{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import csv\n", "import gzip\n", "import io\n", "import re\n", "\n", "import pandas\n", "import requests" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 53, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "['uc001abw.1', 'uc001abz.4', 'uc001aca.2', 'uc001acd.3', 'uc001ach.2', 'uc001acj.4', 'uc001ack.2', 'uc001acu.2']\n", "['']\n", "['', '']\n", "['', '', '0.35539']\n", "['', '', '0.56523', '0.73316']\n", "['', '0.24312', '0.028204', '0.048074', '0.089494']\n", "['', '0.34471', '0.67455', '0.59903', '0.48292', '0.045723']\n", "['', '', '0.14494', '', '0.52816', '0.16999', '0.5987']\n", "['', '', '0.19984', '0.51258', '0.432', '0.056087', '0.65374', '0.43504']\n", "['', '', '', '', '0.46932', '0.047139', '', '']\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# http://csb.pitt.edu/erc_analysis/Methods.php\n", "with gzip.open('download/erc_mam33.gz', 'rb') as read_file:\n", " text = io.TextIOWrapper(read_file)\n", " for i, line in enumerate(text):\n", " row = line.strip('\\n').split('\\t')\n", " print(row[:8])\n", " if i > 8: break" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 26, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "17487" ] }, "execution_count": 26, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# 17487 lines in erc_mam33.gz\n", "len(header)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def read_erc_mat(path):\n", " read_file = gzip.open('download/erc_mam33.gz', 'rb')\n", " text = io.TextIOWrapper(read_file)\n", " reader = csv.reader(text, delimiter='\\t')\n", " genes = next(reader)\n", " for source, correlations in zip(genes[1:], reader):\n", " targets = genes[:len(correlations)]\n", " for target, correlation in zip(targets, correlations):\n", " if correlation == '':\n", " continue\n", " yield source, target, correlation\n", " read_file.close()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def read_ucsc_map(path):\n", " map_df = pandas.read_table(path, names=['ucsc_id', 'symbol', 'entrez_id'], comment='#')\n", " map_df = map_df.query(\"entrez_id != 'n/a'\")\n", " ucsc_to_entrez = dict()\n", " for ucsc_id, entrez_id in zip(map_df.ucsc_id, map_df.entrez_id):\n", " assert ucsc_id not in ucsc_to_entrez\n", " ucsc_to_entrez[ucsc_id] = entrez_id\n", " return ucsc_to_entrez" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "pattern = re.compile('list_uids=([0-9]+)\" TARGET=_blank class=\"toc\">Entrez Gene')\n", "import sys\n", "\n", "def query_ucsc_gene(ucsc_id):\n", " print('webquery for', ucsc_id)\n", " sys.stdout.flush()\n", " url = 'https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgGene?hgg_gene={}&org=human'.format(ucsc_id)\n", " response = requests.get(url)\n", " match = re.search(pattern, response.text)\n", " if not match:\n", " return None\n", " entrez_id = int(match.group(1))\n", " print('webquery matched {} to {}'.format(ucsc_id, entrez_id))\n", " return entrez_id" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "map_list = list()\n", "for genome_build in [38, 19, 18]:\n", " path = 'download/ucsc-gene-map-hg{}.tsv'.format(genome_build)\n", " map_list.append(read_ucsc_map(path))\n", "\n", "cache = dict()\n", "def get_entrez(ucsc_id):\n", " if ucsc_id in cache:\n", " return cache[ucsc_id]\n", " for ucsc_to_entrez in map_list:\n", " entrez_id = ucsc_to_entrez.get(ucsc_id)\n", " if entrez_id:\n", " cache[ucsc_id] = entrez_id\n", " return entrez_id\n", " entrez_id = query_ucsc_gene(ucsc_id)\n", " cache[ucsc_id] = entrez_id\n", " return entrez_id" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "webquery for uc001aik.3\n", "webquery for uc001aju.2\n", "webquery matched uc001aju.2 to 127281\n", "webquery for uc001apg.1\n", "webquery for uc001apm.3\n", "webquery matched uc001apm.3 to 765\n", "webquery for uc001aro.3\n", "webquery matched uc001aro.3 to 54897\n", "webquery for uc001ase.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ase.3 to 10218\n", "webquery for uc001ate.4\n", "webquery matched uc001ate.4 to 1185\n", "webquery for uc001awn.3\n", "webquery matched uc001awn.3 to 842\n", "webquery for uc001axc.3\n", "webquery matched uc001axc.3 to 388595\n", "webquery for uc001aym.4\n", "webquery matched uc001aym.4 to 26099\n", "webquery for uc001bbo.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bbo.3 to 23065\n", "webquery for uc001bcz.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bcz.3 to 26279\n", "webquery for uc001bnm.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bnm.3 to 6548\n", "webquery for uc001bno.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bno.3 to 23038\n", "webquery for uc001bod.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bod.3 to 2827\n", "webquery for uc001bub.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bub.3 to 10657\n", "webquery for uc001bvd.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bvd.3 to 65108\n", "webquery for uc001bwc.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bwc.3 to 64766\n", "webquery for uc001bxu.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bxu.3 to 2709\n", "webquery for uc001bzx.3\n", "webquery matched uc001bzx.3 to 27095\n", "webquery for uc001cbi.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cbi.3 to 79753\n", "webquery for uc001cbr.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cbr.3 to 55143\n", "webquery for uc001ccq.2\n", "webquery matched uc001ccq.2 to 64121\n", "webquery for uc001cfg.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cfg.3 to 10269\n", "webquery for uc001cjb.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cjb.3 to 64834\n", "webquery for uc001cjk.2\n", "webquery matched uc001cjk.2 to 23334\n", "webquery for uc001ckb.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ckb.3 to 6487\n", "webquery for uc001cll.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cll.3 to 6536\n", "webquery for uc001cmt.2\n", "webquery matched uc001cmt.2 to 8891\n", "webquery for uc001cqb.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cqb.3 to 8569\n", "webquery for uc001cqh.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cqh.3 to 64756\n", "webquery for uc001cti.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cti.3 to 51060\n", "webquery for uc001cto.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cto.3 to 9372\n", "webquery for uc001cxe.3\n", "webquery matched uc001cxe.3 to 23648\n", "webquery for uc001dap.3\n", "webquery matched uc001dap.3 to 85440\n", "webquery for uc001dht.3\n", "webquery matched uc001dht.3 to 23032\n", "webquery for uc001dhx.3\n", "webquery matched uc001dhx.3 to 374986\n", "webquery for uc001dqa.3\n", "webquery matched uc001dqa.3 to 8412\n", "webquery for uc001dqv.4\n", "webquery matched uc001dqv.4 to 126969\n", "webquery for uc001dvn.4\n", "webquery matched uc001dvn.4 to 29957\n", "webquery for uc001dwa.3\n", "webquery matched uc001dwa.3 to 254268\n", "webquery for uc001eas.3\n", "webquery matched uc001eas.3 to 27159\n", "webquery for uc001ebw.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ebw.3 to 643355\n", "webquery for uc001epm.4\n", "webquery matched uc001epm.4 to 9557\n", "webquery for uc001euq.3\n", "webquery matched uc001euq.3 to 80222\n", "webquery for uc001exx.3\n", "webquery matched uc001exx.3 to 8991\n", "webquery for uc001faa.3\n", "webquery matched uc001faa.3 to 353145\n", "webquery for uc001fah.3\n", "webquery matched uc001fah.3 to 353140\n", "webquery for uc001fbl.3\n", "webquery matched uc001fbl.3 to 149018\n", "webquery for uc001fcq.3\n", "webquery matched uc001fcq.3 to 23557\n", "webquery for uc001fcr.3\n", "webquery matched uc001fcr.3 to 3608\n", "webquery for uc001fdl.3\n", "webquery matched uc001fdl.3 to 27173\n", "webquery for uc001foh.3\n", "webquery matched uc001foh.3 to 112770\n", "webquery for uc001fpc.3\n", "webquery matched uc001fpc.3 to 4209\n", "webquery for uc001fwn.3\n", "webquery matched uc001fwn.3 to 962\n", "webquery for uc001fwu.3\n", "webquery matched uc001fwu.3 to 4063\n", "webquery for uc001fxi.3\n", "webquery matched uc001fxi.3 to 7391\n", "webquery for uc001gal.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gal.3 to 257177\n", "webquery for uc001gdj.4\n", "webquery matched uc001gdj.4 to 54499\n", "webquery for uc001gfc.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gfc.3 to 23432\n", "webquery for uc001ggn.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ggn.3 to 92342\n", "webquery for uc001gie.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gie.3 to 26052\n", "webquery for uc001gnq.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gnq.3 to 26092\n", "webquery for uc001gql.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gql.3 to 10092\n", "webquery for uc001gra.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gra.3 to 116496\n", "webquery for uc001gsa.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gsa.3 to 5132\n", "webquery for uc001gvb.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gvb.3 to 2494\n", "webquery for uc001gvo.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gvo.3 to 55765\n", "webquery for uc001gwf.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gwf.3 to 7139\n", "webquery for uc001gwq.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gwq.3 to 23612\n", "webquery for uc001gyj.3\n", "webquery for uc001gyq.4\n", "webquery matched uc001gyq.4 to 51094\n", "webquery for uc001gzd.3\n", "webquery matched uc001gzd.3 to 4656\n", "webquery for uc001hau.3\n", "webquery matched uc001hau.3 to 22874\n", "webquery for uc001hgu.1\n", "webquery for uc001hhs.4\n", "webquery matched uc001hhs.4 to 255928\n", "webquery for uc001hkh.3\n", "webquery matched uc001hkh.3 to 5629\n", "webquery for uc001hoh.2\n", "webquery matched uc001hoh.2 to 23219\n", "webquery for uc001hpq.3\n", "webquery matched uc001hpq.3 to 29920\n", "webquery for uc001hqa.2\n", "webquery matched uc001hqa.2 to 286826\n", "webquery for uc001hth.3\n", "webquery matched uc001hth.3 to 5867\n", "webquery for uc001hur.3\n", "webquery matched uc001hur.3 to 83932\n", "webquery for uc001hxc.2\n", "webquery matched uc001hxc.2 to 148789\n", "webquery for uc001hxj.2\n", "webquery matched uc001hxj.2 to 1130\n", "webquery for uc001iad.4\n", "webquery matched uc001iad.4 to 10472\n", "webquery for uc001iah.3\n", "webquery matched uc001iah.3 to 200159\n", "webquery for uc001ihi.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ihi.3 to 83592\n", "webquery for uc001iia.3\n", "webquery matched uc001iia.3 to 10276\n", "webquery for uc001iit.3\n", "webquery matched uc001iit.3 to 84893\n", "webquery for uc001ild.4\n", "webquery matched uc001ild.4 to 55526\n", "webquery for uc001ind.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ind.3 to 51182\n", "webquery for uc001inf.3\n", "webquery matched uc001inf.3 to 51182\n", "webquery for uc001inx.4\n", "webquery matched uc001inx.4 to 10557\n", "webquery for uc001ipk.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ipk.3 to 4360\n", "webquery for uc001ipm.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ipm.3 to 4360\n", "webquery for uc001itv.3\n", "webquery matched uc001itv.3 to 22931\n", "webquery for uc001jan.3\n", "webquery matched uc001jan.3 to 55454\n", "webquery for uc001jce.3\n", "webquery matched uc001jce.3 to 240\n", "webquery for uc001jeh.3\n", "webquery matched uc001jeh.3 to 728113\n", "webquery for uc001jgt.3\n", "webquery matched uc001jgt.3 to 58504\n", "webquery for uc001jhs.4\n", "webquery matched uc001jhs.4 to 2074\n", "webquery for uc001jiu.3\n", "webquery matched uc001jiu.3 to 100287932\n", "webquery for uc001jkc.4\n", "webquery matched uc001jkc.4 to 55847\n", "webquery for uc001jkf.3\n", "webquery matched uc001jkf.3 to 7019\n", "webquery for uc001jqr.3\n", "webquery matched uc001jqr.3 to 219743\n", "webquery for uc001jur.3\n", "webquery matched uc001jur.3 to 58529\n", "webquery for uc001kbl.3\n", "webquery matched uc001kbl.3 to 80195\n", "webquery for uc001kbx.3\n", "webquery matched uc001kbx.3 to 143241\n", "webquery for uc001kfk.3\n", "webquery matched uc001kfk.3 to 57559\n", "webquery for uc001kgi.3\n", "webquery matched uc001kgi.3 to 3434\n", "webquery for uc001khi.3\n", "webquery matched uc001khi.3 to 84333\n", "webquery for uc001kkh.3\n", "webquery matched uc001kkh.3 to 9124\n", "webquery for uc001ksu.3\n", "webquery for uc001kta.3\n", "webquery matched uc001kta.3 to 8945\n", "webquery for uc001kvb.3\n", "webquery matched uc001kvb.3 to 4791\n", "webquery for uc001kyf.3\n", "webquery matched uc001kyf.3 to 85450\n", "webquery for uc001laj.3\n", "webquery matched uc001laj.3 to 4892\n", "webquery for uc001lao.3\n", "webquery matched uc001lao.3 to 840\n", "webquery for uc001law.2\n", "webquery matched uc001law.2 to 9937\n", "webquery for uc001lhm.3\n", "webquery matched uc001lhm.3 to 51363\n", "webquery for uc001lqr.3\n", "webquery matched uc001lqr.3 to 283232\n", "webquery for uc001ltj.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ltj.3 to 9024\n", "webquery for uc001lxq.4\n", "webquery matched uc001lxq.4 to 116534\n", "webquery for uc001lys.3\n", "webquery matched uc001lys.3 to 27315\n", "webquery for uc001mfj.4\n", "webquery matched uc001mfj.4 to 8495\n", "webquery for uc001mgo.3\n", "webquery for uc001mki.3\n", "webquery matched uc001mki.3 to 55742\n", "webquery for uc001mly.3\n", "webquery matched uc001mly.3 to 387755\n", "webquery for uc001mot.3\n", "webquery matched uc001mot.3 to 55293\n", "webquery for uc001mpc.3\n", "webquery matched uc001mpc.3 to 84867\n", "webquery for uc001mtu.3\n", "webquery matched uc001mtu.3 to 10480\n", "webquery for uc001mtv.3\n", "webquery matched uc001mtv.3 to 493860\n", "webquery for uc001myo.3\n", "webquery matched uc001myo.3 to 56981\n", "webquery for uc001nco.3\n", "webquery matched uc001nco.3 to 4192\n", "webquery for uc001ndd.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ndd.3 to 392\n", "webquery for uc001ndr.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ndr.3 to 79096\n", "webquery for uc001nrw.1\n", "webquery for uc001nso.3\n", "webquery matched uc001nso.3 to 5866\n", "webquery for uc001nua.3\n", "webquery matched uc001nua.3 to 23193\n", "webquery for uc001oct.3\n", "webquery matched uc001oct.3 to 7108\n", "webquery for uc001ofo.4\n", "webquery matched uc001ofo.4 to 91056\n", "webquery for uc001okm.3\n", "webquery matched uc001okm.3 to 57804\n", "webquery for uc001ola.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ola.3 to 374403\n", "webquery for uc001oma.3\n", "webquery matched uc001oma.3 to 10263\n", "webquery for uc001osj.3\n", "webquery matched uc001osj.3 to 81570\n", "webquery for uc001otj.3\n", "webquery matched uc001otj.3 to 5029\n", "webquery for uc001otr.3\n", "webquery matched uc001otr.3 to 5031\n", "webquery for uc001ouw.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ouw.3 to 51400\n", "webquery for uc001pap.3\n", "webquery matched uc001pap.3 to 55863\n", "webquery for uc001pgy.3\n", "webquery matched uc001pgy.3 to 329\n", "webquery for uc001pht.2\n", "webquery matched uc001pht.2 to 100506742\n", "webquery for uc001pli.1\n", "webquery for uc001pmz.3\n", "webquery matched uc001pmz.3 to 6392\n", "webquery for uc001pqt.3\n", "webquery matched uc001pqt.3 to 257160\n", "webquery for uc001psy.3\n", "webquery for uc001pwe.3\n", "webquery matched uc001pwe.3 to 867\n", "webquery for uc001pym.3\n", "webquery matched uc001pym.3 to 79864\n", "webquery for uc001pzv.2\n", "webquery for uc001pzx.3\n", "webquery matched uc001pzx.3 to 26494\n", "webquery for uc001qbs.3\n", "webquery matched uc001qbs.3 to 219854\n", "webquery for uc001qcz.4\n", "webquery matched uc001qcz.4 to 29118\n", "webquery for uc001qda.3\n", "webquery for uc001qgx.4\n", "webquery matched uc001qgx.4 to 22997\n", "webquery for uc001qhb.2\n", "webquery matched uc001qhb.2 to 83700\n", "webquery for uc001qlh.3\n", "webquery matched uc001qlh.3 to 83695\n", "webquery for uc001qmf.3\n", "webquery matched uc001qmf.3 to 56341\n", "webquery for uc001qni.3\n", "webquery matched uc001qni.3 to 3741\n", "webquery for uc001qpq.1\n", "webquery for uc001qrk.3\n", "webquery matched uc001qrk.3 to 7167\n", "webquery for uc001quz.4\n", "webquery matched uc001quz.4 to 144568\n", "webquery for uc001qwg.2\n", "webquery matched uc001qwg.2 to 29121\n", "webquery for uc001rdg.3\n", "webquery matched uc001rdg.3 to 4257\n", "webquery for uc001rek.3\n", "webquery matched uc001rek.3 to 28234\n", "webquery for uc001rff.3\n", "webquery matched uc001rff.3 to 3764\n", "webquery for uc001rfm.3\n", "webquery matched uc001rfm.3 to 55907\n", "webquery for uc001rit.3\n", "webquery matched uc001rit.3 to 55711\n", "webquery for uc001rnr.4\n", "webquery matched uc001rnr.4 to 83448\n", "webquery for uc001rqw.3\n", "webquery matched uc001rqw.3 to 29843\n", "webquery for uc001rtp.3\n", "webquery matched uc001rtp.3 to 7846\n", "webquery for uc001rvv.3\n", "webquery matched uc001rvv.3 to 41\n", "webquery for uc001rvz.3\n", "webquery matched uc001rvz.3 to 2819\n", "webquery for uc001ryw.3\n", "webquery matched uc001ryw.3 to 6334\n", "webquery for uc001rzb.1\n", "webquery for uc001saz.3\n", "webquery matched uc001saz.3 to 3851\n", "webquery for uc001sfr.4\n", "webquery matched uc001sfr.4 to 4778\n", "webquery for uc001shi.3\n", "webquery matched uc001shi.3 to 2647\n", "webquery for uc001shn.3\n", "webquery matched uc001shn.3 to 967\n", "webquery for uc001shz.1\n", "webquery for uc001sib.3\n", "webquery matched uc001sib.3 to 4327\n", "webquery for uc001smw.4\n", "webquery matched uc001smw.4 to 4640\n", "webquery for uc001sqr.3\n", "webquery matched uc001sqr.3 to 121227\n", "webquery for uc001squ.3\n", "webquery matched uc001squ.3 to 9194\n", "webquery for uc001ssz.1\n", "webquery for uc001sui.3\n", "webquery matched uc001sui.3 to 4193\n", "webquery for uc001svu.1\n", "webquery for uc001swl.3\n", "webquery matched uc001swl.3 to 8549\n", "webquery for uc001szo.2\n", "webquery matched uc001szo.2 to 8499\n", "webquery for uc001szv.3\n", "webquery matched uc001szv.3 to 55117\n", "webquery for uc001tcz.3\n", "webquery for uc001tdl.3\n", "webquery matched 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"webquery matched uc004fip.3 to 3421\n", "webquery for uc004fjb.3\n", "webquery matched uc004fjb.3 to 3897\n", "webquery for uc009vmm.2\n", "webquery for uc009whd.3\n", "webquery matched uc009whd.3 to 9398\n", "webquery for uc009xjx.3\n", "webquery matched uc009xjx.3 to 653567\n", "webquery for uc009xjy.3\n", "webquery matched uc009xjy.3 to 653567\n", "webquery for uc009xop.2\n", "webquery matched uc009xop.2 to 8505\n", "webquery for uc009xyw.3\n", "webquery matched uc009xyw.3 to 57698\n", "webquery for uc009ynu.1\n", "webquery for uc009ype.3\n", "webquery matched uc009ype.3 to 84304\n", "webquery for uc009ysn.1\n", "webquery for uc009zpy.3\n", "webquery matched uc009zpy.3 to 115557\n", "webquery for uc010acr.3\n", "webquery matched uc010acr.3 to 3356\n", "webquery for uc010aiq.1\n", "webquery for uc010air.1\n", "webquery for uc010aiz.2\n", "webquery for uc010ajh.1\n", "webquery for uc010ajq.1\n", "webquery for uc010aki.1\n", "webquery for uc010axb.3\n", "webquery matched uc010axb.3 to 283638\n", "webquery for uc010brn.2\n", "webquery matched uc010brn.2 to 64718\n", "webquery for uc010cod.3\n", "webquery matched uc010cod.3 to 124739\n", "webquery for uc010crg.3\n", "webquery matched uc010crg.3 to 8844\n", "webquery for uc010cyj.3\n", "webquery matched uc010cyj.3 to 80347\n", "webquery for uc010dci.3\n", "webquery for uc010dck.1\n", "webquery for uc010dhs.3\n", "webquery matched uc010dhs.3 to 146713\n", "webquery for uc010dkh.3\n", "webquery matched uc010dkh.3 to 116\n", "webquery for uc010dur.1\n", "webquery for uc010enw.3\n", "webquery matched uc010enw.3 to 7376\n", "webquery for uc010fyv.3\n", "webquery matched uc010fyv.3 to 51540\n", "webquery for uc010gcf.3\n", "webquery for uc010gmp.3\n", "webquery matched uc010gmp.3 to 3753\n", "webquery for uc010heg.3\n", "webquery matched uc010heg.3 to 6533\n", "webquery for uc010hka.3\n", "webquery matched uc010hka.3 to 11277\n", "webquery for uc010hpr.3\n", "webquery matched uc010hpr.3 to 56987\n", "webquery for uc010jja.3\n", "webquery matched uc010jja.3 to 2554\n", "webquery for uc010jpa.3\n", "webquery matched uc010jpa.3 to 100113407\n", "webquery for uc010jqt.3\n", "webquery matched uc010jqt.3 to 387316\n", "webquery for uc010jwl.1\n", "webquery for uc010kxj.1\n", "webquery for uc010lnw.1\n", "webquery for uc010lnz.1\n", "webquery for uc010lol.1\n", "webquery for uc010luc.2\n", "webquery for uc010mhy.3\n", "webquery matched uc010mhy.3 to 8777\n", "webquery for uc010nhv.3\n", "webquery matched uc010nhv.3 to 2002\n", "webquery for uc010nuv.2\n", "webquery for uc010oir.2\n", "webquery for uc010oxm.1\n", "webquery matched uc010oxm.1 to 647135\n", "webquery for uc010peq.2\n", "webquery matched uc010peq.2 to 51043\n", "webquery for uc010pgo.1\n", "webquery for uc010pho.2\n", "webquery matched uc010pho.2 to 57127\n", "webquery for uc010pwb.2\n", "webquery matched uc010pwb.2 to 79605\n", "webquery for uc010qbd.2\n", "webquery matched uc010qbd.2 to 83860\n", "webquery for uc010qcq.1\n", "webquery for uc010qcr.1\n", "webquery for uc010qfa.1\n", "webquery for uc010qha.2\n", "webquery matched uc010qha.2 to 100287932\n", "webquery for uc010rbf.2\n", "webquery matched uc010rbf.2 to 341277\n", "webquery for uc010rve.2\n", "webquery for uc010rwf.1\n", "webquery matched uc010rwf.1 to 120376\n", "webquery for uc010smg.1\n", "webquery for uc010smi.1\n", "webquery for uc010snr.1\n", "webquery for uc010spd.1\n", "webquery matched uc010spd.1 to 9840\n", "webquery for uc010spo.2\n", "webquery matched uc010spo.2 to 403284\n", "webquery for uc010tmm.2\n", "webquery for uc010tmr.2\n", "webquery for uc010tsr.2\n", "webquery for uc010tvu.2\n", "webquery matched uc010tvu.2 to 85439\n", "webquery for uc010tyn.2\n", "webquery matched uc010tyn.2 to 256281\n", "webquery for uc010vjd.2\n", "webquery matched uc010vjd.2 to 8996\n", "webquery for uc010wgz.1\n", "webquery for uc010wji.2\n", "webquery matched uc010wji.2 to 146909\n", "webquery for uc010wrr.2\n", "webquery matched uc010wrr.2 to 347741\n", "webquery for uc010xbj.2\n", "webquery matched uc010xbj.2 to 284252\n", "webquery for uc010xcc.2\n", "webquery matched uc010xcc.2 to 10982\n", "webquery for uc010xhv.2\n", "webquery for uc010xmo.2\n", "webquery for uc010xyt.2\n", "webquery matched uc010xyt.2 to 84215\n", "webquery for uc010yii.1\n", "webquery for uc010yod.2\n", "webquery matched uc010yod.2 to 388946\n", "webquery for uc010yov.1\n", "webquery for uc010zxu.1\n", "webquery matched uc010zxu.1 to 128506\n", "webquery for uc011adj.2\n", "webquery matched uc011adj.2 to 337878\n", "webquery for uc011amu.2\n", "webquery matched uc011amu.2 to 4357\n", "webquery for uc011aqf.2\n", "webquery for uc011aqs.2\n", "webquery matched uc011aqs.2 to 26150\n", "webquery for uc011auw.1\n", "webquery matched uc011auw.1 to 9922\n", "webquery for uc011bgq.1\n", "webquery for uc011bgy.2\n", "webquery matched uc011bgy.2 to 2838\n", "webquery for uc011bmq.2\n", "webquery matched uc011bmq.2 to 5291\n", "webquery for uc011bof.2\n", "webquery matched uc011bof.2 to 401093\n", "webquery for uc011cqt.2\n", "webquery matched uc011cqt.2 to 3350\n", "webquery for uc011dfl.2\n", "webquery matched uc011dfl.2 to 51491\n", "webquery for uc011dnu.1\n", "webquery matched uc011dnu.1 to 4049\n", "webquery for uc011duc.2\n", "webquery matched uc011duc.2 to 340205\n", "webquery for uc011eci.2\n", "webquery matched uc011eci.2 to 134860\n", "webquery for uc011egm.1\n", "webquery matched uc011egm.1 to 441177\n", "webquery for uc011kqt.2\n", "webquery matched uc011kqt.2 to 100996928\n", "webquery for uc011kro.1\n", "webquery for uc011krr.1\n", "webquery for uc011krs.1\n", "webquery for uc011krx.2\n", "webquery for uc011kry.1\n", "webquery for uc011ksd.2\n", "webquery for uc011ksk.1\n", "webquery for uc011ksl.1\n", "webquery for uc011kvf.2\n", "webquery for uc011kzy.2\n", "webquery matched uc011kzy.2 to 137814\n", "webquery for uc011lct.2\n", "webquery for uc011lgn.2\n", "webquery matched uc011lgn.2 to 54704\n", "webquery for uc011loq.2\n", "webquery matched uc011loq.2 to 3590\n", "webquery for uc011lzk.2\n", "webquery matched uc011lzk.2 to 2844\n", "webquery for uc011may.1\n", "webquery matched uc011may.1 to 81605\n", "webquery for uc011mfg.1\n", "webquery matched uc011mfg.1 to 9719\n", "webquery for uc011mkc.2\n", "webquery matched uc011mkc.2 to 645090\n", "webquery for uc011mlp.2\n", "webquery matched uc011mlp.2 to 369\n", "webquery for uc011mmr.2\n", "webquery matched uc011mmr.2 to 90060\n", "webquery for uc021ohx.1\n", "webquery matched uc021ohx.1 to 644068\n", "webquery for uc021olr.1\n", "webquery matched uc021olr.1 to 81025\n", "webquery for uc021olw.1\n", "webquery matched uc021olw.1 to 23499\n", "webquery for uc021opb.1\n", "webquery for uc021osa.1\n", "webquery matched uc021osa.1 to 148281\n", "webquery for uc021pnx.1\n", "webquery matched uc021pnx.1 to 387640\n", "webquery for uc021ppl.1\n", "webquery for uc021pqa.1\n", "webquery matched uc021pqa.1 to 118461\n", "webquery for uc021prt.1\n", "webquery for uc021qct.1\n", "webquery for uc021qcy.1\n", "webquery for uc021qdd.1\n", "webquery for uc021qgl.1\n", "webquery for uc021qje.1\n", "webquery matched uc021qje.1 to 219525\n", "webquery for uc021qjl.1\n", "webquery for uc021qma.1\n", "webquery for uc021qrt.1\n", "webquery for uc021qtx.1\n", "webquery matched uc021qtx.1 to 4839\n", "webquery for uc021qvx.1\n", "webquery matched uc021qvx.1 to 89869\n", "webquery for uc021qzp.1\n", "webquery for uc021rcc.1\n", "webquery for uc021rcx.1\n", "webquery matched uc021rcx.1 to 7296\n", "webquery for uc021rms.1\n", "webquery matched uc021rms.1 to 55795\n", "webquery for uc021roz.1\n", "webquery for uc021rpa.1\n", "webquery for uc021rpg.1\n", "webquery for uc021rph.1\n", "webquery for uc021rpl.1\n", "webquery for uc021rpm.1\n", "webquery for uc021rpo.1\n", "webquery for uc021rpv.1\n", "webquery for uc021ruj.1\n", "webquery matched uc021ruj.1 to 441687\n", "webquery for uc021ruq.1\n", "webquery matched uc021ruq.1 to 2877\n", "webquery for uc021rvf.1\n", "webquery for uc021rwf.1\n", "webquery matched uc021rwf.1 to 399671\n", "webquery for uc021rwo.1\n", "webquery matched uc021rwo.1 to 283571\n", "webquery for uc021sbk.1\n", "webquery for uc021sic.1\n", "webquery matched uc021sic.1 to 1139\n", "webquery for uc021tjy.1\n", "webquery matched uc021tjy.1 to 51647\n", "webquery for uc021tpj.1\n", "webquery for uc021udd.1\n", "webquery matched uc021udd.1 to 85451\n", "webquery for uc021ufd.1\n", "webquery for uc021uie.1\n", "webquery matched uc021uie.1 to 29919\n", "webquery for uc021uip.1\n", "webquery matched uc021uip.1 to 51444\n", "webquery for uc021uml.1\n", "webquery matched uc021uml.1 to 399664\n", "webquery for uc021upq.1\n", "webquery matched uc021upq.1 to 8677\n", "webquery for uc021uqk.1\n", "webquery matched uc021uqk.1 to 23025\n", "webquery for uc021usn.1\n", "webquery matched uc021usn.1 to 2865\n", "webquery for uc021usq.1\n", "webquery for uc021utt.1\n", "webquery for uc021uys.1\n", "webquery for uc021vsr.1\n", "webquery for uc021vtn.1\n", "webquery for uc021vvg.1\n", "webquery matched uc021vvg.1 to 65062\n", "webquery for uc021way.1\n", "webquery for uc021xbn.1\n", "webquery matched uc021xbn.1 to 131544\n", "webquery for uc021xne.1\n", "webquery matched uc021xne.1 to 401124\n", "webquery for uc021xpz.1\n", "webquery matched uc021xpz.1 to 84992\n", "webquery for uc021yvy.1\n", "webquery for uc021yvz.1\n", "webquery matched uc021yvz.1 to 3119\n", "webquery for uc021yzr.1\n", "webquery matched uc021yzr.1 to 116138\n", "webquery for uc021zdd.1\n", "webquery matched uc021zdd.1 to 25957\n", "webquery for uc021zfz.1\n", "webquery matched uc021zfz.1 to 10370\n", "webquery for uc021zif.1\n", "webquery matched uc021zif.1 to 51660\n", "webquery for uc022aof.1\n", "webquery for uc022apt.1\n", "webquery for uc022bcm.1\n", "webquery for uc022bff.1\n", "webquery matched uc022bff.1 to 100129250\n", "webquery for uc022cce.1\n", "webquery for uc022cie.1\n", "webquery matched uc022cie.1 to 1527\n" ] } ], "source": [ "write_file = gzip.open('data/erc_mam33.tsv.gz', 'wb')\n", "text = io.TextIOWrapper(write_file, line_buffering = True)\n", "writer = csv.writer(text, delimiter='\\t')\n", "writer.writerow(['source_ucsc', 'source_entrez', 'target_ucsc', 'target_entrez', 'correlation'])\n", "erc_gen = read_erc_mat('download/erc_mam33.gz')\n", "for source_ucsc, target_ucsc, correlation in erc_gen:\n", " source_entrez = get_entrez(source_ucsc)\n", " target_entrez = get_entrez(target_ucsc)\n", " row = source_ucsc, source_entrez, target_ucsc, target_entrez, correlation\n", " writer.writerow(row)\n", "write_file.close()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.4.0" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0 }