortoiseSVN and TortoiseSVN command line tools (TortoiseProc.exe).** Usage ============ Install it using [Sublime Package Control]( If TortoiseSVN is not installed at `C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\bin\\TortoiseProc.exe`, specify the correct path by setting property "tortoiseproc_path" in your TortoiseSVN.sublime-settings file. The default key bindings are - [alt+c] : commit current file. - [alt+u] : update current file. - [alt+r] : revert current file. You can also call TortoiseSVN commands when right-clicking folders or files in the side bar. IMPORTANT ============== Do NOT edit the default Sublime-TortoiseSVN settings. Your changes will be lost when Sublime-TortoiseSVN is updated. ALWAYS edit the user Sublime-TortoiseSVN settings by selecting "Preferences->Package Settings->TortoiseSVN->Settings - User". Note that individual settings you include in your user settings will **completely** replace the corresponding default setting, so you must provide that setting in its entirety. Settings ============== If your TortoiseProc.exe path is not the default, please modify the path by selecting "Preferences->Package Settings->TortoiseSVN->Settings - User" in the menu. The default setting is: { // Auto close update dialog when no errors, conflicts and merges "autoCloseUpdateDialog": false, "tortoiseproc_path": "C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\bin\\TortoiseProc.exe" }