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Information on the deceased
Date of BirthDate of Death
Birth date unknownEstimated age
Medical data
 Cause of deathTime from onset to deathUnderlying
1Disease or condition directly leading to deathImmediateA
Report chain of events in "due to" order (B - C - D) if applicable. State the underlying cause on the lowest used line, and tick the checkbox for "Underlying".Due toB
Due toC
Due toD
2Other significant conditions contributing to death (time intervals can be included in brackets after the condition)
Was surgery performed within the last 4 weeks?If yes, please specify date of surgery
If yes, please specify reason for surgery (disease or condition)
Was an autopsy requested?If yes, were the findings used in the certification?
Manner of death
Manner of death
If external cause or posisoning, date of injury
Please describe how external cause occurred (if poisoning, please specify poisoning agent)
Place of occurrence of the external cause
Specify place of occurence of the external cause
Fetal or infant death
Multiple pregnancy?Stillborn?
If death within 24hrs specify number of hours survived hoursBirth weight (in grams) grams
Number of completed weeks of pregnancy weeksAge of mother (in years) years
If death was perinatal, state conditions of mother that affected the fetus and newborn
Maternal death
For women, was the deceased pregnant within the past year?
If yes, time from pregnancy
Did the pregnancy contribute to the death?
Underlying cause of death
Age in years
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"id": "G2etdczofs2" }, "programRuleActionType": "ASSIGN", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "content": "Please validate completed weeks of pregancy", "created": "2016-06-29T14:49:50.589", "dataElement": { "id": "UUrqCmPloWO" }, "id": "og3F9WBg5kP", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "C4nCo0Dr3eh" }, "programRuleActionType": "SHOWWARNING", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "Fm6cUmmiY3d" }, "id": "PdHa6P6uzfA", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T13:10:34.027", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "qkW3pBfYxsR" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDESECTION", "programStageSection": { "id": "iy4w3fxytdw" } }, { "created": "2016-06-29T15:24:49.163", "dataElement": { "id": "pHvHXawQdzI" }, "id": "afjQZmNNOg3", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "AqbZqAKrkGF" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "content": "Information on sex is required. If sex is not know, select 'Unknown'.", "created": "2016-06-28T09:59:04.489", "id": "SxrGUksgcTT", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "PY165yysxMl" }, "programRuleActionType": "ERRORONCOMPLETE", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "jTpvdsQbfaT" }, "id": "nAAZ9552rlQ", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "FG8dIFT9RFt" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "PRtKZR83Sgc" }, "id": "pcbcxL7gi96", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "eDsupEpmMGH" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { 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"2018-09-24T12:07:04.542", "data": "''", "dataElement": { "id": "nf91S8RgCEB" }, "id": "jJom74Q9QXS", "lastUpdated": "2018-09-24T12:07:04.542", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "WSyS46Bx92i" }, "programRuleActionType": "ASSIGN" }, { "content": "Specifying a cause as freetext is only possible when [Not listed] is selected in the dropdown", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "doSQuLwznxE" }, "id": "p2aKXL2fO5q", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "jhP7qgFVhys" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "gSVdd4lqbFe" }, "id": "vtvJdrduCRi", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "eDsupEpmMGH" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { 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"2016-07-25T08:52:29.112", "dataElement": { "id": "YC3AioXWlfR" }, "id": "XQbmUN58xFX", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "YFpuwM3Cce8" }, "programRuleActionType": "SHOWERROR", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-21T09:53:00.452", "dataElement": { "id": "Fm6cUmmiY3d" }, "id": "fl3eNaECv81", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "vcB41YupPDU" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDESECTION", "programStageSection": { "id": "JCKvAAdzhdi" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "z6xqbLdqXzd" }, "id": "DbYE7t2wHJ6", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "uMry6zoBIGK" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": 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"2016-07-07T12:47:15.859", "data": "d2:split(#{CauseAcode}, '|', 0)", "dataElement": { "id": "tdt3CTgwnU3" }, "id": "IhtiVDs8T1w", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "yr32VgkgXEc" }, "programRuleActionType": "ASSIGN", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-07-12T11:19:34.229", "data": "d2:floor(#{EstAge}/12)", "dataElement": { "id": "Fm6cUmmiY3d" }, "id": "i5MJomPLSkb", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "HTFqQSCLVFn" }, "programRuleActionType": "ASSIGN", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "PRtKZR83Sgc" }, "id": "W1yR4SSTZOa", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "FG8dIFT9RFt" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { 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"2018-09-24T12:07:04.542", "data": "''", "dataElement": { "id": "tdt3CTgwnU3" }, "id": "t6YLaKBUzUR", "lastUpdated": "2018-09-24T12:07:04.542", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "WSyS46Bx92i" }, "programRuleActionType": "ASSIGN" }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "W2YJeu3JG8C" }, "id": "NE9dcS188nG", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "vcB41YupPDU" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "UUrqCmPloWO" }, "id": "eSdEkBMWvVt", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T13:10:34.027", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "qkW3pBfYxsR" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "IocYobI3K3H" }, "id": "FDpw5BgLr8r", 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"eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "T1OOW0a7E4U" }, "programRuleActionType": "ERRORONCOMPLETE", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-05-09T16:48:31.734", "dataElement": { "id": "Ni84dctuoiK" }, "id": "QgzwDO9oS1n", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "Vkyl88Kgs9c" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "content": "Diagnosis for cause C must be selected before it can be set as underlying cause", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "PRtKZR83Sgc" }, "id": "I7gdz1XF7m9", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "KkYSN9o0p8A" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "jTpvdsQbfaT" }, "id": "XdC2rS8ANV3", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "ccjyPQvbxen" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "Pdn0awI0bhm" }, "id": "ZlI8oX372yT", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "w0Gd3n7Mdjq" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "content": "Information on date of birth is required. Enter a date of birth, or select 'date or birth unknown' ", "created": "2016-06-28T09:56:47.092", "id": "UvBsYvKYMQR", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "chH2wZDORZz" }, "programRuleActionType": "ERRORONCOMPLETE", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "content": "Cause D is underlying cause was cleared because it requires a diagnosis for Cause D", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "IocYobI3K3H" }, "id": "ULfAxu1qN1P", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "ejvgAuW1ayN" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-21T09:52:23.951", "dataElement": { "id": "Fm6cUmmiY3d" }, "id": "RmhRiCNJpA4", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "eFfssKyBh7C" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDESECTION", "programStageSection": { "id": "CFeB6IpBmOg" } }, { "created": "2016-04-21T09:52:24.213", "dataElement": { "id": "Fm6cUmmiY3d" }, "id": "ICpiPwZ0AuF", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "eFfssKyBh7C" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDESECTION", "programStageSection": { "id": "iVAIAr54NE2" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "E6jCMHDEGpF" }, "id": "nt10urs1PpR", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T13:10:34.027", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "qkW3pBfYxsR" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-07-07T12:49:47.004", "data": "d2:split(#{CauseDcode}, '|', 0)", "dataElement": { "id": "jeK5z6acB3N" }, "id": "bZaQZVBXqNo", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "G2etdczofs2" }, "programRuleActionType": "ASSIGN", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2017-07-06T16:17:27.099", "data": "d2:split(#{CauseDcode}, '|', 1)", "dataElement": { "id": "nf91S8RgCEB" }, "id": "FvHF8KQVkfy", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "G2etdczofs2" }, "programRuleActionType": "ASSIGN", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "content": "Selecting an underlying cause is required.", "created": "2016-06-28T10:13:42.886", "id": "KcWmcSf6eg8", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "AnMYclRBVws" }, "programRuleActionType": "ERRORONCOMPLETE", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "fEnDOQZUB9V" }, "id": "cG6cWvjaOce", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "vcB41YupPDU" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "gSVdd4lqbFe" }, "id": "pDErNVzrS71", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "J6rXAhmS3Rm" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "content": "Please validate the reported age of mother", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "E6jCMHDEGpF" }, "id": "p7tLz5qGMU7", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "cG3WWyqSXDZ" }, "programRuleActionType": "SHOWWARNING", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "PRtKZR83Sgc" }, "id": "E5o3h7R4Sxc", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "vcB41YupPDU" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-21T09:52:24.465", "dataElement": { "id": "Fm6cUmmiY3d" }, "id": "kHo3xBfyX0x", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "eFfssKyBh7C" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDESECTION", "programStageSection": { "id": "JCKvAAdzhdi" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "IocYobI3K3H" }, "id": "ozisDRRoW4K", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "KkYSN9o0p8A" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "content": "Date or birth must be before or on date of death", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "UoL9vGPT0qF" }, "id": "G2MUbDaHcVc", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "XOPMS3uSBBp" }, "programRuleActionType": "SHOWERROR", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "NtO2qt0qeVa" }, "id": "tOl3TCYQNn3", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T13:10:56.812", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "YH1fRyqEJdP" }, "programRuleActionType": "HIDEFIELD", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } }, { "created": "2016-07-12T11:17:41.000", "data": "d2:yearsBetween(#{DoB},V{event_date})", "dataElement": { "id": "Fm6cUmmiY3d" }, "id": "bTBJqf2plne", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.640", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "programRule": { "id": "Lg8VWuMuO4i" }, "programRuleActionType": "ASSIGN", "programStageSection": { "id": "PgyHTnhayfO" } } ], "programRules": [ { "condition": "(d2:hasValue('DoB') && d2:daysBetween(#{DoB},V{event_date}) > 365) || ((d2:hasValue('EstAgePeriodType') && d2:hasValue('EstAge')) && (#{EstAgePeriodType} =='HOURS' && #{EstAge} > 8765 ) || (#{EstAgePeriodType} =='DAYS' && #{EstAge} > 365) || (#{EstAgePeriodType} == 'WEEKS' && #{EstAge} > 52) || (#{EstAgePeriodType} =='MONTHS' && #{EstAge} > 12) || (#{EstAgePeriodType} =='YEARS' && #{EstAge} > 0))", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Disable fetal and infant death section when age is > 1 year", "id": "qkW3pBfYxsR", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T13:10:34.035", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: age is > 1 year, disable fetal and infant section", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "lnzRTwWUFm4" }, { "id": "eSdEkBMWvVt" }, { "id": "OrtW0Qa90lE" }, { "id": "PdHa6P6uzfA" }, { "id": "OKdwuWLIYRh" }, { "id": "WHkuN1iXtNW" }, { "id": "nt10urs1PpR" }, { "id": "wMZwRZvTeRU" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver la section de mort fœtale et infantile lorsque l'âge est> 1 an (partie 1)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: l'âge est> 1 an, désactiver la section fœtale et infantile (partie 1)" } ] }, { "condition": "d2:hasValue('AgeYears') && #{AgeYears} > 120", "created": "2016-08-09T11:20:59.637", "description": "Prevent completing event if age is reported as over 120 years", "id": "qAuRaY5rW8t", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:07:45.929", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: age is > 120 years - invalid", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "iXvzpXs4w5R" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Empêcher de terminer l'événement si l'âge est déclaré comme étant supérieur à 120 ans" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: l'âge est> 120 ans - invalide" } ] }, { "condition": "(#{DoB} && V{event_date} && (d2:daysBetween(#{DoB},V{event_date}) > 1)) || (#{EstAgePeriodType} =='HOURS' && #{EstAge} > 24) || (#{EstAgePeriodType} != '' && #{EstAgePeriodType} !='HOURS' && #{EstAge} > 0)", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Age under 24 hrs not possible, disable 'hours newborn survived' as it is applicable only up to 24 hours", "id": "YH1fRyqEJdP", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T13:10:56.819", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: age is > 24 hours, disable 'hours newborn survived'", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "tOl3TCYQNn3" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "L'âge inférieur à 24 heures n'est pas possible, désactiver 'Heures de survie du nouveau-né' car il est applicable seulement jusqu'à 24 heures" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: l'âge est> 24 heures, désactiver 'Heures de survie du nouveau-né' (partie 1)" } ] }, { "condition": "#{DoB} != ''", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Disable 'date of birth is unknown' when date of birth is known", "id": "uMry6zoBIGK", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:07.563", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: birth date is known, disable 'date of birth is unknown'", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "DbYE7t2wHJ6" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver la date de naissance est inconnue lorsque la date de naissance est connue" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: la date de naissance est connue, désactiver 'date de naissance inconnue'" } ] }, { "condition": "!#{DoBunknown}", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Disable fields for entering estimated age if when 'date of birth unknown' is not true", "id": "tYKArvvf3UY", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:12.435", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: birth date is not unknown, disable fields for age estimate", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "DLqXOcMzSZH" }, { "id": "SuWkN0s8CpZ" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver les champs pour entrer l'âge estimé si 'date de naissance inconnue' n'est pas vrai" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: la date de naissance n'est pas inconnue, désactiver les champs pour l'estimation de l'âge" } ] }, { "condition": "#{DoBunknown} ", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Disable 'date of birth' when 'date of birth unknown' is true", "id": "HmRNiYJ5aOm", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:17.158", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: birth date is unknown, disable 'date of birth'", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "pywvZiFpXlb" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver la date de naissance lorsque la date de naissance est inconnue" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: la date de naissance est inconnue, désactiver la 'date de naissance'" } ] }, { "condition": "(d2:hasValue('EstAge') && !d2:hasValue('EstAgePeriodType')) || (!d2:hasValue('EstAge') && d2:hasValue('EstAgePeriodType'))", "created": "2016-08-09T10:41:45.323", "description": "Prevent completing event if age estimate information is partially filled", "id": "T1OOW0a7E4U", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:29.478", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: complete not allowed with partial age estimate", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "BqK6bLgOjJz" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Empêcher de terminer l'événement si l'information sur l'estimation de l'âge est partiellement remplie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: complet non autorisé avec estimation d'âge partielle" } ] }, { "condition": "#{DoB} == '' && !#{DoBunknown} ", "created": "2016-06-27T16:50:53.054", "description": "Prevent completing event if age information is missing", "id": "chH2wZDORZz", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:22.085", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: complete not allowed without age", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "UvBsYvKYMQR" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Empêcher de terminer l'événement si l'information sur l'âge est manquante" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: complet non admis sans âge" } ] }, { "condition": "!(d2:hasValue('DoB') || (d2:hasValue('EstAgePeriodType') && d2:hasValue('EstAge'))) && d2:hasValue('AgeYears')", "created": "2016-07-12T10:54:27.333", "description": "Disable age in years field unless we have date of birth or age estimate", "id": "VIBvLAQvJUS", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T12:31:33.359", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: date of birth or estimate not entered, disable age in years", "priority": 1, "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "MX6Tn1dXLqY" }, { "id": "aUQyxwAyrNQ" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver l'âge en années sauf si nous avons une date de naissance ou une estimation de l'âge" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: date de naissance ou estimation non entrée, désactiver l'âge en années" } ] }, { "condition": "#{DoB} != ''", "created": "2016-07-12T11:17:40.568", "description": "Fill the 'age in years' field based on date of birth and date of death", "id": "Lg8VWuMuO4i", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:36.653", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: set age in years from date of birth", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "bTBJqf2plne" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Remplissez le champ 'âge en années' en fonction de la date de naissance et de la date du décès" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: fixer l'âge en années à compter de la date de naissance" } ] }, { "condition": "#{EstAgePeriodType} == 'DAYS'", "created": "2016-07-12T11:18:14.407", "description": "Fill the 'age in years' field based on estimated age in days", "id": "tdVoVVrX1Hb", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:41.462", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: set age in years from estimate (days)", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "cFxH5eUqE78" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Remplissez le champ 'âge en années' en fonction de l'âge estimé en jours" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: définir l'âge en années à partir de l'estimation (jours)" } ] }, { "condition": "#{EstAgePeriodType} == 'HOURS'", "created": "2016-07-12T11:19:01.189", "description": "Fill the 'age in years' field based on estimated age in hours", "id": "pXyx9x5JpPE", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:46.199", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: set age in years from estimate (hours)", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "Y1Xfef92aTm" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Remplissez le champ 'âge en années' en fonction de l'âge estimé en heures" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: définir l'âge en années à partir de l'estimation (heures)" } ] }, { "condition": "#{EstAgePeriodType} == 'MONTHS'", "created": "2016-07-12T11:19:33.869", "description": "Fill the 'age in years' field based on estimated age in months", "id": "HTFqQSCLVFn", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:51.241", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: set age in years from estimate (months)", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "i5MJomPLSkb" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Remplissez le champ 'âge en années' en fonction de l'âge estimé en mois" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: définir l'âge en années à partir de l'estimation (mois)" } ] }, { "condition": "#{EstAgePeriodType} == 'WEEKS'", "created": "2016-07-12T11:20:09.279", "description": "Fill the 'age in years' field based on estimated age in weeks", "id": "v8c1WBJyDAC", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:08:56.284", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: set age in years from estimate (weeks)", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "EGF8xi0vfiL" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Remplissez le champ 'âge en années' en fonction de l'âge estimé en semaines" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: définir l'âge en années à partir de l'estimation (semaines)" } ] }, { "condition": "#{EstAgePeriodType} == 'YEARS'", "created": "2016-07-12T11:20:51.797", "description": "Fill the 'age in years' field based on estimated age in years", "id": "XcpxaM1pBhP", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:01.697", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: set age in years from estimate (years)", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "f6xTk3sCJBp" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Remplissez le champ 'âge en années' en fonction de l'âge estimé en années" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: définir l'âge en années à partir de l'estimation (années)" } ] }, { "condition": "#{DoB} != '' && V{event_date} != '' && d2:daysBetween(#{DoB}, V{event_date}) < 0", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Show error if date of birth is after date of death", "id": "XOPMS3uSBBp", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:06.541", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Age: validate 'date of birth' and 'date of death'", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "G2MUbDaHcVc" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Afficher l'erreur si la date de naissance est postérieure à la date du décès" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Âge: validez la 'date de naissance' et la 'date de décès'" } ] }, { "condition": "#{AutopsyRequested} != 'YES'", "created": "2016-05-10T09:54:19.429", "description": "Disable 'autopsy findings were used' field unless autopsy was requested", "id": "gsumK4Dj4pO", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:11.566", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Autopsy: disable 'finding was used' unless autopsy was requested", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "RGqdp3b6DU7" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver le champ 'Résultats de l'autopsie ont été utilisés' sauf si l'autopsie a été demandée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Autopsie: désactiver la recherche a été utilisée sauf si l'autopsie a été demandée" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseAcode} != '[NOT LISTED]'", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause A not in dictionary, show field to specify as freetext", "id": "r0wSQRV4TnD", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:30.986", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause A - specify", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "KHNKVfzQkYk" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause A pas dans le dictionnaire, afficher le champ à spécifier comme texte libre" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause A - précisez" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseAunderlying} && #{CauseAcode} != '' && #{CauseAcode} != '[NOT LISTED]'", "created": "2016-07-07T12:47:14.944", "description": "Assign the ICD-SMoL code for cause A as underlying cause", "id": "yr32VgkgXEc", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:16.342", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause A assign underlying code", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "BV30mE2iEAh" }, { "id": "tpE75phNoQa" }, { "id": "IhtiVDs8T1w" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Affecter le code ICD-SMoL pour cause A comme cause sous-jacente" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause A attribuer un code sous-jacent" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseAcode} == '' || (#{CauseAcode} == '[NOT LISTED]' && #{CauseAspecific} == '')", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause A diagnosis not set, disable cause B-D and fields for interval from onset and checkbox for underlying", "id": "eFfssKyBh7C", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:21.175", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause A diagnosis not set", "priority": 1, "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "vTprki8pzMh" }, { "id": "siCzbjKUZdn" }, { "id": "RAuoWHKBXpL" }, { "id": "bqHi5KT3VM8" }, { "id": "Yd8jrKs5UI9" }, { "id": "kHo3xBfyX0x" }, { "id": "Isvn2ZWYN9x" }, { "id": "FDpw5BgLr8r" }, { "id": "pveCdnKpaYx" }, { "id": "cmVfw7iBsOW" }, { "id": "RmhRiCNJpA4" }, { "id": "ICpiPwZ0AuF" }, { "id": "ENVd6tE7vZ1" }, { "id": "roOvnqEg9HN" }, { "id": "F4HL2LDwLsM" }, { "id": "Os0ncJqovFV" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause Un diagnostic non défini, désactiver cause B-D et les champs pour l'intervalle de début et la case à cocher pour sous-jacente" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause Un diagnostic non défini" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseAunderlying} ", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause A is underlying, disable underlying checkboxes for other causes", "id": "J6rXAhmS3Rm", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:25.880", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause A is underlying", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "pDErNVzrS71" }, { "id": "HnwrVLrgKLJ" }, { "id": "K5VSDyS6V03" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause A est sous-jacente, désactiver les cases à cocher sous-jacentes pour d'autres causes" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause A est sous-jacente" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseBcode} != '[NOT LISTED]'", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause B not in dictionary, show field to specify as freetext", "id": "YfbbFtm6EpS", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:50.320", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause B - specify", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "DmyAFA5OmcJ" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause B pas dans le dictionnaire, afficher le champ à spécifier comme texte libre" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause B - précisez" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseBunderlying} && #{CauseBcode} != '' && #{CauseBcode} != '[NOT LISTED]'", "created": "2016-07-07T12:47:37.101", "description": "Assign the ICD-SMoL code for cause B as underlying cause", "id": "ojV0iKQP2ri", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:35.859", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause B assign underlying code", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "fSbCc8vInev" }, { "id": "hFcdX1imZUH" }, { "id": "b3AbRLqpEpz" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Affectez le code ICD-SMoL pour cause B comme cause sous-jacente" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause B assigne le code sous-jacent" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseBcode} == '' || (#{CauseBcode} == '[NOT LISTED]' && #{CauseBspecific} == '')", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause B diagnosis not set, disable cause C and fields for interval from onset and checkbox for underlying", "id": "vcB41YupPDU", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:40.661", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause B diagnosis not set", "priority": 2, "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "WqD7saBYjRI" }, { "id": "fl3eNaECv81" }, { "id": "NE9dcS188nG" }, { "id": "pKYArtL584L" }, { "id": "K453yyNIMnX" }, { "id": "yeHAQJFhmaw" }, { "id": "qValeIK2NHM" }, { "id": "cG6cWvjaOce" }, { "id": "E5o3h7R4Sxc" }, { "id": "AZm6ZJuwk19" }, { "id": "PDOm1MX1Y5s" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause B diagnostic non défini, désactiver la cause C et les champs pour l'intervalle de début et la case à cocher pour le sous-jacent" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause B diagnostic non défini" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseBunderlying} ", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause B is underlying, disable underlying checkboxes for other causes", "id": "FG8dIFT9RFt", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:45.515", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause B is underlying", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "ZKXa67cuqk9" }, { "id": "nAAZ9552rlQ" }, { "id": "W1yR4SSTZOa" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause B est sous-jacente, désactiver les cases à cocher sous-jacentes pour d'autres causes" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause B est sous-jacente" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseCcode} != '[NOT LISTED]'", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause C not in dictionary, show field to specify as freetext", "id": "GrqlNyK1rgM", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:09.641", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause C - specify", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "DzrqjV164Gl" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause C pas dans le dictionnaire, afficher le champ à spécifier comme texte libre" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause C - précisez" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseCunderlying} && #{CauseCcode} != '' && #{CauseCcode} != '[NOT LISTED]'", "created": "2016-07-07T12:48:53.114", "description": "Assign the ICD-SMoL code for cause A as underlying cause", "id": "GsR67VuZVL5", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:09:55.141", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause C assign underlying code", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "pKUAcTGEGh1" }, { "id": "WY89NnrWrZD" }, { "id": "gQComLvUZY5" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Affecter le code ICD-SMoL pour cause A comme cause sous-jacente" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause C assigne le code sous-jacent" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseCcode} == '' || (#{CauseCcode} == '[NOT LISTED]' && #{CauseCspecific} == '')", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause C diagnosis not set, disable cause D and fields for interval from onset and checkbox for underlying", "id": "KkYSN9o0p8A", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:00.060", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause C diagnosis not set", "priority": 3, "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "I7gdz1XF7m9" }, { "id": "Uqy0C5orScU" }, { "id": "ozisDRRoW4K" }, { "id": "tAGSaAPK1Ka" }, { "id": "XFAzkxd1COk" }, { "id": "TmQdNGrgA7T" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause C diagnostic non défini, désactivation de la cause D et des champs pour l'intervalle de début et case à cocher pour le sous-jacent" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause C diagnostic non défini" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseCunderlying} ", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause C is underlying, disable underlying checkboxes for other causes", "id": "ccjyPQvbxen", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:04.825", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause C is underlying", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "XdC2rS8ANV3" }, { "id": "LApix1HoJhw" }, { "id": "cQWizEz3uEz" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause C est sous-jacente, désactiver les cases à cocher sous-jacentes pour d'autres causes" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause C est sous-jacente" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseDcode} != '[NOT LISTED]'", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause D not in dictionary, show field to specify as freetext", "id": "jhP7qgFVhys", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:29.080", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause D - specify", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "p2aKXL2fO5q" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause D pas dans le dictionnaire, afficher le champ à spécifier en tant que texte libre" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause D - précisez" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseDunderlying} && #{CauseDcode} != '' && #{CauseDcode} != '[NOT LISTED]'", "created": "2016-07-07T12:49:46.696", "description": "Assign the ICD-SMoL code for cause D as underlying cause", "id": "G2etdczofs2", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:14.465", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause D assign underlying code", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "bZaQZVBXqNo" }, { "id": "FvHF8KQVkfy" }, { "id": "TMArQ5XFMOr" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Affecter le code ICD-SMoL pour la cause D comme cause sous-jacente" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause D attribuer le code sous-jacent" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseDcode} == '' || (#{CauseDcode} == '[NOT LISTED]' && #{CauseDspecific} == '')", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause D diagnosis not set, disable fields for interval from onset and checkbox for underlying", "id": "ejvgAuW1ayN", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:19.261", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause D diagnosis not set", "priority": 4, "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "ULfAxu1qN1P" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Le diagnostic de cause D n'est pas défini, désactivez les champs pour l'intervalle de début et la case à cocher pour le sous-jacent" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause D diagnostic non défini" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CauseDunderlying} ", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Cause D is underlying, disable underlying checkboxes for other causes", "id": "eDsupEpmMGH", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:24.070", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: cause D is underlying", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "rP5Rtio2eIa" }, { "id": "pcbcxL7gi96" }, { "id": "vtvJdrduCRi" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cause D est sous-jacente, désactiver les cases à cocher sous-jacentes pour d'autres causes" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: cause D est sous-jacente" } ] }, { "condition": "(#{CauseAunderlying} && #{CauseAcode} == '[NOT LISTED]') || (#{CauseBunderlying} && #{CauseBcode} == '[NOT LISTED]') || (#{CauseCunderlying} && #{CauseCcode} == '[NOT LISTED]') || (#{CauseDunderlying} && #{CauseDcode} == '[NOT LISTED]')", "created": "2018-09-24T12:07:04.566", "description": "Clear assignment of underlying code if a \"[NOT LISTED]\" entry is selected", "id": "WSyS46Bx92i", "lastUpdated": "2018-09-24T12:07:04.566", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: clear underlying code if \"not listed\" selected", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "t6YLaKBUzUR" }, { "id": "hrnRO9FSsnj" }, { "id": "jJom74Q9QXS" } ], "translations": [] }, { "condition": "!#{CauseAunderlying} &&!#{CauseBunderlying} &&!#{CauseCunderlying} &&!#{CauseDunderlying} ", "created": "2016-06-28T10:13:42.355", "description": "Prevent completing event if no underlying cause is selected", "id": "AnMYclRBVws", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:36.301", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: complete not allowed without selecting underlying cause", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "KcWmcSf6eg8" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Empêcher la fin de l'événement si aucune cause sous-jacente n'est sélectionnée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: complet non autorisé sans sélection de cause sous-jacente" } ] }, { "condition": "!#{CauseAunderlying} && !#{CauseBunderlying} && !#{CauseCunderlying} && !#{CauseDunderlying} ", "created": "2017-07-06T16:23:57.351", "description": "Disable results fields for underlying cause if no underlying cause has been selected", "id": "gqrN07UQa4y", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:41.096", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Diagnosis: disable results fields for underlying cause when no cause is selected", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "REE6f0kChn1" }, { "id": "jlQLUr9WCIq" }, { "id": "H5Jt1QZ3yj9" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver les champs de résultats pour la cause sous-jacente si aucune cause sous-jacente n'a été sélectionnée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Diagnostic: désactive les champs de résultats pour une cause sous-jacente lorsqu'aucune cause n'est sélectionnée" } ] }, { "condition": "#{PlaceExternalCause} != 'OTHER'", "created": "2016-05-10T09:59:19.791", "description": "Disable 'specify place of external cause' unless place of external cause is 'Other' ", "id": "HcSgI4AAUDd", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:48.192", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "External cause: disable 'specify place' unless place is other", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "DLh8yZTZHWA" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver 'spécifier le lieu de la cause externe' à moins que le lieu de la cause externe soit 'Autre'" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cause externe: désactiver 'spécifier lieu' sauf si le lieu est autre" } ] }, { "condition": "#{MannerDeath} == 'DISEASE'", "created": "2016-06-29T15:24:47.522", "description": "Disable fields related to external causes if manner of death is disease", "id": "AqbZqAKrkGF", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:45.831", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "External cause: disable if manner of death is disease", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "KbiUuejt4Tu" }, { "id": "afjQZmNNOg3" }, { "id": "vGkdpp8i5h0" }, { "id": "mr3AVVhYzQU" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver les champs liés aux causes externes si la cause du décès est la maladie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cause externe: désactiver si la cause du décès est la maladie" } ] }, { "condition": "#{DateOfInjury} != '' && ((#{DoB} != '' && d2:daysBetween(#{DateOfInjury}, #{DoB}) > 0) || d2:daysBetween(V{event_date}, #{DateOfInjury}) > 0)", "created": "2016-07-25T08:52:28.927", "description": "Verify that date of injury is on or after date of birth and on or before date of death", "id": "YFpuwM3Cce8", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:10:52.977", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "External cause: verify date of injury", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "XQbmUN58xFX" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Vérifiez que la date de la blessure est sur ou après la date de naissance et à ou avant la date du décès" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cause externe: vérifier la date de la blessure" } ] }, { "condition": "#{Stillborn} == 'YES'", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Stillbirth, disable 'hours newborn survived' field", "id": "WxcB6FmsJte", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:11:00.249", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Infant and fetal: disable 'house newborn survived' if stillbirth", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "wTw4MxfXTG1" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mort-né, désactiver le champ 'Heures de survie du nouveau-né'" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nourrissons et fœtus: désactiver 'Heures de survie du nouveau-né' si mortinaissance" } ] }, { "condition": "#{AgeMother} > 0 && (#{AgeMother} < 8 || #{AgeMother} > 60)", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Show warning if age or mother in years is reported as < 8 or > 60 years", "id": "cG3WWyqSXDZ", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:11:02.677", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Infant and fetal: validate 'age of mother in years'", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "p7tLz5qGMU7" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Afficher un avertissement si l'âge ou la mère en années est <8 ou> 60 ans" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Infantile et fœtale: valider 'l'âge de la mère en années'" } ] }, { "condition": "#{BirthWeight} > 0 && (#{BirthWeight} <100 || #{BirthWeight} > 10000)", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Show warning if birth weight (in grams) is reported as < 100 or > 10000", "id": "A7zEjigpgqc", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:11:07.605", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Infant and fetal: validate 'birth weight'", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "LMhKfthVwD0" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Afficher un avertissement si le poids à la naissance (en grammes) est indiqué comme <100 ou> 10000" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Infantile et fœtale: validez le 'poids à la naissance'" } ] }, { "condition": "#{CompletedPregnancyWeeks} > 0 && (#{CompletedPregnancyWeeks} <10 || #{CompletedPregnancyWeeks} > 45)", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Show warning if completed weeks of pregnancy is reported as < 10 or > 45", "id": "C4nCo0Dr3eh", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:11:12.413", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Infant and fetal: validate 'completed weeks of pregnancy'", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "og3F9WBg5kP" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Afficher un avertissement si les semaines de grossesse terminées sont <10 ou> 45" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Infantile et fœtale: valider les 'semaines complètes de grossesse'" } ] }, { "condition": "#{HoursSurvived} > 24", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Show error if value for 'hours newborn survived' is more than 24", "id": "iZhUkMJJ3Q7", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:11:17.218", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Infant and fetal: validate 'hours newborn survived'", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "PiD6VnUkEXy" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Afficher l'erreur si la valeur de 'Heures de survie du nouveau-né' est supérieure à 24" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Infantile et fœtale: valider 'Heures de survie du nouveau-né'" } ] }, { "condition": "#{WasPregnant} != 'YES'", "created": "2017-07-06T15:59:03.899", "description": "Disable pregnancy fields unless woman has been pregnant within the past year ", "id": "JzQdMXRQVIR", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T11:15:41.272", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Maternal: pregnancy fields only if pregnant", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "WbBIfAAQJPk" }, { "id": "hJH9vvTCOjy" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver 'Temps de grossesse' sauf si une femme a été enceinte au cours de l'année écoulée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Maternelle: temps de grossesse seulement si enceinte" } ] }, { "condition": "#{WasPregnant} == 'YES' && ((d2:hasValue('DoB') && (d2:yearsBetween(#{DoB},V{event_date}) < 8 || d2:yearsBetween(#{DoB},V{event_date}) > 60)) || (!d2:hasValue('DoB') && ((d2:hasValue('EstAgePeriodType') && #{EstAgePeriodType} !='YEARS') || (#{EstAgePeriodType} =='YEARS' && #{EstAge} < 8) || (#{EstAgePeriodType} =='YEARS' && #{EstAge} > 60))))", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Show warning if age of pregnant women in years is < 8 or > 60 years", "id": "fioIBBs3Zs8", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T13:11:44.350", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Maternal: validate age of pregnant mother", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "qOYtOvxNPUP" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Afficher un avertissement si l'âge des femmes enceintes est <8 ou> 60 ans" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Maternelle: valider l'âge de la femme enceinte (partie 1)" } ] }, { "condition": "#{Sex} == ''", "created": "2016-06-28T09:59:03.971", "description": "Prevent completing event if sex information is missing", "id": "PY165yysxMl", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:11:39.193", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Sex: complete not allowed without sex", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "SxrGUksgcTT" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Empêcher de terminer l'événement s'il manque des informations sur le sexe" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Sexe: complet non autorisé sans sexe" } ] }, { "condition": "#{Sex} != 'FEMALE'", "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "description": "Sex is not female, disable maternal death fields disabled", "id": "w0Gd3n7Mdjq", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:11:41.553", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Sex: not female, disable maternal section", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "osLrMabe6QD" }, { "id": "ZlI8oX372yT" }, { "id": "ugOyMop6mkz" }, { "id": "BMLybbcIVFq" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Le sexe n'est pas féminin, désactiver les champs de la mort maternelle désactivé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Sexe: pas féminin, désactiver la section maternelle" } ] }, { "condition": "#{SurgeryPerformed} != 'YES'", "created": "2016-05-09T16:48:30.911", "description": "Disable date of surgery and reason for surgery fields unless surgery has been performed", "id": "Vkyl88Kgs9c", "lastUpdated": "2018-03-22T12:11:48.947", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Surgery: surgery is not confirmed, disable detailed surgery fields ", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "QgzwDO9oS1n" }, { "id": "db43rKp7EF3" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Désactiver la date de la chirurgie et la raison des champs opératoires sauf si la chirurgie a été effectuée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Chirurgie: la chirurgie n'est pas confirmée, désactiver les champs de chirurgie détaillée" } ] }, { "condition": "d2:hasValue('DateOfSurgery') && (d2:daysBetween(#{DateOfSurgery},V{event_date}) > 28 || d2:daysBetween(#{DateOfSurgery},V{event_date}) < 0)", "created": "2016-07-07T11:46:56.717", "description": "Show error if date of surgery is more than 4 weeks before date of death", "id": "jjGuMNkgHbM", "lastUpdated": "2018-04-06T11:39:07.290", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Surgery: validate 'date of surgery'", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "BKUikNgTlHx" } ], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Afficher l'erreur si la date de la chirurgie est plus de 4 semaines avant la date du décès" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Chirurgie: valider la 'date de la chirurgie'" } ] } ], "programRuleVariables": [ { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "E6jCMHDEGpF" }, "id": "FSo6AvaL9Ql", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "AgeMother", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2017-01-04T13:39:22.984", "dataElement": { "id": "Fm6cUmmiY3d" }, "id": "mjI7LNnBjL5", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "AgeYears", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_CURRENT_EVENT", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-05-10T09:55:33.966", "dataElement": { "id": "YUcJrLWmGyv" }, "id": "tpeCBG1eAki", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "AutopsyRequested", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": true }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "cDHBbG4cAHU" }, "id": "yxzaM2w87cT", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "BirthWeight", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-06-27T14:29:00.089", "dataElement": { "id": "CHYn3Y8YUjK" }, "id": "pNidNB6zA86", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseAcode", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_CURRENT_EVENT", "useCodeForOptionSet": true }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "RLPSwlZI8ll" }, "id": "Ikc0nVl7tZl", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseAspecific", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "jTpvdsQbfaT" }, "id": "OVLxZvlNWjD", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseAunderlying", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-06-27T14:29:00.676", "dataElement": { "id": "Xrt5RLiE5N8" }, "id": "rmnUp7RhJ3w", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseBcode", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_CURRENT_EVENT", "useCodeForOptionSet": true }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "EJRqgkUWbtq" }, "id": "NJb9DkesCVG", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseBspecific", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "gSVdd4lqbFe" }, "id": "wmQdfAXu9rA", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseBunderlying", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-06-27T14:29:01.244", "dataElement": { "id": "uvIEH3s4W8h" }, "id": "pv6ICLuTPSq", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseCcode", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_CURRENT_EVENT", "useCodeForOptionSet": true }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "I672Kv6Leb6" }, "id": "KuK6sDwktQR", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseCspecific", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "PRtKZR83Sgc" }, "id": "v8dx7RQHJqS", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseCunderlying", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-06-27T14:29:01.786", "dataElement": { "id": "GG9lRn8z4P0" }, "id": "yaPKthWmvDu", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseDcode", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_CURRENT_EVENT", "useCodeForOptionSet": true }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "doSQuLwznxE" }, "id": "aw364UZS6WH", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseDspecific", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "IocYobI3K3H" }, "id": "CE1dup6wwa3", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CauseDunderlying", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-04-20T18:39:07.000", "dataElement": { "id": "UUrqCmPloWO" }, "id": "Gxl7Dx1Isx8", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CompletedPregnancyWeeks", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_NEWEST_EVENT_PROGRAM", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2017-01-04T13:39:24.796", "dataElement": { "id": "YC3AioXWlfR" }, "id": "MzkF7UCGV8u", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-17T11:58:32.500", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "DateOfInjury", "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, "programRuleVariableSourceType": "DATAELEMENT_CURRENT_EVENT", "useCodeForOptionSet": false }, { "created": "2016-07-07T11:47:29.515", "dataElement": { "id": "dbXDFWZtlrh" }, "id": "q5mftRzBVVe", "lastUpdated": 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"2016-05-09T15:22:43.495", "dataElements": [ { "id": "YC3AioXWlfR" }, { "id": "AbSABtFkjxr" }, { "id": "pHvHXawQdzI" }, { "id": "uohUQpjhWSt" } ], "id": "n3cVqR9TRn5", "lastUpdated": "2018-08-28T09:54:14.130", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "External cause or poisoning", "programIndicators": [], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "sortOrder": 9, "translations": [] }, { "created": "2016-04-13T12:29:08.028", "dataElements": [ { "id": "SnSeql5YI9s" }, { "id": "XvfpVOXCZvb" }, { "id": "NtO2qt0qeVa" }, { "id": "cDHBbG4cAHU" }, { "id": "UUrqCmPloWO" }, { "id": "E6jCMHDEGpF" }, { "id": "wzaw1u6RK2R" } ], "id": "iy4w3fxytdw", "lastUpdated": "2018-08-28T09:54:14.130", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Fetal or infant death", "programIndicators": [], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "sortOrder": 10, "translations": [] }, { "created": "2016-04-13T12:28:01.583", "dataElements": [ { "id": "cgYpqCgnVF2" }, { "id": "UoL9vGPT0qF" }, { "id": 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"translations": [] }, { "created": "2016-04-13T12:30:21.089", "dataElements": [ { "id": "jeK5z6acB3N" }, { "id": "tdt3CTgwnU3" }, { "id": "nf91S8RgCEB" } ], "id": "N8g7AoKDxKD", "lastUpdated": "2018-08-28T09:54:14.130", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Results", "programIndicators": [], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "sortOrder": 12, "translations": [] }, { "created": "2016-05-09T15:22:26.358", "dataElements": [ { "id": "w8aO6bZlsok" }, { "id": "dbXDFWZtlrh" }, { "id": "Ni84dctuoiK" } ], "id": "M6BLlQgBQ29", "lastUpdated": "2018-08-28T09:54:14.130", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "Surgery", "programIndicators": [], "programStage": { "id": "mjnjkIyjsUj" }, "sortOrder": 6, "translations": [] } ], "programTrackedEntityAttributes": [ { "allowFutureDate": false, "created": "2018-01-17T13:42:59.051", "displayInList": true, "id": "FZKeQO87uBL", "lastUpdated": "2018-06-11T18:21:19.175", "mandatory": true, "program": { "id": "fOKN0TJ7Lmi" }, 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\nStart date: End date: \n

Verification report on cause of death data

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analytics_event_2017_fOKN0TJ7Lmi.\"nf91S8RgCEB\" AS code,\r\n analytics_event_2017_fOKN0TJ7Lmi.\"Fm6cUmmiY3d\" AS age,\r\n analytics_event_2017_fOKN0TJ7Lmi.\"cgYpqCgnVF2\" AS sex\r\n FROM analytics_event_2017_fOKN0TJ7Lmi\r\n ), codes AS (\r\n SELECT anacodsource.code,\r\n anacodsource.sex\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (anacodsource.code IS NOT NULL)\r\n GROUP BY anacodsource.code, anacodsource.sex\r\n ORDER BY anacodsource.code\r\n ), sexes AS (\r\n SELECT anacodsource.sex\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n GROUP BY anacodsource.sex\r\n ORDER BY anacodsource.sex DESC\r\n )\r\n SELECT 'AAA'::text AS code,\r\n CASE\r\n WHEN (sexes.sex = 'MALE'::text) THEN 1\r\n WHEN (sexes.sex = 'FEMALE'::text) THEN 2\r\n ELSE 9\r\n END AS sex,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex)) AS \"all\",\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age = (0)::double precision))) AS age_0,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (1)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (4)::double precision))) AS age_1_4,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (5)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (9)::double precision))) AS age_5_9,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (10)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (14)::double precision))) AS age_10_14,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (15)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (19)::double precision))) AS age_15_19,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (20)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (24)::double precision))) AS age_20_24,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (25)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (29)::double precision))) AS age_25_29,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (30)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (34)::double precision))) AS age_30_34,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (35)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (39)::double precision))) AS age_35_39,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (40)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (44)::double precision))) AS age_40_44,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (45)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (49)::double precision))) AS age_45_49,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (50)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (54)::double precision))) AS age_50_54,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (55)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (59)::double precision))) AS age_55_59,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (60)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (64)::double precision))) AS age_60_64,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (65)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (69)::double precision))) AS age_65_69,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (70)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (74)::double precision))) AS age_70_74,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (75)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (79)::double precision))) AS age_75_79,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (80)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (84)::double precision))) AS age_80_84,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (85)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (89)::double precision))) AS age_85_89,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (90)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (94)::double precision))) AS age_90_94,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (95)::double precision))) AS age_95plus,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age IS NULL))) AS age_unknown\r\n FROM sexes\r\nUNION ALL\r\n SELECT codes.code,\r\n CASE\r\n WHEN (codes.sex = 'MALE'::text) THEN 1\r\n WHEN (codes.sex = 'FEMALE'::text) THEN 2\r\n ELSE 9\r\n END AS sex,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex))) AS \"all\",\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age = (0)::double precision))) AS age_0,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (1)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (4)::double precision))) AS age_1_4,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (5)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (9)::double precision))) AS age_5_9,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (10)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (14)::double precision))) AS age_10_14,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (15)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (19)::double precision))) AS age_15_19,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (20)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (24)::double precision))) AS age_20_24,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (25)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (29)::double precision))) AS age_25_29,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (30)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (34)::double precision))) AS age_30_34,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (35)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (39)::double precision))) AS age_35_39,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (40)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (44)::double precision))) AS age_40_44,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (45)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (49)::double precision))) AS age_45_49,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (50)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (54)::double precision))) AS age_50_54,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (55)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (59)::double precision))) AS age_55_59,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (60)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (64)::double precision))) AS age_60_64,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (65)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (69)::double precision))) AS age_65_69,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (70)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (74)::double precision))) AS age_70_74,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (75)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (79)::double precision))) AS age_75_79,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (80)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (84)::double precision))) AS age_80_84,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (85)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (89)::double precision))) AS age_85_89,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (90)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (94)::double precision))) AS age_90_94,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (95)::double precision))) AS age_95plus,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age IS NULL))) AS age_unknown\r\n FROM codes;", "type": "VIEW", "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "GCI348yKvGT", "userGroupUid": "GCI348yKvGT" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "OaBG9GmS9Rx", "userGroupUid": "OaBG9GmS9Rx" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "cacheStrategy": "RESPECT_SYSTEM_SETTING", "created": "2018-01-23T09:51:42.728", "externalAccess": false, "id": "KdIAkgUzCv7", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-23T10:13:14.822", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CoD: Anacod export 2018", "publicAccess": "--------", "sqlQuery": "WITH anacodsource AS (\r\n SELECT analytics_event_2018_fOKN0TJ7Lmi.yearly AS age_ear,\r\n analytics_event_2018_fOKN0TJ7Lmi.\"nf91S8RgCEB\" AS code,\r\n analytics_event_2018_fOKN0TJ7Lmi.\"Fm6cUmmiY3d\" AS age,\r\n analytics_event_2018_fOKN0TJ7Lmi.\"cgYpqCgnVF2\" AS sex\r\n FROM analytics_event_2018_fOKN0TJ7Lmi\r\n ), codes AS (\r\n SELECT anacodsource.code,\r\n anacodsource.sex\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (anacodsource.code IS NOT NULL)\r\n GROUP BY anacodsource.code, anacodsource.sex\r\n ORDER BY anacodsource.code\r\n ), sexes AS (\r\n SELECT anacodsource.sex\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n GROUP BY anacodsource.sex\r\n ORDER BY anacodsource.sex DESC\r\n )\r\n SELECT 'AAA'::text AS code,\r\n CASE\r\n WHEN (sexes.sex = 'MALE'::text) THEN 1\r\n WHEN (sexes.sex = 'FEMALE'::text) THEN 2\r\n ELSE 9\r\n END AS sex,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex)) AS \"all\",\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age = (0)::double precision))) AS age_0,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (1)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (4)::double precision))) AS age_1_4,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (5)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (9)::double precision))) AS age_5_9,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (10)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (14)::double precision))) AS age_10_14,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (15)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (19)::double precision))) AS age_15_19,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (20)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (24)::double precision))) AS age_20_24,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (25)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (29)::double precision))) AS age_25_29,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (30)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (34)::double precision))) AS age_30_34,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (35)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (39)::double precision))) AS age_35_39,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (40)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (44)::double precision))) AS age_40_44,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (45)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (49)::double precision))) AS age_45_49,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (50)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (54)::double precision))) AS age_50_54,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (55)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (59)::double precision))) AS age_55_59,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (60)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (64)::double precision))) AS age_60_64,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (65)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (69)::double precision))) AS age_65_69,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (70)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (74)::double precision))) AS age_70_74,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (75)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (79)::double precision))) AS age_75_79,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (80)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (84)::double precision))) AS age_80_84,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (85)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (89)::double precision))) AS age_85_89,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (90)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (94)::double precision))) AS age_90_94,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age >= (95)::double precision))) AS age_95plus,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((anacodsource.sex = sexes.sex) AND (anacodsource.age IS NULL))) AS age_unknown\r\n FROM sexes\r\nUNION ALL\r\n SELECT codes.code,\r\n CASE\r\n WHEN (codes.sex = 'MALE'::text) THEN 1\r\n WHEN (codes.sex = 'FEMALE'::text) THEN 2\r\n ELSE 9\r\n END AS sex,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex))) AS \"all\",\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age = (0)::double precision))) AS age_0,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (1)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (4)::double precision))) AS age_1_4,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (5)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (9)::double precision))) AS age_5_9,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (10)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (14)::double precision))) AS age_10_14,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (15)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (19)::double precision))) AS age_15_19,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (20)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (24)::double precision))) AS age_20_24,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (25)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (29)::double precision))) AS age_25_29,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (30)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (34)::double precision))) AS age_30_34,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (35)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (39)::double precision))) AS age_35_39,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (40)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (44)::double precision))) AS age_40_44,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (45)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (49)::double precision))) AS age_45_49,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (50)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (54)::double precision))) AS age_50_54,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (55)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (59)::double precision))) AS age_55_59,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (60)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (64)::double precision))) AS age_60_64,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (65)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (69)::double precision))) AS age_65_69,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (70)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (74)::double precision))) AS age_70_74,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (75)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (79)::double precision))) AS age_75_79,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (80)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (84)::double precision))) AS age_80_84,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (85)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (89)::double precision))) AS age_85_89,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE ((((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (90)::double precision)) AND (anacodsource.age <= (94)::double precision))) AS age_90_94,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age >= (95)::double precision))) AS age_95plus,\r\n ( SELECT count(*) AS count\r\n FROM anacodsource\r\n WHERE (((anacodsource.code = codes.code) AND (anacodsource.sex = codes.sex)) AND (anacodsource.age IS NULL))) AS age_unknown\r\n FROM codes;", "type": "VIEW", "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "GCI348yKvGT", "userGroupUid": "GCI348yKvGT" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "OaBG9GmS9Rx", "userGroupUid": "OaBG9GmS9Rx" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "cacheStrategy": "NO_CACHE", "created": "2016-04-15T13:51:02.834", "description": "Lists entries in the dictionary where the ICD-SMoL code referenced is used both at the main- and sub-catogory level at the same time. This might lead to double counting when doing analysis.", "externalAccess": false, "id": "Siuqk0lMzC7", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-25T08:07:32.321", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CoD: Dictionary entries mixing main- and sub-categories", "publicAccess": "--------", "sqlQuery": "select \r\n\toptsub.name,\r\n\toptsub.code\r\nfrom \r\n\toptionvalue optsub\r\nleft join\r\n\toptionvalue optmain on \r\n\tsplit_part(optsub.code, '.', 1) = split_part(optmain.code, '|', 1)\r\n\r\nwhere \r\n\toptsub.optionsetid = (select optionsetid from optionset where code = 'ICD_SMOL_DICTIONARY') and \r\n\toptsub.code like '%.%|%|%' and\r\n\toptmain.optionsetid = (select optionsetid from optionset where code = 'ICD_SMOL_DICTIONARY') and \r\n\toptmain.code not like '%.%|%|%'\r\ngroup by\r\n\toptsub.name,\r\n\toptsub.code\r\nunion all\r\nselect \r\n\toptmain.name,\r\n\toptmain.code\r\nfrom \r\n\toptionvalue optsub\r\nleft join\r\n\toptionvalue optmain on \r\n\tsplit_part(optsub.code, '.', 1) = split_part(optmain.code, '|', 1)\r\n\r\nwhere \r\n\toptsub.optionsetid = (select optionsetid from optionset where code = 'ICD_SMOL_DICTIONARY') and \r\n\toptsub.code like '%.%|%|%' and\r\n\toptmain.optionsetid = (select optionsetid from optionset where code = 'ICD_SMOL_DICTIONARY') and \r\n\toptmain.code not like '%.%|%|%'\r\ngroup by\r\n\toptmain.name,\r\n\toptmain.code;", "type": "VIEW", "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "GCI348yKvGT", "userGroupUid": "GCI348yKvGT" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "OaBG9GmS9Rx", "userGroupUid": "OaBG9GmS9Rx" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "cacheStrategy": "RESPECT_SYSTEM_SETTING", "created": "2016-04-18T15:30:31.272", "description": "Dictionary entries that do not follow the standard format of ICD-SMoL|ICD10|INDEX", "externalAccess": false, "id": "dS3uFpYtlss", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-25T08:07:32.323", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CoD: Dictionary entries with invalid code format", "publicAccess": "--------", "sqlQuery": "select \r\n\tname,code \r\nfrom \r\n\toptionvalue \r\nwhere \r\n\toptionsetid in (select optionsetid from optionset where code = 'ICD_SMOL_DICTIONARY') and\r\n\tcode != '[NOT LISTED]' and \r\n\tcode not like '%|%|%'\r\norder by sort_order;", "type": "VIEW", "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "GCI348yKvGT", "userGroupUid": "GCI348yKvGT" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "OaBG9GmS9Rx", "userGroupUid": "OaBG9GmS9Rx" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "cacheStrategy": "NO_CACHE", "created": "2016-04-18T15:39:15.122", "description": "Dictionary entries where the ICD-SMoL code does not refer to an entry in the ICD-SMoL list.", "externalAccess": false, "id": "nWsSOLLJPjG", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-25T08:07:32.323", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CoD: Dictionary entries with invalid ICD-SMoL reference", "publicAccess": "--------", "sqlQuery": "select \r\n\tname,\r\n\tcode, \r\n\tsplit_part(code, '|', 1) as icd_smol\r\nfrom \r\n\toptionvalue \r\nwhere \r\n\toptionsetid in (select optionsetid from optionset where code = 'ICD_SMOL_DICTIONARY') and\r\n\tsplit_part(code, '|', 1) not in (select code from optionvalue where optionsetid in (select optionsetid from optionset where code = 'ICD_SMOL')) and\r\n\tcode != '[NOT LISTED]'\r\norder by icd_smol;", "type": "VIEW", "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "GCI348yKvGT", "userGroupUid": "GCI348yKvGT" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "OaBG9GmS9Rx", "userGroupUid": "OaBG9GmS9Rx" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "cacheStrategy": "NO_CACHE", "created": "2016-04-15T13:27:03.155", "description": "Terms from the Cause of Death dictionary with ICD codes, for use with IRIS coding software.", "externalAccess": false, "id": "DNveLCRg2zU", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-25T08:07:32.323", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CoD: Dictionary terms with ICD (for IRIS)", "publicAccess": "--------", "sqlQuery": "select name,icd[2] from (\r\n select name,regexp_split_to_array(code, '\\|') as icd from optionvalue where optionsetid = \r\n\t(select optionsetid from optionset where code = 'ICD_SMOL_DICTIONARY') order by sort_order\r\n) tb;", "type": "VIEW", "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "GCI348yKvGT", "userGroupUid": "GCI348yKvGT" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "OaBG9GmS9Rx", "userGroupUid": "OaBG9GmS9Rx" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "cacheStrategy": "NO_CACHE", "created": "2016-04-15T13:33:05.469", "description": "Lists the next index number to be used when adding new entries to the dictionary.", "externalAccess": false, "id": "ekC6LY25qMk", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-25T08:07:32.323", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CoD: Next dictionary index number", "publicAccess": "--------", "sqlQuery": "select \r\n\tleft(split_part(code, '|', 3), length(split_part(code, '|', 3)) - 5) as termtype,\r\n\tlpad((1+max(right(split_part(code, '|', 3), 5)::int))::text, 5, '0') as nextvalue\r\nfrom \r\n\toptionvalue \r\nwhere \r\n\toptionsetid = (select optionsetid from optionset where code = 'ICD_SMOL_DICTIONARY') and\r\n\tcode like '5%|%|%' and\r\n left(split_part(code, '|', 3), length(split_part(code, '|', 3)) - 5) != 'INT'\r\ngroup by termtype;", "type": "QUERY", "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "GCI348yKvGT", "userGroupUid": "GCI348yKvGT" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "OaBG9GmS9Rx", "userGroupUid": "OaBG9GmS9Rx" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "cacheStrategy": "NO_CACHE", "created": "2016-04-18T15:23:21.182", "description": "Terms not found in the dictionary of diagnosis.", "externalAccess": false, "id": "ZVl5kudO8Vt", "lastUpdated": "2018-01-25T08:07:32.323", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "name": "CoD: Terms not found in dictionary", "publicAccess": "--------", "sqlQuery": "select upper(value) as term, count(*) as count from trackedentitydatavalue where dataelementid in (select dataelementid from dataelement where uid in ('RLPSwlZI8ll', 'EJRqgkUWbtq', 'I672Kv6Leb6', 'doSQuLwznxE')) group by value order by count desc;", "type": "VIEW", "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "GCI348yKvGT", "userGroupUid": "GCI348yKvGT" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "OaBG9GmS9Rx", "userGroupUid": "OaBG9GmS9Rx" } ] } ], "trackedEntityAttributes": [ { "aggregationType": "NONE", "attributeValues": [], "confidential": false, "created": "2016-05-04T21:47:48.240", "description": "System Case ID", "displayInListNoProgram": false, "displayOnVisitSchedule": false, "generated": true, "id": "flGbXLXCrEo", "inherit": false, "lastUpdated": "2018-06-11T15:17:05.348", "lastUpdatedBy": { "id": "eRSXu5h8eDN" }, "legendSets": [], "name": "System Case ID", "orgunitScope": false, "pattern": "RANDOM(XXX######)", "programScope": false, "publicAccess": "--------", "shortName": 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