# IcedCoffeeScript.tmbundle A **TextMate Bundle** / **Sublime Text 2 Package** for the **CoffeeScript** programming language. Forked to highlight `await` and `defer` keywords used by [IcedCoffeeScript](http://maxtaco.github.com/coffee-script/). ## Installation in Sublime Text 2 Simply install the IcedCoffeeScript package via Package Manager. ## Manual installation in Sublime Text 2 To replace your existing CoffeeScript package, use `Package Control: Remove Package` to remove your old **CoffeeScript** Package first. This step is optional, you can of course use both packages, but you'll have to manually select **Iced Coffee** for files containing the additional keywords. To install the **Iced Coffee** Package, simply clone this repository package directory: cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages git clone git://github.com/dhoelzgen/iced-coffee-script-tmbundle.git Iced Sublime should automatically detect and reload the package. ## Installation in Textmate cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles (Textmate 1) cd /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles (Textmate 2) git clone git://github.com/dhoelzgen/iced-coffee-script-tmbundle.git IcedCoffeeScriptBundle.tmbundle The bundle includes syntax highlighting, the ability to compile or evaluate CoffeeScript inline, convenient symbol listing for functions, and a number of expando snippets. Patches for additions are always welcome. ![screenshot](http://jashkenas.s3.amazonaws.com/images/coffeescript/textmate-highlighting.png) If your TextMate.app is having trouble finding the `coffee` command, remember that [TextMate doesn't inherit your regular PATH](http://wiki.macromates.com/Troubleshooting/TextMateAndThePath).