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", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "RDT stock out days", "id": "DEasiq2eO60", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.535", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - RDT stock out days", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RDT stock out days", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "BwnnrV1AkNj" }, "code": "MAL_POP_TOTAL", "created": "2017-01-17T18:23:12.080", "description": "Total population for a given level.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Population (total)", "id": "dFaBg0HpoIL", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:32.858", "legendSets": [], "name": "GEN - Population with malaria age disaggregation", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Population with malaria disagg", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Population (total)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_TEST_MICR", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:52.832", "description": "Suspected cases tested with malaria microscopy", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Tested (micr)", "id": "DPNsg3wjxGm", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:07.332", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - 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Adult - Pack", "id": "ENIbHvgpaQR", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:50.477", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Stock-out of ACT - Adult - Pack", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Stock-out of ACT - Adult - Pack", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Rupture de stock de CTA - Adult" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_POS_MICR", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:53.325", "description": "Cases confirmed as positive with microscopy", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Positive (micr)", "id": "enVf9I39FRZ", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:08.706", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases positive with microscopy", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Positive (micr)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas positifs (microscopie)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_NOTIF_24RS", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:32.585", "description": "Number of confirmed malaria cases notified to national level within (N1) timeframe after confirmation, defined in the national guideline", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria cases notified within 24hrs", "id": "Eoc8cDA52c3", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:12.805", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - 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Foci responded with larviciding", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Foci responded with larviciding", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Foyers avec réponse avec traitements larvicides" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_PV_CASES_THAT_ARE_POS_G6DP_DEF", "created": "2016-03-10T08:15:28.185", "description": "Number of P. vivax that are positive to G6DP deficiency test with RDT", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of P. vivax cases that are positive to G6DP deficiency", "id": "GVkqWp9gP5b", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:39.757", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - P. vivax cases that are positive to G6DP deficiency", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "P. vivax cases positive to G6DP deficiency", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Numbre de cas P. vivax testés pour le déficit en G6DP avec le TDR avant un traitement avec premaquine" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "BwnnrV1AkNj" }, "code": "MAL_DEATH", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:52.341", "description": "Deaths in health facility due to malaria", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Malaria deaths", "id": "GxlrIgMyEf4", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:05.715", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria deaths", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Malaria deaths", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Décès dus au paludisme" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_PV_CASES_WITH_TREAT_CQ_ONLY", "created": "2016-03-10T08:16:42.396", "description": "Number of P. vivax cases treated with chloroquine only (3 days)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of P. vivax cases treated chloroquine", "id": "h9DNhuHHgkH", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:42.459", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - P. vivax cases with treated chloroquine only", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "P. vivax cases treated chloroquine", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de cas P. vivax traités par la chloroquine" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_STOCKOUT_ARTESUNATE", "created": "2017-06-23T14:28:17.920", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Artesunate (injectables + suppositories)", "id": "hEQeamIKO5z", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:59.130", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Stock-out of artesunate (injectables + suppositories)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Stock-out of artesunate", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Rupture de stock de artesunate (injectables + suppositoires)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_INVEST_N2", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:33.109", "description": "Number of confirmed malaria cases investiated within (N2)*,the number of days after confirmation, defined in the national guideline", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria cases investigated within timeframe of the guideline", "id": "HHpmA3PRXlJ", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:14.142", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases investigated within (N2)* timeframe of the guideline", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Cases investigated within 4 days of diagnosis", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas investigués dans les délais [selon les directives nationales, 3j] (à compter du diagnostic) " } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_CLASS_LOCAL", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:24.136", "description": "Number of cases confirmed as malaria that are investigated and classified as either indigenous or introduced", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Malaria cases classified as local", "id": "HMUc4RajgaC", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:52.613", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases classified - local", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Local cases", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme classifiés comme locaux" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_RDT_OPENING_BALANCE", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.534", "description": "Number of RDTs on-hand from previous month", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "RDT opening balance", "id": "HOEMlLX5SMC", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.534", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - RDT opening balance", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RDT opening balance", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_RDTS_RECV", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.534", "description": "Number of RDT kits received in teh stock of the health facility", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "RDT received ", "id": "iaQuylCoH3u", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-04T15:30:09.866", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - RDT received", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RDT received ", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_PO_MICR_RDT", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:54.330", "description": "Cases confirmed as P.ovale positive with microscopy", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "P. ovale (micr)", "id": "iMcQ1MedqGo", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:29.804", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Plasmodium ovale (microscopy)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "P. ovale (micr)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "P. ovale (micr) " } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_RDT_HAND", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.535", "description": "Number of RDTs on-hand at the facility after the physical stock count at the end of the reporting period", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "RDT stock on hand", "id": "ImjPjbE2rFm", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-16T13:33:27.366", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - RDT stock on hand", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "RDT stock on hand ", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_PF_RDT", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:56.837", "description": "Cases confirmed as P.falciparum with RDT", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "P. falciparum (RDT)", "id": "IUrl6HtHVQI", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:18.624", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Plasmodium falciparum (RDT)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "P. falciparum (RDT)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "P. falciparum (TDR)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "JuuvtzLw22M" }, "code": "MAL_FOCI_WITH_RESP_N4", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:34.121", "description": "Number of foci with response within (N4)*,the number of days after confirmation of case, defined in the national guideline. Note: Eligibility of foci for response depends on previous interventions, status of foci (active, non-active or clear-up)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria foci with response within timeframe of the guideline", "id": "jKGVvTehpps", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:16.787", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria foci with response within (N4)* timeframe of the guideline", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Foci with response within 10 days of diagnosis", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Foyers avec réponse dans les délais [selon les directives nationales, 3-6j] (à compter du diagnostic)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_OTHER_MAL_SPECIES_MICR", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:55.326", "description": "Cases confirmed as P.malariae or P. ovale or P. knowlesi with microscopy", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Other species (micr)", "id": "jtyuEfbNbkb", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:14.622", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Other malaria species (microscopy)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Other species (micr)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Autres espèces (micr)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "NONE", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_PF_MICR", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:53.820", "description": "Cases confirmed as P.falciparum positive with microscopy", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "P. falciparum (micr)", "id": "jvjJ901K56K", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:10.079", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Plasmodium falciparum (microscopy)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "P. falciparum (micr)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "P. falciparum (micr)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_PRIMAQUINE_HAND", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "description": "Number of Primaquine on-hand at the facility after the physical stock count at the end of the reporting period", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Primaquine stock on hand", "id": "jynElcE3gF0", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Primaquine stock on hand", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Primaquine stock on hand", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_STOCKOUT_ACT_INFANT", "created": "2017-06-23T14:28:17.920", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ACT - Infant - Pack", "id": "kc07jdV2C3B", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:53.602", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Stock-out of ACT - Infant - Pack", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Stock-out of ACT - Infant - Pack", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Rupture de stock de CTA - Nourrisson" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_FOCI_IDENT_NEW_OLD", "created": "2015-09-14T08:21:09.197", "description": "Number of malaria foci identified (new+old) identified in the past 5 years (including current calendar year)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Total foci (new+old) identified in the past 5 years (including current calendar year)", "id": "kC0lyoKVBqC", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:31.534", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Foci identified (new+old) in past 5 years (including current calendar year)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Foci identified, new and old (list of foci)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de foyers identifiés (total)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_ARTESUNATE_ISSUED", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "description": "Number of Artesunate issued from the facility's stock during the reporting period", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Artesunate issued ", "id": "kk2ClooVm41", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-11T10:12:01.228", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Artesunate issued ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Artesunate issued", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_SYMPT_DIAG_24HRS", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:32.066", "description": "Number of suspected cases tested with either microscopy or RDT within 24 hours of onset of malaria symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting, chills, etc", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria cases with symptoms diagnosed within 24hrs", "id": "KNAg6VC23us", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:11.478", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases with symptoms diagnosed within 24hrs", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Cases with symptoms diagnosed within 24 hours", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme présentant des symptômes du paludisme diagnostiqués dans les 24 heures" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_CLASS_IMPORT", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:24.657", "description": "Number of cases confirmed as malaria that are investigated and classified as imported from another country. In countries with subnational elimination programme, cases imported from other administrative areas may be termed as domestically imported.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Malaria cases classified as imported", "id": "koNkg93tcFv", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:53.950", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases classified - imported", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Imported cases", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme classifiés comme importés" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "AVERAGE_SUM_ORG_UNIT", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_LLIN_STOCKOUT_DAYS", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "description": "Number of days when the facility was stocked out of LLIN (at any point during the day) during the reporting period. ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "LLIN stock out days", "id": "KQvuAWwOPnE", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - LLIN stock out days", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "LLIN stock out days", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "BwnnrV1AkNj" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_PRES_CONF", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:51.328", "description": "Total number of cases reported as malaria (confirmed with either microscopy or RDT, and presumed clinically as malaria in absence of diagnosis)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Outpatient malaria cases (confirmed + presumed)", "id": "kRasaq1REFp", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:02.957", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Total malaria cases (confirmed + presumed)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Outpatient malaria cases (confirmed + presumed)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme ambulatoires (confirmés + présumés)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_ACTS_COURS_RECV_BY_PATIENTS", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.531", "description": "Number of ACT packs received by patients", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ACTs courses received by patients", "id": "l7gcisIvTBN", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-03T06:51:10.004", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - ACTs courses received by patients", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "MAL - ACTs courses received by patients", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "HF_WITHOUT_LLIN_STOCKOUT_DAYS_REPORTED", "created": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.296", "description": "This field is calculated by a predictor", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Facilities without LLIN stockout days reported", "id": "L9wnSDBRClO", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.296", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Facilities without LLIN stockout days reported", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "HF without LLIN stockout days reported", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_MIX_MAL_SPECIES_MICR", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:54.829", "description": "Cases confirmed as mixed infection with P.falciparum and P.vivax with microscopy", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Mixed (micr)", "id": "lgDGha7OO9o", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:13.230", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria mixed infection (microscopy)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Mixed (micr)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Mixed (micr)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_FOCI_CLASS_AS_CLEAR", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:28.474", "description": "Number of foci with no local transmission for more than 3 years and are no longer considered residual non-active. i.e. foci with absence of locally-acquired case(s) for more than 3 years, where only imported or/and relapsing/recrudescent cases or/and induced cases may occur in the current calendar year.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria Foci classified as cleared-up (no local transmission for >3 years, no longer considered residual non-active)", "id": "LH9FKWl1FfP", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:02.063", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria Foci classified as cleared-up (no local transmission for >3 years, no longer considered residual non-active)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Foci classified as cleared-up", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de foyers classifiés comme non-actif ou éteint (avec interventions)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_CONF_MEAN+2", "created": "2017-06-27T08:23:09.034", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Malaria confirmed MEAN+2 STD (threshold)", "id": "LhcXjWs6lm7", "lastUpdated": "2019-09-20T19:53:36.527", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria confirmed MEAN+2 STD (threshold)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Malaria confirmed threshold", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_MIX_MAL_SPECIES_RDT", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:57.826", "description": "Cases confirmed as mixed infection with P.falciparum and other species with RDT", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Mixed (RDT)", "id": "llpG8qA0SvG", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:21.759", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Mixed/Other malaria species (RDT)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Mixed (RDT)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Mixtes/Autres (TDR)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "HF_WITHOUT_RDTS_STOCKOUT_DAYS_REPORTED", "created": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.296", "description": "This field is calculated by a predictor", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Facilities without RDTs stockout days reported", "id": "lPXaBt4ToQb", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.296", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Facilities without RDTs stockout days reported", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "HF without RDTs stockout days reported", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_CLASS_AS_INDUC", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:24.136", "description": "Number of cases classified as induced, not due to mosquito-borne transmission. i.e. a case whose origin can be traced to a blood transfusion or other form of parenteral inoculation of the parasite but not to transmission by a natural mosquito-borne inoculation.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Malaria cases classified as induced", "id": "lY309oiMifk", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:27.534", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases classified - induced", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Malaria cases classified - induced", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme classifiés comme induits" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_FOCI_CLASS_AS_ACTIV", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:27.370", "description": "Number of foci with ongoing transmission, i.e. a foci with locally acquired case(s) detected within the current calendar year.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria Foci classified as active (with ongoing transmission, locally acquired case(s) detected within the current transmission calendar year )", "id": "lz1FE0wvo1m", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:59.302", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria foci classified as active (with ongoing transmission, locally acquired case(s) detected within the current transmission calendar year )", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Foci classified as endemic or active", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de foyers classifiés comme endémiques ou actifs (avec cas locaux confirmés au moins au cours des deux dernières années)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_NEW_ACTIV_FOCI_CURRE_YEAR", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:25.734", "description": "Number of malaria foci classified active foci identified within current calendar year", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "New foci identified (current year)", "id": "lZi1cjtvVB6", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:55.290", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - New active foci with the current calendar year", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Foci identified (list of foci)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de foyers identifiés (nouveaux)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_PF_CASES_TREAT_WITH_ACT_ONLY", "created": "2016-03-10T08:10:51.669", "description": "Number of P. falciparum cases potentially treated only with full ACT treatment courses", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of P. falciparum cases treated with ACT only", "id": "M91K9z70dl4", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:36.969", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - P. falciparum cases treated with ACT only", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "P. falciparum cases treated with ACT only", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de cas P. falciparum traité par un CTA" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_STOCKOUT_RDT", "created": "2017-06-23T14:28:17.920", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "RDT malaria kits", "id": "Md3xk3vlABx", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:56.427", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - 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Children - Pack", "id": "mIefFUftPpa", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:52.049", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Stock-out of ACT - Children - Pack", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Stock-out of ACT - Children - Pack", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Rupture de stock de CTA - Enfant" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "BOOLEAN", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_LLIN_DISTR_NB", "created": "2019-09-16T17:08:45.595", "description": "Number of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) distributed to infants", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of LLINs distributed to infants", "id": "MJFRkoiH4KQ", "lastUpdated": "2019-09-20T20:39:46.454", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Long lasting insecticide treated nets distributed to infants", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "LLINs distributed to infants", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_ACT_HAND", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.532", "description": "Number of ACT blister packs on-hand at the facility after the physical stock count at the end of the reporting period", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ACT stock on hand", "id": "mTR90t8ea5x", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-16T13:33:09.190", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - 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ACTs)", "id": "OCuA0tI3BCi", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:43.261", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - 1st-line treatment courses received (incl. ACTs)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "1st-line treatment courses received (incl. ACTs)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre total de traitements d'antipaludique de 1ère ligne distrib. (inclus CTA)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_PRIMAQUINE_ISSUED", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "description": "Number of Primaquine issued tfrom the facility's stock during the reporting period", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Primaquine issued ", "id": "oIi0Ybn06e2", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-11T10:12:01.229", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Primaquine issued ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Primaquine issued ", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "JuuvtzLw22M" }, "code": "MAL_FOCI_WITH_RESP", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:28.978", "description": "Number of foci that received response with either treatment, mass drug administration, LLINs or IRS, or larval control following foci investigation", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of foci with response", "id": "oNqsWW6eD3L", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:03.443", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Foci with response", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Foci with response", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Foyers avec réponse" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_LLIN_ISSUED", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.048", "description": "Number of LLIN issued from the facility's stock during the reporting period", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "LLIN issued ", "id": "OpiuZiAzEwQ", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-11T10:12:01.229", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - LLIN issued", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "LLIN issued ", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_TEST_RDT", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:55.827", "description": "Suspected cases tested with malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Tested (RDT)", "id": "pmRn0GsUfr6", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:15.972", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases tested (RDT)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Tested (RDT)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme testés par TDR" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "AVERAGE_SUM_ORG_UNIT", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_ACT_STOCKOUT_DAYS", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.533", "description": "Number of days during which the facility was stocked out of ACT blister packs (at any point during the day) during the reporting period. ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ACT number of stock out days", "id": "pNalmL0t0uk", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-02T11:00:54.010", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - ACT stock out days", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ACT stock out days", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_INVEST", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:23.058", "description": "Number of cases confirmed as malaria (in passive case detection) investigated in a given village or area", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria cases investigated", "id": "Ppc51eaCPHb", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:49.968", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases investigated", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Cases investigated", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre total de cas investigué" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "HF_WITH_ACT_STOCKOUT_DAYS_REPORTED", "created": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.508", "description": "This field is calculated by a predictor", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Facilities with ACT stockout days reported", "id": "Pw7sgDi5Pge", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.508", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Facilities with ACT stockout days reported", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "HF with ACT stockout days reported", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_CLASS_AS_RELAP", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:24.136", "description": "Number of cases classfied as indigenous with recurrence of asexual parasitaemia in P. vivax or P. ovale infections arising from hypnozoites (that persist in the liver and mature to form hepatic schizonts).", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Malaria cases classified as relapsing", "id": "QFz6w4llj0h", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:28.874", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases classified - relapsing", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Malaria classified as relapsing", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme classifiés comme rechutes (longue incubation) de P. vivax" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_PK_MICR_RDT", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:54.330", "description": "Cases confirmed as P.knowlesi positive with microscopy", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "P. knowlesi (micr)", "id": "QJUcVI1zY5y", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:32.510", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Plasmodium knowlesi (microscopy)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "P. knowlesi (micr)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "P. knowlesi (micr) " } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_PF_CASES_TREAT_WITH_SINGL_DOSE_PQ_ACT", "created": "2016-03-10T08:10:07.764", "description": "Number of P. falciparum cases potentially treated with single dose premaquine and ACT", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of P. falciparum cases treated with single dose premaquine and ACT", "id": "QUk2XwhVL7n", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:35.530", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - P. falciparum cases treated with single dose premaquine and ACT", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "P. falciparum cases treated w/premaquine and ACT", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de cas P. falciparum traités avec une dose unique de prémaquine et CTA" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_SP_REDISTRIBUTED", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "description": "Number of Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamin redistributed back into the supply chain and is no longer intended for the patients of the reporting health facility", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine redistributed", "id": "Qv9b5QAOO0F", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-02T11:01:43.366", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine redistributed", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "SP redistributed", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_EL_FOCI_NEW_ACT", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:27.912", "description": "Number of foci where transmission has been interrupted recently (1-3 years ago), i.e. a foci where the last locally acquired case(s) was detected in the previous calendar year or up to 3 years earlier.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria Foci classified as residual non-active (Transmission interrupted recently, 1-3 years ago)", "id": "Qzfvt1YRb1Y", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:00.630", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria foci classified as residual non-active (Transmission interrupted recently, 1-3 years ago)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Foci classified as new active", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de foyers classifiés comme actif" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_POS_REAC_ACD", "created": "2016-03-10T07:43:27.816", "description": "Number of positive cases with either microscopy or RDT through active case detection (ACD) in a community", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria cases positive in ACD (reactive ACD as part of foci investigation)", "id": "ra1VTaKQK60", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:19.520", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases positive in ACD (reactive ACD as part of foci investigation)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Cases positive in reactive ACD", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme positifs en dépistage actif (réactif)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_PV_CASES_TEST_G6DP_DEF_RDT_B4_TRT_PQ", "created": "2016-03-10T09:14:42.100", "description": "Number of P. viva positive cases tested for G6DP deficiency with RDT before treatment with premaquine", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of P. vivax cases tested for G6DP deficiency with RDT before treatment with premaquine", "id": "rbqe6Td5rNI", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:38.407", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - P. vivax cases tested for G6DP deficiency with RDT before treatment with premaquine", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "P. vivax cases tested for G6DP deficiency", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de cas traité par n'importe quel antipaludique de 1ère ligne" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "HF_WITH_SP_STOCKOUT_DAYS_REPORTED", "created": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.296", "description": "This field is calculated by a predictor", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Facilities with Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine stockout days reported", "id": "Rd02CjRNYDD", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.296", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Facilities with Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine stockout days reported", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "HF with SP stockout days reported", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_PRIMAQUINE_REDISTRIBUTED", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "description": "Number of Primaquine redistributed back into the supply chain and is no longer intended for the patients of the reporting health facility.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Primaquine redistributed", "id": "RJkNUMqVTRC", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Primaquine redistributed", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Primaquine redistributed", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_LLIN_OPENING_BALANCE", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.048", "description": "Number of LLIN on-hand from previous month", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "LLIN opening balance", "id": "RRA1O37nLn0", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.048", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - LLIN opening balance", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "LLIN opening balance", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "HF_WITH_ARTESUNATE_STOCKOUT_DAYS_REPORTED", "created": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.295", "description": "This field is calculated by a predictor", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Facilities with Artesunate stockout days reported", "id": "ruRmurEI4yM", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-18T10:38:38.295", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Facilities with Artesunate stockout days reported", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "HF with Artesunate stockout days reported", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_FOCI_INVEST", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:26.281", "description": "Number of foci that received foci-investigation activities by a team in a given period", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of malaria foci investigated", "id": "s9FmEvF0r4n", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:56.611", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria foci investigated", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Foci investigated", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre de foyers investigués" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_BR_IPD_PW", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:51.848", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Malaria inpatients (pregnant women)", "id": "S9nIxTMWplW", "lastUpdated": "2019-06-29T07:21:34.379", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Inpatient malaria cases (pregnant women)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "BR57-Malaria inpatients (pregnant women)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_SP_DISCARDED", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.049", "description": "Number of Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamin discarded during the reporting period (expired, damaged, etc.)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine discarded", "id": "SldWQ0uCFA2", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-02T11:02:02.903", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - 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ACT discarded", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ACT discarded", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "IvYR8mc6prX" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_CLASS_AS_RECRU", "created": "2016-05-09T06:54:24.136", "description": "Number of cases classified as indigenous with recurrence of asexual parasitaemia of the same genotype(s) that caused the original illness, due to incomplete clearance of asexual parasites after antimalarial treatment. Recrudescence is different from reinfection with a parasite of the same or different genotype(s) and relapse in P. vivax and P. ovale infections.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Malaria cases classified as recrudescent", "id": "TMaDgAn60aR", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:02:30.209", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Malaria cases classified - recrudescent", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Malaria classified as recrudescent", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme classifiés comme recrudescence" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_RDT_DISCARDED", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.533", "description": "Number of RDTs discarded during the reporting period (expired, damaged, etc.)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "RDTs discarded", "id": "To2fZcY5oUS", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.533", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - 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"description": "Percentage of positive cases due to P. falciparum parasite ((number of cases due to P. falciparum only + mix infection with P. falciparum/ all positive cases)x100)", "id": "Uzmk0S9IwWn", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-10-22T11:06:52.787", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Percentage of P. falciparum", "numerator": "#{jvjJ901K56K}+#{lgDGha7OO9o}+ #{IUrl6HtHVQI}+#{llpG8qA0SvG}", "numeratorDescription": "Sum (Pf+mixed Micr+RDT)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "% P. falciparum", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PALU - Pourcentage de P. falciparum" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Pourcentage de P. falciparum" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "MAL_CASE_FATAL_RATE_MAL_IPD", "created": "2016-03-11T03:19:26.423", "denominator": "#{v0WZQQ6gKAX}", "denominatorDescription": 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RDTs redistributed<=RDT opening balance + RDTs received", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "RDT opening balance + RDTs received", "expression": "#{iaQuylCoH3u}+#{HOEMlLX5SMC}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2017-06-23T17:27:25.585", "id": "ohyQDfDlUGD", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "[Malaria cases classified] should be less than or equal to the number of [Malaria cases investigated]. Both numbers can be zeros.", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-17T08:40:43.751", "leftSide": { "description": "Malaria cases classified", "expression": "#{a4Cw4iPcMrY}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Malaria cases classified <= Malaria cases investigated", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Malaria cases investigated", "expression": "#{Ppc51eaCPHb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2017-06-23T17:27:25.585", "id": "p5591gkdyU4", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Foci with response = Sum of Foci responded with MDA, Foci responded with IRS, Foci responded with LLIN/hummock and Foci responded with larviciding", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-17T08:50:23.631", "leftSide": { "description": "Foci with response", "expression": "#{oNqsWW6eD3L}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Foci with response = Sum of Foci responses (MDA, IRS, LLIN, larviciding)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Foci responded with MDA", "expression": "#{FyouhDzv0bP}+ #{mDCNvNfweci}+ #{Gq9q1I1t60k} + #{gSlR6YgWw45}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-12-17T11:20:57.580", "id": "Q1x1AuQfQF7", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "RDTs drugs distributed should be less than or equal to RDT opening balance + RDTs received", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-17T11:45:46.029", "leftSide": { "description": "RDTs drugs distributed", "expression": "#{CsJm4IsvXqg}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - RDTs drugs distributed<=RDT opening balance + RDTs received", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "RDT opening balance + RDTs received", "expression": "#{iaQuylCoH3u}+#{HOEMlLX5SMC}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-12-17T11:20:57.588", "id": "qACo3nL5P0i", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "LLIN stock on hand should be less than or equal to LLIN opening balance + LLIN received", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-17T11:45:46.027", "leftSide": { "description": "LLIN stock on hand", "expression": "#{GIhoITcc0jp}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - LLIN stock on hand<=LLIN opening balance + LLIN received", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "LLIN opening balance + LLIN received", "expression": "#{eCKSKNgHJqe}+#{RRA1O37nLn0}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-12-17T11:20:57.581", "id": "qBLvzadOdnq", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "RDT stock on hand should be less than or equal to RDT opening balance + RDTs received", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-17T11:45:46.029", "leftSide": { "description": "RDT stock on hand", "expression": "#{ImjPjbE2rFm}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - RDT stock on hand<=RDT opening balance + RDTs received", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "RDT opening balance + RDTs received", "expression": "#{iaQuylCoH3u}+#{HOEMlLX5SMC}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-12-17T11:20:57.588", "id": "Qpm2opm7PDs", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine distributed should be less than or equal to Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine opening balance + Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine received", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-17T11:45:46.030", "leftSide": { "description": "Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine distributed", "expression": "#{U4kmpM14xhJ}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine distributed<=Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine opening balance + Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine received", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine opening balance + Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine received", "expression": "#{GDBHGyXJI2T}+#{f7z0IhHVWBT}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2017-06-23T17:27:25.585", "id": "Rv0j1oszqz0", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "[Positive (RDT)] should be equal the number of [P. falciparum (RDT)]. Both numbers can be zeros.", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-17T09:36:38.295", "leftSide": { "description": "Positive (RDT)", "expression": "#{vTRrNdOOT9g}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Positive (RDT) = Sum of species (RDT)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "P. falciparum (RDT)", "expression": "#{IUrl6HtHVQI}+ #{yVGY0DGVPor}+ #{llpG8qA0SvG}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2017-06-23T17:27:25.585", "id": "s7pJpP0oejw", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "[Number of ACT treatment courses receive] should be less than or equal to the number of [Number 1st-line treatment courses received (inlc. ACTs)]. Both numbers can be zeros.", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-17T09:34:53.570", "leftSide": { "description": "Number of ACT treatment courses receive", "expression": "#{l7gcisIvTBN}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - ACT treatment courses receive <=1st-line treatment courses received (inlc. ACTs)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Number 1st-line treatment courses received (inlc. ACTs)", "expression": "#{OCuA0tI3BCi}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-12-17T11:20:57.590", "id": "u5v67q1yGrv", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Artesunate redistributed should be less than or equal to Artesunate opening balance + Artesunate received", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-17T11:45:46.025", "leftSide": { "description": "Artesunate redistributed", "expression": "#{F7L5jVrWnHi}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Artesunate redistributed<=Artesunate opening balance + Artesunate received", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Artesunate opening balance + Artesunate received", "expression": "#{F7BWpIVSEpM}+#{BdRI37FNDJs}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-12-17T11:20:57.578", "id": "vedFOTBB9GX", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ACTs distributed should be less than or equal to ACT opening balance + ACTs courses received", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-17T11:45:46.023", "leftSide": { "description": "ACTs distributed", "expression": "#{xysDfJ6oPMh}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - ACTs distributed<=ACT opening balance + ACTs courses received", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "ACT opening balance + ACTs courses received", "expression": "#{l7gcisIvTBN}+#{CBKXL15dSwQ}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2021-03-20T08:44:03.971", "id": "vGgLI7fa8qY", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine stock out days should be less than or equal to 30 days", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-20T08:44:03.971", "leftSide": { "description": " Stock out days", "expression": "#{B3ItBcjVieC}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine stock out days <=30 days", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "30 days", "expression": "30", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2021-03-20T08:39:54.390", "id": "vkfpjyEln9S", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Primaquine stock out days should be less than or equal to 30 days", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-20T08:39:54.390", "leftSide": { "description": " Stock out days", "expression": "#{C3vtx1aie2U}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Primaquine stock out days<=30 days", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "30 days", "expression": "30", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2021-03-20T08:38:09.127", "id": "Vpg5PP6ymLP", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "LLIN stock out days should be less than or equal to 30 days", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-20T08:38:09.127", "leftSide": { "description": " Stock out days", "expression": "#{KQvuAWwOPnE}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - LLIN stock out days <=30 days", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "30 days", "expression": "30", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2017-06-23T17:27:25.585", "id": "VPgf5jXAgnV", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "[Positive (RDT)] should be less than or equal to the number of [Tested (RDT)]. Both numbers can be zeros.", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-17T09:36:30.570", "leftSide": { "description": "Positive (RDT)", "expression": "#{vTRrNdOOT9g}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Positive (RDT) <= Tested (RDT)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Tested (RDT)", "expression": "#{pmRn0GsUfr6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-12-17T11:20:57.586", "id": "vYw6CMkgkc0", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "LLIN discarded should be less than or equal to LLIN opening balance + LLIN received", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-17T11:45:46.026", "leftSide": { "description": "LLIN discarded", "expression": "#{YnKOG0WVtlq}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - LLIN discarded<=LLIN opening balance + LLIN received", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "LLIN opening balance + LLIN received", "expression": "#{eCKSKNgHJqe}+#{RRA1O37nLn0}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2017-06-23T17:27:25.585", "id": "w4eiMkqdRF7", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "[Malaria deaths] should be less than or equal to the number of [Malaria inpatients]. Both numbers can be zeros.", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-17T08:41:45.877", "leftSide": { "description": "Malaria deaths", "expression": "#{GxlrIgMyEf4}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Malaria deaths <= Malaria inpatients", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Malaria inpatients", "expression": "#{v0WZQQ6gKAX}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2017-06-23T17:27:25.585", "id": "wuTietFyjIc", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "[Positive (Micr)] should be less than or equal to the number of [Tested (Micr)]. Both numbers can be zeros.", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-17T09:36:13.111", "leftSide": { "description": "Positive (Micr)", "expression": "#{enVf9I39FRZ}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - Positive (Micr) <= Tested (Micr)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Tested (Micr)", "expression": "#{DPNsg3wjxGm}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-12-17T11:20:57.579", "id": "xIiJDuTOeAl", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ACT stock on hand should be less than or equal to ACT opening balance + ACTs courses received", "lastUpdated": "2020-12-17T11:45:46.024", "leftSide": { "description": "ACT stock on hand", "expression": "#{mTR90t8ea5x}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "MAL - 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