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"vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "created": "2020-03-24T15:22:14.949", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "id": "RGXZgVrOQyo", "lastUpdated": "2020-05-07T08:45:10.249", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Neonatal Tetanus alert", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Neonatal Tetanus alert", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "eg8enaFY861" }, "code": "IDSR-060", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.299", "description": "Surveillance", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Plague new suspected cases reported during the epi week", "id": "rl1SLaRmaZ4", 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"aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "eg8enaFY861" }, "code": "IDSR-015", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.297", "description": "Surveillance", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Cholera suspected cases during the week", "id": "Sc5efRwnOA9", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.388", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Cholera (Suspected cases)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Cholera (Suspected cases)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "eg8enaFY861" }, "code": "IDSR-069", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.300", "description": "Surveillance", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Yellow fever deaths among suspected cases during the week", "id": "sjd8VtIZxmz", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.390", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Yellow Fever (Deaths)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Yellow Fever (Deaths)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "IDSR-026", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.297", "description": "Laboratory", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Dracunculiasis confirmed cases during the week", "id": "st1ejfpSRo7", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.388", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Dracunculiasis (Confirmed cases)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Dracunculiasis (Confirmed cases)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { 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"Dengue Fever (Confirmed cases)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "IDSR-034", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.298", "description": "Laboratory", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Meningitis - CSF contaminated for the epi week", "id": "UXtfpFrG53k", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.389", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Meningitis (CSF contam)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Meningitis (CSF contam)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "created": "2019-11-01T14:47:27.888", "description": "Total number of reports expected", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Total number of reports expected", "id": "v1n8aztMcYN", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.387", "legendSets": [], "name": "Expected_reports", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Expected_reports", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "created": "2020-03-04T11:51:19.388", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "id": "v2FeCwrKNt5", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.390", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR One death from severe AWD in a person > 5 years old", "optionSet": { "id": "ZH8H5hGkXww" }, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "One death from severe AWD in a person 5 y+", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "IDSR-028", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.297", "description": "Laboratory", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Influenza-Like Illness confirmed cases during the week", "id": "VCLAcayLVyx", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.389", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Influenza-Like Illness (Confirmed cases)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Influenza-Like Illness (Confirmed cases)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "eg8enaFY861" }, "code": "IDSR-017", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.297", "description": "Surveillance", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Dengue Fever deaths among suspected cases during the week", "id": "vd4GxqtKkRC", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.388", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Dengue Fever (Deaths)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Dengue Fever (Deaths)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "eg8enaFY861" }, "code": "IDSR-010", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.296", "description": "Surveillance", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Anthrax deaths among suspected cases during the week", "id": "wGj6xfXBaxs", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.388", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Anthrax (Deaths)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Anthrax (Deaths)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "created": "2019-11-01T14:48:53.077", "description": "Total number of reports received/transmitted time", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Total number of reports received/transmitted on time", "id": "WpKu7cyd7Zo", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.388", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Actual_Reports_on_time", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Actual_Reports_on_time", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "eg8enaFY861" }, "code": "IDSR-018", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.297", "description": "Surveillance", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Dengue Fever new suspected cases reported during the epi week", "id": "wryMP8p8k1C", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.388", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Dengue Fever (Suspected cases)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Dengue Fever (Suspected cases)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "eg8enaFY861" }, "code": "IDSR-029", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.297", "description": "Surveillance", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Influenza-Like Illness deaths among suspected cases during the week", "id": "WTdHe8OEt1q", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.389", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Influenza-Like Illness (Deaths)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Influenza-Like Illness (Deaths)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "IDSR-022", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.297", "description": "Laboratory", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Diptheria confirmed cases during the week", "id": "X4gFcPKQ8Cw", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.388", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Diptheria (Confirmed cases)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Diptheria (Confirmed cases)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "eg8enaFY861" }, "code": "IDSR-023", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.297", "description": "Surveillance", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Diptheria deaths among suspected cases during the week", "id": "xfkxDz03AFK", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.388", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Diptheria (Deaths)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Diptheria (Deaths)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "created": "2019-11-01T14:46:41.158", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Total number of reports received/transmitted", "id": "XRFwVZNgo0p", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.387", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Actual_Reports", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Actual_Reports", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "eg8enaFY861" }, "code": "IDSR-025", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.297", "description": "Surveillance", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Dracunculiasis new suspected cases reported during the epi week", "id": "Y0hLSnQE8IV", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.389", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Dracunculiasis (Suspected cases)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Dracunculiasis (Suspected cases)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "created": "2020-03-24T18:54:51.257", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "id": "yCjneRUc565", "lastUpdated": "2020-05-07T08:45:59.790", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Acute Flacid Paralysis outbreak", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Acute Flacid Paralysis outbreak", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "IDSR-031", "created": "2019-11-06T22:14:46.298", "description": "Laboratory", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Measles confirmed cases during the week", "id": "yMlASPYVU2v", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.389", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Measles (Confirmed cases)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Measles (Confirmed cases)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true 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"publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Meningitis (NmX)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "created": "2020-03-04T11:47:44.231", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "id": "ZOVJGcrCdCH", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T12:32:35.390", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR Two or more AWD aged 2 years and older (linked by time and place) with severe dehydration or dying", "optionSet": { "id": "ZH8H5hGkXww" }, "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Two or + AWD 2 years + with severe dehyd or dying", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "created": "2020-03-24T15:22:14.949", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "id": "ZYvr5OITjBa", "lastUpdated": "2020-05-07T08:44:21.163", "legendSets": [], "name": "IDSR - Diarrhoea with blood alert", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Diarrhoea with blood alert", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true } ], "dataEntryForms": [ { "created": "2019-12-09T16:52:07.662", "format": 2, "htmlCode": "


AFP confirmed cases due to VDPV during the week
AFP confirmed cases due to WPV during the week

Acute Watery Diarrheoea

Cholera RDT positive during the week


Cholera samples processed during the week
Cholera confirmed cases during the week

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever confirmed cases during the week

Diarrhaeawith Blood (Shigella)

Shigella confirmed cases during the week


Diphtheria confirmed cases during the week


Dracunculiasis confirmed cases during the week

Influenza Like Illness

Influenza-Like Illness confirmed cases during the week

Measles / Rubela

Measles confirmed cases during the week
Rubela confirmed cases during the week


Meningitis - CSF received at NRL during the week
Meningitis - CSF with lab test in process during the week
Meningitis - CSF contaminated for the epi week
Meningitis - CSF negative among samples received for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - GBS (Streptococcus agalactiae) confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - Hib confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - Nm W confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmA confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmB confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmC confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmX confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmY confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - Other Nm ind. confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - Other pathogen confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - S.pneum confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case


Pertussis confirmed cases during the week


Plague confirmed cases during the week


Rabies confirmed cases during the week

Viral Hemorrhagic Fever

Viral hemorrhagic fever confirmed cases during the week

Yellow Fever

Yellow fever probable cases during the week
Yellow fever confirmed cases during the week
\n", "id": "qFWy9fXRVeA", "lastUpdated": "2020-07-25T09:08:18.451", "name": "IDSR - Aggregate Lab Weekly Report", "style": "COMPACT", "translations": [] }, { "created": "2019-12-09T16:07:05.887", "format": 2, "htmlCode": "


AFP suspected cases during the week
AFP confirmed cases due to VDPV during the week
AFP confirmed cases due to WPV during the week
AFP deaths among suspected cases during the week

Acute Watery Diarrhoea

Acute watery diarrhoea new cases reported during the epi week
Acute watery diarrhoea deaths among new cases during the week
Cholera Alert
Cholera RDT positive during the week
Acute watery diarrhoea more than one case with dehydration during the week
Two or more AWD aged 2 years and older (linked by time and place) with severe dehydration or dying
One death from severe AWD in a person > 5 years old


Cholera suspected cases during the week
Cholera samples processed during the week
Cholera confirmed cases during the week
Cholera deaths among suspected cases during the week

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Dengue Fever confirmed cases during the week
Dengue Fever deaths among suspected cases during the week

Diarrheawith Blood (Shigella)

Shigella new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Shigella confirmed cases during the week
Shigella deaths among suspected cases during the week


Diphtheria new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Diphtheria confirmed cases during the week
Diphtheria deaths among suspected cases during the week


Dracunculiasis new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Dracunculiasis confirmed cases during the week
Dracunculiasis deaths among suspected cases during the week

Influenza Like Illness

Influenza-Like Illness new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Influenza-Like Illness confirmed cases during the week
Influenza-Like Illness deaths among suspected cases during the week


Measles/rubella new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Measles confirmed cases during the week
Measles/rubella deaths among suspected cases during the week


Meningitis suspected cases reported during the week
Meningitis - CSF received at NRL during the week
Meningitis - CSF with lab test in process during the week
Meningitis - CSF contaminated for the epi week
Meningitis - CSF negative among samples received for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - GBS (Streptococcus agalactiae) confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - Hib confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - Nm W confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmA confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmB confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmC confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmX confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - NmY confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - Other Nm ind. confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - Other pathogen confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis - S.pneum confirmed cases for the epi week of the suspected case
Meningitis deaths reported during the week

Neonatal Tetanus

Neonatal tetanus suspected cases during the week
Neonatal tetanus deaths among suspected cases during the week

Non Neonatal Tetanus

Non Neonatal tetanus new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Non Neonatal tetanus deaths among suspected cases during the week


Pertussis new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Pertussis confirmed cases during the week
Pertussis deaths among suspected cases during the week


Plague new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Plague confirmed cases during the week
Plague deaths among suspected cases during the week


Rabies new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Rabies confirmed cases during the week
Rabies deaths among suspected cases during the week


Rubella confirmed cases during the week

Viral Hemorrhagic Fever

Viral hemorrhagic fever new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Viral hemorrhagic fever confirmed cases during the week
Viral hemorrhagic fever deaths among suspected cases during the week

Yellow Fever

Yellow fever suspected cases during the week
Yellow fever probable cases during the week
Yellow fever confirmed cases during the week
Yellow fever deaths among suspected cases during the week
\n", "id": "UWXDYm6VCa9", "lastUpdated": "2020-07-25T09:32:53.149", "name": "IDSR - Aggregate Weekly Report (no disaggregations)", "style": "COMPACT", "translations": [] }, { "created": "2019-12-09T16:14:31.592", "format": 2, "htmlCode": "


AFP suspected cases during the week
AFP deaths among suspected cases during the wee

Acute Watery Diarrheoea

Acute watery diarrhoea new cases reported during the epi week
Acute watery diarrhoea deaths among cases during the week
Cholera Alert
Cholera RDT positive during the week
Two or more AWD aged 2 years and older (linked by time and place) with severe dehydration or dying
One death from severe AWD in a person > 5 years old


Cholera suspected cases during the week
Cholera samples processed during the week
Cholera deaths among suspected cases during the week

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Dengue Fever deaths among suspected cases during the week

Diarrheawith Blood (Shigella)

Shigella new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Shigella deaths among suspected cases during the week


Diphtheria new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Diphtheria deaths among suspected cases during the week


Dracunculiasis new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Dracunculiasis deaths among suspected cases during the week

Influenza Like Illness

Influenza-Like Illness new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Influenza-Like Illness deaths among suspected cases during the week


Measles/rubella new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Measles/rubella deaths among suspected cases during the week


Meningitis suspected cases reported during the week
Meningitis deaths reported during the week

Neonatal Tetanus

Neonatal tetanus suspected cases during the week
Neonatal tetanus deaths among suspected cases during the week

Non Neonatal Tetanus

Non Neonatal tetanus new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Non Neonatal tetanus deaths among suspected cases during the week


Pertussis new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Pertussis deaths among suspected cases during the week


Plague new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Plague deaths among suspected cases during the week


Rabies new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Rabies deaths among suspected cases during the week

Viral Hemorrhagic Fever

Viral hemorrhagic fever new suspected cases reported during the epi week
Viral hemorrhagic fever deaths among suspected cases during the week

Yellow Fever

Yellow fever suspected cases during the week
Yellow fever probable cases during the week
Yellow fever deaths among suspected cases during the week
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