use candid::{decode_one, encode_one, Principal}; use ic_base_types::PrincipalId; use ic_cdk::api::management_canister::provisional::CanisterId; use ic_universal_canister::{wasm, CallArgs, UNIVERSAL_CANISTER_WASM}; use icp_ledger::{ AccountIdentifier, BinaryAccountBalanceArgs, BlockIndex, LedgerCanisterInitPayload, Memo, Name, Symbol, Tokens, TransferArgs, TransferError, }; use pocket_ic::{ common::rest::{BlobCompression, DtsFlag, SubnetConfigSet, SubnetKind}, PocketIc, PocketIcBuilder, UserError, WasmResult, }; use std::{ collections::HashMap, io::Read, thread, time::{Duration, SystemTime}, }; // 2T cycles const INIT_CYCLES: u128 = 2_000_000_000_000; #[test] fn test_counter_canister() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); // Create a canister and charge it with 2T cycles. let can_id = pic.create_canister(); pic.add_cycles(can_id, INIT_CYCLES); // Install the counter canister wasm file on the canister. let counter_wasm = counter_wasm(); pic.install_canister(can_id, counter_wasm, vec![], None); // Make some calls to the canister. let reply = call_counter_can(&pic, can_id, "read"); assert_eq!(reply, WasmResult::Reply(vec![0, 0, 0, 0])); let reply = call_counter_can(&pic, can_id, "write"); assert_eq!(reply, WasmResult::Reply(vec![1, 0, 0, 0])); let reply = call_counter_can(&pic, can_id, "write"); assert_eq!(reply, WasmResult::Reply(vec![2, 0, 0, 0])); let reply = call_counter_can(&pic, can_id, "read"); assert_eq!(reply, WasmResult::Reply(vec![2, 0, 0, 0])); } fn counter_wasm() -> Vec { let wasm_path = std::env::var_os("COUNTER_WASM").expect("Missing counter wasm file"); std::fs::read(wasm_path).unwrap() } fn call_counter_can(ic: &PocketIc, can_id: CanisterId, method: &str) -> WasmResult { ic.update_call( can_id, Principal::anonymous(), method, encode_one(()).unwrap(), ) .expect("Failed to call counter canister") } #[test] fn test_xnet_ledger_canister() { // Set up PocketIC with two subnets: the NNS and an application subnet. let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_nns_subnet() .with_application_subnet() .build(); let nns_subnet = pic.topology().get_nns().unwrap(); let app_subnet = pic.topology().get_app_subnets()[0]; // Install a proxy canister on the application subnet. let proxy_canister = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, app_subnet); pic.add_cycles(proxy_canister, INIT_CYCLES); pic.install_canister( proxy_canister, UNIVERSAL_CANISTER_WASM.to_vec(), vec![], None, ); // Create a ledger canister on the NNS subnet. let wasm_path = std::env::var_os("LEDGER_WASM").expect("Missing wasm file"); let ledger_wasm = std::fs::read(wasm_path).unwrap(); let ledger_canister = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, nns_subnet); // Give the proxy canister some tokens to pay the beneficiary. let beneficiary = AccountIdentifier::new(PrincipalId::new_user_test_id(1), None); let mut initial_balances = HashMap::new(); initial_balances.insert(beneficiary, Tokens::from_e8s(0)); initial_balances.insert( AccountIdentifier::new(proxy_canister.into(), None), Tokens::from_e8s(10_000_000), ); // Specify token details. let payload = LedgerCanisterInitPayload::builder() .minting_account(AccountIdentifier::new(Principal::anonymous().into(), None)) .initial_values(initial_balances) .transfer_fee(Tokens::from_e8s(10_000)) .token_symbol_and_name("MYTOKEN", "My Token") .build() .unwrap(); // Install ledger canister. pic.install_canister( ledger_canister, ledger_wasm, encode_one(payload).unwrap(), None, ); // Check name and symbol. let resp: Name = cross_canister_call(&pic, proxy_canister, ledger_canister, "name", ()); assert_eq!(, "My Token"); let resp: Symbol = cross_canister_call(&pic, proxy_canister, ledger_canister, "symbol", ()); assert_eq!(resp.symbol, "MYTOKEN"); // Check initial balance of the beneficiary. let balance = balance_of(&pic, proxy_canister, ledger_canister, beneficiary); assert_eq!(balance, Tokens::from_e8s(0)); // Transfer 420 tokens to the beneficiary from the proxy canister. let resp = transfer( &pic, proxy_canister, ledger_canister, beneficiary, 420, 10_000, ); assert!(resp.is_ok()); // Try to transfer tokens again, but with an insufficent fee. let resp = transfer(&pic, proxy_canister, ledger_canister, beneficiary, 420, 1); assert_eq!( resp, Err(TransferError::BadFee { expected_fee: Tokens::from_e8s(10_000) }) ); // Check new balance of the beneficiary. let balance = balance_of(&pic, proxy_canister, ledger_canister, beneficiary); assert_eq!(balance, Tokens::from_e8s(420)); } fn balance_of( pic: &PocketIc, caller: Principal, callee: Principal, account: AccountIdentifier, ) -> Tokens { let payload = BinaryAccountBalanceArgs { account: account.to_address(), }; cross_canister_call(pic, caller, callee, "account_balance", payload) } fn transfer( pic: &PocketIc, from: Principal, ledger_canister: Principal, to: AccountIdentifier, amount: u64, fee: u64, ) -> Result { let payload = TransferArgs { memo: Memo(0), amount: Tokens::from_e8s(amount), fee: Tokens::from_e8s(fee), from_subaccount: None, to: to.to_address(), created_at_time: None, }; cross_canister_call(pic, from, ledger_canister, "transfer", payload) } fn cross_canister_call( pic: &PocketIc, caller: Principal, callee: Principal, method: &str, payload: impl candid::CandidType, ) -> T where T: for<'a> serde::de::Deserialize<'a> + candid::CandidType, { let xnet_result = pic.update_call( caller, Principal::anonymous(), "update", wasm() .call_simple( callee, method, CallArgs::default().other_side(encode_one(payload).unwrap()), ) .build(), ); let WasmResult::Reply(reply) = xnet_result.unwrap() else { unreachable!() }; decode_one(&reply).unwrap() } // Canister code incrementing a counter in every heartbeat // and exporting a query method to read the counter. const AUTO_PROGRESS_WAT: &str = r#" (module (import "ic0" "msg_reply" (func $msg_reply)) (import "ic0" "msg_reply_data_append" (func $msg_reply_data_append (param i32 i32))) (func $inc ;; Increment a counter. ( (i32.const 0) (i32.add (i32.load (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 1)))) (func $read (call $msg_reply_data_append (i32.const 0) ;; the counter from heap[0] (i32.const 4)) ;; length (call $msg_reply)) (memory $memory 1) (export "canister_query read" (func $read)) (export "canister_heartbeat" (func $inc)) ) "#; #[test] fn test_auto_progress() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); // Create a canister and charge it with 2T cycles. let can_id = pic.create_canister(); pic.add_cycles(can_id, INIT_CYCLES); // Install the auto progress canister wasm file on the canister. let auto_progress_wasm = wat::parse_str(AUTO_PROGRESS_WAT).unwrap(); pic.install_canister(can_id, auto_progress_wasm, vec![], None); // Capture the original value of the counter. let old_counter = match pic.query_call(can_id, Principal::anonymous(), "read", vec![]) { Ok(WasmResult::Reply(data)) => u32::from_le_bytes(data.try_into().unwrap()), _ => panic!("could not read counter"), }; // Starting auto progress on the IC. // Consequently, heartbeats should be executed on the auto progress canister automatically // and its counter should increase. pic.auto_progress(); let mut ok = false; for _ in 0..100 { let counter = match pic.query_call(can_id, Principal::anonymous(), "read", vec![]) { Ok(WasmResult::Reply(data)) => u32::from_le_bytes(data.try_into().unwrap()), _ => panic!("could not read counter"), }; if counter > old_counter { ok = true; break; } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } if !ok { panic!("did not observe a counter increase") } // Stopping auto progress on the IC. // The counter should not increase anymore. pic.stop_progress(); // Capture the current value of the counter. let cur_counter = match pic.query_call(can_id, Principal::anonymous(), "read", vec![]) { Ok(WasmResult::Reply(data)) => u32::from_le_bytes(data.try_into().unwrap()), _ => panic!("could not read counter"), }; for _ in 0..100 { let counter = match pic.query_call(can_id, Principal::anonymous(), "read", vec![]) { Ok(WasmResult::Reply(data)) => u32::from_le_bytes(data.try_into().unwrap()), _ => panic!("could not read counter"), }; assert_eq!(counter, cur_counter); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } } // Canister code with a very slow method. fn very_slow_wasm(n: u64) -> Vec { let wat = format!( r#" (module (import "ic0" "msg_reply" (func $msg_reply)) (import "ic0" "msg_reply_data_append" (func $msg_reply_data_append (param i32 i32))) (func $inc ;; Increment a counter. ( (i32.const 0) (i32.add (i32.load (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 1)))) (func $run ;; create a local variable and initialize it to 0 (local $i i32) (local $j i32) (loop $my_loop i32.const 0 local.set $j (loop $my_inner_loop ;; add one to $j local.get $j i32.const 1 i32.add local.set $j ;; if $j is less than 200000 branch to loop local.get $j i32.const {} i32.lt_s br_if $my_inner_loop ) ;; add one to $i local.get $i i32.const 1 i32.add local.set $i ;; if $i is less than 200000 branch to loop local.get $i i32.const {} i32.lt_s br_if $my_loop ) (call $msg_reply)) (memory $memory 1) (export "canister_update run" (func $run)) (export "canister_heartbeat" (func $inc)) ) "#, n, n ); wat::parse_str(wat).unwrap() } fn run_very_slow_method( pic: &PocketIc, loop_iterations: u64, dts_flag: DtsFlag, arg_size: usize, ) -> Result { // Create a canister. let t0 = pic.get_time(); let can_id = pic.create_canister(); let t1 = pic.get_time(); assert_eq!(t1, t0 + Duration::from_nanos(1)); // canister creation should take one round, i.e., 1ns // Charge the canister with 2T cycles. pic.add_cycles(can_id, 100 * INIT_CYCLES); // Install the very slow canister wasm file on the canister. pic.install_canister(can_id, very_slow_wasm(loop_iterations), vec![], None); let t0 = pic.get_time(); let res = pic.update_call(can_id, Principal::anonymous(), "run", vec![42u8; arg_size]); let t1 = pic.get_time(); if let DtsFlag::Enabled = dts_flag { assert!(t1 >= t0 + Duration::from_nanos(10)); // DTS takes at least 10 rounds } else { assert_eq!(t1, t0 + Duration::from_nanos(1)); // update call should take one round, i.e., 1ns without DTS } res } #[test] fn test_benchmarking_app_subnet() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_benchmarking_application_subnet() .build(); run_very_slow_method(&pic, 200_000, DtsFlag::Disabled, 0).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_benchmarking_system_subnet() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_benchmarking_system_subnet() .build(); run_very_slow_method(&pic, 200_000, DtsFlag::Disabled, 3_000_000).unwrap(); } #[test] fn very_slow_method_on_application_subnet() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new().with_application_subnet().build(); run_very_slow_method(&pic, 200_000, DtsFlag::Enabled, 0).unwrap_err(); } fn test_dts(dts_flag: DtsFlag) { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_application_subnet() .with_dts_flag(dts_flag) .build(); run_very_slow_method(&pic, 60_000, dts_flag, 0).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_dts_enabled() { test_dts(DtsFlag::Enabled); } #[test] fn test_dts_disabled() { test_dts(DtsFlag::Disabled); } #[test] fn test_create_canister_with_id() { let config = SubnetConfigSet { nns: true, ii: true, ..Default::default() }; let pic = PocketIc::from_config(config); // goes on NNS let canister_id = Principal::from_text("rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai").unwrap(); let actual_canister_id = pic .create_canister_with_id(None, None, canister_id) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual_canister_id, canister_id); assert_eq!( pic.get_subnet(canister_id).unwrap(), pic.topology().get_nns().unwrap() ); // goes on II let canister_id = Principal::from_text("rdmx6-jaaaa-aaaaa-aaadq-cai").unwrap(); let actual_canister_id = pic .create_canister_with_id(None, None, canister_id) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual_canister_id, canister_id); assert_eq!( pic.get_subnet(canister_id).unwrap(), pic.topology().get_ii().unwrap() ); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "is out of cycles")] fn test_install_canister_with_no_cycles() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); let wasm = b"\x00\x61\x73\x6d\x01\x00\x00\x00".to_vec(); pic.install_canister(canister_id, wasm.clone(), vec![], None); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "not found")] fn test_canister_routing_not_found() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); pic.add_cycles(canister_id, INIT_CYCLES); pic.stop_canister(canister_id, None).unwrap(); pic.delete_canister(canister_id, None).unwrap(); let wasm = b"\x00\x61\x73\x6d\x01\x00\x00\x00".to_vec(); pic.install_canister(canister_id, wasm, vec![], None); } #[test] fn test_create_canister_after_create_canister_with_id() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new().with_nns_subnet().build(); let canister_id = Principal::from_text("rwlgt-iiaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-cai").unwrap(); let actual_canister_id = pic .create_canister_with_id(None, None, canister_id) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual_canister_id, canister_id); let other_canister_id = pic.create_canister(); assert_ne!(other_canister_id, canister_id); } #[test] fn test_create_canister_with_used_id_fails() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new().with_nns_subnet().build(); let canister_id = Principal::from_text("rwlgt-iiaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-cai").unwrap(); let res = pic.create_canister_with_id(None, None, canister_id); assert!(res.is_ok()); let res = pic.create_canister_with_id(None, None, canister_id); assert!(res.is_err()); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "not contained on any subnet")] fn test_create_canister_with_not_contained_id_panics() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); let _ = pic.create_canister_with_id(None, None, Principal::anonymous()); } #[test] fn test_cycle_scaling() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_application_subnet() .with_fiduciary_subnet() .build(); let app_canister_id = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, pic.topology().get_app_subnets()[0]); pic.add_cycles(app_canister_id, 100_000_000_000_000); let fidu_canister_id = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, pic.topology().get_fiduciary().unwrap()); pic.add_cycles(fidu_canister_id, 100_000_000_000_000); let old_app_cycles = pic.cycle_balance(app_canister_id); pic.install_canister( app_canister_id, UNIVERSAL_CANISTER_WASM.to_vec(), vec![], None, ); let new_app_cycles = pic.cycle_balance(app_canister_id); let app_cycles_delta = old_app_cycles - new_app_cycles; let old_fidu_cycles = pic.cycle_balance(fidu_canister_id); pic.install_canister( fidu_canister_id, UNIVERSAL_CANISTER_WASM.to_vec(), vec![], None, ); let new_fidu_cycles = pic.cycle_balance(fidu_canister_id); let fidu_cycles_delta = old_fidu_cycles - new_fidu_cycles; // the fiduciary subnet has 28 nodes which is more than twice // the number of nodes on an application subnet (13) assert!(fidu_cycles_delta > 2 * app_cycles_delta); } #[test] fn test_random_subnet_selection() { // Application subnet has highest priority let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_nns_subnet() .with_sns_subnet() .with_ii_subnet() .with_fiduciary_subnet() .with_bitcoin_subnet() .with_system_subnet() .with_application_subnet() .build(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); let subnet_id = pic.get_subnet(canister_id).unwrap(); let subnet_kind = pic.topology().0.get(&subnet_id).unwrap().subnet_kind; assert_eq!(subnet_kind, SubnetKind::Application); // System subnet has highest priority let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_nns_subnet() .with_sns_subnet() .with_ii_subnet() .with_fiduciary_subnet() .with_bitcoin_subnet() .with_system_subnet() .build(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); let subnet_id = pic.get_subnet(canister_id).unwrap(); let subnet_kind = pic.topology().0.get(&subnet_id).unwrap().subnet_kind; assert_eq!(subnet_kind, SubnetKind::System); } #[test] fn test_xnet_call() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_application_subnet() .with_application_subnet() .build(); let subnet_id_1 = pic.topology().get_app_subnets()[0]; let subnet_id_2 = pic.topology().get_app_subnets()[1]; let canister_1 = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, subnet_id_1); let canister_2 = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, subnet_id_2); pic.add_cycles(canister_1, INIT_CYCLES); pic.add_cycles(canister_2, INIT_CYCLES); pic.install_canister(canister_1, UNIVERSAL_CANISTER_WASM.to_vec(), vec![], None); pic.install_canister(canister_2, UNIVERSAL_CANISTER_WASM.to_vec(), vec![], None); let result = pic.update_call( canister_1, Principal::anonymous(), "update", wasm() .set_global_data(b"I'm canister 1 on subnet 1") .get_global_data() .append_and_reply() .build(), ); assert_eq!( result, Ok(WasmResult::Reply(b"I'm canister 1 on subnet 1".to_vec())) ); let result = pic.update_call( canister_2, Principal::anonymous(), "update", wasm() .set_global_data(b"I'm canister 2 on subnet 2") .get_global_data() .append_and_reply() .build(), ); assert_eq!( result, Ok(WasmResult::Reply(b"I'm canister 2 on subnet 2".to_vec())) ); let xnet_result = pic.update_call( canister_1, Principal::anonymous(), "update", wasm() .inter_update( canister_2, CallArgs::default().other_side(wasm().get_global_data().append_and_reply()), ) .build(), ); assert_eq!( xnet_result, Ok(WasmResult::Reply(b"I'm canister 2 on subnet 2".to_vec())) ); let xnet_result = pic.update_call( canister_2, Principal::anonymous(), "update", wasm() .inter_update( canister_1, CallArgs::default().other_side(wasm().get_global_data().append_and_reply()), ) .build(), ); assert_eq!( xnet_result, Ok(WasmResult::Reply(b"I'm canister 1 on subnet 1".to_vec())) ); } #[test] fn test_routing_with_multiple_subnets() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_nns_subnet() .with_application_subnet() .build(); let subnet_id_1 = pic.topology().get_nns().unwrap(); let canister_id_1 = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, subnet_id_1); let subnet_id_2 = pic.topology().get_app_subnets()[0]; let canister_id_2 = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, subnet_id_2); pic.add_cycles(canister_id_1, INIT_CYCLES); pic.add_cycles(canister_id_2, INIT_CYCLES); let counter_wasm = counter_wasm(); pic.install_canister(canister_id_1, counter_wasm.clone(), vec![], None); pic.install_canister(canister_id_2, counter_wasm.clone(), vec![], None); // Call canister 1 on subnet 1. let reply = call_counter_can(&pic, canister_id_1, "read"); assert_eq!(reply, WasmResult::Reply(vec![0, 0, 0, 0])); let reply = call_counter_can(&pic, canister_id_1, "write"); assert_eq!(reply, WasmResult::Reply(vec![1, 0, 0, 0])); // Call canister 2 on subnet 2. let reply = call_counter_can(&pic, canister_id_2, "read"); assert_eq!(reply, WasmResult::Reply(vec![0, 0, 0, 0])); let reply = call_counter_can(&pic, canister_id_2, "write"); assert_eq!(reply, WasmResult::Reply(vec![1, 0, 0, 0])); // Creating a canister without specifying a subnet should still work. let _canister_id = pic.create_canister(); } #[test] fn test_multiple_large_xnet_payloads() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_nns_subnet() .with_application_subnet() .build(); let nns_subnet = pic.topology().get_nns().unwrap(); let app_subnet = pic.topology().get_app_subnets()[0]; let canister_1 = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, nns_subnet); let canister_2 = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, app_subnet); pic.add_cycles(canister_1, INIT_CYCLES); pic.add_cycles(canister_2, INIT_CYCLES); pic.install_canister(canister_1, UNIVERSAL_CANISTER_WASM.to_vec(), vec![], None); pic.install_canister(canister_2, UNIVERSAL_CANISTER_WASM.to_vec(), vec![], None); for canister_a in [canister_1, canister_2] { for canister_b in [canister_1, canister_2] { for size in [2_000_000, 10_000_000] { let xnet_result = pic.update_call( canister_a, Principal::anonymous(), "update", wasm() .inter_update( canister_b, CallArgs::default() .eval_other_side(wasm().push_bytes_wasm_push_bytes_and_reply(size)) .on_reply(wasm().build()) .on_reject(wasm().build()), ) .inter_update( canister_b, CallArgs::default() .eval_other_side(wasm().push_bytes_wasm_push_bytes_and_reply(size)) .on_reply(wasm().build()) .on_reject(wasm().build()), ) .inter_update( canister_b, CallArgs::default() .eval_other_side(wasm().push_bytes_wasm_push_bytes_and_reply(size)), ) .build(), ); if canister_a == canister_b || size <= 2_000_000 { // Self-calls with 10M and xnet-calls with up to 2M arguments work just fine. let WasmResult::Reply(reply) = xnet_result.unwrap() else { unreachable!() }; // `push_bytes_wasm_push_bytes_and_reply` returns the length of the blob // since the reply must be always at most 2M assert_eq!(reply, size.to_le_bytes()); } else { let WasmResult::Reject(reject) = xnet_result.unwrap() else { unreachable!() }; // A xnet-call with 10M argument fails with CANISTER_ERROR reject code (5) // proxied through the universal canister. assert_eq!(reject.as_bytes(), 5_u32.to_le_bytes()); } } } } } #[test] fn test_get_and_set_and_advance_time() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); pic.set_time(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + std::time::Duration::from_secs(1234567890)); let time = pic.get_time(); assert_eq!( time, SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + std::time::Duration::from_secs(1234567890) ); pic.advance_time(std::time::Duration::from_secs(420)); let time = pic.get_time(); assert_eq!( time, SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + std::time::Duration::from_secs(1234567890 + 420) ); } #[test] fn test_get_set_cycle_balance() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); let initial_balance = pic.cycle_balance(canister_id); let new_balance = pic.add_cycles(canister_id, 420); assert_eq!(new_balance, initial_balance + 420); let balance = pic.cycle_balance(canister_id); assert_eq!(balance, initial_balance + 420); } #[test] fn test_create_and_drop_instances() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); let id = pic.instance_id; assert_eq!(PocketIc::list_instances()[id], "Available".to_string()); drop(pic); assert_eq!(PocketIc::list_instances()[id], "Deleted".to_string()); } #[test] fn test_tick() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); pic.tick(); } #[test] fn test_root_key() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); assert!(pic.root_key().is_none()); let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new().with_nns_subnet().build(); assert!(pic.root_key().is_some()); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "SubnetConfigSet must contain at least one subnet")] fn test_new_pocket_ic_without_subnets_panics() { let _pic: PocketIc = PocketIc::from_config(SubnetConfigSet::default()); } #[test] fn test_canister_exists() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); pic.add_cycles(canister_id, INIT_CYCLES); assert!(pic.canister_exists(canister_id)); pic.stop_canister(canister_id, None).unwrap(); pic.delete_canister(canister_id, None).unwrap(); assert!(!pic.canister_exists(canister_id)); let pic = PocketIc::new(); assert!(!pic.canister_exists(canister_id)); } #[test] fn test_get_subnet_of_canister() { let pic = PocketIcBuilder::new() .with_nns_subnet() .with_application_subnet() .build(); let nns_subnet = pic.topology().get_nns().unwrap(); let app_subnet = pic.topology().get_app_subnets()[0]; let canister_id = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, nns_subnet); let subnet_id = pic.get_subnet(canister_id); assert_eq!(subnet_id.unwrap(), nns_subnet); let canister_id = pic.create_canister_on_subnet(None, None, app_subnet); let subnet_id = pic.get_subnet(canister_id); assert_eq!(subnet_id.unwrap(), app_subnet); let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); let app_subnet = pic.topology().get_app_subnets()[0]; let subnet_id = pic.get_subnet(canister_id).unwrap(); assert_eq!(subnet_id, app_subnet); pic.add_cycles(canister_id, INIT_CYCLES); pic.stop_canister(canister_id, None).unwrap(); pic.delete_canister(canister_id, None).unwrap(); let subnet_id = pic.get_subnet(canister_id); assert!(subnet_id.is_none()); } #[test] fn test_set_and_get_stable_memory_not_compressed() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); pic.add_cycles(canister_id, INIT_CYCLES); let counter_wasm = counter_wasm(); pic.install_canister(canister_id, counter_wasm, vec![], None); let data = "deadbeef".as_bytes().to_vec(); pic.set_stable_memory(canister_id, data.clone(), BlobCompression::NoCompression); let read_data = pic.get_stable_memory(canister_id); assert_eq!(data, read_data[..8]); } #[test] fn test_set_and_get_stable_memory_compressed() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); pic.add_cycles(canister_id, INIT_CYCLES); let counter_wasm = counter_wasm(); pic.install_canister(canister_id, counter_wasm, vec![], None); let data = "decafbad".as_bytes().to_vec(); let mut compressed_data = Vec::new(); let mut gz = flate2::read::GzEncoder::new(&data[..], flate2::Compression::default()); gz.read_to_end(&mut compressed_data).unwrap(); pic.set_stable_memory(canister_id, compressed_data.clone(), BlobCompression::Gzip); let read_data = pic.get_stable_memory(canister_id); assert_eq!(data, read_data[..8]); } #[test] fn test_parallel_calls() { let wat = r#" (module (import "ic0" "time" (func $ic0_time (result i64))) (import "ic0" "msg_reply" (func $msg_reply)) (import "ic0" "msg_reply_data_append" (func $msg_reply_data_append (param i32 i32))) (func $time ( (i32.const 0) (call $ic0_time)) (call $msg_reply_data_append (i32.const 0) (i32.const 8)) (call $msg_reply)) (memory $memory 1) (export "canister_update time" (func $time)) ) "#; let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); pic.add_cycles(canister_id, INIT_CYCLES); let time_wasm = wat::parse_str(wat).unwrap(); pic.install_canister(canister_id, time_wasm, vec![], None); let msg_id1 = pic .submit_call( canister_id, Principal::anonymous(), "time", encode_one(()).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); let msg_id2 = pic .submit_call( canister_id, Principal::anonymous(), "time", encode_one(()).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); let time1 = pic.await_call(msg_id1).unwrap(); let time2 = pic.await_call(msg_id2).unwrap(); // times should be equal since the update calls are parallel // and should be executed in the same round assert_eq!(time1, time2); let time3 = pic .update_call( canister_id, Principal::anonymous(), "time", encode_one(()).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); // now times should not be equal since the last update call // was executed in a separate round and round times are strictly // monotone assert!(time1 != time3); } #[test] fn test_inspect_message() { let wat = r#" (module (import "ic0" "accept_message" (func $accept_message)) (import "ic0" "msg_reply" (func $msg_reply)) (func $inspect (i32.load (i32.const 0)) (if (then) (else (call $accept_message) ) ) ) (func $inc ;; Increment a counter. ( (i32.const 0) (i32.add (i32.load (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 1))) (call $msg_reply)) (memory $memory 1) (export "canister_inspect_message" (func $inspect)) (export "canister_update inc" (func $inc)) ) "#; let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); pic.add_cycles(canister_id, INIT_CYCLES); let inspect_wasm = wat::parse_str(wat).unwrap(); pic.install_canister(canister_id, inspect_wasm, vec![], None); // the first call succeeds because the inspect_message accepts for counter = 0 pic.update_call( canister_id, Principal::anonymous(), "inc", encode_one(()).unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); // the second call fails because the first (successful) call incremented the counter // and the inspect_message does not accept for counter > 0 pic.update_call( canister_id, Principal::anonymous(), "inc", encode_one(()).unwrap(), ) .unwrap_err(); } #[should_panic] #[test] fn test_too_large_call() { let pic = PocketIc::new(); let canister_id = pic.create_canister(); pic.add_cycles(canister_id, INIT_CYCLES); let counter_wasm = counter_wasm(); pic.install_canister(canister_id, counter_wasm, vec![], None); pic.update_call( canister_id, Principal::anonymous(), "inc", vec![42; 16_000_000], ) .unwrap_err(); }