## StepList A plugin for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3. Display all RSpec/Cucumber step definitions in the current project, using the QuickPanel to find and selectively filter. ![screenshot](https://raw.github.com/dhodges/StepList/master/core/fixtures/images/steps.png) Opens the chosen step definition at source, or inserts it as a text snippet. To install, clone this repo into your Sublime Text `Packages` directory: ``` git clone https://github.com/dhodges/StepList.git ``` * Visit Step Definition (OS X: `⌘-⌥-L`, Linux, Windows: `Ctrl-Alt-L`) * Insert Step Definition (OS X: `⌘-⌥-Shift-L`, Linux, Windows: `Ctrl-Alt-Shift-L`)