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"rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_SP_COURS_RECV_IPTP1", "created": "2017-01-25T15:06:26.891", "description": "Number of 1st dose full treatment course of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine received for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of SP course received for IPTp (1st dose)", "id": "vCwegNjEuxN", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:44.588", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - SP course received for IPTp (1st dose)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "SP course received for IPTp (1st dose)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre total de (n) doses de TPI avec la SP donné" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_SP_COURS_RECV_IPTP3", "created": "2017-01-25T15:06:26.891", "description": "Number of 3rd dose full treatment course of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine received for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of SP course received for IPTp (3rd dose)", "id": "SPhiBDEbG0o", "lastUpdated": "2019-06-29T07:19:55.747", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - SP course received for IPTp (3rd dose)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "SP course received for IPTp (3rd dose)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "BwnnrV1AkNj" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_PRES_CONF", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:51.328", "description": "Total number of cases reported as malaria (confirmed with either microscopy or RDT, and presumed clinically as malaria in absence of diagnosis)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Outpatient malaria cases (confirmed + presumed)", "id": "kRasaq1REFp", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:02.957", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Total malaria cases (confirmed + presumed)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Outpatient malaria cases (confirmed + presumed)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme ambulatoires (confirmés + présumés)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC1", "created": "2015-03-22T13:45:24.292", "description": "First visit by a pregnant woman to a health facility to primarily receive antenatal care. The first antenatal visit may be referred to as a ‘booking or scheduled visit’ when various processes are done as per the national policy.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC 1st visit", "id": "qqc4NnWVFL9", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-12T20:27:35.723", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - ANC 1st visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC 1st visit", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC4", "created": "2015-03-22T13:45:24.292", "description": "The fourth visit by a pregnant woman to a health facility to receive antenatal care.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC 4th visit", "id": "OWk2WulfJYQ", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T13:57:36.164", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - ANC 4th visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC 4th visit", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC8", "created": "2019-04-20T12:40:12.108", "description": "The eighth visit by a pregnant woman to a health facility to receive antenatal care.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC 8th visit", "id": "RZwUYm8c522", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T13:57:37.360", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - ANC 8th visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC 8th visit", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC1B12W", "created": "2019-04-12T20:30:15.281", "description": "First visit by a pregnant woman to a health facility that occurs before 12 weeks after conception i.e. within the first trimester, to primarily receive antenatal care. The first antenatal visit may be referred to as a ‘booking or scheduled visit’ when various processes are done as per the national policy", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC 1st visit before 12 weeks", "id": "onUtvYwzUXR", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T13:57:39.168", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal care 1st visit before 12 weeks", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC 1st visit 0-11 wks", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC_SYPH_SCRN", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.481", "description": "Antenatal client who had blood taken for any form of syphilis testing", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients screened for syphilis", "id": "PymzHH1H9al", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T09:43:35.614", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal client screened for syphilis", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC screened for syphilis", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC_SYPH_POS", "created": "2020-04-08T09:50:47.566", "description": "Antenatal client who has a positive blood test for syphilis ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients syphilis seropositive", "id": "pTizH5im75v", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T09:51:32.050", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal client syphilis seropositive", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC syphilis seropositive", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC_SYPH_TRT", "created": "2020-04-08T09:45:37.265", "description": "Antenatal client who has been treated for syphilis ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients treated for syphilis", "id": "A2eTr9WoB7X", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T09:51:43.176", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal client treated for syphilis ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC treated for syphilis", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC_BP", "created": "2020-04-03T14:15:14.581", "description": "Antenatal client who had blood pressure measured", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients with blood pressure measured", "id": "lc1Npzk92je", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T10:04:01.394", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal client with blood pressure measured", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC blood pressure measured", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC_BP_3TRI", "created": "2020-04-08T10:07:43.666", "description": "Antenatal client who had a blood pressure measurement recorded in third (3rd) trimester", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients with blood pressure measured 3rd trimester", "id": "GCqAoxFOUlM", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-11T15:32:58.408", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal client with blood pressure measured in third trimester", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC blood pressure measured 3rd trimester", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANCHB", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.481", "description": "Antenatal client who had haemoglobin done either via finger-prick or blood test", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients with heamoglobin measured", "id": "spDEjCuVGJa", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T13:57:41.528", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal client with haemoglobin level measured", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "ANC haemoglobin measured", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_LIVE_HF_DBW", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.481", "description": "Live facility birth infant with birth weight documented in at least a register before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Live facility births with documented birth weight pre discharge", "id": "AVrYR9vZtT5", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-03T15:32:29.075", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth live in facility with documented birth weight before discharge", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Birth live facility documented birth-weight", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_SBF", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.481", "description": "Still birth is defined as infant born with no signs of life, weighting more than 1,000 g and older than 28 weeks gestation. An antepartum foetal death (stillbirth – macerated) refers to a foetus that has suffered an intrauterine death after the 28th week of gestation and before labour. An intrapartum foetal death (stillbirth - fresh), refers to a baby that has died after the onset of labour and before birth. Fresh stillbirths do not show any signs of maceration. Maceration describes the degenerative changes that occur in stillbirths retained in the utero after death, and the earliest signs are in the form of discolouration and peeling of the skin, leaving regions of raw tissue. Multiple births are counted as several births, as a combination of live and still births, if one foetus is alive and another not.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Stillbirths - fresh", "id": "N73sRkEWLrB", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T13:57:43.802", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still fresh", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Stillbirths fresh", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_SBM", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "description": "Still birth is defined as infant born with no signs of life, weighting more than 1,000 g and older than 28 weeks gestation. An antepartum foetal death (stillbirth – macerated) refers to a foetus that has suffered an intrauterine death after the 28th week of gestation and before labour. Maceration describes the degenerative changes that occur in stillbirths retained in the utero after death, and the earliest signs are in the form of discolouration and peeling of the skin, leaving regions of raw tissue. Multiple births are counted as several births, as a combination of live and still births, if one foetus is alive and another not.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Stillbirths - macerated", "id": "XmFf0Exro82", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T13:57:46.416", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still macerated", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Stillbirth macerated", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_BIRTH_PreTERM", "created": "2020-04-08T14:18:13.104", "description": "Number of newborns born under 37 weeks gestation", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Pre-term births", "id": "kDA2O0sHWkz", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T14:18:13.104", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Births Preterm - under 37 weeks gestation", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Births Pre-term", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CWPNE", "created": "2017-04-06T15:05:32.896", "description": "Pneumonia is defined as cough or chest in drawing or stridor in calm child or difficult and fast breathing. The definition of fast breathing depends on the age of the child: age 1 week up to 2 months: 60 breaths per minute or more = fast breathing. Age 2 months up to 12 months: 50 breaths per minute or more. Age 12 months up to 5 years: 40 breaths per minute or more. Only record children presenting for the first time with the current episode of pneumonia (i.e. new cases), not those coming for follow-up", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Children diagnosed with pneumonia", "id": "tOmh81RNMO9", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T13:57:48.190", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child diagnosed with pneumonia", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Child diagnosed with pneumonia", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTPN_AMOX_TAB", "created": "2020-04-07T14:03:54.039", "description": "Child receiving treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin dispersed tablet", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for pneumonia with Amoxicilin tablet", "id": "S0dkL4NH8Ug", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:22:31.763", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child received treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin dispersed tablet", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Child treated for pneumonia Amoxicillin tablet", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTPN_AMOX_OS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "description": "Child receiving treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin oral syrup", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for pneumonia with Amoxicilin syrup", "id": "ILRT0Q2DqQe", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:28:24.747", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child received treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin oral syrup", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Child treated for pneumonia Amoxicillin syrup", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTPN_OANTIB", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "description": "Child receiving treatment for pneumonia with other antibiotic (not Amoxicillin)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for pneumonia with other antibiotic", "id": "wvQjFX6BBPS", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T13:57:49.859", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child received treatment for pneumonia with other antibiotic", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Child treated for pneumonia other antibiotic", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTPN_OMED", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "description": "Child receiving treatment for pneumonia with other medication (non-antibiotic)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for pneumonia with other medication", "id": "bjwylPfaKVA", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T13:57:50.519", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child received treatment for pneumonia with other medication", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Child treated for pneumonia other medication", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTDIA_ORS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "description": "Child receiving treatment for diarrhoea with ORS only, not including Zinc", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for diarrhoea with ORS only", "id": "ShazYbDQ9DM", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-06T14:13:51.801", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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Count the number of infants born when twins or multiple births occur. Live births should only be counted when the foetus is of 28 or more weeks gestational age and/or weighs 1000g or more.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Live births in facility", "id": "nnjXw0HrTwM", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:19.369", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Live births in facility", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Live births in facility", "translations": [], "url": "https://www.who.int/healthinfo/statistics/indmaternalmortality/en/", "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "NUMBER", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNNC", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Newborn with at least 1 postnatal check", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postnatal newborn care visit", "id": "ImJDnjbrh1N", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:19.986", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Newborn with at least 1 PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Newborn PNC visit", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_NN_KMC", "created": "2020-04-08T13:40:56.019", "description": "Newborns initiated on KMC (or admitted to KMC unit if separate unit exists)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Newborn on kangaroo mother care (KMC) ", "id": "Do6GGAEz16D", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T13:40:56.019", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Newborns on kangaroo mother care (KMC) ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Newborn KMC", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_NN_RESUS_BM", "created": "2020-04-08T13:44:36.726", "description": "Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask", "id": "C4wVmNSCpbH", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T13:44:36.726", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Newborn bag and mask resuscitated", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_NN_TRT_INFECTN", "created": "2020-04-08T14:02:00.554", "description": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "id": "M69zk6JHFwG", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T14:02:00.554", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNNC1_OT", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Infant (born in facility or at home) with first postnatal check on time according to national policy. (It is recommended that newborns receive postnatal care within 24 hours after birth)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postnatal newborn care visit, 1st timely", "id": "KOpyX8sPayv", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-11T14:55:33.631", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum neonate timely 1st PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum neonate timely 1st PNC visit", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_FP_COUNSEL", "created": "2020-04-08T13:31:28.092", "description": "Woman delivering in facility who were given family planning counselling prior to discharge or leaving the facility", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman FP counselled pre-discharge", "id": "fvHKDXsEIoU", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T13:32:04.210", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman counselled on family planning before discharge", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "PP FP Counselled pre-discharge", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_C", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated Condom (male or female) as contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman condom before discharge", "id": "ro4VbuscAMi", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:22.793", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated Condom before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum woman condom before discharge", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_ALL", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Woman delivering in facility initiating a contraceptive method before discharge. “Initiated refers to women who either leave with an FP method or intend to begin a method that day (e.g. fertility awareness method). It combines both those women who “leave with” a method and those who “accept” a method prior to discharge or leaving the facility", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum contraceptive method start pre-discharge", "id": "JHbZ2EJ9Lq2", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:25.005", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated contraceptive method before discharge", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "PP contraceptive method start pre-discharge", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_OP", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated Injectable as contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman pill before discharge", "id": "NMwDSHUNt2E", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:26.814", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated Contraceptive Pill before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum woman pill before discharge", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_IMP", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated Implant as contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman implant before discharge", "id": "k2LxKpsxqY2", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:28.992", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated Implant before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum woman implant before discharge", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_INJ", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated Injectable as contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman injectable before discharge", "id": "JI2wHadI13Y", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:30.678", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated Injectable before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum woman injectable before discharge", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_IUD", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated IUD as contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman IUD before discharge", "id": "TfKBfohNzcF", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:32.974", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated IUD before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum woman IUD before discharge", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_OM", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated other contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman other FP method before discharge", "id": "yYXdFNEUrTH", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:34.759", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated Other contraceptive method before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum woman other FP method before discharge", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_PNC1_OT", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Postpartum woman (delivery at home or facility) with first postpartum check on time according to national policy. (It is recommended that women receive postnatal care within 24 hours after birth)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman timely 1st PNC visit", "id": "tZM3ZFIA8U9", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-11T14:56:20.258", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman timely 1st PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum woman timely 1st PNC visit", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_PNC1", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Postpartum woman with at least 1 postpartum check", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman PNC visit", "id": "pCFpE0jcw6f", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T14:04:37.105", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman with at least 1 PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum woman PNC visit", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_UT_PPH", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "description": "Woman who gave birth in a facility who received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. «Immediately» ideally refers to within one minute", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Uteronic given for PPH prevention", "id": "E70PgIBpwNK", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-03T15:10:59.986", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Uteronic given for PPH prevention", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_IMP_3y", "created": "2020-04-08T15:35:29.848", "description": "Number of units of 3 Year Implant distributed (e.g. Implanon) in 1 month", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units 3 Year Implant (e.g. Implanon)", "id": "DYutD8e5xNO", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:52:49.142", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of 3 Year Implant (e.g. Implanon) distributed monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Units Implant 3y", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_IMP_4y", "created": "2020-04-08T15:36:33.803", "description": "Number of units of 4 Year Implant distributed (e.g. Sino-Implant) ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units 4 Year Implant (e.g. Sino-Implant)", "id": "KM8WEenZ6rF", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:36:33.803", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of 4 Year Implant (e.g. Sino-Implant) distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Units Implant 4y", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_IMP_5y", "created": "2020-04-08T15:37:36.491", "description": "Number of units of 5 Year Implant distributed (e.g. Jadelle) ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units 5 Year Implant (e.g. Jadelle)", "id": "aUVuPVsNN4H", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:37:36.491", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of 5 Year Implant (e.g. Jadelle) distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Units Implant 5y", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_CON", "created": "2020-04-08T15:26:43.632", "description": "Number of units of Condoms (male and female) distributed", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units Condoms (male and female)", "id": "RzX5gq4A7Dk", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:27:16.308", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of Condoms (male and female) distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Units Condoms (male and female)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_IUCD", "created": "2020-04-08T15:33:03.825", "description": "Number of units of Copper-T 380-A IUCD distributed", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units Copper-T 380-A IUCD", "id": "nYfbQOW38Vz", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:33:03.825", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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+ presumed) 0-4y", "description": "(Number of full ACT treatment courses distributed to children under 5/ total number of malaria cases (confirmed+presumed))*100", "id": "fuIpFYTrp5m", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-24T13:32:08.821", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Percentage of cases (confirmed + presumed) treated with ACTs 0-4y", "numerator": "#{l7gcisIvTBN.oPcWGgS2Liz}", "numeratorDescription": "Treatment with ACT 0-4y", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Cases treated with ACTs 0-4 (%)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_ANC1", "created": "2019-04-24T20:27:07.814", "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "First visit by a pregnant woman to a health facility to primarily receive antenatal care. 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Taux d'accouchements assistés en accouchements institutionnels (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Taux d'accouchements institutionnels assistés (%)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_NBDBW", "created": "2019-04-23T20:05:28.274", "denominator": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "denominatorDescription": "Live births in facility", "description": "Percentage of babies born in a facility with documented birthweight before discharge", "id": "PH78zjodtpG", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:10:47.328", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth Live in facility with documented birthweight (%)", "numerator": "#{AVrYR9vZtT5}", "numeratorDescription": "Live births with documented birth weight", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Live facility births documented birth-weight (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage de bébés nés dans une formation sanitaire avec un poids de naissance documenté avant la sortie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Bébés avec poids de naissance documenté (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Nouveaux-nés avec poids de naissance documenté (%)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": true, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_BIRTH_PreTERM", "created": "2020-04-08T14:35:09.482", "decimals": 1, "denominator": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "denominatorDescription": "Number of live births in facility", "description": "Percentage of births in health facility that are pre-term (less than 37 weeks gestation)", "id": "BvmZb48wAcM", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:11:07.732", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth Pre-term(%)", "numerator": "#{kDA2O0sHWkz}", "numeratorDescription": "Number of pre-term births - under 37weeks gestation", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Birth Pre-term (%)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_SBF", "created": "2019-04-24T19:53:21.819", "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of facility births where the infant was Stillbirth-fresh: Still birth is defined as infant born with no signs of life, weighting more than 1,000 g and older than 28 weeks gestation. An intrapartum foetal death (stillbirth - fresh), refers to a baby that has died after the onset of labour and before birth. ", "id": "hjoN5yNAHoP", "indicatorType": { "id": "kHy61PbChXr" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-28T05:38:18.178", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still fresh", "numerator": "#{N73sRkEWLrB}", "numeratorDescription": "Stillbirths - fresh", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Stillbirth fresh", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de naissances où le nourrisson était mort-né frais à la naissance dans la formation sanitaire: un mort-né est défini comme un bébé né sans signe de vie, pesant plus de 1 000 g avec plus de 28 semaines de gestation. La mort fœtale intrapartum (mort-né frais) désigne un bébé qui est décédé après le début du travail et avant la naissance." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Mort-nés frais" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mort-nés frais" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_SBM", "created": "2019-04-24T19:53:21.819", "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of facility births where the infant was Stillbirth-Macerated: Still birth is defined as infant born with no signs of life, weighting more than 1,000 g and older than 28 weeks gestation. An antepartum foetal death (stillbirth – macerated) refers to a foetus that has suffered an intrauterine death after the 28th week of gestation and before labour. Maceration describes the degenerative changes that occur in stillbirths retained in the utero after death, and the earliest signs are in the form of discolouration and peeling of the skin, leaving regions of raw tissue.", "id": "Aii5EOk1xEW", "indicatorType": { "id": "kHy61PbChXr" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-28T05:38:19.310", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still macerated", "numerator": "#{XmFf0Exro82}", "numeratorDescription": "Stillbirths - macerated", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Stillbirth macerated", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de naissances où le nourrisson était mort-né macéré à la naissance dans la formation sanitaire: un mort-né est défini comme un bébé né sans signe de vie, pesant plus de 1 000 g avec plus de 28 semaines de gestation. La mort fœtale antepartum (mort-né macéré) désigne un bébé qui est décédé dans l'uterus après 28 semaines de gestation et avant le début du travail. La macération décrit les changements dégénératifs qui surviennent chez les mort-nés retenus dans l'utérus après le décès, et les premiers signes se manifestent par une décoloration et une desquamation de la peau, laissant des régions de tissu brut." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Mort-nés macérés" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mort-nés macérés" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_SB", "created": "2019-04-23T20:26:37.118", "denominator": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}+#{N73sRkEWLrB}+#{XmFf0Exro82}", "denominatorDescription": "Live and still births in facility", "description": "Stillbirth as a percentage of all births in health facilities. (Baby born with no sign of life and weighing at least 1000g or after 28 weeks gestation)", "id": "ylXbHIzTg7x", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:11:28.956", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still rate in facility (%)", "numerator": "#{N73sRkEWLrB}+#{XmFf0Exro82}", "numeratorDescription": "Still births in facility", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Still birth rate (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mort-nés en pourcentage de toutes les naissances dans les formations sanitaires. (Bébé né sans signe de vie et pesant au moins 1000g ou après 28 semaines de gestation)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Taux de mortinaissance institutionnelle (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Taux de mort-nés (%)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": true, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_CSEB", "created": "2019-04-24T09:05:57.713", "denominator": "#{iKxybad85rv}", "denominatorDescription": "Population live births", "description": "Percentage of expected live births that are done by caesarean section", "id": "PBSxUYML4vn", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-06-12T08:41:48.166", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Caesarean section rate (%)", "numerator": "#{Txvo3x9TKMB}", "numeratorDescription": "Delivery by Caesarean Section", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "C/S delivery rate (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcencate de naissance vivantes par césarienne" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Taux de césarienne (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Taux d'accouchements par césarienne (%)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_CS", "created": "2019-04-24T10:10:25.615", "denominator": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "denominatorDescription": "Delivery in facility", "description": "Percentage of deliveries in health facilities that are caesarean sections", "id": "mX4OsXFUW5A", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-28T05:38:34.796", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Caesarean section rate in institutional deliveries (%)", "numerator": "#{Txvo3x9TKMB}", "numeratorDescription": "Delivery in facility - Caesarean Section", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "C/S institutional delivery rate (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage des accouchements institutionnels par césarienne" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Taux de césarienne en accouchement institutionnel(%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Taux de césarienne en accouchement institutionnel(%)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": true, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_SCRN_CERV_CNCR_COV", "created": "2020-04-08T11:39:46.034", "decimals": 1, "denominator": "#{E3C31RlZ6vr}", "denominatorDescription": "Women of reproductive age (15-49y)", "description": "Percentage of women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years) who were screened for cervical cancer using any of the following methods: visual Inspection with acetic acid/vinegar (VIA), pap smear, human papilloma virus (HPV) test.", "id": "SPKKzLb5389", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T11:39:46.034", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Cervical cancer screening coverage women 15-49y (%)", "numerator": "#{aOFA0KkZezy}", "numeratorDescription": "Women 15-49y screened for cervical cancer", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Cervical cancer screening coverage women 15-49y(%)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_CRTPN_AMOX_OS", "created": "2019-04-24T20:29:13.985", "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of children who received treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin oral syrup", "id": "GkfXbG5tG1S", "indicatorType": { "id": "kHy61PbChXr" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T15:18:46.674", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child received treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin oral syrup", "numerator": "#{ILRT0Q2DqQe}", "numeratorDescription": "Child received treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Child treated for pneumonia Amoxicillin syrup", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre d'enfants ayant reçu un traitement de pneumonie par l'amoxiciline" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Enfant ayant reçu un traitement de pneumonie par l'amoxiciline" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Enfant traité pour pneumonie par amoxiciline" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_CRTPN_OANTIB", "created": "2019-04-24T20:29:59.850", "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of children who received treatment for pneumonia with other antibiotic (not Amoxicillin)", "id": "eM7UECzxWnh", "indicatorType": { "id": "kHy61PbChXr" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-28T05:38:15.095", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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See guidance for formula", "id": "cDVlZtmYpBQ", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-11T16:28:13.632", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Couple year protection rate (CYPR) (%)", "numerator": "(#{j4reww8GXxW}/15) + (#{RzX5gq4A7Dk}/120) + (#{bUgehtOSoj3}/4) + (#{PFtSlBXQkkX}/6) + (#{TRqStkHzyks}/15) + (#{gZFczTAzDQK}/120) + (#{F2u1HTCMMbm}/13) + (#{nYfbQOW38Vz}*4.6) + (#{DYutD8e5xNO}*2.5) + (#{KM8WEenZ6rF}*3.2) + (#{aUVuPVsNN4H}*3.8) + (#{zUCDF81dJwg}/20) + (#{TXGZJPnzOtQ}*10)", "numeratorDescription": "Sum of units of contraceptives distributed divided by factor", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "CYP rate (%)", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_ALL", "created": "2020-04-27T11:58:30.894", "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of child deaths 0-4 years due to all causes", "id": "vhqt3xIZ5Ut", "indicatorType": { "id": "kHy61PbChXr" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-27T11:58:30.894", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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Note: The numerator includes both women who gave birth in the health facility and those who gave birth outside the health facility.", "id": "ePPf0F5klqt", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-28T05:38:26.091", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postnatal care mother (%)", "numerator": "#{pCFpE0jcw6f}", "numeratorDescription": "Postpartum woman with at least 1 PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postnatal care mother (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage de femmes avec contrôle postnatal. NB: le numérateur comprend à la fois les femmes qui ont accouché dans la formation sanitaire et celles qui ont accouché en dehors." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Soins postatals mère (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Soins postatals mère (%)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_PPMTV", "created": "2019-04-23T20:12:00.131", "denominator": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "denominatorDescription": "Delivery in facility", "description": "Percentage of women with timely postnatal check. Timely refers to national guidelines.", "id": "o63QMqOyYg7", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-28T05:38:27.635", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postnatal care mother on time (%)", "numerator": "#{tZM3ZFIA8U9}", "numeratorDescription": "Postpartum woman timely 1st PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "PNC mother timely (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage de femme ayant fait un contrôle postnatal à temps. \"A temps\" fait reference aux directives nationales" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Soins postatals mère à temps (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Soins postatals mère à temps (%)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_PPNBV", "created": "2019-04-23T20:10:46.404", "denominator": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "denominatorDescription": "Live births in facility", "description": "Percentage of newborns with postnatal check. Note: The numerator includes both children born in the health facility and those born outside the health facility.", "id": "KwM3KUO7kg4", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-28T05:38:28.611", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postnatal care newborns (%)", "numerator": "#{ImJDnjbrh1N}", "numeratorDescription": "Newborn with at least 1 PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postnatal care newborns (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage de nouveau-nés avec contrôle postnatal. 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It combines both those women who “leave with” a method and those who “accept” a method prior to discharge or leaving the facility.", "id": "YBjvDwAKAgZ", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T14:47:12.069", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum family planning acceptors (%)", "numerator": "#{JHbZ2EJ9Lq2}", "numeratorDescription": "Postpartum woman initiated contraceptive method before discharge", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum FP acceptors", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage de femmes ayant accouché dans la formation sanitaire qui initient une méthode contraceptive avant la sortie. \n\n“initient\" signifie qu'elles sont soit partie avec la méthode PF ou ont l'intention de commencer la méthode ce jour là (ex: méthode de sensibilisation à la fertilité). Ca combine les femmes qui \"partent avec\" une méthode et celles qui \"acceptent\" une méthode avant la sortie ou avant de quitter la formation sanitaire" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Acceptantes de planification familiale en postpartum (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Acceptantes PF en postpartum (%)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_PP_FP_COUNS", "created": "2020-04-08T14:51:30.501", "decimals": 1, "denominator": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "denominatorDescription": " Delivery in facility", "description": "Percentage of women delivering at facility counseled on postpartum family planning prior to discharge", "id": "gnhcFIap1vN", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T14:51:30.501", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum received family planning counselling (%)", "numerator": "#{fvHKDXsEIoU}", "numeratorDescription": "Postpartum woman received FP counseling before discharge", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Postpartum FP counselling", "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_UPPH", "created": "2019-04-23T20:03:23.530", "denominator": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "denominatorDescription": "Delivery in facility", "description": "Percentage of women who gave birth in a facility who received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. \"Immediately\" ideally refers to within one minute.", "id": "b4e4QZfBe5x", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2019-04-28T05:38:25.078", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Uterotonic for prevention of post-partum haemorrhage (%)", "numerator": "#{E70PgIBpwNK}", "numeratorDescription": "Received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth", "publicAccess": "r-------", "shortName": "Uterotonic for PPH (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage de femmes qui ont accouché dans une formation sanitaire et qui ont reçu un traitement utérotonique prophylactique immédiatement après la naissance pour la prévention des hémorragies postpartum. \"Immédiatement\" se réfère idéalement à moins d'une minute." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Prévention de l'hémorragie postpartum par un utérotonique (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Utérotonique pour prévention HPP (%)" } ], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { 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measured ", "expression": "#{spDEjCuVGJa}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC haemoglobin level measured <= Total ANC 1st Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total ANC 1st visit", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T21:32:33.256", "id": "Uiztxjf7VSF", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC clients given IPTp 3rd dose should be less than or equal to Total ANC 1st visit", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T21:32:33.256", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC IPTp3", "expression": "#{SPhiBDEbG0o}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC IPTp3 <= Total ANC 1st Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total ANC 1st visit", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T21:58:42.960", "id": "iDyNcoX1jXR", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC clients with known HIV+ status should be less than or equal to Total ANC 1st visit", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T21:58:42.960", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC clients with known HIV+ status", "expression": "#{xCZ83jjG3pU}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC known HIV+ <= Total ANC 1st Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total ANC 1st visit", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-08T10:24:57.809", "id": "IZa0wLIJS77", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC syphilis seropositive should be less than or equal to ANC screened for syphilis", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T10:24:57.809", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC syphilis seropositive", "expression": "#{pTizH5im75v}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC syphilis seropositive <= ANC screened for syphilis", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "ANC screened for syphilis", "expression": "#{PymzHH1H9al}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-08T10:26:45.598", "id": "gKgXyGuAzPw", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC treated for syphilis should be less than or equal to ANC syphilis seropositive ", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T10:26:45.598", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC treated for syphilis", "expression": "#{A2eTr9WoB7X}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC treated for syphilis <= ANC syphilis seropositive ", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "ANC syphilis seropositive", "expression": "#{pTizH5im75v}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-07T14:32:41.924", "id": "ahbf7nmXkBO", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 0-4 with acute respiratory illness (ARI) should be greater than or equal to Child 0-4 diagnosed with pneumonia. All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:34:35.375", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 0-4 diagnosed with acute respiratory illness (ARI)", "expression": "#{k2RokxEqLty.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 0-4 with acute respiratory illness (ARI)>= child 0-4 with pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Child 0-4 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T12:47:07.082", "id": "z6pclWqTcS6", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 0-4 with diarrhoea should be greater than or equal to sum of child 0-4 treatments for diarrhoea (Zinc, ORS, ORS +Zinc). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-29T17:03:35.076", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 0-4 with diarrhoea", "expression": "#{TpbfHB0hLuq.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 0-4 with diarrhoea >= sum of child 0-4 treatments for diarrhoea", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 0-4 diarrhoea treatments: ORS, Zinz, ORS + Zinc", "expression": "#{ShazYbDQ9DM.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{MOilNQrbM4e.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-07T14:37:04.424", "id": "IJqxXdW8zno", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 0-4 with pneumonia should be greater than or equal to sum of child 0-4 Amoxicilin treatments for pneumonia (dispersed tablet, oral syrup). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:37:04.424", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 0-4 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 0-4 with pneumonia >= sum of child 0-4 Amoxicilin treatments for pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 0-4 pneumonia Amoxicilin treatments: dispersed tablet, oral syrup", "expression": "#{S0dkL4NH8Ug.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{ILRT0Q2DqQe.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T12:58:39.655", "id": "V11Z2IPo5w8", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 0-4 with pneumonia should be greater than or equal to sum of child 0-4 treatments for pneumonia (Amoxicilin, other antibiotic, other medication). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T12:58:39.655", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 0-4 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 0-4 with pneumonia >= sum of child 0-4 treatments for pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 0-4 pneumonia treatments: Amoxicilin, other antibiotic, other medication", "expression": "#{ILRT0Q2DqQe.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{wvQjFX6BBPS.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{bjwylPfaKVA.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-07T14:34:17.511", "id": "TpAnoxI0VpL", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 5-9 with acute respiratory illness (ARI) should be greater than or equal to Child 5-9 diagnosed with pneumonia. All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:34:17.511", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 5-9 diagnosed with acute respiratory illness (ARI)", "expression": "#{k2RokxEqLty.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 5-9 with acute respiratory illness (ARI)>= child 5-9 with pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Child 5-9 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:04:29.070", "id": "q5hW9HdmKZs", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 5-9 with diarrhoea should be greater than or equal to sum of child 5-9 treatments for diarrhoea (Zinc, ORS, ORS +Zinc). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-29T16:32:56.086", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 5-9 with diarrhoea", "expression": "#{TpbfHB0hLuq.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 5-9 with diarrhoea >= sum of child 5-9 treatments for diarrhoea", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 5-9 diarrhoea treatments: ORS, Zinz, ORS + Zinc", "expression": "#{ShazYbDQ9DM.slONe528O2f} + #{MOilNQrbM4e.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-07T14:38:12.403", "id": "glZBTsTQnCj", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 5-9 with pneumonia should be greater than or equal to sum of child 5-9 Amoxicilin treatments for pneumonia (dispersed tablet, oral syrup). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:38:12.403", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 5-9 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 5-9 with pneumonia >= sum of child 5-9 Amoxicilin treatments for pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 5-9 pneumonia Amoxicilin treatments: dispersed tablet, oral syrup", "expression": "#{S0dkL4NH8Ug.slONe528O2f} + #{ILRT0Q2DqQe.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:03:26.521", "id": "boPGFInwtMM", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 5-9 with pneumonia should be greater than or equal to sum of child 5-9 treatments for pneumonia (Amoxicilin, other antibiotic, other medication). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T14:03:26.521", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 5-9 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 5-9 with pneumonia >= sum of child 5-9 treatments for pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 5-9 pneumonia treatments: Amoxicilin, other antibiotic, other medication", "expression": "#{ILRT0Q2DqQe.slONe528O2f} + #{wvQjFX6BBPS.slONe528O2f} + #{bjwylPfaKVA.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:07:39.255", "id": "jr4PqsQD6SV", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child mortality: death all causes (0-4years) should be equal to the sum of child death causes (0-4years)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T14:07:39.255", "leftSide": { "description": "Child death all causes (0-4years)", "expression": "#{SKW0Ynu0O4Q.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child death all causes (0-4years) = sum of child death causes (0-4years)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child death causes (0-4years)", "expression": "#{mLeJflLeySE.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{lDFDmBwQM8k.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{LC4a6cpUsuE.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{rtozMSrqnOl.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{LN8Lh4PU0M6.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{H7EGfD6iTmU.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{A5AE3M137Yc.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{JcvvAaR9eCY.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{JO3EMcOzXsi.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{E3RBotEnXCY.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{EmT5RxHqtle.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{DGpb6ILi9j8.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{jkTCXenjSo9.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{Y4oYIWCwa0D.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{yY2HtvG0mlF.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{tzahCmRfpvL.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{NMHqyy0RJH9.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:47:19.649", "id": "s4ldKHApHwg", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child mortality: death all causes (5-9years) should be equal to the sum of child death causes (5-9years)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T13:48:59.837", "leftSide": { "description": "Child death all causes (5-9years)", "expression": "#{SKW0Ynu0O4Q.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child death all causes (5-9years) = sum of child death causes (5-9years)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child death causes (5-9years)", "expression": "#{mLeJflLeySE.slONe528O2f} + #{lDFDmBwQM8k.slONe528O2f} + #{LC4a6cpUsuE.slONe528O2f} + #{rtozMSrqnOl.slONe528O2f} + #{LN8Lh4PU0M6.slONe528O2f} + #{H7EGfD6iTmU.slONe528O2f} + #{A5AE3M137Yc.slONe528O2f} + #{JcvvAaR9eCY.slONe528O2f} + #{JO3EMcOzXsi.slONe528O2f} + #{E3RBotEnXCY.slONe528O2f} + #{EmT5RxHqtle.slONe528O2f} + #{DGpb6ILi9j8.slONe528O2f} + #{jkTCXenjSo9.slONe528O2f} + #{Y4oYIWCwa0D.slONe528O2f} + #{yY2HtvG0mlF.slONe528O2f} + #{tzahCmRfpvL.slONe528O2f} + #{NMHqyy0RJH9.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:41:08.290", "id": "JlJbKeFX8z7", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Total Delivery in facility should be equal to sum of Delivery by type (normal, assisted, CS)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T14:12:34.947", "leftSide": { "description": "Total Delivery in facility", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Delivery in facility = sum of delivery by type (normal, assisted, CS)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of delivery by type", "expression": "#{ut99wiyLOjn} + #{Txvo3x9TKMB} + #{euVXky1Oczb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:14:33.781", "id": "IQ7bwU0uJSn", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Delivery: Live births with documented weight should be less than or equal to Live births", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T14:14:33.781", "leftSide": { "description": "Live births with documented birth weight", "expression": "#{AVrYR9vZtT5}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Live births with documented weight <= Live births", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T11:21:10.853", "id": "IaiSdKPRYBG", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Maternal death all causes should be greater than or equal to maternal death audited. All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T11:57:19.678", "leftSide": { "description": "Maternal death all causes", "expression": "#{AaIqiIX2qxH}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Maternal death all causes >= maternal death audited ", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Maternal death audited", "expression": "#{C0LNvFeibom}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T12:34:13.897", "id": "C2GpcIWYiBV", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Maternal mortality: death all causes (10-14years) should be equal to the sum of maternal death causes (10-14years)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T13:53:16.961", "leftSide": { "description": "Maternal death all causes (10-14years)", "expression": "#{AaIqiIX2qxH.BcTmquO9Vhw}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Maternal death all causes (10-14years) = sum of maternal death causes (10-14years)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of maternal death causes (10-14years)", "expression": "#{fQFsLYj8n0i.BcTmquO9Vhw} + #{cYTp0Oyik7Z.BcTmquO9Vhw} + #{TJq0n430cbR.BcTmquO9Vhw} + #{ICoP2ebj5Ys.BcTmquO9Vhw} + #{Iozs9lkwUPZ.BcTmquO9Vhw} + #{oi3prde6C32.BcTmquO9Vhw} + #{RLpNgkFkB8B.BcTmquO9Vhw} + #{A5442zKjMMH.BcTmquO9Vhw}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:55:07.864", "id": "l8R0FFKHRMa", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Maternal mortality: death all causes (15-19years) should be equal to the sum of maternal death causes (15-19years)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T13:55:07.864", "leftSide": { "description": "Maternal death all causes (15-19years)", "expression": "#{AaIqiIX2qxH.kprxF3rp7G0}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Maternal death all causes (15-19years) = sum of maternal death causes (15-19years)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of maternal death causes (15-19years)", "expression": "#{fQFsLYj8n0i.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{cYTp0Oyik7Z.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{TJq0n430cbR.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{ICoP2ebj5Ys.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{Iozs9lkwUPZ.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{oi3prde6C32.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{RLpNgkFkB8B.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{A5442zKjMMH.kprxF3rp7G0}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:56:43.140", "id": "YN14VsP4UXu", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Maternal mortality: death all causes (20+ years) should be equal to the sum of maternal death causes (20+ years)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T13:56:43.140", "leftSide": { "description": "Maternal death all causes (20+ years)", "expression": "#{AaIqiIX2qxH.MhS0mKLqv9I}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Maternal death all causes (20+ years) = sum of maternal death causes (20+ years)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of maternal death causes (20+ years)", "expression": "#{fQFsLYj8n0i.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{cYTp0Oyik7Z.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{TJq0n430cbR.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{ICoP2ebj5Ys.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{Iozs9lkwUPZ.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{oi3prde6C32.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{RLpNgkFkB8B.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{A5442zKjMMH.MhS0mKLqv9I}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T11:07:23.369", "id": "dvPoHs1qLLD", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "RMNCAH Neonatal death all causes should be or equal to sum of the separate neonatal death causes. All numbers can be zero", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T01:54:11.443", "leftSide": { "description": "Neonatal death all causes", "expression": "#{T4JbVDttOMO}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Neonatal death all causes = sum of individual neonatal death causes", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of neonatal death causes", "expression": "#{jQ9klxH177v} + #{gL1na6z9UNj} + #{QIf14ZuvNNq} + #{U40tr10PlKF} + #{YNcpz4NLI3U} + #{XJEFC71YFmn} + #{qNWaC0TLxrZ} + #{cj2y5NvW3Dt} + #{SCMpSXqlMvP}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:24:36.694", "id": "FErixL7xhHY", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Number of Newborns with timely 1st PNC Visits should be less than or equal to number of newborns with at least 1 PNC visit", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T12:07:59.855", "leftSide": { "description": "Newborns with timely 1st PNC visit", "expression": "#{KOpyX8sPayv}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Newborn with Timely 1st PNC Visit <= newborn with at least 1 PNC visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Newborns with at least 1 PNC visit", "expression": "#{ImJDnjbrh1N}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:14:03.486", "id": "ZxDvMkCdV9p", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Newborns initiated on KMC should be less than or equal to Live births in facility", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:14:03.486", "leftSide": { "description": "Newborns initiated on KMC", "expression": "#{Do6GGAEz16D}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Newborns initiated on KMC <= Live births", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:15:08.346", "id": "L1ZnApBwsjC", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask should be less than or equal to Live births in facility", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:15:08.346", "leftSide": { "description": "Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask", "expression": "#{C4wVmNSCpbH}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask <= Live births in facility", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:16:38.090", "id": "GeMnHDISZJj", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection should be less than or equal to Live births in facility", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:16:38.090", "leftSide": { "description": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "expression": "#{M69zk6JHFwG}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Newborns treated for neonatal infection <= Live births", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:05:40.672", "id": "wnPy70dM5oB", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Number of postpartum women FP counselled before discharge should be less than or equal to Total facility deliveries (by age)", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:05:40.672", "leftSide": { "description": "Postpartum women FP counselled before discharge", "expression": "#{fvHKDXsEIoU}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Number postpartum women FP counselled before discharge <= total facility deliveries (by age)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries (by age)", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:11:03.127", "id": "QALAkUK9TyC", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Number women pre-eclampsia/eclamspsia treated with loading dose of MgSO4 should be less than or equal to Total facility deliveries (by age)", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:11:03.127", "leftSide": { "description": "Number women severe pre-eclampsia/eclamspsia treated with loading dose of MgSO4", "expression": "#{kzUf2Trlib1}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Number women pre-eclampsia/eclamspsia treated with loading dose of MgSO4 <= total facility deliveries (by age)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries (by age)", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T10:43:46.159", "id": "Jem6zi4Omm4", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Perinatal mortality death audited should be less than or equal to Perinatal deaths in facility. Both numbers can be zero", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T10:48:43.335", "leftSide": { "description": "Perinatal death audited", "expression": "#{OpMLPTLrBbf}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Perinatal mortality death audited <= all perinatal death ", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "All perinatal deaths in facility", "expression": "#{JqSZ0mJRxX4}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-08T11:25:37.815", "id": "iraZv43pgsZ", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Delivery: Population estimated live births should be less than or equal to Expected number of pregnant women", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T11:25:37.815", "leftSide": { "description": "Population estimated live births", "expression": "#{iKxybad85rv}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Population estimated Live births <= Population Expected pregnant women", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Population expected pregnant women", "expression": "#{WBmvvafUwT8}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:22:45.730", "id": "wKceuwVNJXI", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Number of Postpartum women with timely 1st PNC Visits should be less than or equal to number of Postpartum women with at least 1 PNC visit", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T12:07:46.099", "leftSide": { "description": "Postpartum woman with timely 1st PNC visit", "expression": "#{tZM3ZFIA8U9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Postpartum woman Timely 1st PNC Visit <= client with at least 1 PNC visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Postpartum women with at least 1 PNC visit", "expression": "#{pCFpE0jcw6f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:17:41.629", "id": "j8GdYvi7L5x", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Pre-term births in facility should be less than or equal to Live births in facility", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:17:41.629", "leftSide": { "description": "Pre-term births in facility", "expression": "#{kDA2O0sHWkz}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Pre-term births in facility <= Live births in facility", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:33:10.591", "id": "wub7tR8DSVj", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "FP by Method: Sum of Women initiating contraception before discharge (by method) should be less than or equal to Total facility deliveries (by age)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T12:11:45.873", "leftSide": { "description": "Sum of women initiating contraception by method", "expression": "#{ro4VbuscAMi} + #{NMwDSHUNt2E} + #{k2LxKpsxqY2} + #{JI2wHadI13Y} + #{TfKBfohNzcF} + #{yYXdFNEUrTH}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Sum of women initiating contraception before discharge (by method) <= total facility deliveries (by age)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-03T13:54:40.255", "id": "WHGLgwcfSbZ", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Total Contraception first time user (by age and sex) should be equal to Total Contraception first time user (by method)", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-03T13:54:40.255", "leftSide": { "description": "Total Contraception first time user (by age and sex)", "expression": "#{qr9T6GqwF1Q}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Total Contraception first time user (by age and sex) = Total Contraception first time user (by method)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total Contraception first time user (by method)", "expression": "#{TtG9oxINLY3}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:19:13.840", "id": "eWDZbPo5GoJ", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Total facility deliveries should be less than or equal to Live births + still births (fresh + macerated)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T14:19:13.840", "leftSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Total deliveries <= Live births + still births", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of live births and still births", "expression": "#{N73sRkEWLrB} + #{XmFf0Exro82} + #{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:30:39.644", "id": "nJpLu5rCner", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Total Women initiating contraception before discharge (by age) should be less than or equal to Total facility deliveries (by age)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T12:11:29.673", "leftSide": { "description": "Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by age)", "expression": "#{JHbZ2EJ9Lq2}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by age) <= total facility deliveries (by age)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries (by age)", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-03T13:51:20.154", "id": "fy3I9HmHPkR", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Total Women initiating contraception before discharge (by age) should be equal to Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by method)", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-29T18:06:17.814", "leftSide": { "description": "Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by age)", "expression": "#{JHbZ2EJ9Lq2}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by age) = Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by method)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by method)", "expression": "#{NMwDSHUNt2E} + #{k2LxKpsxqY2} + #{JI2wHadI13Y} + #{TfKBfohNzcF} + #{yYXdFNEUrTH} + #{ro4VbuscAMi}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-08T11:44:13.794", "id": "P9tzPI9vhtz", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Women 15-49y screened for cervical cancer should be less than or equal to Estimated number of women 15-49y", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T11:44:13.794", "leftSide": { "description": "Women 15-49y screened for cervical cancer", "expression": "#{aOFA0KkZezy}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Women 15-49y screened for cervical cancer <= Estimated women 15-49y", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Estimated number of women 15-49years", "expression": "#{E3C31RlZ6vr}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:29:58.326", "id": "OXD8Gljpy9W", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Women presenting gynaecological indications related to abortion should be less than or equal to women presenting gynaecological indications", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T13:12:21.857", "leftSide": { "description": "Women presenting indications related to abortion", "expression": "#{bm3YZuyI0N5}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH women presenting gynaecological indications related to abortion <= women presenting gynaecological indications", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Women presenting gynaecological indications", "expression": "#{O7hXtuse5Xx}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:26:48.163", "id": "dlQZzLjSGCJ", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Women received prophylatic uterotonic immediately after birth should be less than or equal to Total facility deliveries (by age)", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-25T12:12:15.104", "leftSide": { "description": "Received uterotonic", "expression": "#{E70PgIBpwNK}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Women received prophylatic uterotonic immediately after birth <= total facility deliveries (by age)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries(by age)", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "user": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [ { "access": "r-------", "id": "DKERleFxdOs" }, { "access": "rw------", "id": "Kqg4vo1AOKb" } ] } ] }