# Use Jupyter with .NET Interactive on [Binder](https://mybinder.org/) All you need is your browser to try out the .NET Jupyter experience. To get you started, we created a set of samples in C#, F#, and PowerShell. These samples have been designed to provide a **zero-install** experience, allowing you to try the .NET kernel setup free. If you clone this repo, you can find these samples [here](../samples/readme.md). ## Steps - Click on the **launch binder** badge: [![Binder](https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/dotnet/interactive/main?urlpath=lab) - This launches the binder service. It might take a minute or two to start. - Explore the samples and docs on the left, or create a new notebook by choosing C#, F#, or PowerShell. - Under each language on the left, you'll find a `docs` folder with how-to guides for various features: You'll also find a `samples` folder containing a set of samples for specific scenarios. - Find a file that looks interesting. When it opens, you can start running the code in the cells. You can click ▶️ (or press `Shift-Enter`) to run the first cell. Each time you click ▶️ it will run the next cell. - Now, you can run and edit the cells, import and plot data. Now that you have had a tour of .NET notebooks with Binder, you can get started with building your own .NET notebooks locally on your machine. Follow the link below to get started. [Create your notebook on your machine](NotebooksLocalExperience.md)