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Se não for administrado ao nascimento, pode ser administrado assim que possível." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "L'hépatite B (Hep B) protège contre une infection virale qui attaque le foie. 1 dose monovalente. Administré à la naissance. Si elle n'est pas administrée à la naissance, elle peut être administrée le plus tôt possible après la naissance. " }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Hepatitida B 1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Hep B (Hepatitida B) chrání před virovou infekcí, která napadá játra. 1 monovalentní dávka. Dáno při narození. Pokud není podána při narození, lze ji podat co nejdříve po narození." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Hepatite B 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Hepatite B 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Hepatite B 1" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "NONE", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Hep B (Hepatitis B). 3 doses. 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IPV lze podávat společně s dávkou bOPV." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "IPV 1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "VPI1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "IPV 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "O IPV (poliovírus inativado) protege contra o polo, que é uma doença viral altamente infecciosa que pode causar paralisia irreversível. A dose de IPV 1 deve ser administrada às 14 semanas de idade ou mais tarde. A IPV pode ser administrada juntamente com uma dose de bOPV." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Le VPI (poliovirus inactivé) protège contre la poliomyélite qui est une maladie virale hautement contagieuse, qui peut causer une paralysie irréversible. la dose de VPI1 peut être donné à 14 semaines d'âge ou plutard. Le VPI peut être donné ensemble avec la dose de BVPO." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "IPV 1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "IPV 1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "VPI1" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "NONE", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "dimensionItem": "NxVIX3mIhGt", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "IPV 2", "id": "NxVIX3mIhGt", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - 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This vaccine is contraindicated after a severe allergic reaction (e.g. anaphylaxis) to a previous dose. If the child is showing symptoms of severe immunosuppression, postpone vaccination until stabilized with ART treatment.\n\nSUPPLEMENTARY DOSE IF MEASLES OUTBREAK.", "dimensionItem": "VNWRJ6J4WSc", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Measles 0 (Supplementary Dose)", "id": "VNWRJ6J4WSc", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - Measles 0", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Measles 0", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Spalničky. 2 dávky. Doporučený harmonogram 9-12 měsíců a 15-18 měsíců; Minimální interval mezi dávkami 4 týdny. Tato vakcína je kontraindikována po závažné alergické reakci (např. Anafylaxi) na předchozí dávku. Pokud dítě vykazuje příznaky těžké imunosuprese, odložte očkování, dokud nebude stabilizováno léčením ART.\n\nDOPLŇKOVÁ DÁVKA V PŘÍPADĚ PROPUKNUTÍ SPALNIČEK" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Spalničky 0 (doplňková dávka)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rougeole 0 (Dose supplémentaire)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rougeole 0" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Sarampo. 2 doses. Esquema recomendado 9-12 meses e 15-18 meses; intervalo mínimo de 4 semanas entre as doses. Esta vacina é contra-indicada após uma reação alérgica grave (por exemplo, anafilaxia) a uma dose anterior. Se a criança apresentar sintomas de imunossupressão grave, adie a vacinação até estabilizar com o tratamento ART.\n\nDOSE COMPLEMENTAR SE MEDIR O QUEBRA-SE." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Rougeole 0" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rougeole. 2 doses. 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Si l'enfant présente des symptômes d'immunodépression sévère, reportez la vaccination jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit stabilisée par un traitement antirétroviral." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Sarampo 0 (dose suplementar)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Spalničky 0" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Spalničky 0" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Sarampo 0" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Sarampo 0" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Measles. 2 doses. 9-12 months and 15-18 months recommended schedule; 4 weeks minimum interval between doses. This vaccine is contraindicated after a severe allergic reaction (e.g. anaphylaxis) to a previous dose. If the child is showing symptoms of severe immunosuppression, postpone vaccination until stabilized with ART treatment.", "dimensionItem": "g8dMiUOTFla", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Measles 1", "id": "g8dMiUOTFla", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - Measles 1", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Measles 1", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Spalničky. 2 dávky. Doporučený harmonogram 9-12 měsíců a 15-18 měsíců; Minimální interval mezi dávkami 4 týdny. Tato vakcína je kontraindikována po závažné alergické reakci (např. Anafylaxi) na předchozí dávku. Pokud dítě vykazuje příznaky těžké imunosuprese, odložte očkování, dokud nebude stabilizováno léčením ART." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Rougeole 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Sarampo. 2 doses. Cronograma recomendado de 9-12 meses e 15-18 meses; Intervalo mínimo de 4 semanas entre as doses. Esta vacina é contra-indicada após uma reação alérgica grave (por exemplo, anafilaxia) a uma dose anterior. Se a criança apresentar sintomas de imunossupressão grave, adie a vacinação até estabilizar com o tratamento com TARV." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Spalničky 1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rougeole 1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rougeole. 2 doses. Calendrier recommandé : 9-12 mois et 15-18 mois ; intervalle minimum de 4 semaines entre les doses. Ce vaccin est contre-indiqué après une réaction allergique grave (par exemple, l'anaphylaxie) à une dose précédente. Si l'enfant présente des symptômes d'immunodépression sévère, reportez la vaccination jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit stabilisée par un traitement antirétroviral." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rougeole 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Sarampo 1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Spalničky 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Sarampo 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Sarampo 1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Spalničky 1" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Measles. 2 doses. 9-12 months and 15-18 months recommended schedule; 4 weeks minimum interval between doses. This vaccine is contraindicated after a severe allergic reaction (e.g. anaphylaxis) to a previous dose. If the child is showing symptoms of severe immunosuppression, postpone vaccination until stabilized with ART treatment.", "dimensionItem": "Bxh1xgIY9nA", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Measles 2", "id": "Bxh1xgIY9nA", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - Measles 2", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Measles 2", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Spalničky. 2 dávky. Doporučený harmonogram 9-12 měsíců a 15-18 měsíců; Minimální interval mezi dávkami 4 týdny. Tato vakcína je kontraindikována po závažné alergické reakci (např. Anafylaxi) na předchozí dávku. Pokud dítě vykazuje příznaky těžké imunosuprese, odložte očkování, dokud nebude stabilizováno léčením ART." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Sarampo 2" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Rougeole 2" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Sarampo. 2 doses. Cronograma recomendado de 9-12 meses e 15-18 meses; Intervalo mínimo de 4 semanas entre as doses. Esta vacina é contra-indicada após uma reação alérgica grave (por exemplo, anafilaxia) a uma dose anterior. Se a criança apresentar sintomas de imunossupressão grave, adie a vacinação até estabilizar com o tratamento com TARV." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Spalničky 2" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rougeole. 2 doses. Calendrier recommandé : 9-12 mois et 15-18 mois ; intervalle minimum de 4 semaines entre les doses. 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Si l'enfant présente des symptômes d'immunodépression sévère, reportez la vaccination jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit stabilisée par un traitement antirétroviral." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rougeole 2" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rougeole 2" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Spalničky 2" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Sarampo 2" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Sarampo 2" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Spalničky 2" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "dimensionItem": "n4qKY8vxc7V", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Measles not given", "id": "n4qKY8vxc7V", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - 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Recent infection with a temperature > 39 degree C", "optionSet": { "id": "L6eMZDJkCwX" }, "optionSetValue": true, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Recent infection with a temperature > 39 degree C", "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Esteja ciente, é aconselhável adiar as vacinações de PCV Pneumocócica (Conjugado) e Rotavírus até após uma infecção aguda com temperatura> 39 graus C." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Infecção recente com temperatura> 39 graus C" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Je dítě v současné době velmi nemocné a / nebo má velmi vysokou teplotu ( > 39 stupňů Celsia)?" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Infection récente avec une température > 39 degrés C" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "A criança está muito doente e / ou com temperatura muito alta (> 39 graus Celsius)?" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Attention, il est conseillé de reporter les vaccinations contre le pneumocoque (conjugué) et le rotavirus jusqu'après une infection aiguë avec une température >39 degrés C." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Infection récente avec une température > 39 degrés C" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Infecção recente com temperatura> 39 graus C" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Actuellement, l'enfant est-il très malade et/ou a-t-il une température très élevée (>39 degrés Celsius) ?" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Nedávná infekce s teplotou > 39 stupňů C." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Nedávná infekce s teplotou > 39 stupňů C." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Uvědomte si, že je vhodné odložit očkování proti PCV proti pneumokokolalu (konjugátu) a rotaviru až po akutní infekci s teplotou > 39 stupňů C." } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "TEXT", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Local reaction at the vaccine site; redness", "dimensionItem": "TR57DWCiusw", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Redness", "id": "TR57DWCiusw", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - Redness", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "--------", "shortName": "EIR - Redness", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" } ], "valueType": "TRUE_ONLY", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Rubella. 1 dose. 9 or 12 months with containing measles vaccine. As a general rule, live vaccines should be given either simultaneously, or at least 4 weeks apart. Oral polio vaccine is the exception and can be given any time before or after RCA. Interference may occur between MMR and yellow fever vaccines if they are simultaneously administered to children < 2 years of age. If the child has received blood products <3 months, postpone vaccination. If possible receiving blood products should be avoided for up to 2 weeks post vaccination.", "dimensionItem": "q7KhhAnm5GA", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Rubella 1", "id": "q7KhhAnm5GA", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - Rubella 1", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Rubella 1", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Zarděnky. 1 dávka. 9 nebo 12 měsíců s vakcínou obsahující spalničky. Obecně platí, že živé vakcíny by se měly podávat buď současně, nebo s odstupem alespoň 4 týdnů. Vakcína proti dětské obrně je výjimkou a lze ji podat kdykoli před nebo po RCA. Mezi vakcínami MMR a vakcínou proti žluté zimnici může dojít k interferenci, pokud jsou současně podávány dětem mladším 2 let. Pokud dítě dostalo krevní produkty < 3 měsíce, odložte očkování. Pokud je to možné, je třeba se podávání krevních produktů vyhnout až 2 týdny po očkování." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rubeole 1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rubeole 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Rubéola 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rubéola 1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Zarděnky 1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Zarděnky 1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rubéola 1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rubéole. 1 dose. 9 ou 12 mois avec le vaccin antirougeoleux contenant. En règle générale, les vaccins vivants doivent être administrés soit simultanément, soit à au moins 4 semaines d'intervalle. Le vaccin oral contre la polio est l'exception et peut être administré à tout moment avant ou après l'ACR. Une interférence peut se produire entre les vaccins ROR et contre la fièvre jaune s'ils sont administrés simultanément aux enfants de moins de 2 ans. Si l'enfant a reçu des produits sanguins < 3 mois, reportez la vaccination. Si possible, il faut éviter de recevoir des produits sanguins jusqu'à 2 semaines après la vaccination." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rubéola. 1 dose. 9 ou 12 meses com a vacina contra sarampo. Como regra geral, as vacinas vivas devem ser administradas simultaneamente ou com pelo menos 4 semanas de intervalo. A vacina oral contra a poliomielite é a exceção e pode ser administrada a qualquer momento antes ou depois da ACR. Pode ocorrer interferência entre as vacinas MMR e febre amarela se forem administradas simultaneamente a crianças com menos de 2 anos de idade. Se a criança recebeu produtos sanguíneos <3 meses, adie a vacinação. Se possível, deve-se evitar o recebimento de produtos sanguíneos por até 2 semanas após a vacinação." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Rubéole 1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Zarděnky 1" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "dimensionItem": "vmxWGaFgvvq", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Rubella not given", "id": "vmxWGaFgvvq", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - Rubella not given", "optionSet": { "id": "pH6LcjDbWxo" }, "optionSetValue": true, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Rubella not given", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Zarděnky nebyly podány" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rubeole non administrée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rubeole non administrée" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rubéola não administrada" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Zarděnky není podáno" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Rubéole non administrée" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Rubella não administrada" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Zarděnky nebyly podány" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rubéola não administrada" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "NUMBER", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Rotavirus (Rotarix). 2 doses. As early as 6 weeks; 4 weeks minimum interval between doses. Do not give if > 24 months old. Be aware, this vaccine should be postponed in case of ongoing acute gastroenteritis or fever with moderate to severe illness. Precautions are necessary if these is a history of intussusception or intestinal malformations, chronic gastrointestinal disease, and severe acute illness. Be aware, if the child is showing symptoms of severe immunosuppression, postpone vaccination until stabilized with ART treatment.", "dimensionItem": "nIqQYeSwU9E", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "RV 1 (Rotarix)", "id": "nIqQYeSwU9E", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - RV 1 (Rotarix)", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RV 1 (Rotarix)", "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 1 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rota 1 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "RV 1 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rotarix). 2 dávky. Již za 6 týdnů; Minimální interval mezi dávkami 4 týdny. Nepodávejte, pokud nemáte > 24 měsíců. Mějte na paměti, že tato vakcína by měla být odložena v případě přetrvávající akutní gastroenteritidy nebo horečky se středně závažným až závažným onemocněním. Opatření jsou nezbytná, pokud se jedná o anamnézu intususcepce nebo malformace střev, chronické gastrointestinální onemocnění a závažné akutní onemocnění. Uvědomte si, že pokud dítě vykazuje příznaky těžké imunosuprese, odložte očkování, dokud nebude stabilizováno léčbou ART." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - RV 1 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rota 1 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Rota 1 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavírus (Rotarix). 2 doses. Tão cedo quanto 6 semanas; Intervalo mínimo de 4 semanas entre as doses. Não dê se> 24 meses de idade. Esteja ciente de que esta vacina deve ser adiada em caso de gastroenterite aguda em curso ou febre com doença moderada a grave. São necessárias precauções se houver histórico de intussuscepção ou malformações intestinais, doença gastrointestinal crônica e doença aguda grave. Esteja ciente de que, se a criança apresentar sintomas de imunossupressão grave, adie a vacinação até estabilizar com o tratamento com TARV." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "RV 1 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 1 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - RV 1 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rotarix). 2 doses. Dès 6 semaines ; intervalle minimum de 4 semaines entre les doses. Ne pas administrer si l'enfant a plus de 24 mois. Attention, ce vaccin doit être reporté en cas de gastro-entérite aiguë ou de fièvre avec une maladie modérée à sévère. Des précautions sont nécessaires en cas d'antécédents d'intussusception ou de malformations intestinales, de maladie gastro-intestinale chronique et de maladie aiguë grave. Si l'enfant présente des symptômes d'immunodépression sévère, il faut reporter la vaccination jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit stabilisée par un traitement antirétroviral" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "NONE", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Rotavirus (Rota Teq) 3 dose. As early as 6 weeks; 4 weeks minimum interval between doses. Do not give if > 24 months old. Be aware, this vaccine should be postponed in case of ongoing acute gastroenteritis or fever with moderate to severe illness. Precautions are necessary if these is a history of intussusception or intestinal malformations, chronic gastrointestinal disease, and severe acute illness. Be aware, if the child is showing symptoms of severe immunosuppression, postpone vaccination until stabilized with ART treatment.", "dimensionItem": "Y3eDHMTcSYk", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "RV 1 (Rota Teq)", "id": "Y3eDHMTcSYk", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - RV 1 (Rota Teq)", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RV 1 (Rota Teq)", "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavírus (Rota Teq) 3 dose. Já em 6 semanas; Intervalo mínimo de 4 semanas entre as doses. Não dê se> 24 meses de idade. Esteja ciente de que esta vacina deve ser adiada em caso de gastroenterite aguda contínua ou febre com doença moderada a grave. São necessárias precauções se houver uma história de intussuscepção ou malformações intestinais, doença gastrointestinal crônica e doença aguda grave. Esteja ciente, se a criança apresentar sintomas de imunossupressão severa, adie a vacinação até estabilizar com o tratamento ART." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rota Teq) 3 doses. Dès 6 semaines ; intervalle minimum de 4 semaines entre les doses. Ne pas administrer si l'enfant a plus de 24 mois. Attention, ce vaccin doit être reporté en cas de gastro-entérite aiguë ou de fièvre avec une maladie modérée à sévère. Des précautions sont nécessaires en cas d'antécédents d'intussusception ou de malformations intestinales, de maladie gastro-intestinale chronique et de maladie aiguë grave. Si l'enfant présente des symptômes d'immunodépression sévère, il faut reporter la vaccination jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit stabilisée par un traitement antirétroviral." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 1 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "RV 1 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rota 1 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Rota 1 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 1 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RV 1 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rota Teq) 3 dávky. Již za 6 týdnů; Minimální interval mezi dávkami 4 týdny. Nepodávejte, pokud máte > 24 měsíců. Mějte na paměti, že tato vakcína by měla být odložena v případě přetrvávající akutní gastroenteritidy nebo horečky se středně závažným až závažným onemocněním. Opatření jsou nezbytná, pokud se jedná o anamnézu intususcepce nebo malformace střev, chronické gastrointestinální onemocnění a závažné akutní onemocnění. Uvědomte si, že pokud dítě vykazuje příznaky těžké imunosuprese, odložte očkování, dokud nebude stabilizováno léčbou ART." } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Rotavirus (Rotarix). 2 doses. As early as 6 weeks; 4 weeks minimum interval between doses. Do not give if > 24 months old. Be aware, this vaccine should be postponed in case of ongoing acute gastroenteritis or fever with moderate to severe illness. Precautions are necessary if these is a history of intussusception or intestinal malformations, chronic gastrointestinal disease, and severe acute illness. Be aware, if the child is showing symptoms of severe immunosuppression, postpone vaccination until stabilized with ART treatment.", "dimensionItem": "wYg2gOWSyJG", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "RV 2 (Rotarix)", "id": "wYg2gOWSyJG", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - RV 2 (Rotarix)", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RV 2 (Rotarix)", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "RV 2 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Rota 2 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rota 2 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 2 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rotarix). 2 dávky. Již za 6 týdnů; Minimální interval mezi dávkami 4 týdny. Nepodávejte, pokud nemáte > 24 měsíců. Mějte na paměti, že tato vakcína by měla být odložena v případě přetrvávající akutní gastroenteritidy nebo horečky se středně závažným až závažným onemocněním. Opatření jsou nezbytná, pokud se jedná o anamnézu intususcepce nebo malformace střev, chronické gastrointestinální onemocnění a závažné akutní onemocnění. Uvědomte si, že pokud dítě vykazuje příznaky těžké imunosuprese, odložte očkování, dokud nebude stabilizováno léčbou ART." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rota 2 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - RV 2 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 2 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavírus (Rotarix). 2 doses. Tão cedo quanto 6 semanas; Intervalo mínimo de 4 semanas entre as doses. Não dê se> 24 meses de idade. Esteja ciente de que esta vacina deve ser adiada em caso de gastroenterite aguda em curso ou febre com doença moderada a grave. São necessárias precauções se houver histórico de intussuscepção ou malformações intestinais, doença gastrointestinal crônica e doença aguda grave. Esteja ciente de que, se a criança apresentar sintomas de imunossupressão grave, adie a vacinação até estabilizar com o tratamento com TARV." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "RV 2 (Rotarix)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rotarix). 2 doses. Dès 6 semaines ; intervalle minimum de 4 semaines entre les doses. Ne pas administrer si l'enfant a plus de 24 mois. Attention, ce vaccin doit être reporté en cas de gastro-entérite aiguë ou de fièvre avec une maladie modérée à sévère. Des précautions sont nécessaires en cas d'antécédents d'intussusception ou de malformations intestinales, de maladie gastro-intestinale chronique et de maladie aiguë grave. Si l'enfant présente des symptômes d'immunodépression sévère, il faut reporter la vaccination jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit stabilisée par un traitement antirétroviral" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - RV 2 (Rotarix)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "NONE", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Rotavirus (Rota Teq) 3 dose. As early as 6 weeks; 4 weeks minimum interval between doses. Do not give if > 24 months old. Be aware, this vaccine should be postponed in case of ongoing acute gastroenteritis or fever with moderate to severe illness. Precautions are necessary if these is a history of intussusception or intestinal malformations, chronic gastrointestinal disease, and severe acute illness. Be aware, if the child is showing symptoms of severe immunosuppression, postpone vaccination until stabilized with ART treatment.", "dimensionItem": "knh2BOb3F0I", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "RV 2 (Rota Teq)", "id": "knh2BOb3F0I", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - RV 2 (Rota Teq)", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RV 2 (Rota Teq)", "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavírus (Rota Teq) 3 dose. Já em 6 semanas; Intervalo mínimo de 4 semanas entre as doses. Não dê se> 24 meses de idade. Esteja ciente de que esta vacina deve ser adiada em caso de gastroenterite aguda contínua ou febre com doença moderada a grave. São necessárias precauções se houver uma história de intussuscepção ou malformações intestinais, doença gastrointestinal crônica e doença aguda grave. Esteja ciente, se a criança apresentar sintomas de imunossupressão severa, adie a vacinação até estabilizar com o tratamento ART." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RV 2 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 2 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rota Teq) 3 doses. Dès 6 semaines ; intervalle minimum de 4 semaines entre les doses. Ne pas administrer si l'enfant a plus de 24 mois. Attention, ce vaccin doit être reporté en cas de gastro-entérite aiguë ou de fièvre avec une maladie modérée à sévère. Des précautions sont nécessaires en cas d'antécédents d'intussusception ou de malformations intestinales, de maladie gastro-intestinale chronique et de maladie aiguë grave. Si l'enfant présente des symptômes d'immunodépression sévère, il faut reporter la vaccination jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit stabilisée par un traitement antirétroviral." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Rota 2 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 2 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "RV 2 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rota 2 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rota Teq) 3 dávky. Již za 6 týdnů; Minimální interval mezi dávkami 4 týdny. Nepodávejte, pokud máte > 24 měsíců. Mějte na paměti, že tato vakcína by měla být odložena v případě přetrvávající akutní gastroenteritidy nebo horečky se středně závažným až závažným onemocněním. Opatření jsou nezbytná, pokud se jedná o anamnézu intususcepce nebo malformace střev, chronické gastrointestinální onemocnění a závažné akutní onemocnění. Uvědomte si, že pokud dítě vykazuje příznaky těžké imunosuprese, odložte očkování, dokud nebude stabilizováno léčbou ART." } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "NONE", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Rotavirus (Rota Teq) 3 dose. As early as 6 weeks; 4 weeks minimum interval between doses. Do not give if > 24 months old. Be aware, this vaccine should be postponed in case of ongoing acute gastroenteritis or fever with moderate to severe illness. Precautions are necessary if these is a history of intussusception or intestinal malformations, chronic gastrointestinal disease, and severe acute illness. Be aware, if the child is showing symptoms of severe immunosuppression, postpone vaccination until stabilized with ART treatment.", "dimensionItem": "xMkkGCwSaDK", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "RV 3 (Rota Teq)", "id": "xMkkGCwSaDK", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - RV 3 (Rota Teq)", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RV 3 (Rota Teq)", "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavírus (Rota Teq) 3 dose. Já em 6 semanas; Intervalo mínimo de 4 semanas entre as doses. Não dê se> 24 meses de idade. Esteja ciente de que esta vacina deve ser adiada em caso de gastroenterite aguda contínua ou febre com doença moderada a grave. São necessárias precauções se houver uma história de intussuscepção ou malformações intestinais, doença gastrointestinal crônica e doença aguda grave. Esteja ciente, se a criança apresentar sintomas de imunossupressão severa, adie a vacinação até estabilizar com o tratamento ART." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rota Teq) 3 doses. Dès 6 semaines ; intervalle minimum de 4 semaines entre les doses. Ne pas administrer si l'enfant a plus de 24 mois. Attention, ce vaccin doit être reporté en cas de gastro-entérite aiguë ou de fièvre avec une maladie modérée à sévère. Des précautions sont nécessaires en cas d'antécédents d'intussusception ou de malformations intestinales, de maladie gastro-intestinale chronique et de maladie aiguë grave. Si l'enfant présente des symptômes d'immunodépression sévère, il faut reporter la vaccination jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit stabilisée par un traitement antirétroviral." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 3 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Rota 3 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "RV 3 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RV 3 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV 3 (Rota Teq)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Rotavirus (Rota Teq) 3 dávky. Již za 6 týdnů; Minimální interval mezi dávkami 4 týdny. Nepodávejte, pokud máte > 24 měsíců. Mějte na paměti, že tato vakcína by měla být odložena v případě přetrvávající akutní gastroenteritidy nebo horečky se středně závažným až závažným onemocněním. Opatření jsou nezbytná, pokud se jedná o anamnézu intususcepce nebo malformace střev, chronické gastrointestinální onemocnění a závažné akutní onemocnění. Uvědomte si, že pokud dítě vykazuje příznaky těžké imunosuprese, odložte očkování, dokud nebude stabilizováno léčbou ART." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rota 3 (Rota Teq)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "dimensionItem": "irQPcNG21Uf", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "RV not given", "id": "irQPcNG21Uf", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - RV not given", "optionSet": { "id": "pH6LcjDbWxo" }, "optionSetValue": true, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RV not given", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Rota non administré" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Rota non administré" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Rota non administré" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV není podán" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - RV není podán" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - RV não fornecido" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "RV není podán" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "RV não fornecido" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "RV não fornecido" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "NUMBER", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "dimensionItem": "oxa7COsVggZ", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Serious adverse event following immunization", "id": "oxa7COsVggZ", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - Serious adverse event following immunization", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "rw------", "shortName": "EIR - Serious adverse event following immunization", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [ 1, 3, 4, 2 ], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Override all program rules. This shows a free text box for explanation. \nMust enter at least 5 characters to show all.", "dimensionItem": "WhUufJL8EDV", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Show all routine immunization doses", "id": "WhUufJL8EDV", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - Show All immunization doses (checkbox)", "optionSetValue": false, "periodOffset": 0, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Show all doses_Yes", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Afficher toutes les doses de vaccination de routine" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Mostrar todas as doses de rotina de imunização" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Přepsat všechna programová pravidla. Zobrazí se volné textové pole pro vysvětlení. Chcete-li zobrazit všechny, musíte zadat alespoň 5 znaků." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Passez outre toutes les règles du programme. Une zone de texte libre est affichée pour l'explication. \nIl faut entrer au moins 5 caractères pour tout afficher." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV_Afficher toutes les doses de vaccination (case à cocher)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Substitua todas as regras do programa. Isso mostra uma caixa de texto livre para explicação.\nÉ necessário inserir pelo menos 5 caracteres para mostrar todos." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Zobrazit všechny dávky_Ano" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Mostrar todas as doses de imunização (caixa de seleção)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "EIR - Ukázat všechny imunizační dávky (zaškrtávací políčko)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Ukázat všechny běžné imunizační dávky" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Afficher toutes les doses_Oui" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mostrar todas as doses_Sim" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "username": "who" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "rw------", "id": "T6DZORCrELb", "userGroupUid": "T6DZORCrELb" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "JVenB84tY1X", "userGroupUid": "JVenB84tY1X" }, { "access": "r-------", "id": "gum1e8w6CmI", "userGroupUid": "gum1e8w6CmI" } ], "valueType": "TRUE_ONLY", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [ 1, 3, 4, 2 ], "aggregationType": "NONE", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "dataElementGroups": [ { "id": "zdq0ZExdScT" } ], "dataSetElements": [], "description": "Must enter at least 5 characters to show all doses.", "dimensionItem": "eZnkuQCWjgf", "dimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT", "domainType": "TRACKER", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "formName": "Please explain why you need to show all possible doses", "id": "eZnkuQCWjgf", "legendSets": [], "name": "EIR - 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"programRuleActions": [ { "id": "eedHKkr9pY8" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher la notification de naissance envoyée au Centre d'enregistrement" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt oznámení o narození zaslané CRVS" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Ocultar notificação de nascimento enviada para CRVS" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{Birth_notif_prev} == 'YES' || #{birth_notification} != 'YES'", "description": "Birth not notified in current event/when birth notified in previous event", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "C9se5i2C0HL", "name": "Hide birth registration date", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "ypxLhsAypL4" } ], "programStage": { "id": "s53RFfXA75f" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt datum registrace narození" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": 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visit.", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "rhispzm1029", "name": "Hide DPT not given", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "T1zw4Ds8PFk" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Ocultar DPT não fornecido" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Skrýt DPT není podáno v případě, že jsou všechny datové prvky DPT skryty, NEBO pokud byl DPT podán při TÉTO návštěvě." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt DPT nepodané" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Ocultar DPT não fornecido no caso de todos os elementos de dados DPT estarem ocultos, OU se DPT foi administrado nesta visita." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher le DTC non donné" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cacher le DTC non administré dans le cas où tous les éléments du DPT sont cachés, OU si le DTC a été administré lors de CETTE visite." } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "d2:hasValue('dpt1prev') || #{ageWeeks} < 6 && !#{ShowAll_Unlocked}", "description": "Hide DPT1 if ever given, or age is less than 6 weeks - Hide DPT1", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "rhispzm1023", "name": "Hide DPT1", "priority": 2, "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "W6Oa43ipNiR" }, { "id": "fTlO1sUQskU" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Masquer DTC1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Ocultar DPT1 se alguma vez tiver sido fornecido ou a idade for inferior a 6 semanas - Ocultar DPT1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt DPT1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Skrýt DPT1, pokud byl někdy podán, nebo věk je méně než 6 týdnů - Skrýt DPT1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Ocultar DPT1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cachez le DTC1 si jamais il est donné, ou si l'âge est inférieur à 6 semaines - Cachez le DTC1" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "(d2:hasValue('dpt2prev') || !d2:hasValue('dpt1prev') || d2:weeksBetween(d2:lastEventDate('dpt1prev'),V{event_date}) < 4) && !#{ShowAll_Unlocked}", "description": "Hide DPT2 if ever given, or if there is not more than 4 weeks since you got DPT1 - Hide DPT2", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "rhispzm1025", "name": "Hide DPT2", "priority": 2, "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "y33D7aDhdcs" }, { "id": "F4P9BFIfq07" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Ocultar DPT2 se já foi dado, ou se não houver mais de 4 semanas desde que você obteve DPT1 - Ocultar DPT2" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Masquer DTC2" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Skrýt DPT2, pokud byl někdy 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"Skrýt HepB není podán" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher HepB non administré" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Ocultar HepB não fornecido" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{ipv1current} || #{ipv2current} || #{ipv3current} || #{ipv4current} || (!d2:hasValue( 'ipv1current' ) && !d2:hasValue( 'ipv2current' ) && !d2:hasValue( 'ipv3current' ) && !d2:hasValue( 'ipv4current' ))", "description": "Hide IPV not given in case all the IPV dataelements is hidden, OR if IPV was administered in THIS visit", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "VmtbjRaFw3t", "name": "Hide IPV not given", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "O5vhe7RtsvC" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt IPV není podáno" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher la VPI non donnée" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": 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"EuGcv5OcgFE" }, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{Birth_cert_prev} == true", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "DdBr32736GJ", "name": "Hide notification section when birth certificate received", "priority": 4, "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "I1TK4oCHKUm" } ], "programStage": { "id": "s53RFfXA75f" }, "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Při přijetí rodného listu skrýt sekci oznámení" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Ocultar seção de notificação quando a certidão de nascimento for recebida" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher la section de notification lors de la réception du certificat de naissance" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{opv1current} || #{opv2current} || #{opv3current} || #{opv4current} || (!d2:hasValue('opv1current' ) && 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"value": "Skrýt OPV nepodané" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Skrýt OPV není uveden v případě, že jsou všechny datové prvky OPV skryty, NEBO pokud byl OPV podán při TÉTO návštěvě." } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "(d2:hasValue('opv0prev') || #{ageDays} > 13) && !#{ShowAll_Unlocked}", "description": "Hide OPV0 if ever given, or baby is older than 13 days at the visit - Hide OPV0", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "rhispzm1010", "name": "Hide OPV0", "priority": 2, "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "cOXe9VYH8Wi" }, { "id": "WtvopWbxZwQ" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cacher le VPO0 si jamais il est administré, ou si le bébé a plus de 13 jours lors de la visite - Cacher le VPO0" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher le VPO0" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Skrýt 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"DHiQVgsrYhm" }, { "id": "XB4lHvccoNH" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cachez le VPO2 s'il a déjà été administré, ou s'il n'y a pas plus de 4 semaines depuis que vous avez reçu le VPO1 - Cachez le VPO2" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher le VPO2" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Oculte OPV2 se alguma vez fornecido, ou se não houver mais de 4 semanas desde que você obteve OPV1 - Ocultar OPV2" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt OPV2" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Ocultar OPV2" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Skrýt OPV2, pokud byl někdy podán, nebo pokud od získání OPV1 nejsou více než 4 týdny - skrýt OPV2" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "(d2:hasValue('opv3prev') || !d2:hasValue('opv2prev') || d2:weeksBetween(d2:lastEventDate('opv2prev'),V{event_date}) < 4) && 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fornecido ou se não houver mais de 4 semanas desde que você obteve OPV2 - Ocultar OPV3" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "(d2:hasValue('opv4prev') || #{ageMonths} < 9 || !d2:hasValue('opv3prev') || d2:hasValue('opv0prev')) && !#{ShowAll_Unlocked}", "description": "Hide OPV4 if ever given, or the age is less than 9 months, or if opv3 is not given, or if opv0 IS given. - Hide OPV4", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "rhispzm1018", "name": "Hide OPV4", "priority": 2, "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "oeyCJjA5h5Q" }, { "id": "phWDpn6VntZ" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Oculte OPV4 se alguma vez tiver sido dado, ou se a idade for menor que 9 meses, ou se opv3 não for dado, ou se opv0 for dado. - Ocultar OPV4" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher le VPO4" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt OPV4" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cachez le VPO4 s'il a déjà été donné, ou si l'âge est inférieur à 9 mois, ou si le VPO3 n'est pas donné, ou si le VPO0 EST donné. - Cacher le VPO4" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Skrýt OPV4, pokud byl někdy podán, nebo věk je méně než 9 měsíců, nebo pokud nebyl podán opv3, nebo pokud byl podán opv0. - Skrýt OPV4" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Ocultar OPV4" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "!d2:hasValue('non-serious-adverse-event') && !d2:hasValue('serious-adverse-event')", "description": "Hide other AEFI symptoms if no value for serious or nonserious symptoms", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "h2d0Q5HoXUV", "name": "Hide Other AEFI Symptoms text box", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "rczq4LvoBR8" } ], "programStage": { "id": "EuGcv5OcgFE" }, "translations": [], 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sido administrado nesta visita." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt PCV nepodané" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher le Pneumo non administré" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "(d2:hasValue('pcv1prev') || #{ageWeeks} < 6) && !#{ShowAll_Unlocked}", "description": "Hide PCV1 if ever given, or age is less than 6 weeks - Hide PCV1", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "rhispzm1031", "name": "Hide PCV1", "priority": 2, "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "w5NxPcdtvw4" }, { "id": "XkpILdX0T5G" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Ocultar PCV1 se alguma vez tiver sido fornecido ou a idade for inferior a 6 semanas - Ocultar PCV1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cacher le Pneumo1 s'il a déjà été donné, ou si l'âge est inférieur à 6 semaines - Cacher le Pneumo1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Ocultar PCV1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt PCV1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cacher le Pneumo1" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "(d2:hasValue('pcv2prev') || !d2:hasValue('pcv1prev') || d2:weeksBetween(d2:lastEventDate('pcv1prev'),V{event_date}) < 4) && !#{ShowAll_Unlocked}", "description": "Hide PCV2 if ever given, or if there is not more than 4 weeks since you got PCV1 - Hide PCV2", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "rhispzm1033", "name": "Hide PCV2", "priority": 2, "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "WaxzmHt5Tuu" }, { "id": "RdQzmzZLtmR" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Oculte o PCV2 se já tiver sido fornecido ou se não houver mais de 4 semanas desde que você obteve o PCV1 - Ocultar o PCV2" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Skrýt PCV2" }, 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"Cachez le Rota2 s'il a déjà été donné, ou s'il n'y a pas plus de 4 semaines depuis que vous avez reçu le Rota1 - Cachez le Rota2" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{serious-adverse-event} != true", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "BFehRxxbzE8", "name": "Hide Serious Symptoms", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "T8gmbfOniPq" }, { "id": "Afm2JNZE44X" }, { "id": "wWhNyAVOnc0" }, { "id": "UBY00jx2ivR" }, { "id": "VeYsOjafthz" } ], "programStage": { "id": "EuGcv5OcgFE" }, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{HIV_HighRisk_previous} == '' && #{anaphylaxis_previous} == ''", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "l8qFHtufK8l", "name": "Hide Update HIV and Anaphylaxis history", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "wl2xUi3GqZF" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", 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"value": "Se a criança for HIV positiva e não estiver em TARV" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Positif au VIH et non sous TAR pour le Rotarix 2 " } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{Measles0_current}", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "mdSthJ4r9x0", "name": "Measles0 warning", "priority": 9, "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "S0DL68mOTHS" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Spalničky0 varování" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Aviso de sarampo 0" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Alerte rougeole0" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "true", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "bvKyAHQU2gT", "name": "Name : Top Bar String", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "pS6vOWaVXfK" } ], "translations": [ 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{ "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "SMS: Odeslat oznámení, když je narození oznámeno CRVS" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SMS : Envoyer une notification lors de la notification de la naissance au CRVS" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{Birth_cert} == false && d2:hasValue('mother_contact_number')", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "rhtX1D73UON", "name": "SMS: Send notification when certificate not delivered", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "WuNhbq9pM67" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "SMS: enviar notificação quando o certificado não for entregue" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SMS : Envoyer une notification lorsque le certificat n'est pas délivré" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "SMS: Odeslat oznámení, když certifikát není doručen" } ], "userAccesses": [], 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n'est pas délivré" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{Birth_cert} == true", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "kAyfuoOhAmq", "name": "System: Send notification when certificate received", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "ANZ8p1uS5Q3" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Système : Envoyer une notification à la réception du certificat" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Sistema: Enviar notificação quando o certificado for recebido" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Systém: Odeslat oznámení při přijetí certifikátu" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "true", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "fsVwfjNrEGG", "name": "TEST - show nonroutine", "priority": 7, "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "L4PH5fWMLly" } ], 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"id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "lmAUCfIHyQH" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Val: Gestační věk při narození >= 50 w (tvrdý)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Val : âge gestationnel à la naissance >= 50 w (dur)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Val: idade gestacional no nascimento> = 50 w (difícil)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{birth_weight} > 10000 && d2:hasValue('birth_weight')", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "U3FeVKEw1Sr", "name": "Val: High birth weight > 10000g", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "kgU3X3htyqz" } ], "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Val : poids élevé à la naissance > 10000g" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Val: Vysoká porodní hmotnost > 10000 g" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Val: 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"property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pokud je dítě HIV pozitivní a není na ART" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Aviso: HIV positivo e não em TARV para a vacina BCG 0,05ml" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "Varování: HIV pozitivní a není na ART pro BCG 0,05 ml vakcínu" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Se a criança for HIV positiva e não estiver em TARV" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "condition": "#{HIV_HighRisk_newest} == 'YES_HIVPOS__NOT_ON_ART' || #{HIV_HighRisk_newest} == 'YES__HIVPOS__NOT_ON_ART_ASYMPTOMATIC' || #{HIV_HighRisk_newest} == 'YES_HIVPOS__NOT_ON_ART_SYMPTOMATIC'", "description": "If the child is HIV positive and not on ART", "externalAccess": false, "favorite": false, "id": "cafTxp9WWUZ", "name": "Warning: HIV Positive and not on ART for BCG 0.1ml vaccine", "program": { "id": "SSLpOM0r1U7" }, "programRuleActions": [ { "id": "rk4XF38oGwb" } ], "programStage": { 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