import Winstar_GraphicOLED import moment import time import json import logging import commands import os import sys from mpd import MPDClient import pylms from pylms import server from pylms import player import telnetlib from socket import error as socket_error import traceback try: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO DISPLAY_INSTALLED = True except: import curses DISPLAY_INSTALLED = False import Queue from threading import Thread import signal import sys # import page definitions from import pages STARTUP_MSG = "Raspdac\nStarting" HESITATION_TIME = 2.5 # Amount of time in seconds to hesistate before scrolling ANIMATION_SMOOTHING = .15 # Amount of time in seconds before repainting display COOLING_PERIOD = 15 # Default amount of time in seconds before an alert message can be redisplayed # The Winstar display shipped with the RaspDac is capable of two lines of display # when the 5x8 font is used. This code assumes that is what you will be using. # The display logic would need significant rework to support a different number # of display lines! DISPLAY_WIDTH = 16 # the character width of the display DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 2 # the number of lines on the display # This is where the log file will be written LOGFILE='/var/log/RaspDacDisplay.log' #LOGFILE='./log/RaspDacDisplay.log' STATUSLOGFILE='/var/log/RaspDacDisplayStatus.log' #STATUSLOGFILE='./log/RaspDacDisplayStatus.log' STATUSLOGGING = False # Adjust this setting to localize the time display to your region TIMEZONE="US/Eastern" TIME24HOUR=False #TIMEZONE="Europe/Paris" # Logging level LOGLEVEL=logging.DEBUG #LOGLEVEL=logging.INFO #LOGLEVEL=logging.WARNING #LOGLEVEL=logging.CRITICAL #Configure which music services to monitor # For Volumio and RuneAudio MPD and SPOP should be enabled and LMS disabled # for Max2Play if you are using the Logitech Music Service, then LMS should be enabled MPD_ENABLED = False MPD_SERVER = "localhost" MPD_PORT = 6600 SPOP_ENABLED = False SPOP_SERVER = "localhost" SPOP_PORT = 6602 LMS_ENABLED = False LMS_SERVER = "localhost" LMS_PORT = 9090 LMS_USER = "" LMS_PASSWORD = "" # Set this to MAC address of the Player you want to monitor. # THis should be the MAC of the RaspDac system if using Max2Play with SqueezePlayer # Note: if you have another Logitech Media Server running in your network, it is entirely # possible that your player has decided to join it, instead of the LMS on Max2Play # To fix this, go to the SqueezeServer interface and change move the player to the # correct server. LMS_PLAYER = "00:01:02:aa:bb:cc" # If you are using RuneAudio you can pull the information from the REDIS database that RuneAudio maintains RUNE_ENABLED = True REDIS_SERVER = "localhost" REDIS_PORT = 6379 REDIS_PASSWORD = "" class RaspDac_Display: def __init__(self): logging.debug("RaspDac_Display Initializing") self.tempreadexpired = 0 self.diskreadexpired = 0 self.ratereadexpired = 0 # used with Redis to try to figure out how long the song has been playing self.timesongstarted = 0 self.currentsong = "" self.currentelapsed = 0 self.tempc = 0.0 self.tempf = 0.0 self.avail = 0 self.availp = 0 self.rate = 0 # Initilize the connections to the music Daemons. Currently supporting # MPD and SPOP (for Spotify) ATTEMPTS=3 # Will try to connect multiple times global RUNE_ENABLED if RUNE_ENABLED: # This tries to pull in the redis module which is only used right now for RuneAudio. # If it is not present, REDIS will be disabled try: import redis for i in range (1,ATTEMPTS): try: # Try to connect to REDIS service self.redisclient = redis.Redis(REDIS_SERVER, REDIS_PORT, REDIS_PASSWORD) break except: time.sleep(2) else: # After the alloted number of attempts did not succeed in connecting logging.warning("Unable to connect to REDIS service on startup") except ImportError: logging.warning("Redis requested but module not found.") RUNE_ENABLED = False if MPD_ENABLED: for i in range (1,ATTEMPTS): self.client = MPDClient(use_unicode=True) try: # Connect to the MPD daemon self.client.connect(MPD_SERVER, MPD_PORT) break except: time.sleep(2) else: # After the alloted number of attempts did not succeed in connecting logging.warning("Unable to connect to MPD service on startup") if SPOP_ENABLED: # Now attempting to connect to the Spotify daemon # This may fail if Spotify is not configured. That's ok! for i in range (1,ATTEMPTS): try: self.spotclient = telnetlib.Telnet(SPOP_SERVER,SPOP_PORT) self.spotclient.read_until("\n") break except: time.sleep(2) else: # After the alloted number of attempts did not succeed in connecting logging.warning("Unable to connect to Spotify service on startup") if LMS_ENABLED: for i in range (1,ATTEMPTS): try: # Connect to the LMS daemon self.lmsserver = pylms.server.Server(LMS_SERVER, LMS_PORT, LMS_USER, LMS_PASSWORD) self.lmsserver.connect() # Find correct player players = self.lmsserver.get_players() for p in players: ### Need to find out how to get the MAC address from player if p.get_ref().lower() == LMS_PLAYER.lower(): self.lmsplayer = p break if self.lmsplayer is None: self.lmsplayer = self.lmsserver.get_players()[0] if self.lmsplayer is None: raise Exception('Could not find any LMS player') break except (socket_error, AttributeError, IndexError): logging.debug("Connect attempt {0} to LMS server failed".format(i)) time.sleep(2) else: # After the alloted number of attempts did not succeed in connecting logging.warning("Unable to connect to LMS service on startup") global STATUSLOGGING if STATUSLOGGING: try: self.statusfile = open(STATUSLOGFILE, 'a') except: logging.warning("Status data logging requested but could not open {0}".format(STATUSLOGFILE)) STATUSLOGGING = False def status_redis(self): # Try to get status from MPD daemon try: r_status = json.loads(self.redisclient.get('act_player_info')) except: # Attempt to reestablish connection to daemon try: self.redisclient = redis.Redis(REDIS_SERVER, REDIS_PORT, REDIS_PASSWORD) r_status = json.loads(self.redisclient.get('act_player_info')) except: logging.debug("Could not get status from REDIS daemon") return { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'current':0, 'remaining':u"", 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u"" } state = r_status.get('state') if state == "play": artist = r_status.get('currentartist') title = r_status.get('currentsong') album = r_status.get('currentalbum') volume = int(r_status.get('volume')) actPlayer = r_status.get('actPlayer') duration = int(r_status.get('time')) # if transitioning state from stopped to playing if self.timesongstarted == 0: self.currentelapsed = int(r_status['elapsed']) current = self.currentelapsed self.timesongstarted = time.time() - current self.currentsong = title else: # Are we still playing the same title? if self.currentsong == title: # Did elapsed change? This can happen if someone fast forwards the song, etc. if self.currentelapsed != int(r_status['elapsed']): self.currentelapsed = int(r_status['elapsed']) current = self.currentelapsed self.timesongstarted = time.time() - current else: # if not continue to estimate current = int(time.time() - self.timesongstarted) else: self.currentelapsed = int(r_status['elapsed']) current = self.currentelapsed self.timesongstarted = time.time() - current self.currentsong = title if actPlayer == 'Spotify': bitrate = "320 kbps" playlist_position = int(r_status.get('song'))+1 playlist_count = int(r_status.get('playlistlength')) playlist_display = "{0}/{1}".format(playlist_position, playlist_count) tracktype = "Spotify" elif actPlayer == 'MPD': playlist_position = int(r_status.get('song'))+1 playlist_count = int(r_status.get('playlistlength')) bitrate = "{0} kbps".format(r_status.get('bitrate')) # if radioname is None then this is coming from a playlist (e.g. not streaming) if r_status['radioname'] == None: playlist_display = "{0}/{1}".format(playlist_position, playlist_count) else: playlist_display = "Streaming" # if artist is empty, place radioname in artist field if artist is None: artist = r_status['radioname'] try: audio = r_status['audio'].split(':') if len(audio) == 3: sample = round(float(audio[0])/1000,1) bits = audio[1] if audio[2] == '1': channels = 'Mono' elif audio[2] == '2': channels = 'Stereo' elif int(audio[2]) > 2: channels = 'Multi' else: channels = u"" if channels == u"": tracktype = "{0} bit, {1} kHz".format(bits, sample) else: tracktype = "{0}, {1} bit, {2} kHz".format(channels, bits, sample) else: # If audio information not available just send that MPD is the source tracktype = u"MPD" except KeyError: tracktype = u"MPD" elif actPlayer == 'Airplay': playlist_position = 1 playlist_count = 1 bitrate = "" tracktype = u"Airplay" playlist_display = "Streaming" else: # Unexpected player type logging.debug("Unexpected player type {0} discovered".format(actPlayer)) playlist_position = 1 playlist_count = 1 bitrate = "" tracktype = actPlayer playlist_display = "Streaming" # since we are returning the info as a JSON formatted return, convert # any None's into reasonable values if artist is None: artist = u"" if title is None: title = u"" if album is None: album = u"" if current is None: current = 0 if volume is None: volume = 0 if bitrate is None: bitrate = u"" if tracktype is None: tracktype = u"" if duration is None: duration = 0 # if duration is not available, then suppress its display if int(duration) > 0: timepos = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(current))) + "/" + time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(duration))) remaining = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime( int(duration) - int(current) ) ) else: timepos = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(current))) remaining = timepos return { 'state':u"play", 'artist':artist, 'title':title, 'album':album, 'remaining':remaining, 'current':current, 'duration':duration, 'position':timepos, 'volume':volume, 'playlist_display':playlist_display, 'playlist_position':playlist_position, 'playlist_count':playlist_count, 'bitrate':bitrate, 'type':tracktype } else: self.timesongstarted = 0 return { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'remaining':u"", 'current':0, 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':u"", 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u""} def status_mpd(self): # Try to get status from MPD daemon try: m_status = self.client.status() m_currentsong = self.client.currentsong() playlist_info = self.client.playlistinfo() except: # Attempt to reestablish connection to daemon try: self.client.connect(MPD_SERVER, MPD_PORT) m_status=self.client.status() m_currentsong = self.client.currentsong() playlist_info = self.client.playlistinfo() except: logging.debug("Could not get status from MPD daemon") return { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'current':0, 'remaining':u"", 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u"" } state = m_status.get('state') if state == "play": artist = m_currentsong.get('artist') name = m_currentsong.get('name') # Trying to have something to display. If artist is empty, try the # name field instead. if artist is None: artist = name title = m_currentsong.get('title') album = m_currentsong.get('album') playlist_position = int(m_status.get('song'))+1 playlist_count = int(m_status.get('playlistlength')) volume = int(m_status.get('volume')) # MPDs rate data changes continuously. # To prevent the screen from unnecessarily refreshing limit updates to every 20 seconds if self.ratereadexpired < time.time(): self.ratereadexpired = time.time() + 20 self.bitrate = "{0} kbps".format(m_status.get('bitrate')) try: audio = m_status['audio'].split(':') if len(audio) == 3: sample = round(float(audio[0])/1000,1) bits = audio[1] if audio[2] == '1': channels = 'Mono' elif audio[2] == '2': channels = 'Stereo' elif int(audio[2]) > 2: channels = 'Multi' else: channels = u"" if channels == u"": tracktype = "{0} bit, {1} kHz".format(bits, sample) else: tracktype = "{0}, {1} bit, {2} kHz".format(channels, bits, sample) else: # If audio information not available just send that MPD is the source tracktype = u"MPD" except KeyError: tracktype = u"" (current, duration) = (m_status.get('time').split(":")) # since we are returning the info as a JSON formatted return, convert # any None's into reasonable values if artist is None: artist = u"" if title is None: title = u"" if album is None: album = u"" if current is None: current = 0 if volume is None: volume = 0 if self.bitrate is None: self.bitrate = u"" if tracktype is None: tracktype = u"" if duration is None: duration = 0 # if duration is not available, then suppress its display if int(duration) > 0: timepos = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(current))) + "/" + time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(duration))) remaining = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime( int(duration) - int(current) ) ) else: timepos = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(current))) remaining = timepos # If playlist is length 1 and the song playing is from an http source it is streaming if playlist_count == 1: if playlist_info[0]['file'][:4] == "http": playlist_display = "Streaming" else: playlist_display = "{0}/{1}".format(playlist_position, playlist_count) else: playlist_display = "{0}/{1}".format(playlist_position, playlist_count) return { 'state':u"play", 'artist':artist, 'title':title, 'album':album, 'remaining':remaining, 'current':current, 'duration':duration, 'position':timepos, 'volume':volume, 'playlist_display':playlist_display, 'playlist_position':playlist_position, 'playlist_count':playlist_count, 'bitrate':self.bitrate, 'type':tracktype } else: return { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'remaining':u"", 'current':0, 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':u"", 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u""} def status_spop(self): # Try to get status from SPOP daemon try: self.spotclient.write("status\n") spot_status_string = self.spotclient.read_until("}").strip() except: # Try to reestablish connection to daemon try: self.spotclient = telnetlib.Telnet(SPOP_SERVER,SPOP_PORT) self.spotclient.read_until("\n") self.spotclient.write("status\n") spot_status_string = self.spotclient.read_until("}").strip() except: logging.debug("Could not get status from SPOP daemon") return { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'current':0, 'remaining':u"", 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u""} spot_status = json.loads(spot_status_string) if spot_status.get('status') == "playing": artist = spot_status.get('artist') title = spot_status.get('title') album = spot_status.get('album') current = spot_status.get('position') duration = spot_status.get('duration') playlist_position = spot_status.get('current_track') playlist_count = spot_status.get('total_tracks') # SPOP doesn't seem to have bitrate, track type, or volume available bitrate = u"" tracktype = u"" volume = 0 # since we are returning the info as a JSON formatted return, convert # any None's into reasonable values if artist is None: artist = u"" if title is None: title = u"" if album is None: album = u"" if current is None: current = 0 if volume is None: volume = 0 if bitrate is None: bitrate = u"" if tracktype is None: tracktype = u"" if duration is None: duration = 0 else: # The spotify client returns time in 1000's of a second # Need to adjust to seconds to be consistent with MPD duration = duration / 1000 # if duration is not available, then suppress its display if int(duration) > 0: timepos = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(current))) + "/" + time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(duration))) remaining = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(duration) - int(current) ) ) else: timepos = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(current))) remaining = timepos playlist_display = "{0}/{1}".format(playlist_position, playlist_count) return { 'state':u"play", 'artist':artist, 'title':title, 'album':album, 'remaining':remaining, 'current':current, 'duration':duration, 'position':timepos, 'volume':volume, 'playlist_display':playlist_display, 'playlist_position':playlist_position, 'playlist_count':playlist_count, 'bitrate':bitrate, 'type':tracktype } else: return { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'remaining':u"", 'current':0, 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u""} def status_lms(self): # Try to get status from LMS daemon try: lms_status = self.lmsplayer.get_mode() except: # Try to reestablish connection to daemon try: self.lmsserver = pylms.server.Server(LMS_SERVER, LMS_PORT, LMS_USER, LMS_PASSWORD) self.lmsserver.connect() # Find correct player players = self.lmsserver.get_players() for p in players: ### Need to find out how to get the MAC address from player if p.get_ref().lower() == LMS_PLAYER.lower(): self.lmsplayer = p break if self.lmsplayer is None: self.lmsplayer = self.lmsserver.get_players()[0] if self.lmsplayer is None: raise Exception('Could not find any LMS player') lms_status = self.lmsplayer.get_mode() except (socket_error, AttributeError, IndexError): logging.debug("Could not get status from LMS daemon") return { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'remaining':u"", 'current':0, 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u"", 'current_time':u""} if lms_status == "play": import urllib artist = urllib.unquote(str(self.lmsplayer.request("artist ?", True))).decode('utf-8') title = urllib.unquote(str(self.lmsplayer.request("title ?", True))).decode('utf-8') album = urllib.unquote(str(self.lmsplayer.request("album ?", True))).decode('utf-8') playlist_position = int(self.lmsplayer.request("playlist index ?"))+1 playlist_count = self.lmsplayer.playlist_track_count() volume = self.lmsplayer.get_volume() current = self.lmsplayer.get_time_elapsed() duration = self.lmsplayer.get_track_duration() url = self.lmsplayer.get_track_path() # Get bitrate and tracktype if they are available. Try blocks used to prevent array out of bounds exception if values are not found try: bitrate = urllib.unquote(str(self.lmsplayer.request("songinfo 2 1 url:"+url+" tags:r", True))).decode('utf-8').split("bitrate:", 1)[1] except: bitrate = u"" try: tracktype = urllib.unquote(str(self.lmsplayer.request("songinfo 2 1 url:"+url+" tags:o", True))).decode('utf-8').split("type:",1)[1] except: tracktype = u"" playlist_display = "{0}/{1}".format(playlist_position, playlist_count) # If the track count is greater than 1, we are playing from a playlist and can display track position and track count if self.lmsplayer.playlist_track_count() > 1: playlist_display = "{0}/{1}".format(playlist_position, playlist_count) # if the track count is exactly 1, this is either a short playlist or it is streaming elif self.lmsplayer.playlist_track_count() == 1: try: # if streaming if self.lmsplayer.playlist_get_info()[0]['duration'] == 0.0: playlist_display = "Streaming" # it really is a short playlist else: playlist_display = "{0}/{1}".format(playlist_position, playlist_count) except KeyError: logging.debug("In LMS couldn't get valid track information") playlist_display = u"" else: logging.debug("In LMS track length is <= 0") playlist_display = u"" # since we are returning the info as a JSON formatted return, convert # any None's into reasonable values if artist is None: artist = u"" if title is None: title = u"" if album is None: album = u"" if current is None: current = 0 if volume is None: volume = 0 if bitrate is None: bitrate = u"" if tracktype is None: tracktype = u"" if duration is None: duration = 0 # if duration is not available, then suppress its display if int(duration) > 0: timepos = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(current))) + "/" + time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(duration))) remaining = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(duration) - int(current) ) ) else: timepos = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(current))) remaining = timepos return { 'state':u"play", 'artist':artist, 'title':title, 'album':album, 'remaining':remaining, 'current':current, 'duration':duration, 'position':timepos, 'volume':volume, 'playlist_display':playlist_display,'playlist_position':playlist_position, 'playlist_count':playlist_count, 'bitrate':bitrate, 'type':tracktype } else: return { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'remaining':u"", 'current':0, 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u""} def status(self): # If you are using Rune if RUNE_ENABLED: status = self.status_redis() elif MPD_ENABLED or SPOP_ENABLED or LMS_ENABLED: if MPD_ENABLED: # Try MPD daemon status = self.status_mpd() else: status = { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'remaining':u"", 'current':0, 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u"" } # If MPD is stopped if status.get('state') != "play": # Try SPOP if SPOP_ENABLED: status = self.status_spop() else: status = { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'remaining':u"", 'current':0, 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u""} # If SPOP is stopped if status.get('state') != "play": # Try LMS if LMS_ENABLED: status = self.status_lms() else: status = { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'remaining':u"", 'current':0, 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u""} else: status = { 'state':u"stop", 'artist':u"", 'title':u"", 'album':u"", 'remaining':u"", 'current':0, 'duration':0, 'position':u"", 'volume':0, 'playlist_display':u"", 'playlist_position':0, 'playlist_count':0, 'bitrate':u"", 'type':u""} # Add system variables try: if TIME24HOUR == True: current_time = moment.utcnow().timezone(TIMEZONE).strftime("%H:%M").strip() current_time_sec = moment.utcnow().timezone(TIMEZONE).strftime("%H:%M:%S").strip() else: current_time = moment.utcnow().timezone(TIMEZONE).strftime("%-I:%M %p").strip() current_time_sec = moment.utcnow().timezone(TIMEZONE).strftime("%-I:%M:%S %p").strip() except ValueError: # Don't know why but on exit, the moment code is occasionally throwing a ValueError current_time = "00:00" current_time_sec = "00:00:00" current_ip = commands.getoutput("ip -4 route get 1 | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f8 | tr -d '\n'").strip() # Read Temperature from Pi's on-board temperature sensor once every 20 seconds if self.tempreadexpired < time.time(): self.tempreadexpired = time.time()+20 try: file = open("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp") self.tempc = int( # Convert value to float and correct decimal place self.tempc = round(float(self.tempc) / 1000,1) # convert to fahrenheit self.tempf = round(self.tempc*9/5+32,1) file.close() except IOError: self.tempc = 0.0 self.tempf = 0.0 except AttributeError: file.close() self.tempc = 0.0 self.tempf = 0.0 # Read available disk space remaining every 20 seconds if self.diskreadexpired < time.time(): self.diskreadexpired = time.time() + 20 try: # Check if running on OSX. If yes, adjust df command if sys.platform == "darwin": p = os.popen("df /") line = p.readline() line = p.readline() va = line.split() line = "{0} {1}".format(va[3], va[4]) else: # assume running on Raspberry linux p = os.popen("df --output='avail','pcent' /") line = p.readline() line = p.readline().strip() va = line.split() self.avail = va[0] self.availp = va[1] # remove % sign self.availp = self.availp[0:len(self.availp)-1] self.avail = int(self.avail) self.availp = int(self.availp) p.close() except IOError: self.avail = 0 self.availp = 0 except AttributeError: p.close() self.avail = 0 self.availp = 0 status['current_tempc'] = self.tempc status['current_tempf'] = self.tempf status['disk_avail'] = self.avail status['disk_availp'] = self.availp status['current_time'] = current_time status['current_time_sec'] = current_time status['current_ip'] = current_ip # if logging of the status data has been requested record the current status if STATUSLOGGING: self.statusfile.write(str(status)+'\n') self.statusfile.flush() return status def Display(q, l, c): # q - Queue to receive updates from # l - number of lines in display # c - number of columns in display lines = [] columns = [] lcd = Winstar_GraphicOLED.Winstar_GraphicOLED() lcd.oledReset() lcd.home() lcd.clear() lcd.message(STARTUP_MSG) time.sleep(2) for i in range (0, l): lines.append("") columns.append(0) # Get first display update off of the queue item = q.get() q.task_done() lcd.home() lcd.clear() for i in range(len(item)): # Convert from Unicode to UTF-8 #item[i] = item[i].encode("utf-8") lines[i] = item[i] lcd.setCursor(0,i) lcd.message( lines[i][0:c] ) prev_time = time.time() while True: short_lines=True # Smooth animation if time.time() - prev_time < ANIMATION_SMOOTHING: time.sleep(ANIMATION_SMOOTHING-(time.time()-prev_time)) try: # Determine if any lines have been updated and if yes display them for i in range(len(item)): # Convert from Unicode into UTF-8 #item[i] = item[i].encode("utf-8") # Check if line is longer than display if len(item[i])>c: short_lines = False # Check if line has been updated if lines[i] != item[i]: # Create a line to print that is at least as long as the existing line # This is to erase any extraneous characters on the display buf = item[i].ljust(len(lines[i])) # Reset cursor to beginning of changed line and then display the change lcd.setCursor(0,i) lcd.message(buf[0:c]) # Update the local line data and reset the column position for the line lines[i] = item[i] columns[i] = 0 # If lines all fit on display then we can wait for new input if short_lines: item=q.get() q.task_done() else: # Update all long lines for i in range(len(lines)): if len(lines[i])>c: buf = "%s %s" % (lines[i], lines[i][0:DISPLAY_WIDTH-1]) #buf = "{} {}".format(lines[i],lines[i][0:DISPLAY_WIDTH-1]) #buf = lines[i]+" "+lines[i][0:c] columns[i] = columns[i]+1 if columns[i] > len(buf)-c: columns[i]=0 lcd.setCursor(0,i) # Print the portion of the string that is currently visible lcd.message(buf[columns[i]:columns[i]+c]) # Since we have to continue updating the display, check for a new update but don't block item=q.get_nowait() q.task_done() prev_time = time.time() except Queue.Empty: prev_time = time.time() pass def sigterm_handler(_signo, _stack_frame): sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) try: logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s', filename=LOGFILE, level=LOGLEVEL) except IOError: logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s', filename="RaspDacDisplay.log", level=LOGLEVEL) # As cstatus will get referenced inside of handlecaughtexceptions, make sure it has a valid value cstatus = { } # Move unhandled exception messages to log file def handleuncaughtexceptions(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) return logging.error("Uncaught exception", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) if len(cstatus) > 0: logging.error("Player status at exception") logging.error(str(cstatus)) sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) sys.excepthook = handleuncaughtexceptions"Raspdac display starting...") # Suppress MPD libraries INFO messages loggingMPD = logging.getLogger("mpd") loggingMPD.setLevel( logging.WARN ) try: dq = Queue.Queue() # Create display Queue dm = Thread(target=Display, args=(dq,DISPLAY_HEIGHT,DISPLAY_WIDTH)) dm.setDaemon(True) dm.start() rd = RaspDac_Display() except: #e = sys.exc_info()[0] #logging.critical("Received exception: %s" % e) # e = sys.exc_info()[0] logging.critical("Unable to initialize RaspDac Display. Exiting...") logging.critical("Exception", exc_info = (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2])) if DISPLAY_INSTALLED: GPIO.cleanup() else: curses.endwin() sys.exit(0) try: current_page_number = -1 current_line_number = 0 page_expires = 0 hesitation_expires = 0 curlines = [] hesitate_expires = [] alert_mode = False # Reset all of the alert message cooling values for pl in pages.ALERT_LIST: pl['cooling_expires'] = 0 # Initialize previous state prev_state = rd.status() # Force the system to recognize the start state as a change prev_state['state'] = "" while True: # Get current state of the player cstatus = rd.status() state = cstatus.get('state') alert_check = False # Check to see if any alerts are triggered for pl in pages.ALERT_LIST: # Check to see if alert is in its cooling period if pl['cooling_expires'] < time.time(): # Use try block to skip page if variables are missing try: # Check to see what type of monitoring to perform if pl['alert']['type'] == "change": if cstatus[pl['alert']['variable']] != prev_state[pl['alert']['variable']]: prev_state[pl['alert']['variable']] = cstatus[pl['alert']['variable']] # Some state changes cause variable changes like volume # Check to see if these dependent variable changes # should be suppressed try: if prev_state['state'] == state or not pl['alert']['suppressonstatechange']: alert_check = True except KeyError: pass elif pl['alert']['type'] == "above": if cstatus[pl['alert']['variable']] > pl['alert']['values'][0]: alert_check = True elif pl['alert']['type'] == "below": if cstatus[pl['alert']['variable']] < pl['alert']['values'][0]: alert_check = True elif pl['alert']['type'] == "range": if cstatus[pl['alert']['variable']] > pl['alert']['values'][0] and cstatus[pl['alert']['variable']] < pl['alert']['values'][1]: alert_check = True if alert_check: alert_mode = True # Set current_pages to the alert page current_pages = pl current_page_number = 0 current_line_number = 0 page_expires = time.time() + current_pages['pages'][current_page_number]['duration'] curlines = [] hesitate_expires = [] # Set cooling expiry time. If not coolingperiod directive, use default try: pl['cooling_expires'] = time.time() + pl['alert']['coolingperiod'] except KeyError: pl['cooling_expires'] = time.time() + COOLING_PERIOD # if an alert has been found, break out of the loop # this has the effect of making the order of the list the priority of the messages break except (KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError): pass # Set interruptible value. If value not present, set to default value of True try: # interruptible is only an override until the page expires. If page expires, allow page updates to continue. if page_expires < time.time(): interruptible = True # if page just expired on an alert page then force restore to current play state if alert_mode: alert_mode = False prev_state['state'] = "" else: interruptible = current_pages['interruptible'] except KeyError: interruptible = True # check to see if we need to change the display to something new if (alert_mode or state != prev_state['state']) and interruptible: current_page_number = -1 current_line_number = 0 page_expires = 0 curlines = [] hesitate_expires = [] # if change caused by state change and not alert if alert_mode == False: prev_state['state'] = state # Set to new display page if state != "play": current_pages = pages.PAGES_Stop # else display the PAGES_Playing pages else: current_pages = pages.PAGES_Play # if page has expired then move to the next page if page_expires < time.time(): # Move to next page and check to see if it should be displayed or hidden for i in range(len(current_pages['pages'])): current_page_number = current_page_number + 1 # if on last page, return to first page if current_page_number > len(current_pages['pages'])-1: current_page_number = 0 page_expires = time.time() + current_pages['pages'][current_page_number]['duration'] cp = current_pages['pages'][current_page_number] try: hwe = cp['hidewhenempty'] except KeyError: hwe = 'False' try: hwp = cp['hidewhenpresent'] except: hwp = 'False' # to prevent old pages format from causing problems, convert values to strings if type(hwe) is bool: hwe = str(hwe) if type(hwp) is bool: hwp = str(hwp) if hwe.lower() == 'all' or hwe.lower() == 'true': allempty = True try: hvars = cp['hidewhenemptyvars'] except KeyError: hvars = [ ] for v in hvars: try: # if the variable is a string if type(cstatus[v]) is unicode: # and it is not empty, then set allempty False and exit loop if len(cstatus[v]) > 0: allempty = False break elif type(cstatus[v]) is int: if not cstatus[v] == 0: allempty = False break else: # All other variable types are considered not empty allempty = False break except KeyError: # if the variable is not in cstatus consider it empty pass if not allempty: break elif hwe.lower() == 'any': anyempty = False try: hvars = cp['hidewhenemptyvars'] except KeyError: hvars = [ ] for v in hvars: try: # if the variable is a string if type(cstatus[v]) is unicode: # and it is empty, then set anyempty True and exit loop if len(cstatus[v]) == 0: anyempty = True break # if the value is 0 consider it empty elif type(cstatus[v]) is int: if cstatus[v] == 0: anyempty = True break except KeyError: # if the variable is not in cstatus consider it empty anyempty = True break if not anyempty: break elif hwp.lower() == 'any': anypresent = False try: hvars = cp['hidewhenpresentvars'] except KeyError: hvars = [ ] for v in hvars: try: # if the variable is a string if type(cstatus[v]) is unicode: # and it is present, then set anypresent True and exit loop if len(cstatus[v]) > 0: anypresent = True break elif type(cstatus[v]) is int: if not cstatus[v] == 0: anypresent = True break # if it is not a string, and not zero consider it present else: anypresent = True break except KeyError: # if the variable is not in cstatus consider it empty break if not anypresent: break elif hwp.lower() == 'all' or hwp.lower() == 'true': allpresent = True try: hvars = cp['hidewhenemptyvars'] except KeyError: hvars = [ ] for v in hvars: try: # if the variable is a string if type(cstatus[v]) is unicode: # and it is not present, then set allpresent False and exit loop if len(cstatus[v]) == 0: allpresent = False break elif type(cstatus[v]) is int: if cstatus[v] == 0: allpresent = False break except KeyError: # if the variable is not in cstatus consider it empty allpresent = False break if not allpresent: break else: # If not hidewhenempty or hidewhenpresent then exit loop break # Set current_page current_page = current_pages['pages'][current_page_number] # Now display the lines from the current page lines = [] for i in range(len(current_page['lines'])): # make sure curlines is big enough. curlines is used to detect when the display has changed # if not expanded here it will cause an IndexError later if it has not already been initialized while len(curlines) < len(current_page['lines']): curlines.append("") # make sure hesitate_expires is big enough as well while len(hesitate_expires) < len(current_page['lines']): hesitate_expires.append(0) current_line = current_page['lines'][i] try: justification = current_line['justification'] except KeyError: justification = "left" try: scroll = current_line['scroll'] except KeyError: scroll = False try: variables = current_line['variables'] except KeyError: variables = [] # If you have specified a strftime format on the line # now use it to add a formatted time to cstatus try: strftime = current_line['strftime'] except: # Use 12 hour clock as default strftime = "%-I:%M %p" cstatus['current_time_formatted'] = moment.utcnow().timezone(TIMEZONE).strftime(strftime).strip() format = current_line['format'] # Get paramaters # ignore KeyError exceptions if variable is unavailable parms = [] try: for j in range(len(current_line['variables'])): try: if type(cstatus[current_line['variables'][j]]) is unicode: parms.append(cstatus[current_line['variables'][j]].encode('utf-8')) else: parms.append(cstatus[current_line['variables'][j]]) except KeyError: pass except KeyError: pass # create line to display line = format.format(*parms).decode('utf-8') # justify line try: if current_line['justification'] == "center": line = "{0:^{1}}".format(line, DISPLAY_WIDTH) elif current_line['justification'] == "right": line = "{0:>{1}}".format(line, DISPLAY_WIDTH) except KeyError: pass lines.append(line) # determine whether to scroll or not # if scroll is false, set hesitation time to large value which # effectively shuts off the scroll function if lines[i] != curlines[i]: curlines[i] = lines[i] try: if current_line['scroll']: hesitate_expires[i] = time.time() + HESITATION_TIME else: hesitate_expires[i] = time.time() + 86400 # Do not scroll except KeyError: hesitate_expires[i] = time.time() + 86400 # Do not scroll # Determine if the display should hesitate before scrolling dispval = [] for i in range(len(lines)): if hesitate_expires[i] < time.time(): dispval.append(lines[i]) else: dispval.append(lines[i][0:DISPLAY_WIDTH]) # Send dispval to the queue dq.put(dispval) # sleep before next update time.sleep(.25) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: dq.put(["Goodbye!",""])"Raspdac display shutting down") try: rd.client.disconnect() except: pass try: rd.spotclient.write("bye\n") rd.spotclient.close() except: pass if STATUSLOGGING: rd.statusfile.close() time.sleep(2) dq.put(["",""]) time.sleep(1) if DISPLAY_INSTALLED: GPIO.cleanup() else: curses.endwin()