@prefix daq: . @prefix dqm: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfg: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . #Category Classes dqm:Accessibility a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Category ; rdfs:comment "Encompasses dimensions related to the ability to access to and retrieve the dataset required for a particular use case" ; rdfs:label "Accessibility" . dqm:Intrinsic a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Category ; rdfs:comment "Refers to dimensions that are independent of the user's context and that measure the correctness, succinctness and consistency of the dataset" ; rdfs:label "Intrinsic" . dqm:Trust a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Category ; rdfs:comment "Dimensions belonging to this group focus on the perceived trustworthiness of the dataset and its sources" ; rdfs:label "Trust" . dqm:Dynamicity a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Category ; rdfs:comment "Dimensions in this category provide information about how current is the data (i.e. its freshness over time) and how frequently it changes" ; rdfs:label "Dynamicity" . dqm:Contextual a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Category ; rdfs:comment "Comprises dimensions that highly depend on the context of the task to be performed" ; rdfs:label "Contextual" . dqm:Representational a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Category ; rdfs:comment "Groups dimensions related to the design of the data, which provide information about how the chosen representation of the data affect its quality" ; rdfs:label "Representational" . dqm:Reputation a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Category ; rdfs:comment "Reputation dimensions related to the reputation of the data, which provide information about how the reputable the data is based on its providers and host" ; rdfs:label "Reputation" . #Dimension Classes dqm:Availability a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Metrics in this dimension measure the extent to which information (or some portion of it) is present, obtainable and ready for use" ; rdfs:label "Availability" . dqm:Licensing a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Indicates whether consumers of the dataset are explicitly granted permissions to use it, under defined conditions (if any)" ; rdfs:label "Licensing" . dqm:Security a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Refers to the extent to which data is protected against illegal alteration and it's authenticity can be guaranteed and to the confidentiality of the communication between a source and its consumers" ; rdfs:label "Security" . dqm:Performance a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Assesses the efficiency with which a system can bind to the dataset and get access to the information contained into it" ; rdfs:label "Performance" . dqm:Interlinking a rdfs:Class; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Refers to the degree to which entities that represent the same concept are linked to each other, be it within or between two or more data sources." ; rdfs:label "Interlinking" . dqm:Accuracy a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Extent to which data is correct. The degree to which the dataset correctly represents the real world and how much it is free of syntax errors. Classified in: Syntactic accuracy (the degree to which data values are close to their definition domain) and Semantic accuracy (the degree to which data values correctly represent the actual real world values)" ; rdfs:label "Accuracy" . dqm:AmountOfData a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Refers to how appropriate the quantity and volume of data is for the task at hand. The amount of data should be enough to approximate the true scenario precisely" ; rdfs:label "Amount of data" . dqm:Consistency a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Consistency means that a knowledge base is free of (logical/formal) contradictions with respect to particular knowledge representation and inference mechanisms" ; rdfs:label "Consistency" . dqm:Conciseness a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Refers to the redundancy of entities, be it at the schema or the data level" ; rdfs:label "Conciseness" . dqm:RepresentationalConciseness a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Measures the extent to which the representation of data is compact, clear and well formatted" ; rdfs:label "Representational conciseness" . dqm:Currency a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure of the degree to which information is up to date and how promptly the data is updated" ; rdfs:label "Currency" . dqm:Volatility a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Refers to the frequency with which data varies in time" ; rdfs:label "Volatility" . dqm:Timeliness a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Indicates how up-to-date the data is, relative to the specific task at hand" ; rdfs:label "Timeliness" . dqm:Understandability a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Dimension ; rdfs:comment "Refers to the easy with which data can be compreshended without ambiguity and used by a human data consumer" ; rdfs:label "Understandability" . #Metric Classes dqm:EndPointAvailabilityMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Checks whether the server (endpoint) is reachable and responds to a SPARQL query" ; rdfs:label "Availability of the SPARQL end-point metric" . dqm:RDFAvailabilityMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Upon request of an RDF dump, checks whether it is provided as result" ; rdfs:label "Availability of the RDF dumps metric" . dqm:DereferenceabilityMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Determines whether requesting a resource, identified by a URI, results in an error code being returned (e.g. 4xx: client error or 5xx: server error), or in a broken link" ; rdfs:label "Dereferenceability metric" . dqm:UnstructuredMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects dead links or URIs without any supporting RDF metadata or no redirection using the status code 303" ; rdfs:label "No structured data available metric" . dqm:DereferenceabilityBackLinksMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects all local in-links or back-links (locally available triples with the resource URI appearing as object, in the dereferenced document returned for the resource)" ; rdfs:label "Dereferenceability of back-links metric" . dqm:DereferenceabilityForwardLinksMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects all forward links (locally known triples where the local URI is mentioned in the subject)" ; rdfs:label "Dereferenceability of forward-links metric" . dqm:MisreportedContentTypesMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Checks whether the content is suitable for consumption and if such content should be accessed" ; rdfs:label "Misreported content types metric" . dqm:MachineReadableLicenseMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Verifies that the resource is annotated with a machine-readable indication of the license (e.g. a VoID description or dcterms:license property)" ; rdfs:label "Machine-readable indication of a license metric" . dqm:HumanReadableLicenseMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Verifies whether a human-readable text, stating the licensing model attributed to the resource, has been provided as part of the dataset" ; rdfs:label "Human-readable indication of a license metric" . dqm:IndicationOfAttributionCopyLeftMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects whether the work is attributed by the author under a CopyLeft license, which guarantees that free access to the resource and any modified versions of it, will always be provided" ; rdfs:label "Indication of Attribution CopyLeft" . dqm:LowLatencyMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Measures the delay between the submission of a request to the data source and the reception of the respective response (or the first part of it)" ; rdfs:label "Low latency metric" . dqm:HighThroughputMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Measures the number of answered HTTP requests responsed by the source of the dataset, per second" ; rdfs:label "High throughput metric" . dqm:ScalabilityOfDataSourceMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Determines whether the time required to answer a set of N requests divided by N, is not longer than the time it takes to answer a single request" ; rdfs:label "Scalability of a data source metric" . dqm:NoUsageOfSlashURIsMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Determines whether the extent to which hash URIs are used instead of slash URIs, as the latter usually imply that 303 redirects must be performed to gather all the elements described in the dataset" ; rdfs:label "No usage of slash URIs metric" . dqm:MalformedDatatypeLiteralsMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects ill-typed literals, which do not abide by the lexical syntax of their respective datatypes" ; rdfs:label "Malformed datatype literals metric" . dqm:IncompatibleDatatypeRangeMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects literals incompatible with range data type" ; rdfs:label "Incompatible datatype range metric" . dqm:HomogeneousDatatypesMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects outliers or conflicts of literal datatypes. Since it is meant to measure the homogeneity and not the validity possible rdfs:range restrictions are not evaluated" ; rdfs:label "Homogeneous datatypes metric" . dqm:MisplacedClassesOrPropertiesMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Find resources that are - defined as a property but also appear on subject or object positions in other triples (except cases like ex:prop rdf:type rdfs:Property, ex:prop rds:subPropetyOf) - defined as a class but also appear on predicate position in other triples. The metric is computed as a ratio of misplaced classes and properties" ; rdfs:label "Misplaced classes or properties metric" . dqm:MisusedOwlDatatypeOrObjectPropertiesMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detect properties that are defined as a owl:datatype property but is used as object property and properties defined as a owl:object property and used as datatype property The metric is computed as a ratio of misused properties" ; rdfs:label "Misuse Owl datatype or object properties metric" . dqm:UndefinedClassesMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects undefined classes" ; rdfs:label "Undefined classes metric" . dqm:UndefinedPropertiesMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects undefined properties" ; rdfs:label "Undefined properties metric" . dqm:OntologyHijackingMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects the redefinition by third parties of external classes/properties such that reasoning over data using those external terms is affected" ; rdfs:label "Ontology hijacking metric" . dqm:AmountOfTriplesMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Counts the total number of triples present in the dataset" ; rdfs:label "Amount of triples metric" . dqm:EntitiesAsMembersOfDisjointClassesMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "the ratio of entities described as members of disjoint classes (here: classes explicitly known as disjoint) to the total number of entities described in the dataset" ; rdfs:label "Entities as members of disjoint classes metric" . dqm:IntensionalConcisenessMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure of the redundancy of the dataset at the schema level, computed as the ratio of the Number of Unique Attributes (Properties) to the Total Number of Attributes in the target schema" ; rdfs:label "Intensional conciseness metric" . dqm:ExtensionalConcisenessMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure of the redundancy of the dataset at the data level, computed as the ratio of the Number of Unique Subjects to the Total Number of Subjects" ; rdfs:label "Extensional conciseness metric" . dqm:DuplicateInstanceMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure of the redundancy of entities at the data level (ratio of entities that violate the uniqueness rule)" ; rdfs:label "Duplicate instance metric" . dqm:ShortURIsMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects the use of short URIs (and the avoidance of query parameters), which suggests that information is compactly represented and favors readability" ; rdfs:label "Short URIs metric" . dqm:CurrencyOfDocumentStatementsMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Compares the time when the data was observed with the time when the data (document as a whole and individual triples) were last modified, thereby providing a measure of how current the dataset is" ; rdfs:label "Currency of document/statements metric" . dqm:TimeSinceModificationMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure of the degree to which information is up to date, by comparing the current time with the time when the data was last modified" ; rdfs:label "Time since modification metric" . dqm:ExclusionOfOutdatedDataMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure of the degree to which information is up to date, by comparing the total number of resources, described by the dataset, versus the number of those that are recognized to be outdated" ; rdfs:label "Exclusion of outdated data metric" . dqm:TimeValidityIntervalMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Measures the frequency with which data varies over time, by calculating the length of the time interval during which data remains valid." ; rdfs:label "Time validity interval metric" . dqm:TimelinessOfResourceMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Assesses the difference between the last modified time of the original data source and the last modified time of the semantic web source, thereby indicating if the resource is outdated" ; rdfs:label "Timeliness of the resource metric" . dqm:HumanReadableLabellingMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Assesses the percentage of entities having an rdfs:label or rdfs:comment" ; rdfs:label "Human-readable labelling metric" . dqm:EmptyAnnotationValueMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "EmptyAnnotationValue consider the following widely used annotation properties (labels, comments, notes, etc.) and identifies triples whose property is from a pre-configured list of annotation properties, and whose object is an empty string" ; rdfs:label "Empty annotation value metric" . dqm:LabelsUsingCapitalsMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Labels using capitals identifies triples whose property is from a pre-configured list of label properties, and whose object uses a bad style of capitalization" ; rdfs:label "Labels using capitals metric" . dqm:WhitespaceInAnnotationMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Whitespace in annotation consider the following widely used annotation properties (labels, comments, notes, etc.) and identifies triples whose property is from a pre-configured list of annotation properties, and whose object value has leading or ending white space in string." ; rdfs:label "Whitespace in annotation metric" . dqm:ReputationOfDatasetMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects non reputable resources by retrieving URI of resources from data sets and comparing them with URI found in reputable resources." ; rdfs:label "Reputation of dataset metric" . dqm:InterlinkDetectionMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "This is a complex metric that detects good quality interlinks by measuring the (i) interlink degree; (ii) clustering coefficient; (iii) centrality; (iv) open sameAs chains; (v) sameAs description richness" ; rdfs:label "Interlink Detection Metric" . dqm:LinksToExternalDataProvidersMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Measures the degree to which the resource is linked to external data providers, that is, refers to the detection of links that connect the resource to external data provided by another data sources" ; rdfs:label "Existence of links to external data providers" . #Properties #Accessibility Dimensions Properties dqm:hasAvailabilityDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Accessibility Category with Availability Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Accessibility has availability dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accessibility ; rdfs:range dqm:Availability . #Availability Metric Properties dqm:hasEndPointAvailabilityMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Availability Dimension with Endpoint Availability Metric (Endpoint Availability Metric belongs to the Availability Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Availability has end-point availability metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Availability ; rdfs:range dqm:EndPointAvailabilityMetric . dqm:hasRDFAvailabilityMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Availability Dimension with RDF Availability Metric (RDF Availability Metric belongs to the Availability Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Availability has RDF availability metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Availability ; rdfs:range dqm:RDFAvailabilityMetric . dqm:hasDereferenceabilityMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Availability Dimension with Dereferenceability Metric (Dereferenceability Metric belongs to the Availability Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Availability has dereferenceability metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Availability ; rdfs:range dqm:DereferenceabilityMetric . dqm:hasUnstructuredMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Availability Dimension with Unstructured Data Metric (Unstructured Data Metric belongs to the Availability Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Availability has no structured data available metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Availability ; rdfs:range dqm:UnstructuredMetric . dqm:hasDereferenceabilityBackLinksMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Availability Dimension with Dereferenceability of Back-links Metric (Dereferenceability of Back-links Metric belongs to the Availability Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Availability has Dereferenceability of back-links metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Availability ; rdfs:range dqm:DereferenceabilityBackLinksMetric . dqm:hasDereferenceabilityForwardLinksMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Availability Dimension with Dereferenceability of Forward-links Metric (Dereferenceability of Forward-links Metric belongs to the Availability Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Availability has Dereferenceability of forward-links metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Availability ; rdfs:range dqm:DereferenceabilityForwardLinksMetric . dqm:hasMisreportedContentTypesMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Availability Dimension with Misreported Content Types Metric (Misreported Content Types Metric belongs to the Availability Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Availability has misreported content types metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Availability ; rdfs:range dqm:MisreportedContentTypesMetric . #Licensing Dimensions Properties dqm:hasLicensingDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Accessibility Category with Licensing Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Accessibility has licensing dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accessibility ; rdfs:range dqm:Licensing . dqm:hasMachineReadableLicenseMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Licensing Dimension with Machine-readable Indication of a License Metric (Machine-readable Indication of a License Metric belongs to the Licensing Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Licensing has machine-readable indication of a license metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Licensing ; rdfs:range dqm:MachineReadableLicenseMetric . dqm:hasHumanReadableLicenseMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Licensing Dimension with Human-readable Indication of a License Metric (Human-readable Indication of a License Metric belongs to the Licensing Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Licensing has human-readable indication of a license metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Licensing ; rdfs:range dqm:HumanReadableLicenseMetric . dqm:hasIndicationOfAttributionCopyLeftMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Licensing Dimension with Indication of Attribution CopyLeft Metric (Indication of Attribution CopyLeft Metric belongs to the Licensing Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Licensing has indication of attribution CopyLeft metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Licensing ; rdfs:range dqm:IndicationOfAttributionCopyLeftMetric . #Security Dimension Properties dqm:hasSecurityDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Accessibility Category with Security Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Accessibility has security dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accessibility ; rdfs:range dqm:Security . #Performance Dimension Properties dqm:hasPerformanceDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Accessibility Category with Performance Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Accessibility has performance dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accessibility ; rdfs:range dqm:Performance . dqm:hasLowLatencyMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links the Performance Dimension with Low Latency Metric (Low Latency Metric belongs to the Performance Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Performance has low latency metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Performance ; rdfs:range dqm:LowLatencyMetric . dqm:hasHighThroughputMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Performance Dimension with High Throughput Metric (High Throughput Metric belongs to the Performance Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Performance has high throughput metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Performance ; rdfs:range dqm:HighThroughputMetric . dqm:hasScalabilityOfDataSourceMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Performance Dimension with Scalability of a Data Source Metric (Scalability of a Data Source Metric belongs to the Performance Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Performance has scalability of a data source metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Performance ; rdfs:range dqm:ScalabilityOfDataSourceMetric . dqm:hasNoUsageOfSlashURIsMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Performance Dimension with No Usage of Slash URIs Metric (No Usage of Slash URIs Metric belongs to the Performance Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Performance has no usage of slash URIs metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Performance ; rdfs:range dqm:NoUsageOfSlashURIsMetric . #Interlink Dimensions Properties dqm:hasInterlinkDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Accessibility Category with Interlink Dimension" ; rdfs:label "has interlink dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accessibility ; rdfs:range dqm:Interlinking . #Availability Metric Properties dqm:hasInterlinkDetectionMetricMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:label "has Interlink Detection Metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Interlinking ; rdfs:range dqm:InterlinkDetectionMetric . dqm:hasLinkToExternalDataProvidersMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links the Interlinking Dimension with Existence of Links to External Data Providers Metric (Existence of Links to External Data Providers Metric belongs to the Interlinking Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Interlink has existence of links to external data providers metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Interlinking ; rdfs:range dqm:LinksToExternalDataProvidersMetric . #Accuracy Dimensions Properties dqm:hasAccuracyDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Intrinsic Category with Accuracy Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Intrinsic has accuracy dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Intrinsic ; rdfs:range dqm:Accuracy . dqm:hasMalformedDatatypeLiteralsMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Accuracy Dimension with Malformed Data Type Literals Metric (Malformed Data Type Literals Metric belongs to the Accuracy Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Accuracy has malformed data type literals metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accuracy ; rdfs:range dqm:MalformedDatatypeLiteralsMetric . dqm:hasIncompatibleDatatypeRangeMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Accuracy Dimension with Incompatible Datatype Range Metric" ; rdfs:label "hasIncompatibleDatatypeRangeMetric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accuracy ; rdfs:range dqm:IncompatibleDatatypeRangeMetric . #Consistency Dimensions Properties dqm:hasHomogeneousDatatypesMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Consistency Dimension with Homogeneous data types Metric" ; rdfs:label "hasHomogeneousDatatypesMetric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Consistency ; rdfs:range dqm:HomogeneousDatatypesMetric . dqm:hasUndefinedClassesMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Consistency Dimension with Undefined classes metric" ; rdfs:label "hasUndefinedClassesMetric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Consistency ; rdfs:range dqm:UndefinedClassesMetric . dqm:hasUndefinedPropertiesMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Consistency Dimension with Undefined properties metric" ; rdfs:label "hasUndefinedPropertiesMetric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Consistency ; rdfs:range dqm:UndefinedPropertiesMetric . dqm:hasMisuseOwlDatatypeOrObjectPropertiesMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Consistency Dimension with Misuse Owl- datatype or object properties metric" ; rdfs:label "hasMisuseOwlDatatypeOrObjectPropertiesMetric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Consistency ; rdfs:range dqm:MisuseOwlDatatypeOrObjectPropertiesMetric . dqm:hasMisplacedClassesOrPropertiesMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Consistency Dimension with misplaced classes or properties metric" ; rdfs:label "hasMisplacedClassesOrPropertiesMetric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Consistency ; rdfs:range dqm:MisplacedClassesOrPropertiesMetric . #Contextual Dimensions Properties dqm:hasAmountOfDataDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Contextual Category with Amount of Data Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Contextual has amount of data dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Contextual ; rdfs:range dqm:AmountOfData . dqm:hasAmountOfTriplesMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Amount of Data Dimension with Amount of Triples Metric (Amount of Triples Metric belongs to the Amount of Data Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Amount of Data has amount of triples metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:AmountOfData ; rdfs:range dqm:AmountOfTriplesMetric . #Consistency Dimensions Properties dqm:hasConsistencyDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Intrinsic Category with Consistency Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Intrinsic has consistency dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Intrinsic ; rdfs:range dqm:Consistency . dqm:hasEntitiesAsMembersOfDisjointClassesMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Consistency Dimension with ‘entities as members of disjoint classes’ Metric (Entities as Members of Disjoint Classes Metric belongs to the Consistency Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Consistency has entities as members of disjoint classes metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Consistency ; rdfs:range dqm:EntitiesAsMembersOfDisjointClassesMetric . #Conciseness Dimensions Properties dqm:hasConcisenessDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Intrinsic Category with Conciseness Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Intrinsic has conciseness dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Intrinsic ; rdfs:range dqm:Conciseness . dqm:hasIntensionalConcisenessMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Conciseness Dimension with Intensional Conciseness Metric (Intensional Conciseness Metric belongs to the Conciseness Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Conciseness has intensional conciseness metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Conciseness ; rdfs:range dqm:IntensionalConcisenessMetric . dqm:hasExtensionalConcisenessMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Conciseness Dimension with Extensional Conciseness Metric (Extensional Conciseness Metric belongs to the Conciseness Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Conciseness has extensional conciseness metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Conciseness ; rdfs:range dqm:ExtensionalConcisenessMetric . dqm:hasDuplicateInstanceMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Conciseness Dimension with Duplicate Instance Metric (Duplicate Instance Metric belongs to the Conciseness Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Conciseness has duplicate instance metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Conciseness ; rdfs:range dqm:DuplicateInstanceMetric . #Representational Conciseness Dimension Properties dqm:hasRepresentationalConcisenessDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Representational Category with Representational-Conciseness Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Representational has representational conciseness dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Representational ; rdfs:range dqm:RepresentationalConciseness . dqm:hasShortURIsMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Representational-Conciseness Dimension with Keeping URIs Short Metric (Keeping URIs Short Metric belongs to the Representational-Conciseness Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Representational conciseness has short URIs metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:RepresentationalConciseness ; rdfs:range dqm:ShortURIsMetric . #Understandability Dimension Properties dqm:hasRepresentationalConcisenessDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links Representational Category with Understandability Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Representational has representational conciseness dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Representational ; rdfs:range dqm:Understandability . dqm:hasHumanReadableLabellingMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Understandability Dimension with Human Readable Labelling Metric (Human Readable Labelling belongs to the Understandability Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Understandability has short URIs metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Understandability ; rdfs:range dqm:HumanReadableLabellingMetric . dqm:hasEmptyAnnotationValueMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Understandability Dimension with Empty annotation value metric" ; rdfs:label "Understandability has empty annotation value metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Understandability ; rdfs:range dqm:EmptyAnnotationValueMetric . dqm:hasLabelsUsingCapitalsMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Understandability Dimension with labels using capitals metric" ; rdfs:label "Understandability has labels using capitals metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Understandability ; rdfs:range dqm:LabelsUsingCapitalsMetric . dqm:hasWhitespaceInAnnotationMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Understandability Dimension with Whitespace in annotation" ; rdfs:label "Understandability has whitespace in annotation" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Understandability ; rdfs:range dqm:WhitespaceInAnnotationMetric . #Currency Dimension Properties dqm:hasCurrencyDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links the Dynamicity Category with the Currency Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Dynamicity has currency dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Dynamicity ; rdfs:range dqm:Currency . dqm:hasCurrencyOfDocumentStatementsMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links the Currency Dimension with the Currency of Document/Statements Metric (Currency of Document/Statements Metric belongs to the Currency Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Currency has currency of document/statements metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Currency ; rdfs:range dqm:CurrencyOfDocumentStatementsMetric . dqm:hasTimeSinceModificationMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links the Currency Dimension with the Time Since Modification Metric (Time Since Modification Metric belongs to the Currency Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Currency has time since modification metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Currency ; rdfs:range dqm:TimeSinceModificationMetric . dqm:hasExclusionOfOutdatedDataMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links the Currency Dimension with the Exclusion of Outdated Data Metric (Exclusion of Outdated Data Metric belongs to the Currency Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Currency has exclusion of outdated data metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Currency ; rdfs:range dqm:ExclusionOfOutdatedDataMetric . #Volatility Dimension Properties dqm:hasVolatilityDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links the Dynamicity Category with the Volatility Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Dynamicity has volatility dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Dynamicity ; rdfs:range dqm:Volatility . dqm:hasTimeValidityIntervalMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links the Volatility Dimension with the Time Validity Interval Metric (Time Validity Interval Metric belongs to the Volatility Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Volatility has time validity interval metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Volatility ; rdfs:range dqm:TimeValidityIntervalMetric . #Timeliness Dimension Properties dqm:hasTimelinessDimension a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasDimension ; rdfs:comment "Links the Dynamicity Category with the Timeliness Dimension" ; rdfs:label "Dynamicity has timeliness dimension" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Dynamicity ; rdfs:range dqm:Timeliness . dqm:hasTimelinessOfResourceMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links the Timeliness Dimension with the Timeliness of the Resource Metric (Timeliness of the Resource Metric belongs to the Timeliness Dimension)" ; rdfs:label "Timeliness has timeliness of resource metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Timeliness ; rdfs:range dqm:TimelinessOfResourceMetric . #Reputation dqm:hasReputationOfDatasetMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Reputation category with Reputation of dataset metric" ; rdfs:label "Reputation category has reputation of dataset metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Reputation ; rdfs:range dqm:ReputationOfDatasetMetric . ################################## # # # EBI SPECIFIC METRICS # # # ################################## #Ontology Versioning Conciseness dqm:hasOntologyVersionConcisenessMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Conciseness Dimension with Ontology Versioning Conciseness Metric" ; rdfs:label "Conciseness has extensional conciseness metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Conciseness ; rdfs:range dqm:OntologyVersionConcisenessMetric . dqm:OntologyVersionConcisenessMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure for checking singleton instances of the use-case specific defined owl:ontologyVersion property" ; rdfs:label "Ontology version conciseness metric" . #Low Blank Node Usage dqm:hasLowBlankNodesUsageMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Understandability Dimension with Low Blank Nodes Usage Metric" ; rdfs:label "Understandability has low blank nodes usage metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Understandability ; rdfs:range dqm:LowBlankNodesUsageMetric . dqm:LowBlankNodesUsageMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure for the usage of blank nodes in a dataset" ; rdfs:label "Low blank nodes usage metric" . #Obsolete Concepts in Ontology dqm:hasObsoleteConceptsInOntologyMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Consistency Dimension with Obsolete Concepts In Ontology Metric" ; rdfs:label "Understandability has obsolete concepts in ontology metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Understandability ; rdfs:range dqm:ObsoleteConceptsInOntologyMetric . dqm:ObsoleteConceptsInOntologyMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure for the number of classes and properties in an ontology which are marked as depricated. If an ontology is making lots of obsolete concepts between different versions, then this is an indicator that the ontology is going through a lot of changes, and is potentially in a state of poor quality" ; rdfs:label "Obsolete concepts in ontology metric" . #Synonym Usage in Ontology Classes dqm:hasSynonymUsageMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Accuracy Dimension with Synonym Usage Metric" ; rdfs:label "Accuracy has synonym usage metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accuracy ; rdfs:range dqm:SynonymUsageMetric . dqm:SynonymUsageMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Measures the number of classes which has a synonym described." ; rdfs:label "Synonym usage metric" . #POBO Definition Usage dqm:hasPOBODefinitionUsageMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Accuracy Dimension with POBO Definition Usage Metric" ; rdfs:label "Accuracy has POBO definition usage metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accuracy ; rdfs:range dqm:POBODefinitionUsageMetric . dqm:POBODefinitionUsageMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Provides a measure for an Ontology checking the usage of in defined classes." ; rdfs:label "POBO definition usage metric" . dqm:hasDefinedOntologyAuthorMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Accuracy Dimension with POBO Definition Usage Metric" ; rdfs:label "Accuracy has defined ontology author metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Accuracy ; rdfs:range dqm:DefinedOntologyAuthorMetric . dqm:DefinedOntologyAuthorMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Checks whether the creator is defined in the ontology." ; rdfs:label "Defined ontology author" . dqm:HTTPSDataAccessMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Verifies if access to the dataset is performed through a sound, HTTPS/SSL connection and thus, connection is confidential" ; rdfs:label "Access to data through HTTPS metric" . dqm:hasHTTPSDataAccessMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links security dimension with access to data through HTTPS metric" ; rdfs:label "Security has access to data through HTTPS metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Security ; rdfs:range dqm:HTTPSDataAccessMetric . #Reputation dqm:OBOFoundryMetric a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf daq:Metric ; daq:expectedDataType xsd:double ; rdfs:comment "Detects non reputable resources by retrieving URI of resources from data sets and comparing them with URI found in reputable resources." ; rdfs:label "OBO foundry metric" . dqm:hasOBOFoundryMetric a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:subPropertyOf daq:hasMetric ; rdfs:comment "Links Reputation category with OBO foundry metric" ; rdfs:label "Reputation category has OBO foundry metric" ; rdfs:domain dqm:Reputation ; rdfs:range dqm:OBOFoundryMetric .