Configuration checklist

Name Configured
[CONFIG] TB - Completed (new and relapse pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Not evaluated (new and relapse pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Proportion of GeneXpert cartridges unusable
[CONFIG] TB - TB: Cured - new smear-positive (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs wastage rate (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Cured (all DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, all forms) aged 0-14 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) children aged 0-14 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs opening balance
[CONFIG] TB - Lost to follow-up (new smear-positive TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases recorded as HIV positive started on CPT at outcome
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, all forms) aged 15-24 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs usable stock
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs opening balance
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs discarded
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs received
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert Cartridges stock out days
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for HIV or with known HIV status (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Lost to follow-up (previously treated DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Died (all DR-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert Cartridges issued
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, all forms) aged 35-44 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for susceptibility to rifampicin (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for HIV with positive test recorded (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs closing balance
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs stock discrepancy (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cohort size (all cases, all forms)
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs stock out days
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs closing balance
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, all forms) aged 65+ (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (previously treated, all forms)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases recorded as HIV positive started on ART
[CONFIG] TB - Health facilities with DR-TB drugs stock-out days (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) aged 15-24 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Laboratory-confirmed RR-TB or MDR-TB among cases with DST results
[CONFIG] TB - Laboratory-confirmed RR-TB or MDR-TB cases who started treatment for MDR-TB (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) aged 0-4 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs stock coverage time
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (previously treated including relapse, all forms) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert Cartridges redistributed
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for susceptibility to rifampicin (new) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Died (all DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Proportion of DS-TB drugs consumed
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert Cartridges received
[CONFIG] TB - Died (new and relapse pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, all forms) aged 5-14 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Ratio of TB cases male:female (new and relapse, all forms)
[CONFIG] TB - TB treatment success rate (all DS-TB) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed)
[CONFIG] GEN - Population total
[CONFIG] TB - Completed (previously treated DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, all forms) aged 55-64 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for HIV or with known HIV status at outcome
[CONFIG] TB - Not evaluated (all DS-TB/HIV cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs received
[CONFIG] TB - TB treatment success rate (previously treated DS-TB) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Laboratory-confirmed MDR-TB cases
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for HIV or with known HIV status
[CONFIG] TB - Proportion of GeneXpert cartridges consumed
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, pulmonary clinically diagnosed)
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs issued
[CONFIG] TB - Cured (all DR-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB treatment failed (new smear-positive TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, all forms) aged 0-4 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert Cartridges discarded
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, all forms) aged 25-34 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert cartridges stock discrepancy (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for susceptibility to rifampicin (history unknown)
[CONFIG] TB - Completed (all DR-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs usable stock
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (all cases, all forms)
[CONFIG] TB - Failed (all DS-TB/HIV cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB notification rate (new and relapse, pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed) per 100 000 population
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert cartridges closing balance
[CONFIG] TB - TB notification rate (new and relapse, all forms) per 100 000 population
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for susceptibility to rifampicin
[CONFIG] TB - Not evaluated (previously treated DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Failed (all DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Proportion of DR-TB drugs unusable
[CONFIG] TB - Failed (previously treated DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Laboratory-confirmed RR-TB or MDR-TB cases who started treatment for MDR-TB
[CONFIG] TB - Lost to follow-up (new and relapse pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (previously treated incl. relapse, pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB notification rate (new and relapse, pulmonary clinically diagnosed) per 100 000 population
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs stock on hand
[CONFIG] TB - TB treatment success rate (new and relapse DS-TB/HIV) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Cured (previously treated DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert Cartridges stock on hand
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs stock on hand
[CONFIG] TB - Laboratory-confirmed RR-TB or MDR-TB among cases with DST results (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Failed (all DR-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for susceptibility to rifampicin (new)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, pulmonary smear positive) by age group and sex
[CONFIG] TB - Lost to follow-up (all DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for susceptibility to rifampicin (previously treated)
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert usable stock
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs issued
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases recorded as HIV positive started on CPT
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs discarded
[CONFIG] TB - Completed (all DS-TB/HIV cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs stock coverage time
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases recorded as HIV positive started on ART at outcome
[CONFIG] TB - Died (all DS-TB/HIV cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) aged 45-54 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DR-TB drugs redistributed
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs stock discrepancy (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB treatment success rate (all DS and DR-TB) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Not laboratory-confirmed RR-TB or MDR-TB cases who started treatment for MDR-TB
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for HIV or with known HIV status - all cases (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Lost to follow-up (all DR-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, all forms) aged 45-54 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for HIV with positive test recorded
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) aged 55-64 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Not evaluated (all DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Died (new smear-positive TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert Cartridges opening balance
[CONFIG] TB - Not evaluated (new smear-positive TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Proportion of DS-TB drugs unusable
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) aged 35-44 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB treatment success rate (all DR-TB) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert cartridges stock coverage time
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for HIV with positive test recorded at outcome
[CONFIG] TB - Ratio of TB cases aged 0-4:5-14 (new and relapse, all forms)
[CONFIG] TB - GeneXpert cartridges wastage rate (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) by age group and sex
[CONFIG] TB - Cured (all DS-TB/HIV cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) aged 65+ (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Lost to follow-up (all DS-TB/HIV cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs wastage rate (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases recorded as HIV positive started on CPT (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Proportion of DR-TB drugs consumed
[CONFIG] TB - Cured (new and relapse pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB treatment completed (new smear-positive TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases tested for susceptibility to rifampicin (previously treated) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Health facilities with DS-TB drugs stock-out days (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new, extrapulmonary) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Died (previously treated DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - TB notification rate (all cases, all forms) per 100 000 population
[CONFIG] TB - Failed (new and relapse pulmonary bacteriologically confirmed DS-TB cases)
[CONFIG] TB - Not evaluated (all DR-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Completed (all DS-TB cases) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms)
[CONFIG] TB - TB cases recorded as HIV positive started on ART (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs stock out days
[CONFIG] TB - TB treatment success rate (new and relapse DS-TB) (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Health facilities with GeneXpert cartridges stock-out days (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) aged 5-14 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - Notified TB cases (new and relapse, all forms) aged 25-34 (%)
[CONFIG] TB - DS-TB drugs redistributed
Name Configured
[CONFIG] Female
[CONFIG] 25-34 years
[CONFIG] 65+ years
[CONFIG] 15+ years (specific age)
[CONFIG] 35-44 years
[CONFIG] 15-24 years
[CONFIG] 55-64 years
[CONFIG] Unknown Sex
[CONFIG] 5-14 years
[CONFIG] 0-14 years (specific age)
[CONFIG] 45-54 years
[CONFIG] 0-4 years
[CONFIG] Unknown age