# Setup the environment ## Kind setup ``` kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4 nodes: - role: control-plane - role: worker kubeadmConfigPatches: - | kind: JoinConfiguration nodeRegistration: kubeletExtraArgs: node-labels: "ingress-ready=true" extraPortMappings: - containerPort: 30080 hostPort: 80 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 30443 hostPort: 443 protocol: TCP - role: worker - role: worker ``` With the following configuration file , use `./kind create cluster --name apisix --config=/home/ubuntu/apisix/cluster/kind-conf.yaml` to create the kind cluster and expose `30080` and `30443` ports outside the cluster. The `30080` port will be bound to Apisix to expose HTTP resources, the `30443` port will be bound to Apisix to expose HTTPS resources ## Remote connection # Apisix deployment ``` helm repo add apisix https://charts.apiseven.com helm repo update ``` Apisix installation : ``` helm install -n apisix --create-namespace -f apisix-values.yaml apisix apisix/apisix ``` # keycloak deployment ``` helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm repo update ``` # Certs generation We use [omgwtfssl]() to generate our certificates for the example. ``` podman run -e SSL_SUBJECT="*.demo.jpgouin.pro" --security-opt label=disable paulczar/omgwtfssl ``` Let's only copy the certificate `cert.pem` and `key.pem` from the output of the command ``` -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEowIBAAKCAQEA3PbtZ0KzGi8v+CXxp+djyE0yg2lBmicPUSiPlKNeNVugrpd6 HZThuptnY2liFKty0b+qASnvb7GZYi5USSeG0UPuTlJOeFOeCEpD4BidQ6hpMM8f 24/J9ldRdzYQfwhhSlBUO1uTC7VOLMlEGczF7iCpEA7r0bsGJZ5pgvfqpUdKm19O nFSOyL523E0J9t1LJLQUp5kaNUtVj7IaB1FXN4JH9lL8OrFolde+YUw2kOnsukAL 348cllQ1wNgrAENAw+ZVse4UI70oFz0tsm9TkgSMqfV26DlodLGvaLi8BgtKmzI0 R8giFXQZn1JYpR/BVqPqtw+D2VWtuOKdLhzsFwIDAQABAoIBAD6JVB9JbU8X08ez VXVjs4XY81blzz9FlrwtcpVqtxr617sR++mrXUdm/BfSl4OqElDyoba6m51M8lAr NIePvEQ1qZhZCwRbBfrqqdMepEOlwj+iHy4Qv+QMSm4myvxo7sANhAlYnYFOytU6 ESAMKGiArdhxoKQ2/kJfVxVN/QbRY49ZTpgetcrYWnaeLNF3O94kATW8rV3T9Cy9 Wh33JXnzalbHKAb1WKMvwKCGmw7idUn0wbhMKWvSruEyM4bhbQLad12qraDk0FUo 45ZZXwEXAXbjp158oc8Q0rSqYJud57+kzKFestgpdMQvx7ke7gWPqTufOtzL7eXa zpGVNqECgYEA/cd2fE5QWNE8E5ISPe7+5UfNA5ztICAZeBPML3EzQ5JQC82y4S1g 7n0exGdkBSkxxRDHMaskGlU1MhgFuu9Aamvo2tFfATLqNiaA7DcwrdHUIBISFHM3 angUajj4fu/4ZIHWNyTAVgbfAkU8HPS25bMWNHrNsPpUnDil26GLRFsCgYEA3uXz VuUaYMlvp3x10n67KB8LLn+v2pRgRH4j/G2TycL/DZaGLKJbeAvorckA0lDz40Dh Mz2qwB2Crs5nYRcSIaTKto4pAQEFf7ADvW8kEtz65GyIz+e672p/UrEkz2pXiADI vrjDnLRB/X3ozFJopiKss0OX6gDAxNjycKnxU/UCgYAZrl2nJqWq10GlGVsPOWhB +4obm33DinwJUreO9X2ikOPYzfAUKWtttuuuJGhSvWBz+MavmAoHQCgp8ZRi3mM+ Yb0mp5ldnbFl2W+id9NNQ7abqDh8KUyqUYx/U1SSQ+Z3BUyQN//etMNMj4UNyRXZ GM5ecS7vgeWeCX1/RFG7kQKBgCNZAhsAoAtDRpKf+StVb6awLZzFIQUfzJhwDJLm aa5wXvQvr716Tdkewlp06s1viw255zyyBdcLlwLTtq898mElegQzTStclxultSIg cu8O3jbFQ3j8/bckA2cAsp619YWa4jrkoBjEuUZS5k0osHHQQ+T1ziyMzAUrhl75 hEzVAoGBAMqO3dWOhS8WVd+erLlT2h1i1ftcRX620xSLpK/Ric7NnfP7DD1cbA09 iJV9puiKN8aXJXInRXflPMbzBDgu+NZ1D/D+C7fDTcCS93x14ct+th5BuK8SgX0u /+qMeHYeDhjtAw2DCBhH2XUfKnfu5xVC50Im87SjhxrJdo0ITJLF -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ``` ``` -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC9jCCAd6gAwIBAgIUJtW7drCTbF/774ZNwEyzcFRZGjMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL BQAwEjEQMA4GA1UEAwwHdGVzdC1jYTAeFw0yMjAzMjkwOTQ4MDJaFw0yMjA1Mjgw OTQ4MDJaMB0xGzAZBgNVBAMMEiouZGVtby5qcGdvdWluLnBybzCCASIwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBANz27WdCsxovL/gl8afnY8hNMoNpQZonD1Eo j5SjXjVboK6Xeh2U4bqbZ2NpYhSrctG/qgEp72+xmWIuVEknhtFD7k5STnhTnghK Q+AYnUOoaTDPH9uPyfZXUXc2EH8IYUpQVDtbkwu1TizJRBnMxe4gqRAO69G7BiWe aYL36qVHSptfTpxUjsi+dtxNCfbdSyS0FKeZGjVLVY+yGgdRVzeCR/ZS/DqxaJXX 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hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAL7rt3U871i0Qa/s4HVig8HcP1GR1eMyq/dI jcCNRLToidOqE9eI4yQBS/hzgU1eKQJztyGj9L4VINFBA2assBYCV8HO24k/aU4Z TWmNsiGgfnPwT610FXM65H6uFAgRuTyI9pbNGSULFpV/B1vP5A7kFoNPiRcJwoR8 /CiNtGdlO8f5/w5Vw+qgmGoLqW68rvUx/wtUDCtINyj/YxD1FqXXPfRE1+RmdBxc KuvvEuqIOmtRCryAqtlqq6LC4Ekaz3f3DOLCGct+HPYIORJ0d+nf/O5PYyQbVtTE 9bsSjq8aPINQKG4OZxrwtS7DV/m7LphH/kU0V+JEltOIVgugeLkCAwEAAaM5MDcw CQYDVR0TBAIwADALBgNVHQ8EBAMCBeAwHQYDVR0lBBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwIGCCsG AQUFBwMBMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQCT9tUDp2DOkntvLOSchOto+DQdFL6D ySDOFWxBoyDLtZGXAAOuXRPN2t9Lo8qmTLErMfgpDRNzuuuhVvzeu92+3NRyl6FQ 8Rcciz795E/StuisDje6Ov48IpLhAN3Q4OtiLGY/K23LfI2YWifglnFqb88JVzlS kgmxJGsaZhTgKNtDwd7JCUfKHywBGqGBpMBppVAfYnSP1tZbjgTXlAFpHW7DHWrH ez4NWtnWaDm3r0VNBzXl4aLnxlHWIos5jdj8C9xWUTHSlBNOazX/ri66HtRqW+Bd vVHiFZfvHIOqZ0gUoM371v5ynWyubQuMggigBHx6c+rsMaIYQ1fPaI4z -----END CERTIFICATE-----", "key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAvuu3dTzvWLRBr+zgdWKDwdw/UZHV4zKr90iNwI1EtOiJ06oT 14jjJAFL+HOBTV4pAnO3IaP0vhUg0UEDZqywFgJXwc7biT9pThlNaY2yIaB+c/BP rXQVczrkfq4UCBG5PIj2ls0ZJQsWlX8HW8/kDuQWg0+JFwnChHz8KI20Z2U7x/n/ DlXD6qCYagupbryu9TH/C1QMK0g3KP9jEPUWpdc99ETX5GZ0HFwq6+8S6og6a1EK vICq2WqrosLgSRrPd/cM4sIZy34c9gg5EnR36d/87k9jJBtW1MT1uxKOrxo8g1Ao bg5nGvC1LsNX+bsumEf+RTRX4kSW04hWC6B4uQIDAQABAoIBAF2KBWdWRHn0Tt6P suUwMBeR/h/L0Lwwvlo4XOMDE6+C4swmXvRRp9+jFwKSLL6oLHV8FjRQLP/YQCzl qnHql5cg7LgSzjKvM7vE382gU67wACRzj8YOwtei+gIq7buKW3QSMqZttC0XAqia BRPxhe3ZyEHrfOIhsQDSb4S68LFa6jDtF4gAEu404nvDtnWGvFXJN2rd2U0Kc5G5 +uWrS3u25jm9r/77gG846yBHxWiMV8r4QeKrcJFo7C3rbtpkr6ZdsjeXvFdx5Lu7 sX6mvzwifZxqu8xjprHSy8CtYIMcRKJJKvH7EeOS2RSBAiF8MPZhedbKdtynIaJH y1ND5BECgYEA5GQChQAMfAoqY6hLUbz4jfRF1tNMZCX+wJh6AGSjMC2kQ6apfKI3 9lTLmoM2vMSUumtGUea2IjfJzja6+ftMp962X2BQC7lUliQoISFVnXhxVt9gq5VM atnVgKenp5DK0kzNaG42mXA888ooMlq3VBS1l2tMSqxd6urhasDX3K0CgYEA1gAg 5mfvoG/YyOcsnrTj0nN0uOjLLlUAXP6EmWCqAcbEuMb4XJ3VXA5/C4QhqxB/jFj8 jCXeJyogpBct0f2R/cPE4PjRlgnSHGjGIdNQ7HRmeoDgqsrXF+IELp/BKNOhXqnx 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Create two users , `franck` an author and `jhon` an editor 2. Create a `author_group` and a `editor_group` groups 3. Add `franck` to the `author_group` 4. Add `john` to `editor_group` 5. Create a Role `editor` and `author` roles 6. Map `author_group` to `author` role 7. Mao `editor_group` to editor role ## Setup Client ### Create a OIDC client : ``` Name : poc-apisix Access Type : Confidential Authorization Enabled : On Root URL : https://book-app.demo.jpgouin.pro Valid Redirect URIs : https://book-app.demo.jpgouin.pro/* ``` ### Setup Authorization **Resources** Resources are the list of URI api that you want to protect. In our scenario we will define 4 Resources to protect : 1. Author creation 2. Book creation 3. List authors 4. List books Our demo application is using 4 apis to access and create resources | Api | Action | |----------------|---------------| | `/api/author` | Create author | | `/api/book` | Create book | | `/api/authors` | List authors | | `/api/books` | List books | **Authorization Scopes** Authorization scopes are HTTP method that will be allowed for users and roles. We will define , for the purpose of the demo, 3 scopes : 1. GET 2. POST 3. OPTIONS As you can imagine for an application , you will probably ending up with all HTTP method :) **Policies** Policies are the matching between roles and resources. In our scenario we will have 4 Policies : 1. Only defined group can list authors 2. Only defined group can list books 3. Only defined group can create author 4. Only defined group can create book Our example is pretty straightforward but here you can mixed roles and really authorized in depth each apis of your application ! **Permissions** Finally the last thing to configure is the mapping between resources and policies. We are defining 4 mapping for our example for each policies. # Apps deployment ## Front end The front end is composed of two kubernetes files | File | Description | |----------------|---------------| | `deployment.yaml ` | The deployment of the application| | `service.yaml ` | The service to expose the application within the kubernetes cluster| **Deployment** ``` kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f service.yaml ``` This will install the application in the `poc-front-app` namespace ``` kubectl get po,svc -n poc-front-app NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/poc-front-app-797c9c94bf-qjhnq 1/1 Running 0 22m NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/poc-front-appsvc ClusterIP 80/TCP 5d21h ``` ## Go api The go api is composed of two kubernetes files | File | Description | |----------------|---------------| | `deployment.yaml ` | The deployment of the application| | `service.yaml ` | The service to expose the application within the kubernetes cluster| **Deployment** ``` kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f service.yaml ``` This will install the application in the `poc-go-api` namespace ``` kubectl get po,svc -n poc-go-api NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/poc-go-api-854d54cd84-dz4fp 1/1 Running 0 22m NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/poc-go-apisvc ClusterIP 80/TCP 5d5h ``` # DNS In my case, i have a DNS account and i setup the dns accordingly , but you migth want to update your `/etc/hosts` file and add the following line : ``` book-app.demo.jpgouin.pro demo-api.demo.jpgouin.pro ``` # Scenario 1 : Expose the application First thing first, we need to expose the application to outside our cluster. We are using Apisix Ingress Controller to help us with that. Instead of having to curl Apisix and create the Upstream and the Route, we are going to use some CRD from Apisix Ingress Controller that will do the magic for us ! ``` kubectl apply -f Step\ 1a-front-route-insecure.yaml kubectl apply -f Step\ 1b-back-route-insecure.yaml ``` The route for the Go api is using a plugin : ``` plugins: - name: cors enable: true config: allow_credential: true allow_origins: "**" allow_origins_by_regex: [".*.demo.jpgouin.pro"] allow_methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS expose_headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type, Authorization allow_headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type, Authorization ``` This plugin allows some Cross Origin Request Sharing, known as `cors`. indeed our front end is accessing a back-end that is not provided by the same server. Navigate to `https://book-app.demo.jpgouin.pro` , you should access the `front-app` \ You should also be able to create an Author and add a Book as well ! # Scenario 2 : Secure the application It's time to secure the access to the application ! For that we are going to protect our `front-app` using the `openid-connect` plugin that will handle the generation of the token against Keycloak by redirecting us to Keycloak UI to login. Then we are going to protect our `go-api` using the amazing `authz-keycloak` plugin. With the following config : ``` config: token_endpoint: https://sso.demo.jpgouin.pro/auth/realms/apisix/protocol/openid-connect/token http_method_as_scope: true lazy_load_paths: true client_id: poc-apisix audience: poc-apisix client_secret: discovery: https://sso.demo.jpgouin.pro/auth/realms/apisix/.well-known/uma2-configuration realm: apisix ssl_verify: false ``` The key here is to use `http_method_as_scope` along `lazy_load_paths` to leverage the `Authorization` tab from Keycloak. Try to connect to the `front-app` and let you flow to the redireciton to keycloak :) Login using `franck` user. Create a new author , called `john` by filling the form, the author should be created as expected. Now try to add a new book , you should have a `403` return from the server (and more precisely from Apisix) !\ It works as expected , yay, `franck` is not part of the `editor_group` so he cannot create a new book ! Open an incognito tab on your browser and login using `john`. `john` is able to see the author created by `franck`. Let's go and try to add a book `myAwesomeBookvol1` and write `john` as the author. `john` can add books and view them as he is part of the `editor` group :) Refresh the page where `franck` is logged in , and voila the book from `john` is displayed ! Now let's play a little with the Authorization :) Let's say that the Author list is sensitive and only auditor should be allowed to access it ! 1. Navigate to Keycloak and in the `poc-apisix` client, click on the authorization tab and in policies. 2. Remove the `editor` group from the policies `Only user in group can list author` and save. 3. Refresh the page where `john` is logged in , there is now an error message `403` instead of the list of author ! Without having to code anything on our application or change the scope of our user we have successfully change the behaviour of our application and deeply secured the `api` and the access to the `ui`.