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49y) screened for cervical cancer", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_IMP_5y", "created": "2020-04-08T15:37:36.491", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of units of 5 Year Implant distributed (e.g. Jadelle) ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units 5 Year Implant (e.g. Jadelle)", "id": "aUVuPVsNN4H", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:37:36.491", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of 5 Year Implant (e.g. Jadelle) distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Units Implant 5y", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_LIVE_HF_DBW", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.481", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Live facility birth infant with birth weight documented in at least a register before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Live facility births with documented birth weight pre discharge", "id": "AVrYR9vZtT5", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:21.692", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth live in facility with documented birth weight before discharge", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Birth live facility documented birth-weight", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nourrisson vivant dont le poids à la naissance est consigné dans au moins un registre avant la sortie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Naissances vivantes avec un poids à la naissance documenté avant la sortie " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Naissances vivantes avec un poids à la naissance documenté avant la sortie " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Naissance vivante avec un poids à la naissance documenté dans un centre de santé " }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kelahiran bayi hidup di fasilitas dengan berat lahir yang didokumentasikan setidaknya pada register sebelum dipulangkan" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kelahiran hidup di fasilitas dengan berat lahir yang didokumentasikan sebelum pulang" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - 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Child received treatment for pneumonia with other medication", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child treated for pneumonia other medication", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Enfant traité pour une pneumonie avec d'autres médicaments (non antibiotiques)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Traités pour pneumonie avec d'autres médicaments" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Enfant ayant reçu un traitement de pneumonie par un autre médicament" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Enfant traité pour pneumonie par autre médicament" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Criança recebendo tratamento para pneumonia com outro medicamento (não antibiótico)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Tratado para pneumonia com outro medicamento" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - 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Units of Depo Provera Injectable distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Units Depo Provera Injectable", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_MDRV", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of woman during pregnancy, labour or within 42 days after delivery that were reviewed by a formal process", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Maternal death reviewed", "id": "C0LNvFeibom", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:22.060", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death maternal reviewed", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Maternal death reviewed", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès de la femme pendant la grossesse, le travail ou dans les 42 jours suivant l'accouchement qui ont été examinés dans le cadre d'une procédure officielle" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel audité" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès maternel audité" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel audité" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kematian wanita selama kehamilan, persalinan atau dalam waktu 42 hari setelah melahirkan yang ditinjau berdasarkan proses formal" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Peninjauan kematian ibu" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Peninjauan kematian ibu" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Peninjauan kematian ibu" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte da mulher durante a gravidez, trabalho de parto ou no prazo de 42 dias após o parto que foram revisados por um processo formal" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte materna revisada" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Óbito materno revisado" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte materna revisada" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_NN_RESUS_BM", "created": "2020-04-08T13:44:36.726", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask", "id": "C4wVmNSCpbH", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T13:44:36.726", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Newborn bag and mask resuscitated", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_FGM", "created": "2020-04-08T13:23:57.349", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Women with female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM is a traditional harmful practice that includes procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. It has no medical benefits and is associated with increased risk of adverse reproductive, maternal, neonatal, adolescent and child health outcomes, including physical and mental health complications that can occur at the time that girls are cut or in the long-term", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Women with FGM", "id": "CCgVifW4zGx", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T13:23:57.349", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Women with Female genital mutilation (FGM) reported or observed", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Women with FGM", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_NEO_PNEU", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.485", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of neonate due to Pneumonia", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Neonatal death pneumonia", "id": "cj2y5NvW3Dt", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:30.908", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death neonatal pneumonia", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Neonatal death Pneumonia", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès néonatal due à une pneumonie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Pneumonie mortelle néonatale" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Mort de la pneumonie néonatale" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal par Pneumonie" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian Neonatal Pneumonia" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian Neonatal Pneumonia" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian Neonatal Pneumonia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de recém-nascido devido a pneumonia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Pneumonia de morte neonatal" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - 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Décès maternel du à une complication obstétricale" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel complication obstétricale " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte materna devido a complicações obstétricas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Complicação obstétrica da morte materna" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Complicação obstétrica direta materna de óbito outro" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Complicação obstétrica da morte materna" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_5-9y_ARI", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 5-9 years from acute respiratory infection", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 5-9y ARI", "id": "DGpb6ILi9j8", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:22.243", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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ANC clients tested for HIV", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "ANC clients tested for HIV", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_IMP_3y", "created": "2020-04-08T15:35:29.848", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of units of 3 Year Implant distributed (e.g. Implanon) in 1 month", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units 3 Year Implant (e.g. Implanon)", "id": "DYutD8e5xNO", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:52:49.142", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of 3 Year Implant (e.g. Implanon) distributed monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Units Implant 3y", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "AVERAGE_SUM_ORG_UNIT", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "GEN_F_15-19", "created": "2019-04-24T09:08:05.363", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Population female 15-49 years", "id": "E3C31RlZ6vr", "lastUpdated": "2019-04-24T09:08:05.363", "legendSets": [], "name": "GEN - 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Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par prématurité" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès d'enfant de 0-4 ans avant terme" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4 tahun karena prematur" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4 Thn prematur" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian anak 0-4 Thn prematur" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4 Thn prematur" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 0-4 anos de prematuridade" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil prematuridade de 0 -4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança falecida prematuridade de 0 -4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil prematuridade de 0 -4 anos" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_UT_PPH", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Woman who gave birth in a facility who received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. «Immediately» ideally refers to within one minute", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Uteronic given for PPH prevention", "id": "E70PgIBpwNK", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:22.633", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Uteronic given for PPH prevention", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme ayant accouché dans un établissement qui a reçu un utérotonique prophylactique immédiatement après la naissance pour prévenir l'hémorragie du post-partum. \"Immédiatement\" signifie idéalement dans la minute qui suit" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Administration d'utérotonique pour la prévention de l'hémorragie du post partum" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Réception d'utérotonique immédiatement après la naissance" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Administration d'utérotonique pour la prévention de l'hémorragie du post partum" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Wanita yang melahirkan di fasilitas kesehatan yang menerima uterotonika profilaksis segera setelah melahirkan untuk pencegahan perdarahan postpartum. «Segera» mengacu secara ideal dalam waktu satu menit" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Uteronik diberikan untuk pencegahan PPH" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Menerima uterotonika profilaksis segera setelah melahirkan" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Uteronik diberikan untuk pencegahan PPH" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher que deu à luz em uma instituição que recebeu um uterotônico profilático imediatamente após o nascimento para prevenção de hemorragia pós-parto. «Imediatamente» idealmente refere-se a dentro de um minuto" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Uterônico administrado para prevenção de HPP" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Recebeu uterotônico profilático imediatamente após o nascimento" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Uterônico administrado para prevenção de HPP" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_MAL", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from malaria", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y malaria", "id": "EmT5RxHqtle", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:23.014", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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Death maternal direct pregnancy abortive outcome", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Maternal death pregnancy abortive", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès maternel dû à des problèmes liés à l'avortement" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel grossesse avortée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès maternel résultat direct de l'avortement" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel grossesse avortée" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kematian ibu karena masalah terkait aborsi" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian Ibu hamil keguguran" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian ibu langsung akibat hamil keguguran" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian Ibu hamil keguguran" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte materna devido a problemas relacionados ao aborto" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte materna, gravidez abortiva" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Resultado abortivo de gravidez materna direta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte materna, gravidez abortiva" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DLV_HF_AGE", "created": "2015-05-20T10:44:44.640", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Delivery that takes place in health facility", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Delivery in facility", "id": "iGKV5qlVwYb", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:31.670", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Delivery in facility by age", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Delivery in facility by age", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Accouchement réalisé au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Accouchement réalisé au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Accouchement réalisé au centre de santé par âge" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Accouchement réalisé au centre de santé par âge" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Entrega que ocorre na unidade de saúde" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Entrega na unidade sanitaria " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Entrega na unidade por idade" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Entrega na unidade por idade" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "AVERAGE_SUM_ORG_UNIT", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "GEN_LIVEBIRTH", "created": "2016-06-20T13:28:11.152", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Estimated number of live births.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Population live births", "id": "iKxybad85rv", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:20.718", "legendSets": [], "name": "GEN - Population live births", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Live births (population)", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Živě narození (populace)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre estimé de naissances vivantes" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Population naissances vivantes" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "GEN - Population naissances vivantes" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Naissances vivantes (population)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Número estimado de nascidos vivos." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "População de nascidos vivos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "GEN - População de nascidos vivos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Nascidos vivos (população)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTPN_AMOX_OS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Child receiving treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin oral syrup", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for pneumonia with Amoxicilin syrup", "id": "ILRT0Q2DqQe", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:23.571", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child received treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin oral syrup", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child treated for pneumonia Amoxicillin syrup", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Enfant traité pour une pneumonie avec du sirop oral d'amoxicilline" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Traitée pour la pneumonie avec du sirop d'amoxiciline" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Enfant traité pour une pneumonie avec du sirop oral d'amoxicilline" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Enfant traité pour une pneumonie Sirop d'amoxicilline" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Anak yang menerima perawatan untuk pneumonia dengan sirup oral Amoxicillin" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Perawatan pneumonia dengan sirup Amoxicilin" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Anak yang menerima perawatan pneumonia dengan sirup oral Amoxicillin" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Anak yang dirawat karena pneumonia sirup Amoxicillin" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Criança recebendo tratamento para pneumonia com xarope oral de amoxicilina" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Tratado para pneumonia com xarope de amoxicilina" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança recebeu tratamento para pneumonia com xarope oral de amoxicilina" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Criança tratada para pneumonia xarope de amoxicilina" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNNC", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Newborn with at least 1 postnatal check", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postnatal newborn care visit", "id": "ImJDnjbrh1N", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:23.754", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Newborn with at least 1 PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Newborn PNC visit", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nouveau né avec au moins 1 contrôle postnatal" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Visite de soins postnatals aux nouveau-nés" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Nouveau né avec au moins 1 contrôle postnatal" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Nouveau né visite de contrôle post natal" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Bayi baru lahir yang minimal mendapatkan 1 kali pemeriksaan postnatal" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan perawatan bayi baru lahir postnatal" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Bayi baru lahir dengan minimal mendapatkan 1 kali kunjungan PNC" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan PNC bayi baru lahir" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Recém-nascido com pelo menos 1 exame pós-natal" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Consulta de cuidados pós-parto ao recém-nascido" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Recém-nascido com pelo menos 1 visita PNC" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Visita PNC de recém-nascido" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_MDPRI", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Maternal death due to pregnancy related infections", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Maternal death pregnancy related infection", "id": "Iozs9lkwUPZ", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:20.084", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death maternal direct pregnancy related infection", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Maternal death pregnancy related infection", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Infekce související s úmrtím matky v těhotenství" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Infekce související s úmrtím matky v těhotenství" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès maternel dû à des infections liées à la grossesse" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel Infection liée à la grossesse" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès maternel dû à des infections liées à la grossesse" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel Infection liée à la grossesse" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kematian ibu karena infeksi kehamilan" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian ibu infeksi terkait kehamilan" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian ibu langsung karena infeksi terkait kehamilan" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian ibu infeksi terkait kehamilan" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte materna devido a infecções relacionadas à gravidez" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Infecção relacionada à gravidez morte materna" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Infecção materna direta relacionada à gravidez" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Infecção relacionada à gravidez morte materna" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_OP", "created": "2020-04-08T15:24:52.073", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of units of Oral contraceptives distributed", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units Oral contraceptives", "id": "j4reww8GXxW", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:27:36.583", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of Oral contraceptives distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Units Oral contraceptives ", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_TT", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from tetanus", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y tetanus", "id": "JcvvAaR9eCY", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:24.589", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y tetanus", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y tetanus", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans du tétanos" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans par tétanos" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès infantile 0-4 ans par Tétanos " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans par tétanos" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4 tahun akibat tetanus" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4thn tetanus" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - kematian anak 0-4thn tetanus" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4thn tetanus" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 0-4 anos de tétano" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de tétano 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte infantil com tétano de 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de tétano 0-4 anos" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_ALL", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Woman delivering in facility initiating a contraceptive method before discharge. “Initiated refers to women who either leave with an FP method or intend to begin a method that day (e.g. fertility awareness method). It combines both those women who “leave with” a method and those who “accept” a method prior to discharge or leaving the facility", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum contraceptive method start pre-discharge", "id": "JHbZ2EJ9Lq2", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:24.015", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated contraceptive method before discharge", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "PP contraceptive method start pre-discharge", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme qui accouche dans un établissement et qui commence une méthode contraceptive avant de sortir. \"Initiée\" fait référence aux femmes qui partent avec une méthode de PF ou qui ont l'intention de commencer une méthode ce jour-là (par exemple, une méthode de sensibilisation à la fertilité). Il combine les femmes qui \"partent avec\" une méthode et celles qui \"acceptent\" une méthode avant de quitter l'établissement ou de quitter l'établissement" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Méthode contraceptive du post-partum commencé avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Méthode contraceptive initiée par une femme en post-partum avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "PF - Méthode contraceptive commence avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Wanita melahirkan di fasilitas yang memasang kontrasepsi sebelum pulang. “pemasangan dilakukan baik untuk wanita yang sudah pernah KB sebelumnya atau baru saja memulai mendapatkan metode KB pada hari itu (mis. Metode Kalender kesuburan). Hal ini menggabungkan kedua wanita yang menggunakan suatu metode KB dan mereka yang “menerima” metode sebelum pulang atau meninggalkan fasilitas" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Metode kontrasepsi postpartum dimulai pada saat pra-pemulangan" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Wanita postpartum memulai metode kontrasepsi sebelum pulang" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Metode kontrasepsi PP mulai pada saat pra-pemulangan" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher em serviço de parto iniciando método anticoncepcional antes da alta. “Iniciado refere-se a mulheres que saem com um método de PF ou pretendem começar um método naquele dia (por exemplo, método de percepção da fertilidade). Ele combina as mulheres que \"saem com\" um método e aquelas que \"aceitam\" um método antes de dar alta ou sair da instituição" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Método contraceptivo pós-parto iniciar antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mulher no pós-parto iniciou método contraceptivo antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Método contraceptivo PP iniciar antes da alta" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_INJ", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated Injectable as contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman injectable before discharge", "id": "JI2wHadI13Y", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:24.214", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated Injectable before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum woman injectable before discharge", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme en post-partum qui a accouché dans un établissement et a commencé à utiliser l'injectable comme méthode contraceptive avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Femme en post-partum injectable avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Femme en post-partum ayant initié l'Injectable avant la sortie après accouchement au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Femme en post-partum injectable avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Wanita postpartum yang melahirkan di fasilitas dan memulai mendapatkan KB Suntik sebagai metode kontrasepsi sebelum pulang" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Wanita postpartum disuntik sebelum dipulangkan" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Wanita postpartum diinjeksi sebelum dipulangkan setelah melahirkan di fasilitas" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Wanita postpartum disuntik sebelum pulang" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto que deu à luz na instituição e iniciou injetável como método contraceptivo antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto injetável antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mulher pós-parto iniciada com injetável antes da alta após o parto na clínica" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto injetável antes da alta" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_MSLS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from measles", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y measles", "id": "jkTCXenjSo9", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:32.050", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y measles", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y measles", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans à cause de la rougeole" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans rougeole" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès infantile de 0-4 ans de la rougeole" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans rougeole" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4 Tahun akibat campak" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4Thn campak" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian anak 0-4Thn campak" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4Thn campak" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 0-4 anos de sarampo" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de 0-4 anos de sarampo" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte criança 0-4 anos sarampo" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de 0-4 anos de sarampo" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_SPSIS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from sepsis", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y sepsis", "id": "JO3EMcOzXsi", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:24.401", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y sepsis", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y sepsis", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans à la suite d'une septicémie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans par septicémie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Septicémie chez l'enfant de 0-4 ans" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mort d'enfant 0-4 ans septicémie" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "kematian anak 0-4 tahun akibat sepsis" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "kematian anak 0-4thn sepsis" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - kematian anak 0-4thn sepsis" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "kematian anak 0-4thn sepsis" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 0-4 anos de sepse" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil sepse 0-4y" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança falecida com sepse de 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil sepse 0-4y" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_NEO_TET", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of neonate due to tetanus", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Neonatal death tetanus", "id": "jQ9klxH177v", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:31.870", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death neonatal tetanus", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Neonatal death tetanus", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mort néonatale due au tétanos" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal due au tetanos" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès néonatal due au tetanos" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal due au tetanos" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian Neonatal tetanus" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian Neonatal Tetanus" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian Neonatal tetanus" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de recém-nascido devido ao tétano" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Tétano de morte neonatal" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Tétano neonatal morte" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Tétano de morte neonatal" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PD", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.485", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a fetus or a newborn in the perinatal period commences at 22 weeks (154 days) of gestation, until 7 days after birth (WHO)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Perinatal deaths in total (all causes)", "id": "JqSZ0mJRxX4", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:24.774", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death perinatal in facility", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Perinatal death (total)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mort d'un fœtus ou d'un nouveau-né pendant la période périnatale à partir de 22 semaines (154 jours) de gestation, jusqu'à 7 jours après la naissance (OMS)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Total décès périnatal (toutes causes)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès périnatal au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès périnatal (total)" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kematian janin atau bayi baru lahir dalam periode perinatal dimulai pada 22 minggu (154 hari) kehamilan, sampai 7 hari setelah kelahiran (WHO)" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Total kematian perinatal (semua penyebab)" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian perinatal di fasilitas" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian Perinatal (Total)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "A morte de um feto ou recém-nascido no período perinatal começa na 22ª semana (154 dias) de gestação, até 7 dias após o nascimento (OMS)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Mortes perinatais no total (todas as causas)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Óbito perinatal em estabelecimento" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte perinatal (total)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_IMP", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated Implant as contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman implant before discharge", "id": "k2LxKpsxqY2", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:32.243", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated Implant before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum woman implant before discharge", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme en post-partum qui a accouché dans un établissement et qui a commencé à utiliser l'implant comme méthode contraceptive avant sa sortie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Implant post-partum pour femme avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Femme en post-partum ayant initiée Implant avant la sortie après l'accouchement au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Implant post-partum pour femme avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto que deu à luz na unidade sanitaria e iniciou o implante como método contraceptivo antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Implante de mulher pós-parto antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mulher pós-parto iniciada com implante antes da alta após o parto na unidade sanitaria " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Implante de mulher pós-parto antes da alta" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CWARI", "created": "2020-04-07T13:39:23.317", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Children presenting with symptoms of acute respiratory illness (ARI)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Children with acute respiratory illness (ARI)", "id": "k2RokxEqLty", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T13:41:15.400", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child with symptoms of acute respiratory illness (ARI)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child acute respiratory illness (ARI)", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_BIRTH_PreTERM", "created": "2020-04-08T14:18:13.104", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of newborns born under 37 weeks gestation", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Pre-term births", "id": "kDA2O0sHWkz", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T14:18:13.104", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Births Preterm - under 37 weeks gestation", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Births Pre-term", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_5-9y_DIARR", "created": "2020-04-27T10:29:17.302", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 5-9 years from diarrhoeal diseases", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 5-9y diarrhoeal diseases", "id": "Kei6SMX8DRS", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-27T10:29:17.302", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 5-9y diarrhoeal diseases", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 5-9y diarrhoeal disease", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "TS4Ik8MkKNv" }, "code": "EPI_TT2_GIVEN", "created": "2015-10-07T14:31:51.847", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "TT 2 doses given", "id": "KKTW2h1CzRK", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:24.976", "legendSets": [], "name": "EPI - TT 2 doses given", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "TT 2 given", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Td2 doses administrées" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "PEV - Td2 doses administrées" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "VAT2 administrés" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Dosis TT 2 yang diberikan" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "EPI - Dosis TT 2 yang diberikan" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "TT 2 yang diberikan" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "TT 2 doses administradas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "EPI - TT 2 doses administradas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "TT 2 fornecido" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_IMP_4y", "created": "2020-04-08T15:36:33.803", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of units of 4 Year Implant distributed (e.g. Sino-Implant) ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units 4 Year Implant (e.g. Sino-Implant)", "id": "KM8WEenZ6rF", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:36:33.803", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of 4 Year Implant (e.g. Sino-Implant) distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Units Implant 4y", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNNC1_OT", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Infant (born in facility or at home) with first postnatal check on time according to national policy. (It is recommended that newborns receive postnatal care within 24 hours after birth)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postnatal newborn care visit, 1st timely", "id": "KOpyX8sPayv", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:25.180", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum neonate timely 1st PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum neonate timely 1st PNC visit", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nourrisson (né dans un établissement ou à domicile) avec premier contrôle postnatal à temps selon la politique nationale. (Il est recommandé que les nouveau-nés reçoivent des soins postnatals dans les 24 heures suivant la naissance)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Visite de soins postnatals aux nouveau-nés, 1ère en temps utile" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - 1ère visite de contrôle post natal du nouveaux né" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "1ère visite de contrôle post natal du nouveaux né" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "bayi (lahir di fasilitas atau di rumah) dengan pemeriksaan pascakelahiran pertama tepat waktu sesuai dengan kebijakan nasional. (Disarankan agar bayi baru lahir menerima perawatan pasca melahirkan dalam waktu 24 jam setelah kelahiran)" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan perawatan bayi baru lahir postanatal, tepat waktu ke-1" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kunjungan PNC ke 1 Postpartum neonatus tepat waktu " }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan PNC ke 1 Postpartum Neonatus tepat waktu " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Bebê (nascido em instituição ou em casa) com primeira verificação pós-natal dentro do prazo, de acordo com a política nacional. (Recomenda-se que os recém-nascidos recebam cuidados pós-natal dentro de 24 horas após o nascimento)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Consulta de cuidados pós-natal ao recém-nascido, 1ª oportuna" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Recém-nascido pós-parto 1ª visita PNC oportuna" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Recém-nascido pós-parto 1ª visita PNC oportuna" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "BwnnrV1AkNj" }, "code": "MAL_CASES_PRES_CONF", "created": "2016-04-26T14:18:51.328", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Total number of cases reported as malaria (confirmed with either microscopy or RDT, and presumed clinically as malaria in absence of diagnosis)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Outpatient malaria cases (confirmed + presumed)", "id": "kRasaq1REFp", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-20T13:01:02.957", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - Total malaria cases (confirmed + presumed)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Outpatient malaria cases (confirmed + presumed)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Cas de paludisme ambulatoires (confirmés + présumés)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "HIV_ANC_HIV_TEST_POS", "created": "2017-05-28T20:59:29.299", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of ANC clients tested positive for HIV.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients tested positive for HIV", "id": "krrsaGDzb17", "lastUpdated": "2019-06-28T12:39:30.640", "legendSets": [], "name": "HIV - ANC clients tested positive for HIV", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "ANC clients tested HIV+", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ECLAMP_MgSO4", "created": "2020-04-08T13:38:22.400", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Women with severe pre-eclamspia/eclampsia who receive the initial dose of MgSO4 (loading dose) in facility", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Pre-eclamspia/eclampsia received MgSO4 initial dose", "id": "kzUf2Trlib1", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:11:20.348", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Women with severe pre-eclampsia/ eclamspsia treated with loading dose of MgSO4 ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Pre-eclamspia/eclampsia initial dose of MgSO4", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_ACTS_COURS_RECV_BY_PATIENTS", "created": "2020-12-16T13:15:44.531", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of ACT packs received by patients", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ACTs courses received by patients", "id": "l7gcisIvTBN", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-28T06:44:42.649", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - ACTs courses received by patients", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "ACTs courses received by patients", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC_BP", "created": "2020-04-03T14:15:14.581", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Antenatal client who had blood pressure measured", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients with blood pressure measured", "id": "lc1Npzk92je", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T10:04:01.394", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal client with blood pressure measured", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "ANC blood pressure measured", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_BRTH_TRAUMA_ASPH", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from birth trauma/asphyxia", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y birth trauma/asphyxia", "id": "LC4a6cpUsuE", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:25.356", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y birth trauma/asphyxia", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y birth trauma/asphyxia", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans à la suite d'un traumatisme/asphyxie à la naissance" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans traumatisme/asphyxie à la naissance" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA -Décès infantile 0-4 ans traumatisme/asphyxie à la naissance" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans traumatisme/asphyxie à la naissance" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kematian seorang anak 0-4 tahun akibat trauma kelahiran / asfiksia" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4Thn trauma lahir / asfiksia" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian anak 0-4Thn trauma lahir / asfiksia" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 0-4Thn trauma lahir / asfiksia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 0-4 anos por trauma / asfixia no nascimento" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de 0-4 anos de trauma / asfixia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Óbito de criança de 0-4 anos de trauma / asfixia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de 0-4 anos de trauma / asfixia" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_PNEU", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from pneumonia", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y pneumonia", "id": "lDFDmBwQM8k", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:32.438", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y pneumonia", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y pneumonia", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans d'une pneumonie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par pneumonie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par pneumonie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par pneumonie" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 0-4 anos de pneumonia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil pneumonia de 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança falecida com pneumonia de 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil por pneumonia de 0-4 anos" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD0-4y_CONG", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from congenital anomalies", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y congenital anomalies", "id": "LN8Lh4PU0M6", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:25.559", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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Anomalias congênitas falecidas em crianças de 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil anomalias congênitas de 0 -4 anos" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_5-9y_MENG", "created": "2020-04-27T10:33:23.318", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 5-9 years from meningitis/encephalitis", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 5-9y meningitis/encephalitis", "id": "LshfRHZTPul", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-27T10:33:23.318", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 5-9y meningitis/encephalitis", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 5-9y meningitis/encephalitis", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_NN_TRT_INFECTN", "created": "2020-04-08T14:02:00.554", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "id": "M69zk6JHFwG", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T14:02:00.554", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_5-9y_NCD", "created": "2020-04-27T10:35:36.353", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 5-9 years from non-communicable diseases", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 5-9y non-communicable diseases", "id": "MIfvtVwxk56", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-27T10:35:36.353", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 5-9y non-communicable diseases", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 5-9y NCD", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_MD_TOT_HMIS", "created": "2020-04-16T10:03:33.772", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Total number of maternal deaths reported in HMIS, including deaths occurring outside the health facility, any cause", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Maternal death total in HMIS", "id": "mL5jzEhaj97", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-16T12:21:59.267", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death maternal total reported in HMIS", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Maternal death total HMIS", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_INJ", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from injuries", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y injuries", "id": "mLeJflLeySE", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:32.610", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y injuries", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y injuries", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans suite à des blessures" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par blessures" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par blessures" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par blessures" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 0-4 anos devido a ferimentos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil ferimentos de 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte de criança de 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil por lesões de 0-4 anos" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTDIA_ZNCORS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Child receiving treatment for diarrhoea with both ORS and Zinc ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for diarrhoea with Zinc and ORS", "id": "MOilNQrbM4e", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:25.915", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child treated for diarrhoea with Zinc + ORS", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child treated for diarrhoea - Zinc + ORS", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Enfant ayant reçu un traitement contre la diarrhée avec des SRO et du zinc" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Traités pour diarrhée avec Zinc et SRO" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Enfant traité pour diarrhée avec du Zinc + SRO" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Enfant traité pour diarrhée - Zinc + SRO" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Anak yang menerima perawatan diare dengan ORS dan Zinc" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Dirawat karena diare dengan Zinc dan ORS" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Anak yang dirawat karena diare dengan Zinc + ORS" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Anak yang dirawat karena diare - Zinc + ORS" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Criança recebendo tratamento para diarreia com SRO e Zinco" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Tratado para diarreia com Zinco e SRO" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança tratada para diarreia com Zinco + SRO" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Criança tratada para diarreia - Zinco + SRO" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_SBF", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.481", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Still birth is defined as infant born with no signs of life, weighting more than 1,000 g and older than 28 weeks gestation. An antepartum foetal death (stillbirth – macerated) refers to a foetus that has suffered an intrauterine death after the 28th week of gestation and before labour. An intrapartum foetal death (stillbirth - fresh), refers to a baby that has died after the onset of labour and before birth. Fresh stillbirths do not show any signs of maceration. Maceration describes the degenerative changes that occur in stillbirths retained in the utero after death, and the earliest signs are in the form of discolouration and peeling of the skin, leaving regions of raw tissue. Multiple births are counted as several births, as a combination of live and still births, if one foetus is alive and another not.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Stillbirths - fresh", "id": "N73sRkEWLrB", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:26.123", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still fresh", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Stillbirths fresh", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "La mortinaissance est définie comme un enfant né sans signe de vie, pesant plus de 1 000 g et ayant plus de 28 semaines de gestation. Une mort fœtale antepartum (mortinaissance - macération) désigne un fœtus qui a subi une mort intra-utérine après la 28e semaine de gestation et avant le travail. Une mort fœtale intrapartum (mortinaissance - fraîche), fait référence à un bébé qui est mort après le début du travail et avant la naissance. Les mortinaissances fraîches ne présentent aucun signe de macération. La macération décrit les changements dégénératifs qui se produisent dans les mortinaissances conservées dans l'utérus après la mort, et les premiers signes sont sous la forme d'une décoloration et d'un pelage de la peau, laissant des régions de tissu brut. Les naissances multiples sont comptées comme plusieurs naissances, comme une combinaison de naissances vivantes et de mortinaissances, si un fœtus est vivant et un autre non" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Mort-nés - frais" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Mort-nés frais" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mort-né frais" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Lahir mati didefinisikan sebagai bayi yang lahir tanpa tanda-tanda kehidupan, berat lebih dari 1.000 g dan lebih tua dari usia kehamilan 28 minggu. Kematian janin antepartum (lahir mati - maserasi) mengacu pada kematian janin dalam kandungan setelah minggu ke 28 kehamilan dan sebelum persalinan. Kematian janin intrapartum (lahir mati - segar), mengacu pada bayi yang telah meninggal setelah persalinan dan sebelum bayi lahir. Bayi baru lahir tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda maserasi. Maserasi menggambarkan perubahan degeneratif yang terjadi pada kelahiran mati yang dipertahankan dalam rahim setelah kematian, dan tanda-tanda paling awal adalah dalam bentuk perubahan warna dan pengelupasan kulit, terlepas dari jaringan mentah. Kelahiran ganda dihitung sebagai beberapa kelahiran, sebagai kombinasi kelahiran hidup dan mati, jika satu janin hidup dan yang lain tidak." }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kelahiran mati - baru" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kelahiran mati baru" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kelahiran mati baru" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "O natimorto é definido como um recém-nascido sem sinais de vida, com peso superior a 1.000 ge maior que 28 semanas de gestação. Uma morte fetal anteparto (natimorto - macerado) refere-se a um feto que sofreu uma morte intrauterina após a 28ª semana de gestação e antes do parto. Uma morte fetal intraparto (natimorto - fresco), refere-se a um bebê que morreu após o início do trabalho de parto e antes do nascimento. Os natimortos recentes não mostram sinais de maceração. A maceração descreve as alterações degenerativas que ocorrem em natimortos retidos no útero após a morte, e os primeiros sinais são na forma de descoloração e descamação da pele, deixando regiões de tecido cru. Os nascimentos múltiplos são contados como vários nascimentos, como uma combinação de nascidos vivos e natimortos, se um feto estiver vivo e outro não." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Natimortos - frescos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Nascimento ainda fresco" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Natimortos frescos" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_PRTSIS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 5-9 years from pertusis", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 5-9y pertusis", "id": "NMHqyy0RJH9", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:26.308", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 5-9y pertusis", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 5-9y pertusis", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 5-9 ans à la suite de Coqueluche " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 5-9 ans par coqueluche" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès infantile de 5-9 ans par coqueluche " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 5-9 ans par coqueluche" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kematian anak 5-9 tahun karena pertusis" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 5-9Thn pertusis" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian anak 5-9 Thn pertusis" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian anak 5-9Thn pertusis" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 5-9 anos por coqueluche" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de 5-9 anos pertusis" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança falecida 5-9y pertusis" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de 5-9 anos pertusis" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_OP", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated Injectable as contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman pill before discharge", "id": "NMwDSHUNt2E", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:26.489", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated Contraceptive Pill before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum woman pill before discharge", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme en post-partum qui a accouché dans un établissement et a commencé à utiliser l'injectable comme méthode contraceptive avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Pilule post-partum pour femme avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SRMNIA - Femme en post-partum ayant initiée la Pilule contraceptive avant la sortie après l'accouchement au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Pilule post-partum pour femme avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Wanita postpartum yang melahirkan di fasilitas dan memulai mendapatkan KB Suntik sebagai metode kontrasepsi sebelum pulang" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Pil wanita postpartum sebelum pulang" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Wanita postpartum memulai kontrasepsi pil sebelum pulang setelah melahirkan di fasilitas" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Pil wanita postpartum sebelum pulang" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto que deu à luz na instituição e iniciou injetável como método contraceptivo antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Comprimido pós-parto antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mulher no pós-parto iniciou pílula anticoncepcional antes da alta após o parto na clínica" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Comprimido pós-parto antes da alta" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_LIVE_BIRTH_HF", "created": "2018-10-24T11:10:26.832", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Live birth is the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception which, after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of involuntary muscles. Count the number of infants born when twins or multiple births occur. Live births should only be counted when the foetus is of 28 or more weeks gestational age and/or weighs 1000g or more.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Live births in facility", "id": "nnjXw0HrTwM", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:32.791", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Live births in facility", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Live births in facility", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "La naissance vivante est l'expulsion ou l'extraction complète de sa mère d'un produit de la conception qui, après cette séparation, respire ou présente tout autre signe de vie, tel que des battements du cœur, une pulsation du cordon ombilical ou un mouvement défini des muscles involontaires. Comptez le nombre de nourrissons nés de jumeaux ou de naissances multiples. Les naissances vivantes ne doivent être comptées que lorsque le fœtus est âgé de 28 semaines ou plus et/ou pèse 1000 g ou plus." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Naissances vivantes au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SRMNIA - Naissances vivantes au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Naissances vivantes au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kelahiran hidup di fasilitas" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kelahiran hidup di fasilitas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nascimento vivo é a expulsão ou extração completa de sua mãe de um produto da concepção que, após tal separação, respira ou mostra qualquer outra evidência de vida, como batimento cardíaco, pulsação do cordão umbilical ou movimento definido dos músculos involuntários . Conte o número de bebês nascidos quando ocorrem gêmeos ou nascimentos múltiplos. Os nascidos vivos só devem ser contados quando o feto tiver 28 ou mais semanas de idade gestacional e / ou pesar 1000g ou mais." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Nascidos vivos nos centros " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Nascidos vivos nos centros " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Nascidos vivos no centro " } ], "url": "https://www.who.int/healthinfo/statistics/indmaternalmortality/en/", "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "NUMBER", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_5-9y_INJ", "created": "2020-04-27T10:34:57.026", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 5-9 years from injuries", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 5-9y injuries", "id": "nrdxhUuj8AM", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-27T10:34:57.026", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 5-9y injuries", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 5-9y injuries", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_IUCD", "created": "2020-04-08T15:33:03.825", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of units of Copper-T 380-A IUCD distributed", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units Copper-T 380-A IUCD", "id": "nYfbQOW38Vz", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:33:03.825", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of Copper-T 380-A IUCD distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Units Copper-T 380-A IUCD", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_GYN", "created": "2020-04-08T15:03:02.767", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Women presenting for gynaecological indications", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Women gynaecological indications", "id": "O7hXtuse5Xx", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T13:07:39.188", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Women presenting for gynaecological indications", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Women gynaecological indications", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_MDNOC", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Maternal death due to indirect non-obstetric complication", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Maternal death non-obstetric complication", "id": "oi3prde6C32", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:32.973", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death maternal indirect non-obstetric complication", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Maternal death non-obstetric complication", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès maternel dû à une complication indirecte non obstétricale" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel complication non obstétricale " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès maternel indirect complication non obstétricale " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel complication non obstétricale " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte materna devido a complicação indireta não obstétrica" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Complicação não obstétrica de morte materna" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Complicação materna indireta não obstétrica de morte" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Complicação não obstétrica de morte materna" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_5-9y_MSLS", "created": "2020-04-27T10:27:08.496", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 5-9 years from measles", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 5-9y measles", "id": "oMcyP4zw4Lf", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-27T10:27:08.496", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 5-9y measles", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 5-9y measles", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC1B12W", "created": "2019-04-12T20:30:15.281", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "First visit by a pregnant woman to a health facility that occurs before 12 weeks after conception i.e. within the first trimester, to primarily receive antenatal care. The first antenatal visit may be referred to as a ‘booking or scheduled visit’ when various processes are done as per the national policy", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC 1st visit before 12 weeks", "id": "onUtvYwzUXR", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:33.169", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal care 1st visit before 12 weeks", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "ANC 1st visit 0-11 wks", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Première visite d'une femme enceinte dans un établissement de santé qui a lieu avant 12 semaines après la conception, c'est-à-dire au cours du premier trimestre, pour recevoir principalement des soins prénataux. La première visite prénatale peut être qualifiée de \"visite sur rendez-vous\" lorsque diverses procédures sont effectuées conformément à la politique nationale" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "CPN 1ère visite avant 12 semaines " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - 1ère visite prénatale avant 12 semaines" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "CPN 1ère visite 0-11 semaines" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan ANC pertama sebelum 12 minggu" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kunjungan ANC pertama sebelum 12 minggu" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan ANC pertama 0-11 minggu" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Primeira visita de uma mulher grávida a uma unidade sanitaria que ocorre antes de 12 semanas após a concepção, ou seja, durante o primeiro trimestre, para receber principalmente cuidados pré-natais. A primeira visita pré-natal pode ser referida como uma \"marcação ou visita agendada\" quando vários processos são realizados de acordo com a política nacional" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "ANC 1ª visita antes de 12 semanas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - 1ª consulta pré-natal antes de 12 semanas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "ANC 1ª visita 0-11 semanas" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PDRV", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.485", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Perinatal includes still birth (fresh and macerated) and early neonatal death 0-7 days that were reviewed by a formal process", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Perinatal death reviewed", "id": "OpMLPTLrBbf", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:27.087", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death perinatal reviewed", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Perinatal death audited", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "La périnatalité comprend la mortinaissance (fraîche et macérée) et la mort néonatale précoce de 0-7 jours qui ont été examinées dans le cadre d'une procédure officielle" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès périnatal audité" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès périnatal audité " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès périnatal audité" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Perinatal meliputi lahir mati (kondisi segar dan maserasi) dan kematian neonatal dini 0-7 hari yang ditinjau dengan proses formal" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian perinatal diperiksa" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian perinatal diperiksa" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian perinatal diaudit" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Perinatal inclui natimorto (fresco e macerado) e morte neonatal precoce de 0-7 dias que foram revisados por um processo formal" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte perinatal revisada" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Óbito perinatal revisado" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Óbito perinatal auditado" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANC4", "created": "2015-03-22T13:45:24.292", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "The fourth visit by a pregnant woman to a health facility to receive antenatal care.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC 4th visit", "id": "OWk2WulfJYQ", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:26.879", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - ANC 4th visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "ANC 4th visit", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Quatrième visite d'une femme enceinte dans un établissement de santé pour recevoir des soins prénataux" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "CPN 4ème visite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SRMNIA - CPN 4ème visite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "CPN 4ème visite" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kunjungan keempat wanita hamil ke fasilitas kesehatan untuk mendapatkan perawatan antenatal." }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan ANC ke 4" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kunjungan ANC ke-4" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan ANC ke 4" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "A quarta visita de uma mulher grávida a uma unidade de saúde para receber cuidados pré-natais." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "ANC 4ª visita" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - 4ª visita ANC" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "ANC 4ª visita" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_PNC1", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Postpartum woman with at least 1 postpartum check", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman PNC visit", "id": "pCFpE0jcw6f", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:20.956", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman with at least 1 PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum woman PNC visit", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Návštěvy PNC u žen po porodu" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Návštěvy PNC u žen po porodu" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme en post-partum avec au moins 1 contrôle post-partum" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "CPON Femme en consultation postnatale" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Femme en postpatum avec au moins 1 visite postnatale" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "CPON Femme en consultation postnatale" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan PNC Ibu Postpartum" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan PNC Ibu Postpartum" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher pós-parto com pelo menos 1 verificação pós-parto" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Consulta de PNC de mulher pós-parto" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mulher pós-parto com pelo menos 1 consulta PNC" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Consulta de PNC de mulher pós-parto" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_INJ_NORI", "created": "2020-04-08T15:29:11.578", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of units of Noristerat Injectable distributed", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units Noristerat Injectable", "id": "PFtSlBXQkkX", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:29:11.578", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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Cliente pré-natal testado para sífilis" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "ANC rastreado para sífilis" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_NEO_DIARR", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.485", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of neonate due to diarrhoea", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Neonatal death diarrhoea", "id": "QIf14ZuvNNq", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:27.447", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death neonatal diarrhoea", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Neonatal death diarrhoea", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès néonatal due à la diarrhée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal due à la diarrhée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - 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La première visite prénatale peut être considérée comme une «visite de rendenz-vous ou programmée» lorsque divers processus sont effectués conformément à la politique nationale." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "CPN 1ère viste" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - CPN 1ère visite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "CPN 1ère viste" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kunjungan pertama wanita hamil ke fasilitas kesehatan khusus untuk menerima perawatan antenatal. Kunjungan antenatal pertama dapat disebut sebagai 'booking' atau kunjungan terjadwal' ketika berbagai proses telah dilakukan sesuai kebijakan nasional." }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan ANC 1" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kunjungan ANC 1" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan pertama ANC" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Primeira visita de uma mulher grávida a uma unidade de saúde para receber principalmente cuidados pré-natais. A primeira visita pré-natal pode ser referida como uma \"marcação ou visita agendada\" quando vários processos são realizados de acordo com a política nacional." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "ANC 1ª visita" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - ANC 1ª visita" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "ANC 1ª visita" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "B3erFZxkcPq" }, "code": "RMNCAH_C1U", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Person who accept for the first time in their lives any contraceptive method", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Family planning contraception first time user", "id": "qr9T6GqwF1Q", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:33.748", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - FP Contraception first time user", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "FP contraception first time user", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Personne qui accepte pour la première fois dans sa vie une méthode contraceptive" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Planification familiale contraception première utilisation" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - PF Contraception pour la première fois" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "La contraception de la PF pour la première fois" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pessoa que aceita pela primeira vez na vida qualquer método contraceptivo" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Contracepção de planejamento familiar pela primeira vez" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Usuário de primeira vez de contracepção de FP" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Contracepção FP pela primeira vez, usuária" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_MDUAC", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Maternal death due to unanticipated complications of management", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Maternal death unanticipated complication", "id": "RLpNgkFkB8B", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:20.275", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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Postpartum woman initiated Condom before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum woman condom before discharge", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme en post-partum qui a accouché dans un établissement et a commencé à utiliser le préservatif (masculin ou féminin) comme méthode contraceptive avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Préservatif féminin post-partum avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA- Femme en post-partum initiée Préservatif avant la sortie après l'accouchement en établissement" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Préservatif féminin post-partum avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto que deu à luz na instituição e iniciou o preservativo (masculino ou feminino) como método anticoncepcional antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Preservativo da mulher no pós-parto antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mulher pós-parto iniciou preservativo antes da alta após o parto na instituição" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Preservativo da mulher no pós-parto antes da alta" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_NCD", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from non-communicable diseases", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y non-communicable diseases", "id": "rtozMSrqnOl", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:34.121", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y non-communicable diseases", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y NCD", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans à la suite de maladies non transmissibles" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par maladies non transmissibles" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - 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ANC 8th visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "ANC 8th visit", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "La huitième visite d'une femme enceinte dans un établissement de santé pour recevoir des soins prénataux" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "CPN 8ème visite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - CPN 8ème visite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "CPN 8ème visite" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kunjungan kedelapan wanita hamil ke fasilitas kesehatan untuk mendapatkan perawatan antenatal." }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan ANC ke-8" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kunjungan ANC ke-8" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kunjungan ANC ke-8" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "A oitava visita de uma mulher grávida a uma unidade de saúde para receber cuidados pré-natais." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "ANC 8ª visita" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - 8ª visita ANC" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "ANC 8ª visita" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_CON", "created": "2020-04-08T15:26:43.632", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of units of Condoms (male and female) distributed", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units Condoms (male and female)", "id": "RzX5gq4A7Dk", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:27:16.308", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of Condoms (male and female) distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Units Condoms (male and female)", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTPN_AMOX_TAB", "created": "2020-04-07T14:03:54.039", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Child receiving treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin dispersed tablet", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for pneumonia with Amoxicilin tablet", "id": "S0dkL4NH8Ug", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:22:31.763", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child received treatment for pneumonia with Amoxicillin dispersed tablet", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child treated for pneumonia Amoxicillin tablet", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_NEO_UNCLASS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.485", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of neonate due to unclassified cause", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Neonatal death unclassified", "id": "SCMpSXqlMvP", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:27.872", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death neonatal unclassified", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Neonatal death unclassified", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès néonatal pour une cause non classée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal non classifié" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès néonatal non classifié" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal non classifié" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de recém-nascido devido a causa não classificada" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte neonatal não classificada" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Óbito neonatal não classificado" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte neonatal não classificada" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTDIA_ORS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Child receiving treatment for diarrhoea with ORS only, not including Zinc", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for diarrhoea with ORS only", "id": "ShazYbDQ9DM", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:28.282", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child treated for diarrhoea with ORS only", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child treated for diarrhoea - ORS only", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Enfant recevant un traitement contre la diarrhée avec des SRO uniquement, à l'exclusion du zinc" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Traitée pour la diarrhée avec la SRO uniquement" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Enfants traité pour diarrhée avec SRO seulement" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Enfant traité pour la diarrhée - SRO uniquement" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Criança recebendo tratamento para diarreia apenas com ORS, não incluindo zinco" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Tratado para diarreia apenas com ORS apenas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança tratada para diarreia apenas com ORS" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Criança tratada para diarreia - apenas com ORS" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_ALL_0-4", "created": "2019-04-23T07:27:24.586", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years total, from any cause", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4years in total (all causes)", "id": "SKW0Ynu0O4Q", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:28.077", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y (all causes)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y (total)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès néonatal de 0-4 ans au total, quelle qu'en soit la cause" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans au total (toutes causes confondues)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès enfant 0-4 ans (toutes causes)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans (total)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 0 -4 anos no total, por qualquer causa" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de 0-4 anos no total (todas as causas)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte de criança de 0-4 anos (todas as causas)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil de 0-4 anos (total)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_ANCHB", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.481", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Antenatal client who had haemoglobin done either via finger-prick or blood test", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients with heamoglobin measured", "id": "spDEjCuVGJa", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:34.306", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Antenatal client with haemoglobin level measured", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "ANC haemoglobin measured", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Client prénatal ayant subi une hémoglobine par piqûre du doigt ou par analyse sanguine" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "CPN - clientes ayant fait la mesure du taux d'hémoglobine" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - clientes CPN ayant fait la mesure du taux d'hémoglobine" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "CPN Taux d'hémoglobine mesuré" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Cliente pré-natal que fez hemoglobina por picada no dedo ou exame de sangue" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Clientes ANC com hemoglobina medida" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - cliente pré-natal com nível de hemoglobina medido" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "ANC hemoglobina medida" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_SP_COURS_RECV_IPTP3", "created": "2017-01-25T15:06:26.891", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of 3rd dose full treatment course of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine received for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of SP course received for IPTp (3rd dose)", "id": "SPhiBDEbG0o", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-28T06:53:39.016", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - SP course received for IPTp (3rd dose)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "SP course received for IPTp (3rd dose)", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_NEO_ALL", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of neonates in total 0-28 days, any causes", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Neonatal death total (all causes)", "id": "T4JbVDttOMO", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:28.500", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death neonatal (all causes)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Neonatal death (total)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Total décès néonatal 0-28 jours, toutes causes" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Total des décès néonatals (toutes causes confondues)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès néonatal (toutes causes)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal (total)" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Total Kematian Neonatal (Semua Penyebab)" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian Neonatal (semua penyebab)" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian Neonatal (Total)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de neonatos no total de 0-28 dias, qualquer causa" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Total de mortes neonatais (todas as causas)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte neonatal (todas as causas)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte neonatal (total)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_IUD", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated IUD as contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman IUD before discharge", "id": "TfKBfohNzcF", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:28.933", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated IUD before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum woman IUD before discharge", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme en post-partum qui a accouché dans un centre de santé et qui a posé un stérilet comme méthode contraceptive avant la sortie de l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Femme en postpartum DIU avant sortie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Femme en postpartum ayant initié un DIU avant sa sortie après accouchement au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Femme en postpartum DIU avant sortie" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto que deu à luz na instituição e iniciou o DIU como método anticoncepcional antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "DIU de puérpera antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mulher pós-parto iniciou DIU antes da alta após o parto na clínica" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "DIU de puérpera antes da alta" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_MDOH", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Maternal death due to obstetric haemorrhage either antepartum or postpartum", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Maternal death obstetric haemorrhage", "id": "TJq0n430cbR", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:28.727", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death maternal direct obstetric haemorrhage", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Maternal death obstetric haemorrhage", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès maternel dû à une hémorragie obstétricale, soit antepartum, soit postpartum" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel hémorragie obstétrique" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès maternel direct par hémorragie obstétricale " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès maternel hémorragie obstétrique" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte materna devido a hemorragia obstétrica anteparto ou pós-parto" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Hemorragia obstétrica de morte materna" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte materna hemorragia obstétrica direta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Hemorragia obstétrica de morte materna" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CWPNE", "created": "2017-04-06T15:05:32.896", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Pneumonia is defined as cough or chest in drawing or stridor in calm child or difficult and fast breathing. The definition of fast breathing depends on the age of the child: age 1 week up to 2 months: 60 breaths per minute or more = fast breathing. Age 2 months up to 12 months: 50 breaths per minute or more. Age 12 months up to 5 years: 40 breaths per minute or more. Only record children presenting for the first time with the current episode of pneumonia (i.e. new cases), not those coming for follow-up", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Children diagnosed with pneumonia", "id": "tOmh81RNMO9", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:21.143", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child diagnosed with pneumonia", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child diagnosed with pneumonia", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Dítě s diagnostikovanou pneumonií" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "La pneumonie est définie comme une toux ou une poitrine en tirage ou un stridor chez l'enfant calme ou une respiration difficile et rapide. La définition de la respiration rapide dépend de l'âge de l'enfant : de 1 semaine à 2 mois : 60 respirations par minute ou plus = respiration rapide. De 2 mois à 12 mois : 50 respirations par minute ou plus. De 12 mois à 5 ans : 40 respirations par minute ou plus. N'enregistrez que les enfants se présentant pour la première fois avec l'épisode de pneumonie en cours (c'est-à-dire les nouveaux cas), et non ceux qui viennent pour un suivi" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Enfants atteints de pneumonie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Diagnostic de pneumonie chez un enfant" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Diagnostic de pneumonie chez un enfant" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "A pneumonia é definida como tosse ou tórax ao desenhar ou estridor em criança calma ou respiração difícil e rápida. A definição de respiração rápida depende da idade da criança: idade de 1 semana a 2 meses: 60 respirações por minuto ou mais = respiração rápida. Idade de 2 meses a 12 meses: 50 respirações por minuto ou mais. Idade 12 meses até 5 anos: 40 respirações por minuto ou mais. Registre apenas as crianças que se apresentam pela primeira vez com o episódio atual de pneumonia (ou seja, novos casos), não aquelas que vêm para acompanhamento" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Crianças com diagnóstico de pneumonia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança com diagnóstico de pneumonia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Criança diagnosticada com pneumonia" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CWDIA", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Diarrhoea occurs when stools contain more water than normal. Mothers usually know whether their children have diarrhoea. Only record children presenting for the first time for the current episode of diarrhoea with dehydration (i.e. new case)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Children diagnosed with diarrhoea", "id": "TpbfHB0hLuq", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:20.509", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child with diarrhoea", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child with diarrhoea", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Dítě s průjmem" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "La diarrhée survient lorsque les selles contiennent plus d'eau que la normale. Les mères savent généralement si leurs enfants ont la diarrhée. N'enregistrez que les enfants se présentant pour la première fois pour l'épisode de diarrhée actuel avec déshydratation (c'est-à-dire un nouveau cas)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Enfants diagnostiqués diarrhéiques " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Enfants diagnostiqués diarrhéiques" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Enfants avec Diarrhée" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Anak- anak yang didiagnosa diare" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Anak dengan diare" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Anak dengan diare" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "A diarreia ocorre quando as fezes contêm mais água do que o normal. As mães geralmente sabem se seus filhos têm diarreia. Registre apenas crianças que se apresentam pela primeira vez para o episódio actual de diarreia com desidratação (ou seja, novo caso)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Crianças com diagnóstico de diarreia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança com diarreia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Criança com diarréia" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "Ow8ltIsRQKX" }, "code": "TB_NEWREL", "created": "2018-01-30T13:25:25.300", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "New and relapse TB cases, including pulmonary or extrapulmonary, bacteriologically confirmed or clinically diagnosed", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "New and relapse TB cases by age and sex", "id": "tr0lVojK425", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:25:30.865", "legendSets": [], "name": "TB - New and relapse TB cases by age and sex", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "New relapse by age/sex", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Nový relaps podle věku / pohlaví" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nouveaux cas et rechutes de tuberculose, y compris pulmonaire ou extrapulmonaire, bactériologiquement confirmés ou cliniquement diagnostiqués" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Nouveaux cas et rechutes de tuberculose par âge et par sexe" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nouveaux cas de tuberculose et rechutes selon l'âge et le sexe" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Nouveaux cas et rechutes par âge/sexe" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Casos de TB novos e recidivantes, incluindo pulmonar ou extrapulmonar, confirmados bacteriologicamente ou diagnosticados clinicamente" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Casos de tuberculose novos e recorrentes por idade e sexo" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "TB - casos novos e recorrentes de TB por idade e sexo" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Nova recaída por idade / sexo" }, { "locale": "ru", "property": "NAME", "value": "ТБ - Новые и повторные случаи по возрасту и полу" }, { "locale": "uz", "property": "NAME", "value": "ТБ - ёши ва жинсига кўра янги ва қайталанган ТБ ҳолатлари" }, { "locale": "uz_UZ", "property": "NAME", "value": "Sil kasalligi - Yoshi va jinsiga ko`ra birlamchi aniqlangan va qaytalangan sil kasalligi holatlari" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_MTHLY_VAG_RING", "created": "2020-04-08T15:30:24.981", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of units of Monthly Vaginal Ring/Patch distributed", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units Monthly Vaginal Ring/Patch", "id": "TRqStkHzyks", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:30:24.981", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of Monthly Vaginal Ring/Patch distributed ", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Units Monthly Vaginal Ring/Patch", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "doNNP8ODJC1" }, "code": "RMNCAH_C1U_Method", "created": "2020-04-02T14:22:01.728", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Person who accept for the first time in their lives any contraceptive method", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Family planning contraception first time user", "id": "TtG9oxINLY3", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-02T14:22:01.728", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - FP Contraception first time user by method", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "FP contraception first time user by method", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_UNITS_STERILISE_MF", "created": "2020-04-08T15:40:18.864", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of units of Sterilization (male and female) performed", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Units Sterilization (male and female)", "id": "TXGZJPnzOtQ", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T15:40:18.864", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Units of Sterilization (male and female) performed", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Units Sterilization (male and female)", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "jGaNULROqin" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DLV_HF_CS", "created": "2015-05-20T11:11:53.654", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Delivery by Caesarean Section", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Delivery by Caesarean Section", "id": "Txvo3x9TKMB", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:29.123", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Delivery in facility caesarean Section", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Delivery C/S", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Accouchement par césarienne" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Accouchement par césarienne" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Accouchement au centre de santé par césarienne" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Accouchement par césarienne" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Persalinan karena Seksio Sesarea" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Persalinan karena Seksio Sesarea" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Parto por cesariana" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Parto por cesariana" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Parto em unidade de cesariana" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Entrega C / S" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_5-9y_ALL", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 5-9 years in total (all causes)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 5-9 all causes", "id": "tzahCmRfpvL", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:34.674", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 5-9y all causes", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 5-9y all causes", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 5-9 ans au total (toutes causes confondues)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 5-9 ans toutes causes " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès infantile de 5-9 ans toutes causes " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 5-9 toutes causes confondues" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian anak 5-9Thn semua penyebab" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 5-9 anos no total (todas as causas)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil 5-9 todas as causas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte de crianças de 5-9 anos, todas as causas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil 5-9 anos todas as causas" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_PNC1_OT", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Postpartum woman (delivery at home or facility) with first postpartum check on time according to national policy. (It is recommended that women receive postnatal care within 24 hours after birth)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman timely 1st PNC visit", "id": "tZM3ZFIA8U9", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:34.492", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman timely 1st PNC visit", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum woman timely 1st PNC visit", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme en post-partum (accouchement à domicile ou en établissement) avec premier contrôle post-partum à temps selon la politique nationale. (Il est recommandé que les femmes reçoivent des soins postnatals dans les 24 heures suivant l'accouchement)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Femme en postpartum ayant effectué sa 1ère visite CPoN à temps" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Femme en postpartum ayant effectué sa 1ère visite CPoN à temps" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Femme en postpartum ayant effectué sa 1ère visite CPoN à temps" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto (parto em casa ou instituição) com primeira verificação pós-parto dentro do prazo de acordo com a política nacional. (Recomenda-se que as mulheres recebam cuidados pós-natal dentro de 24 horas após o nascimento)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto oportuna 1ª consulta de PNC" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mulher pós-parto 1ª consulta PNC oportuna" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto oportuna 1ª consulta de PNC" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_NEO_SEPSS", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.485", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of neonate due to sepsis or meningitis", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Neonatal death sepsis or meningitis", "id": "U40tr10PlKF", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:29.316", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death neonatal sepsis or meningitis", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Neonatal death sepsis or meningitis", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mort du nouveau-né due à une septicémie ou à une méningite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Septicémie ou méningite mortelle néonatale" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès par septicémie ou de méningite néonatale" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Septicémie ou méningite mortelle néonatale" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Kematian neonatal sepsis atau meningitis" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian neonatal sepsis atau meningitis" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Kematian neonatal sepsis atau meningitis" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de recém-nascido devido a sepse ou meningite" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte neonatal sepse ou meningite" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte neonatal sepse ou meningite" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte neonatal sepse ou meningite" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "K8lIoJKlffu" }, "code": "RMNCAH_AD", "created": "2020-04-07T13:13:02.792", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Adolescent facility death in total, any causes.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Adolescent facility in total (all causes)", "id": "u6lxtfOuxdv", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T13:18:23.564", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death adolescent in facility (all causes)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Adolescent death (total)", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DLV_HF_A", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Delivery by vacuum- or forceps-assisted in facility", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Delivery assisted (vacuum or forceps)", "id": "ut99wiyLOjn", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:34.852", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Delivery in facility assisted (vacuum or forceps)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Delivery assisted", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Accouchement par ventouse ou par forceps dans une installation" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Accouchement assisté (ventouse ou forceps)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Accouchement assisté au centre de santé (ventouse ou forceps)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Accouchement assisté" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Entrega por vácuo ou fórceps assistida no centros de saude " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Entrega assistida (vácuo ou fórceps)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Parto assistido nas unidades sanitarias (vácuo ou fórceps)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Assistência de entrega" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4Y_OTH_INF", "created": "2020-04-27T10:41:01.153", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from other infections", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y other infections", "id": "UVteO7Gs0xB", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-27T10:41:01.153", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y other infections", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y other infections", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "MAL_SP_COURS_RECV_IPTP1", "created": "2017-01-25T15:06:26.891", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of 1st dose full treatment course of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine received for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) ", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Number of SP course received for IPTp (1st dose)", "id": "vCwegNjEuxN", "lastUpdated": "2021-06-28T06:54:36.806", "legendSets": [], "name": "MAL - SP course received for IPTp (1st dose)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "SP course received for IPTp (1st dose)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de premières doses de traitement complet de sulfadoxine-pyriméthamine reçues dans le cadre d'un traitement préventif intermittent pendant la grossesse (TPIg) " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Nombre de cours de SP reçus pour l'TPIg (1ère dose)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nombre total de (n) doses de TPI avec la SP donné" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Cours de SP reçu pour TPIg (1ère dose)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Número do curso de tratamento completo da primeira dose de sulfadoxina-pirimetamina recebido para tratamento preventivo intermitente na gravidez (IPTp)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Número do curso de SP recebido para IPTp (1ª dose)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Curso de MAL - 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Population attendue des femmes enceintes" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Population grossesse attendue" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "População esperada de mulheres grávidas" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "GEN - População esperada de gestantes" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Pop espera grávida" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": false }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "M6gYl5gALzC" }, "code": "RMNCAH_CRTPN_OANTIB", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Child receiving treatment for pneumonia with other antibiotic (not Amoxicillin)", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Treated for pneumonia with other antibiotic", "id": "wvQjFX6BBPS", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:35.253", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Child received treatment for pneumonia with other antibiotic", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child treated for pneumonia other antibiotic", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Enfant recevant un traitement contre la pneumonie avec un autre antibiotique (pas l'amoxicilline)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Traitée pour la pneumonie avec un autre antibiotique" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Enfant ayant reçu un traitement de pneumonie par un autre antibiotique" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Enfant traité pour pneumonie par autre antibiotique" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Criança recebendo tratamento para pneumonia com outro antibiótico (não amoxicilina)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Tratado para pneumonia com outro antibiótico" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Criança recebeu tratamento para pneumonia com outro antibiótico" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Criança tratada para pneumonia com outro antibiótico" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "HIV_ANC_KNOWN_HIV+", "created": "2017-05-28T20:59:29.299", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Number of ANC clients who are known to be HIV positive.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "ANC clients known to be HIV+", "id": "xCZ83jjG3pU", "lastUpdated": "2019-06-28T12:39:30.688", "legendSets": [], "name": "HIV - ANC clients with know HIV positive status", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "ANC clients known HIV+", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_NEO_PRETRM", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.485", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of neonate due to pre-term birth complications", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Neonatal death pre-term birth complications", "id": "XJEFC71YFmn", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:29.751", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death neonatal pre-term birth complications", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Neonatal death pre-term birth complications", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès néonatal à la suite de complications liées à une naissance prématurée" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal par complications d'accouchement prématuré" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès néonatal par complications d'accouchement prématuré" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal par complications d'accouchement prématuré" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de recém-nascido devido a complicações de parto prematuro" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Complicações pré-termo de morte neonatal" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Complicações de morte neonatal pré-termo" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Complicações pré-termo de morte neonatal" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_SBM", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.483", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Still birth is defined as infant born with no signs of life, weighting more than 1,000 g and older than 28 weeks gestation. An antepartum foetal death (stillbirth – macerated) refers to a foetus that has suffered an intrauterine death after the 28th week of gestation and before labour. Maceration describes the degenerative changes that occur in stillbirths retained in the utero after death, and the earliest signs are in the form of discolouration and peeling of the skin, leaving regions of raw tissue. Multiple births are counted as several births, as a combination of live and still births, if one foetus is alive and another not.", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Stillbirths - macerated", "id": "XmFf0Exro82", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:29.930", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still macerated", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Stillbirth macerated", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "La mortinaissance est définie comme un enfant né sans signe de vie, pesant plus de 1 000 g et ayant plus de 28 semaines de gestation. Une mort fœtale antepartum (mortinaissance - macération) désigne un fœtus qui a subi une mort intra-utérine après la 28e semaine de gestation et avant le travail. La macération décrit les changements dégénératifs qui se produisent dans les mortinaissances conservées dans l'utérus après la mort, et les premiers signes sont sous la forme d'une décoloration et d'un pelage de la peau, laissant des régions de tissu brut. Les naissances multiples sont comptées comme plusieurs naissances, comme une combinaison de naissances vivantes et de mortinaissances, si un fœtus est vivant et un autre non." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Mort-nés macérés " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Mort-nés macérés" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mort-nés macérés" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "O natimorto é definido como um recém-nascido sem sinais de vida, com peso superior a 1.000 ge maior que 28 semanas de gestação. Uma morte fetal anteparto (natimorto - macerado) refere-se a um feto que sofreu uma morte intrauterina após a 28ª semana de gestação e antes do parto. A maceração descreve as alterações degenerativas que ocorrem em natimortos retidos no útero após a morte, e os primeiros sinais são na forma de descoloração e descamação da pele, deixando regiões de tecido cru. Os nascimentos múltiplos são contados como vários nascimentos, como uma combinação de nascidos vivos e natimortos, se um feto estiver vivo e outro não." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Natimortos - macerados" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Nascimento ainda macerado" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Natimorto macerado" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_MENG", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.484", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 0-4 years from meningitis", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Child death 0-4y meningitis", "id": "Y4oYIWCwa0D", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:30.113", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y meningitis", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Child death 0-4y meningitis", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans à la suite d'une méningite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans méningite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès infantile 0-4 ans méningite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile 0-4 ans méningite" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 0-4 anos de meningite" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil meningite de 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte infantil com meningite de 0-4 anos" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil meningite de 0-4 anos" 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"fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Événements liés au décès néonatale intrapartum" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès néonatal lié à des événements intrapartum" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Événements liés au décès néonatale intrapartum" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de recém-nascido devido a eventos relacionados ao parto" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Eventos relacionados à morte neonatal durante o parto" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Eventos relacionados com óbito neonatal intraparto" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Eventos relacionados à morte neonatal durante o parto" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, 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infantile de 5-9 ans - autres infections" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de uma criança de 5-9 anos por outras infecções" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil 5-9anos por outras infecções" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Morte de criança 5-9 anos por outras infecções" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte infantil 5-9 anos outras infecções" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_PNW_IC_OM", "created": "2019-04-12T19:46:10.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Postpartum woman who delivered in facility and initiated other contraceptive method before discharge", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", "formName": "Postpartum woman other FP method before discharge", "id": "yYXdFNEUrTH", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:35.611", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum woman initiated Other contraceptive method before discharge after facility delivery", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum woman other FP method before discharge", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Femme en post-partum qui a accouché dans un établissement et qui a commencé à utiliser une autre méthode contraceptive avant de quitter l'hôpital" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Femme en post-partum autre méthode de PF avant la sortie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Femme en postpartum ayant initié autre contraceptive avant la sortie du centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Femme en post-partum autre méthode de PF avant la sortie" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mulher no pós-parto que deu à luz na instituição e iniciou outro método contraceptivo antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "FORM_NAME", "value": "Mulher pós-parto outro método de FP antes da alta" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mulher pós-parto iniciada com outro método anticoncepcional antes da alta após o parto na instituição" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mulher pós-parto outro método de FP antes da alta" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [], "valueType": "INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE", "zeroIsSignificant": true }, { "aggregationLevels": [], "aggregationType": "SUM", "attributeValues": [], "categoryCombo": { "id": "bjDvmb4bfuf" }, "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_5-9y_MAL", "created": "2020-04-27T10:24:18.208", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "description": "Death of a child 5-9 years from malaria", "domainType": "AGGREGATE", 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"locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T10:03:10.104", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "VQy2Db1ToNM", "indicators": [ { "id": "Aii5EOk1xEW" }, { "id": "b4e4QZfBe5x" }, { "id": "BvmZb48wAcM" }, { "id": "ChpaxILo7IO" }, { "id": "Dg7dZlcVZGE" }, { "id": "Ec4z30wDGVH" }, { "id": "EeIEcimWybJ" }, { "id": "eM54myJGX6k" }, { "id": "FgNnsRgCs8r" }, { "id": "Gl4aMQhoxS6" }, { "id": "gnhcFIap1vN" }, { "id": "hjoN5yNAHoP" }, { "id": "HPZunOd021x" }, { "id": "illIO5sBPjx" }, { "id": "iRuJCkcGDov" }, { "id": "IzgsCWHHGBG" }, { "id": "JWVdWMhNGSI" }, { "id": "kZ3uuGsjfBH" }, { "id": "lMRhTK17SDQ" }, { "id": "mGNOMd9KSEX" }, { "id": "mX4OsXFUW5A" }, { "id": "PBSxUYML4vn" }, { "id": "PEXOeNaxOz0" }, { "id": "PH78zjodtpG" }, { "id": "Qgu1gY7fKiC" }, { "id": "S3oGwzm9RqX" }, { "id": "S6Sz0UU3mPG" }, { "id": "tkL7UlM3HGM" 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"aCJadIVZ815", "indicatorType": { "id": "CqNPn5KzksS" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:42.540", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death neonatal pre-term birth complications", "numerator": "#{XJEFC71YFmn}", "numeratorDescription": "Death neonatal pre-term birth complications", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Death neonatal pre-term birth", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "es", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de décès néonatals dus à des complications d'accouchement prématuré" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès néonatal par complications d'accouchement prématuré" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal par prématurité" }, { "locale": "nb", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Número de mortes neonatais devido a complicações do parto prematuro" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Complicações de morte neonatal pré-termo" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte neonatal nascimento prematuro" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_SBM", "created": "2019-04-24T19:53:21.819", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of facility births where the infant was Stillbirth-Macerated: Still birth is defined as infant born with no signs of life, weighting more than 1,000 g and older than 28 weeks gestation. An antepartum foetal death (stillbirth – macerated) refers to a foetus that has suffered an intrauterine death after the 28th week of gestation and before labour. Maceration describes the degenerative changes that occur in stillbirths retained in the utero after death, and the earliest signs are in the form of discolouration and peeling of the skin, leaving regions of raw tissue.", "id": "Aii5EOk1xEW", "indicatorType": { "id": "CqNPn5KzksS" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:36.631", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still macerated", "numerator": "#{XmFf0Exro82}", "numeratorDescription": "Stillbirths - macerated", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Stillbirth macerated", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "es", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de naissances où le nourrisson était mort-né macéré à la naissance dans la formation sanitaire: un mort-né est défini comme un bébé né sans signe de vie, pesant plus de 1 000 g avec plus de 28 semaines de gestation. La mort fœtale antepartum (mort-né macéré) désigne un bébé qui est décédé dans l'uterus après 28 semaines de gestation et avant le début du travail. La macération décrit les changements dégénératifs qui surviennent chez les mort-nés retenus dans l'utérus après le décès, et les premiers signes se manifestent par une décoloration et une desquamation de la peau, laissant des régions de tissu brut." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Mort-nés macérés" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NUMERATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mort-nés macérés " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mort-nés macérés" }, { "locale": "nb", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Número de partos em centros onde o bebê foi natimorto-macerado: Nascimento morto é definido como um bebê nascido sem sinais de vida, pesando mais de 1.000 g mais de 28 semanas de gestação. Uma morte fetal anteparto (natimorto - macerado) refere-se a um feto que sofreu uma morte intrauterina após a 28ª semana de gestação e antes do parto. A maceração descreve as alterações degenerativas que ocorrem em natimortos retidos no útero após a morte, e os primeiros sinais são na forma de descoloração e descamação da pele, deixando regiões de tecido cru." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Nascimento ainda macerado" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NUMERATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Natimortos - macerados" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Natimorto macerado" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_BRTH_TRAUMA_ASPH", "created": "2019-04-24T19:53:21.819", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of child deaths 0-4years due to birth trauma/asphyxia", "id": "alJibw2mTO6", "indicatorType": { "id": "CqNPn5KzksS" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:42.723", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y birth trauma/asphyxia", "numerator": "#{LC4a6cpUsuE}", "numeratorDescription": "Death child 0-4y birth trauma/asphyxia", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Death child 0-4y birth trauma/asphyxia", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "es", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de décès infantile de 0-4 ans dus à des traumatismes de naissance/asphyxie" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA -Décès infantile 0-4 ans traumatisme/asphyxie à la naissance" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NUMERATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par traumatisme/asphyxie à la naissance " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès infantile de 0-4 ans par traumatisme/asphyxie à la naissance " }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian anak 0-4Thn trauma lahir / asfiksia" }, { "locale": "nb", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Número de mortes infantis de 0-4 anos devido a trauma de nascimento / asfixia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Óbito de criança de 0-4 anos de trauma / asfixia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NUMERATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte de criança com 0-4 anos de trauma / asfixia" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte de criança com 0-4 anos de trauma / asfixia" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_5-9y_PRTSIS", "created": "2019-04-24T19:53:21.819", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of child deaths 5-9 years due to pertusis", "id": "ALyeW8OBDrh", "indicatorType": { "id": "CqNPn5KzksS" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:36.272", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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Note: This includes any neonatal death in a facility that occurred in the first 28 days – pre-discharge after birth or upon re- admission for an illness.", "id": "aoUZk8o1ula", "indicatorType": { "id": "CqNPn5KzksS" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:42.932", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Deaths neonatal", "numerator": "#{T4JbVDttOMO}", "numeratorDescription": "Death neonatal", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Deaths neonatal", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Počet novorozenců, kteří zemřou ve zdravotnickém zařízení za prvních 28 dní. Poznámka: Toto zahrnuje jakoukoli smrt novorozence v zařízení, ke kterému došlo během prvních 28 dnů - před propuštěním po narození nebo po opětovném přijetí pro nemoc." }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - úmrtí novorozenců" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Úmrtí novorozence" }, { "locale": "es", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de nouveau-nés qui sont décédés dans la formation sanitairedans leur 28 premiers jours. NB: ceci inclut tout décès néonatal dans une formation sanitaire survenu dans les 28 premiers jours - avant la sortie de l'hôpital après la naissance ou lors de la réadmission pour une maladie." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès néonatal" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatal" }, { "locale": "nb", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Número de recém-nascidos que morrem na unidade sanitarua nos primeiros 28 dias. Nota: Isso inclui qualquer morte neonatal em uma unidade sanitaria que tenha ocorrido nos primeiros 28 dias - antes da alta após o nascimento ou na readmissão por uma doença." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Mortes neonatais" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mortes neonatais" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_UPPH", "created": "2019-04-23T20:03:23.530", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "denominator": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "denominatorDescription": "Delivery in facility", "description": "Percentage of women who gave birth in a facility who received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. \"Immediately\" ideally refers to within one minute.", "id": "b4e4QZfBe5x", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:48.704", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Uterotonic for prevention of post-partum haemorrhage (%)", "numerator": "#{E70PgIBpwNK}", "numeratorDescription": "Received a prophylactic uterotonic immediately after birth", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Uterotonic for PPH (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Accouchement réalisé au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage de femmes qui ont accouché dans une formation sanitaire et qui ont reçu un traitement utérotonique prophylactique immédiatement après la naissance pour la prévention des hémorragies postpartum. \"Immédiatement\" se réfère idéalement à moins d'une minute." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Prévention de l'hémorragie postpartum par un utérotonique (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Utérotonique pour prévention HPP (%)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Entrega na unidade sanitaria " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Porcentagem de mulheres que deram à luz em unidade sanitaria o que receberam um uterotônico profilático imediatamente após o parto para prevenção de hemorragia pós-parto. Idealmente, \"imediatamente\" refere-se a dentro de um minuto." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Uterotônico para prevenção de hemorragia pós-parto (%)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Uterotônico para PPH (%)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_CHILD_0-4y_MENG", "created": "2019-04-24T19:53:21.819", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of child deaths 0-4 years due to meningitis", "id": "b9f35x2djwF", "indicatorType": { "id": "CqNPn5KzksS" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:43.115", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death child 0-4y meningitis", "numerator": "#{Y4oYIWCwa0D}", "numeratorDescription": "Death child 0-4y meningitis", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Death child 0-4y meningitis", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "es", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de décès d'enfants de 0-4 ans dus à la méningite" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - 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See guidance for formula", "id": "cDVlZtmYpBQ", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-11T16:28:13.632", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Couple year protection rate (CYPR) (%)", "numerator": "(#{j4reww8GXxW}/15) + (#{RzX5gq4A7Dk}/120) + (#{bUgehtOSoj3}/4) + (#{PFtSlBXQkkX}/6) + (#{TRqStkHzyks}/15) + (#{gZFczTAzDQK}/120) + (#{F2u1HTCMMbm}/13) + (#{nYfbQOW38Vz}*4.6) + (#{DYutD8e5xNO}*2.5) + (#{KM8WEenZ6rF}*3.2) + (#{aUVuPVsNN4H}*3.8) + (#{zUCDF81dJwg}/20) + (#{TXGZJPnzOtQ}*10)", "numeratorDescription": "Sum of units of contraceptives distributed divided by factor", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "CYP rate (%)", "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_PMTCT_TEST_COV_HIV+", "created": "2020-04-23T21:52:10.447", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "denominator": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "denominatorDescription": "ANC 1st visit", "description": "Percentage of antenatal clients who tested HIV+ during ANC ", "id": "ChpaxILo7IO", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T21:52:10.447", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - 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La première visite prénatale peut être considérée comme une «visite de rendenz-vous ou programmée» lorsque divers processus sont effectués conformément à la politique nationale." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - CPN1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NUMERATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "CPN 1ère viste" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "CPN1" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kunjungan pertama wanita hamil ke fasilitas kesehatan khusus untuk menerima perawatan antenatal. 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NB: le numérateur comprend à la fois les femmes qui ont accouché dans la formation sanitaire et celles qui ont accouché en dehors." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Soins postatals mère (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Soins postatals mère (%)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Entrega na unidade sanitaria " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Porcentagem de mulheres com verificação pós-natal. 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An intrapartum foetal death (stillbirth - fresh), refers to a baby that has died after the onset of labour and before birth. ", "id": "hjoN5yNAHoP", "indicatorType": { "id": "CqNPn5KzksS" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:44.853", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still fresh", "numerator": "#{N73sRkEWLrB}", "numeratorDescription": "Stillbirths - fresh", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Stillbirth fresh", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "es", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de naissances où le nourrisson était mort-né frais à la naissance dans la formation sanitaire: un mort-né est défini comme un bébé né sans signe de vie, pesant plus de 1 000 g avec plus de 28 semaines de gestation. La mort fœtale intrapartum (mort-né frais) désigne un bébé qui est décédé après le début du travail et avant la naissance." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Mort-nés frais" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NUMERATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mort-nés - frais" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Mort-nés frais" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kelahiran mati baru" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NUMERATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Kelahiran mati - baru" }, { "locale": "nb", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Número de nascimentos nas unidades sanitarias onde o bebê nasceu fresco: Nascimento morto é definido como um bebê nascido sem sinais de vida, pesando mais de 1.000 g mais de 28 semanas de gestação. 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NB: ceci peut inclure les femmes qui ont accouché hors de la formation sanitaire" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès maternels en établissement" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès dans un établissement de soins maternels" }, { "locale": "nb", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Número de mortes maternas no estabelecimento. 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Assisted (Vacuum or forceps)", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Assisted institutional delivery rate (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Procento porodů ve zdravotnických zařízeních, které jsou s asistencí (kleště nebo vakuum)" }, { "locale": "cs", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Poměr asistovaného porodu v instituci (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Accouchement réalisé au centre de santé" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage d'accouchements institutionnels qui sont assistés (forceps ou ventouse)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Taux d'accouchements assistés en accouchements institutionnels (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Taux d'accouchements institutionnels assistés (%)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Entrega na unidade sanitaria " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Porcentagem de partos em unidades sanitarias que são assistidas (fórceps ou vácuo)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - 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It combines both those women who “leave with” a method and those who “accept” a method prior to discharge or leaving the facility.", "id": "YBjvDwAKAgZ", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:48.317", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Postpartum family planning acceptors (%)", "numerator": "#{JHbZ2EJ9Lq2}", "numeratorDescription": "Postpartum woman initiated contraceptive method before discharge", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Postpartum FP acceptors", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Pourcentage de femmes en post-partum qui accouchent dans un établissement et qui commencent à utiliser une méthode contraceptive avant de quitter l'établissement. Par \"initiées\", on entend les femmes qui partent avec une méthode de PF ou qui ont l'intention de commencer une méthode ce jour-là (par exemple, une méthode de sensibilisation à la fertilité). Il combine les femmes qui \"partent avec\" une méthode et celles qui \"acceptent\" une méthode avant de quitter l'établissement." }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Acceptantes de planification familiale en postpartum (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Acceptantes PF en postpartum " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Porcentagem de puérperas que deram à luz em um centro de saude, que iniciaram um método contraceptivo antes da alta.\n\"Iniciado\" refere-se a mulheres que saem com um método de PF ou pretendem começar um método naquele dia (por exemplo, método de percepção da fertilidade). Combina as mulheres que \"saem com\" um método e aquelas que \"aceitam\" um método antes de alta ou saída das instalações." }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Aceitadores de planejamento familiar pós-parto (%)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Aceitadores de FP pós-parto" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_SB", "created": "2019-04-23T20:26:37.118", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "denominator": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}+#{N73sRkEWLrB}+#{XmFf0Exro82}", "denominatorDescription": "Live and still births in facility", "description": "Stillbirth as a percentage of all births in health facilities. (Baby born with no sign of life and weighing at least 1000g or after 28 weeks gestation)", "id": "ylXbHIzTg7x", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:52.279", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Birth still rate in facility (%)", "numerator": "#{N73sRkEWLrB}+#{XmFf0Exro82}", "numeratorDescription": "Still births in facility", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Still birth rate (%)", "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Mort-nés en pourcentage de toutes les naissances dans les formations sanitaires. (Bébé né sans signe de vie et pesant au moins 1000g ou après 28 semaines de gestation)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Taux de natalité au centre de santé (%)" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Taux de mort-nés (%)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "A natimortalidade como uma porcentagem de todos os nascimentos em unidades sanitarias. (Bebê nascido sem sinais de vida e pesando pelo menos 1000g ou após 28 semanas de gestação)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Taxa de natimortalidade no estabelecimento (%)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Ainda taxa de natalidade (%)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_DEATH_NEO_TT", "created": "2019-04-24T20:00:05.736", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "denominator": "1", "denominatorDescription": "1", "description": "Number of Neonatal deaths due to tetanus", "id": "YQF5aH1USqa", "indicatorType": { "id": "CqNPn5KzksS" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:41.966", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Death neonatal tetanus", "numerator": "#{jQ9klxH177v}", "numeratorDescription": "Death neonatal tetanus", "publicAccess": "r-------", "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "shortName": "Death neonatal tetanus", "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "es", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Nombre de décès néonatals dus au tétanos" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA - Décès néonatal due au tetanos" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NUMERATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Décès néonatale par tétanos " }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Décès néonatale par tétanos " }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Kematian Neonatal Tetanus" }, { "locale": "nb", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DENOMINATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "1" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "DESCRIPTION", "value": "Número de mortes neonatais devido ao tétano" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH - Tétano neonatal morte" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NUMERATOR_DESCRIPTION", "value": "Morte neonatal tétano" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "SHORT_NAME", "value": "Morte neonatal tétano" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "annualized": false, "attributeValues": [], "code": "RMNCAH_DT_ORSZINC", "created": "2019-04-24T09:57:47.067", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "denominator": "#{TpbfHB0hLuq}", "denominatorDescription": "Children 0-9 years diagnosed with diarrhoea", "description": "Percentage of children diagnosed with diarrhoea who received treatment with ORS and Zinc.", "id": "Z2Df1NeNaEj", "indicatorType": { "id": "hmSnCXmLYwt" }, "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:42.159", "legendSets": [], "name": "RMNCAH - Diarrhoea treated with ORS and zinc in children 0-9 years (%)", "numerator": "#{MOilNQrbM4e}", "numeratorDescription": "Children 0-9 years treated for diarrhoea with ORS", "publicAccess": "r-------", 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All numbers can be zero", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:52.895", "leftSide": { "description": "Neonatal death all causes", "expression": "#{T4JbVDttOMO}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Neonatal death all causes = sum of individual neonatal death causes", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of neonatal death causes", "expression": "#{jQ9klxH177v} + #{gL1na6z9UNj} + #{QIf14ZuvNNq} + #{U40tr10PlKF} + #{YNcpz4NLI3U} + #{XJEFC71YFmn} + #{qNWaC0TLxrZ} + #{cj2y5NvW3Dt} + #{SCMpSXqlMvP}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Novorozenecká smrt všechny příčiny = součet jednotlivých příčin novorozenecké smrti" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Décès néonatal toutes causes = somme des causes individuelles de décès néonatal" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Morte neonatal todas as causas = soma das causas individuais de morte neonatal" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:19:13.840", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "eWDZbPo5GoJ", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Total facility deliveries should be less than or equal to Live births + still births (fresh + macerated)", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:53.105", "leftSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Total deliveries <= Live births + still births", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of live births and still births", "expression": "#{N73sRkEWLrB} + #{XmFf0Exro82} + #{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "cs", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Celkové porody <= živě narozené + mrtvě narozené děti" }, { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Total des accouchements <= Naissances vivantes + mortinaissances" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Total de partos RMNCAH <= Nascidos vivos + natimortos" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:08:26.910", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "fEbQF0ZQXN8", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC 1st vist (20+ years) should be greater than or equal to ANC 1st visit (20+ years) before 12weeks. ", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:56.287", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC 1st Visit (20+ years)", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9.MhS0mKLqv9I}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC 1st vist 20+ years >= ANC 1st visit 20+ years before 12weeks", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "ANC 1st visit (20+ years) before 12weeks", "expression": "#{onUtvYwzUXR.MhS0mKLqv9I}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA CPN1 20 ans et plus >= CPN1 20 ans et plus avant 12 semaines" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH ANC 1ª visita 20+ anos> = ANC 1ª visita 20+ anos antes das 12 semanas" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:24:36.694", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "FErixL7xhHY", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Number of Newborns with timely 1st PNC Visits should be less than or equal to number of newborns with at least 1 PNC visit", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:53.764", "leftSide": { "description": "Newborns with timely 1st PNC visit", "expression": "#{KOpyX8sPayv}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Newborn with Timely 1st PNC Visit <= newborn with at least 1 PNC visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Newborns with at least 1 PNC visit", "expression": "#{ImJDnjbrh1N}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Nouveau-né avec une 1ère visite postnatale dans le délais <= nouveau-né avec au moins une visite postnatale" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Recém-nascido com 1ª visita PNC oportuna <= recém-nascido com pelo menos 1 visita PNC" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-03T13:51:20.154", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "fy3I9HmHPkR", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Total Women initiating contraception before discharge (by age) should be equal to Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by method)", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-29T18:06:17.814", "leftSide": { "description": "Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by age)", "expression": "#{JHbZ2EJ9Lq2}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by age) = Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by method)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by method)", "expression": "#{NMwDSHUNt2E} + #{k2LxKpsxqY2} + #{JI2wHadI13Y} + #{TfKBfohNzcF} + #{yYXdFNEUrTH} + #{ro4VbuscAMi}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:16:38.090", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "GeMnHDISZJj", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection should be less than or equal to Live births in facility", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:16:38.090", "leftSide": { "description": "Newborns treated for neonatal infection", "expression": "#{M69zk6JHFwG}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Newborns treated for neonatal infection <= Live births", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-08T10:26:45.598", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "gKgXyGuAzPw", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC treated for syphilis should be less than or equal to ANC syphilis seropositive ", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T10:26:45.598", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC treated for syphilis", "expression": "#{A2eTr9WoB7X}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC treated for syphilis <= ANC syphilis seropositive ", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "ANC syphilis seropositive", "expression": "#{pTizH5im75v}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-07T14:38:12.403", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "glZBTsTQnCj", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 5-9 with pneumonia should be greater than or equal to sum of child 5-9 Amoxicilin treatments for pneumonia (dispersed tablet, oral syrup). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:38:12.403", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 5-9 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 5-9 with pneumonia >= sum of child 5-9 Amoxicilin treatments for pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 5-9 pneumonia Amoxicilin treatments: dispersed tablet, oral syrup", "expression": "#{S0dkL4NH8Ug.slONe528O2f} + #{ILRT0Q2DqQe.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T11:21:10.853", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "IaiSdKPRYBG", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Maternal death all causes should be greater than or equal to maternal death audited. All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:54.183", "leftSide": { "description": "Maternal death all causes", "expression": "#{AaIqiIX2qxH}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Maternal death all causes >= maternal death audited ", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Maternal death audited", "expression": "#{C0LNvFeibom}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Décès maternel toutes causes >= décès maternel vérifié  " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Morte materna todas as causas> = morte materna auditada" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T21:58:42.960", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "iDyNcoX1jXR", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC clients with known HIV+ status should be less than or equal to Total ANC 1st visit", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T21:58:42.960", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC clients with known HIV+ status", "expression": "#{xCZ83jjG3pU}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC known HIV+ <= Total ANC 1st Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total ANC 1st visit", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-07T14:37:04.424", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "IJqxXdW8zno", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 0-4 with pneumonia should be greater than or equal to sum of child 0-4 Amoxicilin treatments for pneumonia (dispersed tablet, oral syrup). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:37:04.424", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 0-4 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 0-4 with pneumonia >= sum of child 0-4 Amoxicilin treatments for pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 0-4 pneumonia Amoxicilin treatments: dispersed tablet, oral syrup", "expression": "#{S0dkL4NH8Ug.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{ILRT0Q2DqQe.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:14:33.781", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "IQ7bwU0uJSn", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Delivery: Live births with documented weight should be less than or equal to Live births", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:53.971", "leftSide": { "description": "Live births with documented birth weight", "expression": "#{AVrYR9vZtT5}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Live births with documented weight <= Live births", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Naissances vivantes avec poids documenté <= Naissances vivantes" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Nascidos vivos com peso documentado <= Nascidos vivos" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-08T11:25:37.815", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "iraZv43pgsZ", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Delivery: Population estimated live births should be less than or equal to Expected number of pregnant women", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T11:25:37.815", "leftSide": { "description": "Population estimated live births", "expression": "#{iKxybad85rv}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Population estimated Live births <= Population Expected pregnant women", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Population expected pregnant women", "expression": "#{WBmvvafUwT8}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-08T10:24:57.809", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "IZa0wLIJS77", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC syphilis seropositive should be less than or equal to ANC screened for syphilis", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T10:24:57.809", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC syphilis seropositive", "expression": "#{pTizH5im75v}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC syphilis seropositive <= ANC screened for syphilis", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "ANC screened for syphilis", "expression": "#{PymzHH1H9al}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:17:41.629", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "j8GdYvi7L5x", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Pre-term births in facility should be less than or equal to Live births in facility", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:17:41.629", "leftSide": { "description": "Pre-term births in facility", "expression": "#{kDA2O0sHWkz}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Pre-term births in facility <= Live births in facility", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T10:43:46.159", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "Jem6zi4Omm4", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Perinatal mortality death audited should be less than or equal to Perinatal deaths in facility. Both numbers can be zero", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:54.410", "leftSide": { "description": "Perinatal death audited", "expression": "#{OpMLPTLrBbf}", "missingValueStrategy": "SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Perinatal mortality death audited <= all perinatal death ", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "All perinatal deaths in facility", "expression": "#{JqSZ0mJRxX4}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Mortalité périnatale contrôlée <= tous les décès périnataux " }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Mortalidade perinatal auditada <= todas as mortes perinatais" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:41:08.290", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "JlJbKeFX8z7", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Total Delivery in facility should be equal to sum of Delivery by type (normal, assisted, CS)", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:54.622", "leftSide": { "description": "Total Delivery in facility", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Delivery in facility = sum of delivery by type (normal, assisted, CS)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of delivery by type", "expression": "#{ut99wiyLOjn} + #{Txvo3x9TKMB} + #{euVXky1Oczb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Accouchement dans un établissement = somme des accouchements par type (normal, assisté, CS)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Entrega na unidade sanitaria = soma da entrega por tipo (normal, assistida, CS)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:07:39.255", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "jr4PqsQD6SV", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child mortality: death all causes (0-4years) should be equal to the sum of child death causes (0-4years)", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:56.496", "leftSide": { "description": "Child death all causes (0-4years)", "expression": "#{SKW0Ynu0O4Q.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child death all causes (0-4years) = sum of child death causes (0-4years)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child death causes (0-4years)", "expression": "#{mLeJflLeySE.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{lDFDmBwQM8k.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{LC4a6cpUsuE.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{rtozMSrqnOl.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{LN8Lh4PU0M6.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{H7EGfD6iTmU.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{A5AE3M137Yc.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{JcvvAaR9eCY.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{JO3EMcOzXsi.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{E3RBotEnXCY.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{EmT5RxHqtle.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{DGpb6ILi9j8.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{jkTCXenjSo9.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{Y4oYIWCwa0D.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{yY2HtvG0mlF.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{tzahCmRfpvL.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{NMHqyy0RJH9.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Décès infantile toutes causes confondues (0-4 ans) = somme des causes de décès infantile (0-4 ans)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Morte infantil, todas as causas (0-4 anos) = soma das causas de morte infantil (0-4 anos)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:15:08.346", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "L1ZnApBwsjC", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask should be less than or equal to Live births in facility", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:15:08.346", "leftSide": { "description": "Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask", "expression": "#{C4wVmNSCpbH}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Newborns resuscitated with bag and mask <= Live births in facility", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:55:07.864", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "l8R0FFKHRMa", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Maternal mortality: death all causes (15-19years) should be equal to the sum of maternal death causes (15-19years)", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:56.708", "leftSide": { "description": "Maternal death all causes (15-19years)", "expression": "#{AaIqiIX2qxH.kprxF3rp7G0}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Maternal death all causes (15-19years) = sum of maternal death causes (15-19years)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of maternal death causes (15-19years)", "expression": "#{fQFsLYj8n0i.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{cYTp0Oyik7Z.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{TJq0n430cbR.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{ICoP2ebj5Ys.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{Iozs9lkwUPZ.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{oi3prde6C32.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{RLpNgkFkB8B.kprxF3rp7G0} + #{A5442zKjMMH.kprxF3rp7G0}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Décès maternel toutes causes (15-19ans) = somme des causes de décès maternels (15-19ans)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Morte materna todas as causas (15-19 anos) = soma das causas de morte materna (15-19 anos)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:30:39.644", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "nJpLu5rCner", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Total Women initiating contraception before discharge (by age) should be less than or equal to Total facility deliveries (by age)", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:56.906", "leftSide": { "description": "Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by age)", "expression": "#{JHbZ2EJ9Lq2}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Total women initiating contraception before discharge (by age) <= total facility deliveries (by age)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries (by age)", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Nombre total de femmes ayant commencé à prendre des contraceptifs avant leur sortie (par âge) <= nombre total d'accouchements dans les formations sanitaires (par âge)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Total de mulheres iniciando a contracepção antes da alta (por idade) <= partos totais na unidade (por idade)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:29:58.326", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "OXD8Gljpy9W", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Women presenting gynaecological indications related to abortion should be less than or equal to women presenting gynaecological indications", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:54.832", "leftSide": { "description": "Women presenting indications related to abortion", "expression": "#{bm3YZuyI0N5}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH women presenting gynaecological indications related to abortion <= women presenting gynaecological indications", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Women presenting gynaecological indications", "expression": "#{O7hXtuse5Xx}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA femmes présentant des indications gynécologiques liées à l'avortement <= femmes présentant des indications gynécologiques" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Mulheres RMNCAH com indicações ginecológicas relacionadas ao aborto <= mulheres com indicações ginecológicas" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T21:59:55.158", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "ozjrz8zkBxT", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC clients tested for HIV should be less than or equal to Total ANC 1st visit", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T21:59:55.158", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC clients tested for HIV ", "expression": "#{DYpD9YKSmmb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC HIV tested <= Total ANC 1st Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total ANC 1st visit", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-08T11:44:13.794", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "P9tzPI9vhtz", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Women 15-49y screened for cervical cancer should be less than or equal to Estimated number of women 15-49y", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-08T11:44:13.794", "leftSide": { "description": "Women 15-49y screened for cervical cancer", "expression": "#{aOFA0KkZezy}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Women 15-49y screened for cervical cancer <= Estimated women 15-49y", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Estimated number of women 15-49years", "expression": "#{E3C31RlZ6vr}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:05:05.940", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "PW80XIURO1V", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC 1st vist (10-14years) should be greater than or equal to ANC 1st visit (10-14years) before 12weeks", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:55.016", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC 1st Visit (10-14years)", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9.BcTmquO9Vhw}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC 1st vist 10-14years >= ANC 1st visit 10-14years before 12weeks", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "ANC 1st visit (10-14years) before 12weeks", "expression": "#{onUtvYwzUXR.BcTmquO9Vhw}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA CPN 1ère visite 10-14ans >= CPN 1ère visite 10-14ans avant 12 semaines" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH ANC 1ª visita 10-14 anos> = ANC 1ª visita 10-14 anos antes das 12 semanas" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:04:29.070", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "q5hW9HdmKZs", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 5-9 with diarrhoea should be greater than or equal to sum of child 5-9 treatments for diarrhoea (Zinc, ORS, ORS +Zinc). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:57.145", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 5-9 with diarrhoea", "expression": "#{TpbfHB0hLuq.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 5-9 with diarrhoea >= sum of child 5-9 treatments for diarrhoea", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 5-9 diarrhoea treatments: ORS, Zinz, ORS + Zinc", "expression": "#{ShazYbDQ9DM.slONe528O2f} + #{MOilNQrbM4e.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Enfant 5-9 avec diarrhée >= somme des traitements de l'enfant 5-9 pour la diarrhée" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Criança 5-9 com diarreia> = soma de crianças 5-9 tratamentos para diarreia" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:11:03.127", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "QALAkUK9TyC", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Number women pre-eclampsia/eclamspsia treated with loading dose of MgSO4 should be less than or equal to Total facility deliveries (by age)", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:11:03.127", "leftSide": { "description": "Number women severe pre-eclampsia/eclamspsia treated with loading dose of MgSO4", "expression": "#{kzUf2Trlib1}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Number women pre-eclampsia/eclamspsia treated with loading dose of MgSO4 <= total facility deliveries (by age)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries (by age)", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:31:00.194", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "Qinl9biyfAZ", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC haemoglobin level measured should be less than or equal to Total ANC 1st visit", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:55.232", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC haemoglobin level measured ", "expression": "#{spDEjCuVGJa}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC haemoglobin level measured <= Total ANC 1st Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total ANC 1st visit", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA CPN taux d'hémoglobine mesuré <= Total CPN 1ère visite" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "Nível de hemoglobina RMNCAH ANC medido <= ANC total 1ª visita" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:47:19.649", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "s4ldKHApHwg", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child mortality: death all causes (5-9years) should be equal to the sum of child death causes (5-9years)", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:57.341", "leftSide": { "description": "Child death all causes (5-9years)", "expression": "#{SKW0Ynu0O4Q.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child death all causes (5-9years) = sum of child death causes (5-9years)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child death causes (5-9years)", "expression": "#{mLeJflLeySE.slONe528O2f} + #{lDFDmBwQM8k.slONe528O2f} + #{LC4a6cpUsuE.slONe528O2f} + #{rtozMSrqnOl.slONe528O2f} + #{LN8Lh4PU0M6.slONe528O2f} + #{H7EGfD6iTmU.slONe528O2f} + #{A5AE3M137Yc.slONe528O2f} + #{JcvvAaR9eCY.slONe528O2f} + #{JO3EMcOzXsi.slONe528O2f} + #{E3RBotEnXCY.slONe528O2f} + #{EmT5RxHqtle.slONe528O2f} + #{DGpb6ILi9j8.slONe528O2f} + #{jkTCXenjSo9.slONe528O2f} + #{Y4oYIWCwa0D.slONe528O2f} + #{yY2HtvG0mlF.slONe528O2f} + #{tzahCmRfpvL.slONe528O2f} + #{NMHqyy0RJH9.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Décès infantile toutes causes confondues (5-9ans) = somme des causes de décès d'enfants (5-9ans)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Morte infantil, todas as causas (5-9 anos) = soma das causas de morte infantil (5-9 anos)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-07T14:34:17.511", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "TpAnoxI0VpL", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 5-9 with acute respiratory illness (ARI) should be greater than or equal to Child 5-9 diagnosed with pneumonia. All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-07T14:34:17.511", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 5-9 diagnosed with acute respiratory illness (ARI)", "expression": "#{k2RokxEqLty.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 5-9 with acute respiratory illness (ARI)>= child 5-9 with pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Child 5-9 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.slONe528O2f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T21:32:33.256", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "Uiztxjf7VSF", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC clients given IPTp 3rd dose should be less than or equal to Total ANC 1st visit", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T21:32:33.256", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC IPTp3", "expression": "#{SPhiBDEbG0o}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC IPTp3 <= Total ANC 1st Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total ANC 1st visit", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T12:58:39.655", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "V11Z2IPo5w8", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Child Health: Child 0-4 with pneumonia should be greater than or equal to sum of child 0-4 treatments for pneumonia (Amoxicilin, other antibiotic, other medication). All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:55.444", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 0-4 diagnosed with pneumonia", "expression": "#{tOmh81RNMO9.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 0-4 with pneumonia >= sum of child 0-4 treatments for pneumonia", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 0-4 pneumonia treatments: Amoxicilin, other antibiotic, other medication", "expression": "#{ILRT0Q2DqQe.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{wvQjFX6BBPS.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{bjwylPfaKVA.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SRMNIA enfant 0-4 avec pneumonie >= somme enfant 0-4 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first time user (by method)", "expression": "#{TtG9oxINLY3}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:22:45.730", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "wKceuwVNJXI", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Number of Postpartum women with timely 1st PNC Visits should be less than or equal to number of Postpartum women with at least 1 PNC visit", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:57.548", "leftSide": { "description": "Postpartum woman with timely 1st PNC visit", "expression": "#{tZM3ZFIA8U9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Postpartum woman Timely 1st PNC Visit <= client with at least 1 PNC visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Postpartum women with at least 1 PNC visit", "expression": "#{pCFpE0jcw6f}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Femme en post-partum 1CPON1 à temps <= cliente avec au moins 1 visite de CPON" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Mulher pós-parto 1ª visita PNC oportuna <= cliente com pelo menos 1 visita PNC" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:05:40.672", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "wnPy70dM5oB", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Number of postpartum women FP counselled before discharge should be less than or equal to Total facility deliveries (by age)", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:05:40.672", "leftSide": { "description": "Postpartum women FP counselled before discharge", "expression": "#{fvHKDXsEIoU}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Number postpartum women FP counselled before discharge <= total facility deliveries (by age)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries (by age)", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:33:10.591", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "wub7tR8DSVj", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "FP by Method: Sum of Women initiating contraception before discharge (by method) should be less than or equal to Total facility deliveries (by age)", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:57.744", "leftSide": { "description": "Sum of women initiating contraception by method", "expression": "#{ro4VbuscAMi} + #{NMwDSHUNt2E} + #{k2LxKpsxqY2} + #{JI2wHadI13Y} + #{TfKBfohNzcF} + #{yYXdFNEUrTH}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Sum of women initiating contraception before discharge (by method) <= total facility deliveries (by age)", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total facility deliveries", "expression": "#{iGKV5qlVwYb}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Somme des femmes initiant une contraception avant la sortie (par méthode) <= total des accouchements dans la formation sanitaire (par âge)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Soma de mulheres iniciando contracepção antes da alta (por método) <= totais de partos na unidade sanitaria (por idade)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-03T14:19:41.633", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "yeYS1nbsJ0Z", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC blood pressuremeasured should be less than or equal to Total ANC 1st visit", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-03T14:19:41.633", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC blood pressure measured ", "expression": "#{lc1Npzk92je}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC blood pressure measured <= Total ANC 1st Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total ANC 1st visit", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T13:56:43.140", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "YN14VsP4UXu", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Maternal mortality: death all causes (20+ years) should be equal to the sum of maternal death causes (20+ years)", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:55.657", "leftSide": { "description": "Maternal death all causes (20+ years)", "expression": "#{AaIqiIX2qxH.MhS0mKLqv9I}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Maternal death all causes (20+ years) = sum of maternal death causes (20+ years)", "operator": "equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of maternal death causes (20+ years)", "expression": "#{fQFsLYj8n0i.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{cYTp0Oyik7Z.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{TJq0n430cbR.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{ICoP2ebj5Ys.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{Iozs9lkwUPZ.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{oi3prde6C32.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{RLpNgkFkB8B.MhS0mKLqv9I} + #{A5442zKjMMH.MhS0mKLqv9I}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Décès maternel toutes causes (20 ans et plus) = somme des causes de décès maternels (20 ans et plus)" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Morte materna todas as causas (20+ anos) = soma das causas de morte materna (20+ anos)" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:10:28.109", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "z2wI44HZYAG", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC 8th visit should be less than or equal to ANC 4th visit", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:57.964", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC 8th visit", "expression": "#{RZwUYm8c522}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC 8th visit <= ANC 4th Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "ANC 4th visit", "expression": "#{OWk2WulfJYQ}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA CPN8 <= CPN4" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Kunjungan ANC ke 8 <== Kunjungan ANC ke 4" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH ANC 8ª visita <= ANC 4ª Visita" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2019-04-24T14:09:57.391", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "z598kj9sh51", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "ANC 4th visit should be less than or equal to Total ANC 1st visit", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:58.168", "leftSide": { "description": "ANC 4th visit", "expression": "#{OWk2WulfJYQ}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH ANC 4th visit <= Total ANC 1st Visit", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Total ANC 1st visit", "expression": "#{qqc4NnWVFL9}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false 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All numbers can be zeros", "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:58.359", "leftSide": { "description": "Child 0-4 with diarrhoea", "expression": "#{TpbfHB0hLuq.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Child 0-4 with diarrhoea >= sum of child 0-4 treatments for diarrhoea", "operator": "greater_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Sum of child 0-4 diarrhoea treatments: ORS, Zinz, ORS + Zinc", "expression": "#{ShazYbDQ9DM.gQFIQV6abt6} + #{MOilNQrbM4e.gQFIQV6abt6}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [ { "locale": "fr", "property": "NAME", "value": "SSRMNEA Enfant de 0-4 avec diarrhée >= somme des traitements de l'enfant 0-4 pour la diarrhée" }, { "locale": "id", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Anak 0-4 tahun dengan diare>= jumlah anak 0-4 mendapatkan perawatan karena diare" }, { "locale": "pt", "property": "NAME", "value": "RMNCAH Criança 0-4 com diarreia> = soma de crianças 0-4 tratamentos para diarreia" } ], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] }, { "attributeValues": [], "created": "2020-04-23T14:14:03.486", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "id": "ZxDvMkCdV9p", "importance": "MEDIUM", "instruction": "Newborns initiated on KMC should be less than or equal to Live births in facility", "lastUpdated": "2020-04-23T14:14:03.486", "leftSide": { "description": "Newborns initiated on KMC", "expression": "#{Do6GGAEz16D}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "name": "RMNCAH Newborns initiated on KMC <= Live births", "operator": "less_than_or_equal_to", "organisationUnitLevels": [], "periodType": "Monthly", "publicAccess": "r-------", "rightSide": { "description": "Live births in facility", "expression": "#{nnjXw0HrTwM}", "missingValueStrategy": "NEVER_SKIP", "slidingWindow": false }, "sharing": { "external": false, "owner": "vUeLeQMSwhN", "public": "r-------", "userGroups": { }, "users": { } }, "skipFormValidation": false, "translations": [], "userAccesses": [], "userGroupAccesses": [] } ], "visualizations": [ { "aggregationType": "DEFAULT", "axes": [ { "index": 0, "title": { "text": "Clients" }, "type": "RANGE" } ], "categoryDimensions": [], "categoryOptionGroupSetDimensions": [ { "categoryOptionGroups": [ { "id": "bqoVhX2RfG4" }, { "id": "EVYKU2fIc6G" } ], "categoryOptionGroupSet": { "id": "CMrvZp5rmoC" } } ], "colSubTotals": false, "colTotals": false, "columnDimensions": [ "CMrvZp5rmoC" ], "completedOnly": false, "created": "2020-04-15T12:59:08.567", "createdBy": { "id": "vUeLeQMSwhN" }, "cumulativeValues": false, "dataDimensionItems": [ { "dataDimensionItemType": "INDICATOR", "indicator": { "id": "g8GiLWe3JzN" } } ], "dataElementGroupSetDimensions": [], "digitGroupSeparator": "SPACE", "displayDensity": "NORMAL", "favorites": [], "filterDimensions": [ "ou", "dx" ], "fontSize": "NORMAL", "fontStyle": { }, "hideEmptyColumns": false, "hideEmptyRowItems": "NONE", "hideEmptyRows": false, "hideLegend": false, "hideSubtitle": false, "hideTitle": false, "id": "a74ivhos1HV", "itemOrganisationUnitGroups": [], "lastUpdated": "2021-02-08T13:23:17.613", "legend": { "hidden": false }, "name": "RMNCAH - 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