type BlockIndex = nat; type Subaccount = blob; // Number of nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch in UTC timezone. type Timestamp = nat64; // Number of nanoseconds between two [Timestamp]s. type Duration = nat64; type Tokens = nat; type TxIndex = nat; type Allowance = record { allowance : nat; expires_at : opt Timestamp }; type AllowanceArgs = record { account : Account; spender : Account }; type Approve = record { fee : opt nat; from : Account; memo : opt blob; created_at_time : opt Timestamp; amount : nat; expected_allowance : opt nat; expires_at : opt Timestamp; spender : Account; }; type ApproveArgs = record { fee : opt nat; memo : opt blob; from_subaccount : opt blob; created_at_time : opt Timestamp; amount : nat; expected_allowance : opt nat; expires_at : opt Timestamp; spender : Account; }; type ApproveError = variant { GenericError : record { message : text; error_code : nat }; TemporarilyUnavailable; Duplicate : record { duplicate_of : BlockIndex }; BadFee : record { expected_fee : nat }; AllowanceChanged : record { current_allowance : nat }; CreatedInFuture : record { ledger_time : Timestamp }; TooOld; Expired : record { ledger_time : Timestamp }; InsufficientFunds : record { balance : nat }; }; type ApproveResult = variant { Ok : BlockIndex; Err : ApproveError }; type HttpRequest = record { url : text; method : text; body : blob; headers : vec record { text; text }; }; type HttpResponse = record { body : blob; headers : vec record { text; text }; status_code : nat16; }; type Account = record { owner : principal; subaccount : opt Subaccount; }; type TransferArg = record { from_subaccount : opt Subaccount; to : Account; amount : Tokens; fee : opt Tokens; memo : opt blob; created_at_time: opt Timestamp; }; type TransferError = variant { BadFee : record { expected_fee : Tokens }; BadBurn : record { min_burn_amount : Tokens }; InsufficientFunds : record { balance : Tokens }; TooOld; CreatedInFuture : record { ledger_time : Timestamp }; TemporarilyUnavailable; Duplicate : record { duplicate_of : BlockIndex }; GenericError : record { error_code : nat; message : text }; }; type TransferResult = variant { Ok : BlockIndex; Err : TransferError; }; // The value returned from the [icrc1_metadata] endpoint. type MetadataValue = variant { Nat : nat; Int : int; Text : text; Blob : blob; }; type FeatureFlags = record { icrc2 : bool; }; // The initialization parameters of the Ledger type InitArgs = record { minting_account : Account; fee_collector_account : opt Account; transfer_fee : nat; decimals : opt nat8; max_memo_length : opt nat16; token_symbol : text; token_name : text; metadata : vec record { text; MetadataValue }; initial_balances : vec record { Account; nat }; feature_flags : opt FeatureFlags; maximum_number_of_accounts : opt nat64; accounts_overflow_trim_quantity : opt nat64; archive_options : record { num_blocks_to_archive : nat64; max_transactions_per_response : opt nat64; trigger_threshold : nat64; max_message_size_bytes : opt nat64; cycles_for_archive_creation : opt nat64; node_max_memory_size_bytes : opt nat64; controller_id : principal; more_controller_ids : opt vec principal; }; }; type ChangeFeeCollector = variant { Unset; SetTo: Account; }; type ChangeArchiveOptions = record { num_blocks_to_archive : opt nat64; max_transactions_per_response : opt nat64; trigger_threshold : opt nat64; max_message_size_bytes : opt nat64; cycles_for_archive_creation : opt nat64; node_max_memory_size_bytes : opt nat64; controller_id : opt principal; more_controller_ids : opt vec principal; }; type UpgradeArgs = record { metadata : opt vec record { text; MetadataValue }; token_symbol : opt text; token_name : opt text; transfer_fee : opt nat; change_fee_collector : opt ChangeFeeCollector; max_memo_length : opt nat16; feature_flags : opt FeatureFlags; accounts_overflow_trim_quantity: opt nat64; change_archive_options : opt ChangeArchiveOptions; }; type LedgerArg = variant { Init: InitArgs; Upgrade: opt UpgradeArgs; }; type GetTransactionsRequest = record { // The index of the first tx to fetch. start : TxIndex; // The number of transactions to fetch. length : nat; }; type GetTransactionsResponse = record { // The total number of transactions in the log. log_length : nat; // List of transaction that were available in the ledger when it processed the call. // // The transactions form a contiguous range, with the first transaction having index // [first_index] (see below), and the last transaction having index // [first_index] + len(transactions) - 1. // // The transaction range can be an arbitrary sub-range of the originally requested range. transactions : vec Transaction; // The index of the first transaction in [transactions]. // If the transaction vector is empty, the exact value of this field is not specified. first_index : TxIndex; // Encoding of instructions for fetching archived transactions whose indices fall into the // requested range. // // For each entry `e` in [archived_transactions], `[e.from, e.from + len)` is a sub-range // of the originally requested transaction range. archived_transactions : vec record { // The index of the first archived transaction you can fetch using the [callback]. start : TxIndex; // The number of transactions you can fetch using the callback. length : nat; // The function you should call to fetch the archived transactions. // The range of the transaction accessible using this function is given by [from] // and [len] fields above. callback : QueryArchiveFn; }; }; // A prefix of the transaction range specified in the [GetTransactionsRequest] request. type TransactionRange = record { // A prefix of the requested transaction range. // The index of the first transaction is equal to [GetTransactionsRequest.from]. // // Note that the number of transactions might be less than the requested // [GetTransactionsRequest.length] for various reasons, for example: // // 1. The query might have hit the replica with an outdated state // that doesn't have the whole range yet. // 2. The requested range is too large to fit into a single reply. // // NOTE: the list of transactions can be empty if: // // 1. [GetTransactionsRequest.length] was zero. // 2. [GetTransactionsRequest.from] was larger than the last transaction known to // the canister. transactions : vec Transaction; }; // A function for fetching archived transaction. type QueryArchiveFn = func (GetTransactionsRequest) -> (TransactionRange) query; type Transaction = record { burn : opt Burn; kind : text; mint : opt Mint; approve : opt Approve; timestamp : Timestamp; transfer : opt Transfer; }; type Burn = record { from : Account; memo : opt blob; created_at_time : opt Timestamp; amount : nat; spender : opt Account; }; type Mint = record { to : Account; memo : opt blob; created_at_time : opt Timestamp; amount : nat; }; type Transfer = record { to : Account; fee : opt nat; from : Account; memo : opt blob; created_at_time : opt Timestamp; amount : nat; spender : opt Account; }; type Value = variant { Blob : blob; Text : text; Nat : nat; Nat64: nat64; Int : int; Array : vec Value; Map : Map; }; type Map = vec record { text; Value }; type Block = Value; type GetBlocksArgs = record { // The index of the first block to fetch. start : BlockIndex; // Max number of blocks to fetch. length : nat; }; // A prefix of the block range specified in the [GetBlocksArgs] request. type BlockRange = record { // A prefix of the requested block range. // The index of the first block is equal to [GetBlocksArgs.start]. // // Note that the number of blocks might be less than the requested // [GetBlocksArgs.length] for various reasons, for example: // // 1. The query might have hit the replica with an outdated state // that doesn't have the whole range yet. // 2. The requested range is too large to fit into a single reply. // // NOTE: the list of blocks can be empty if: // // 1. [GetBlocksArgs.length] was zero. // 2. [GetBlocksArgs.start] was larger than the last block known to // the canister. blocks : vec Block; }; // A function for fetching archived blocks. type QueryBlockArchiveFn = func (GetBlocksArgs) -> (BlockRange) query; // The result of a "get_blocks" call. type GetBlocksResponse = record { // The index of the first block in "blocks". // If the blocks vector is empty, the exact value of this field is not specified. first_index : BlockIndex; // The total number of blocks in the chain. // If the chain length is positive, the index of the last block is `chain_len - 1`. chain_length : nat64; // System certificate for the hash of the latest block in the chain. // Only present if `get_blocks` is called in a non-replicated query context. certificate : opt blob; // List of blocks that were available in the ledger when it processed the call. // // The blocks form a contiguous range, with the first block having index // [first_block_index] (see below), and the last block having index // [first_block_index] + len(blocks) - 1. // // The block range can be an arbitrary sub-range of the originally requested range. blocks : vec Block; // Encoding of instructions for fetching archived blocks. archived_blocks : vec record { // The index of the first archived block. start : BlockIndex; // The number of blocks that can be fetched. length : nat; // Callback to fetch the archived blocks. callback : QueryBlockArchiveFn; }; }; // Certificate for the block at `block_index`. type DataCertificate = record { certificate : opt blob; hash_tree : blob; }; type StandardRecord = record { url : text; name : text }; type TransferFromArgs = record { spender_subaccount : opt Subaccount; from : Account; to : Account; amount : Tokens; fee : opt Tokens; memo : opt blob; created_at_time: opt Timestamp; }; type TransferFromResult = variant { Ok : BlockIndex; Err : TransferFromError; }; type TransferFromError = variant { BadFee : record { expected_fee : Tokens }; BadBurn : record { min_burn_amount : Tokens }; InsufficientFunds : record { balance : Tokens }; InsufficientAllowance : record { allowance : Tokens }; TooOld; CreatedInFuture : record { ledger_time : Timestamp }; Duplicate : record { duplicate_of : BlockIndex }; TemporarilyUnavailable; GenericError : record { error_code : nat; message : text }; }; type ArchiveInfo = record { canister_id: principal; block_range_start: BlockIndex; block_range_end: BlockIndex; }; type ICRC3Value = variant { Blob : blob; Text : text; Nat : nat; Int : int; Array : vec ICRC3Value; Map : vec record { text; ICRC3Value }; }; type GetArchivesArgs = record { // The last archive seen by the client. // The Ledger will return archives coming // after this one if set, otherwise it // will return the first archives. from : opt principal; }; type GetArchivesResult = vec record { // The id of the archive canister_id : principal; // The first block in the archive start : nat; // The last block in the archive end : nat; }; type GetBlocksResult = record { // Total number of blocks in the // block log log_length : nat; blocks : vec record { id : nat; block: ICRC3Value }; archived_blocks : vec record { args : vec GetBlocksArgs; callback : func (vec GetBlocksArgs) -> (GetBlocksResult) query; }; }; type ICRC3DataCertificate = record { // See https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/references/ic-interface-spec#certification certificate : blob; // CBOR encoded hash_tree hash_tree : blob; }; type icrc21_consent_message_metadata = record { language: text; utc_offset_minutes: opt int16; }; type icrc21_consent_message_spec = record { metadata: icrc21_consent_message_metadata; device_spec: opt variant { GenericDisplay; LineDisplay: record { characters_per_line: nat16; lines_per_page: nat16; }; }; }; type icrc21_consent_message_request = record { method: text; arg: blob; user_preferences: icrc21_consent_message_spec; }; type icrc21_consent_message = variant { GenericDisplayMessage: text; LineDisplayMessage: record { pages: vec record { lines: vec text; }; }; }; type icrc21_consent_info = record { consent_message: icrc21_consent_message; metadata: icrc21_consent_message_metadata; }; type icrc21_error_info = record { description: text; }; type icrc21_error = variant { UnsupportedCanisterCall: icrc21_error_info; ConsentMessageUnavailable: icrc21_error_info; InsufficientPayment: icrc21_error_info; // Any error not covered by the above variants. GenericError: record { error_code: nat; description: text; }; }; type icrc21_consent_message_response = variant { Ok: icrc21_consent_info; Err: icrc21_error; }; service : (ledger_arg : LedgerArg) -> { archives : () -> (vec ArchiveInfo) query; get_transactions : (GetTransactionsRequest) -> (GetTransactionsResponse) query; get_blocks : (GetBlocksArgs) -> (GetBlocksResponse) query; get_data_certificate : () -> (DataCertificate) query; icrc1_name : () -> (text) query; icrc1_symbol : () -> (text) query; icrc1_decimals : () -> (nat8) query; icrc1_metadata : () -> (vec record { text; MetadataValue }) query; icrc1_total_supply : () -> (Tokens) query; icrc1_fee : () -> (Tokens) query; icrc1_minting_account : () -> (opt Account) query; icrc1_balance_of : (Account) -> (Tokens) query; icrc1_transfer : (TransferArg) -> (TransferResult); icrc1_supported_standards : () -> (vec StandardRecord) query; icrc2_approve : (ApproveArgs) -> (ApproveResult); icrc2_allowance : (AllowanceArgs) -> (Allowance) query; icrc2_transfer_from : (TransferFromArgs) -> (TransferFromResult); icrc3_get_archives : (GetArchivesArgs) -> (GetArchivesResult) query; icrc3_get_tip_certificate : () -> (opt ICRC3DataCertificate) query; icrc3_get_blocks : (vec GetBlocksArgs) -> (GetBlocksResult) query; icrc3_supported_block_types : () -> (vec record { block_type : text; url : text }) query; icrc21_canister_call_consent_message: (icrc21_consent_message_request) -> (icrc21_consent_message_response); icrc10_supported_standards : () -> (vec record { name : text; url : text }) query; }