.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.9.2 .\" .TH "dhall (1)" "" "" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP dhall - a programmable configuration language .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \f[B]dhall\f[R] is the command-line interface to the Dhall language .SH SYNOPSIS .PP dhall --file check.dhall .PP dhall --file error.dhall --explain .PP dhall hash --file to-hash.dhall .PP dhall freeze --file with-imports.dhall .PP dhall repl .PP dhall diff \[aq]./file1.dhall\[cq] \[aq]./file2.dhall\[cq] .PP dhall type --quiet --file check-ci.dhall .SH SUBCOMMANDS .PP \f[B]version\f[R] - Display version information .PP \f[B]resolve\f[R] - Resolve imports .PP \f[B]type\f[R] - Infer type of expression .PP \f[B]normalize\f[R] - Normalize an expression .PP \f[B]repl\f[R] - Open a REPL .PP \f[B]diff\f[R] - Show difference between two expressions .PP \f[B]hash\f[R] - Compute hash of expression .PP \f[B]lint\f[R] - Lint an expression, removing dead code .PP \f[B]tags\f[R] - Generate etags (Emacs) file .PP \f[B]format\f[R] - Format an expression .PP \f[B]freeze\f[R] - Add hashes to import statements .PP \f[B]encode\f[R] - Encode a Dhall expression (CBOR) .PP \f[B]decode\f[R] - Decode a Dhall expression .PP \f[B]text\f[R] - Render a Dhall expression to text .PP \f[B]to-directory-tree\f[R] - Convert nested record of Text into a directory .SH OPTIONS .TP \f[B]-h\f[R] \f[B]--help\f[R] Display help .TP \f[B]--file\f[R] Name of file containing Dhall source .TP \f[B]--output\f[R] Output file .TP \f[B]--annotate\f[R] Add type annotation to output .TP \f[B]--alpha\f[R] alpha-normalize output .TP \f[B]--no-cache\f[R] Don\[cq]t use cache to resolve imports .TP \f[B]--explain\f[R] Explain error messages in detail .TP \f[B]--version\f[R] Display version information .TP \f[B]--plain\f[R] Disable syntax highlighting in output .TP \f[B]--ascii\f[R] Format code using only ASCII syntax .TP \f[B]--censor\f[R] Hide source code from error messages .SH EDITOR INTEGRATION .PP Up-to-date information on editor integration is available at: .PP https://docs.dhall-lang.org/howtos/Text-Editor-Configuration.html .SH BUGS .PP Please report any bugs you may come across to https://github.com/dhall-language/dhall-haskell/issues.