# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; python-indent: 2 -*- from __future__ import division import os, os.path, posixpath, ntpath import sys import stat import subprocess import optparse import shutil import socket as pysocket import tarfile import tempfile import time import traceback import urllib2 import urlparse import zipfile windows_remove_list = [] rosetta_version="rosetta_src_2015.39.58186_bundle" rosetta_version="rosetta_src_2016.02.58402_bundle" # LICENSE REQUIRED afitt_version="AFITT-" #binary specific to cci-vm-1 envs = { "AMBERHOME" : ["modules", "amber"], "PHENIX_ROSETTA_PATH" : ["modules", "rosetta"], "ROSETTA_BIN" : ["modules", "rosetta", "main", "source", "bin"], "ROSETTA3_DB" : ["modules", "rosetta", "main", "database"], "OE_EXE" : ["modules", "openeye", "bin"], "OE_LICENSE" : ["oe_license.txt"], # needed for license } # To download this file: # wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dials/cctbx/dials-1.3/libtbx/auto_build/bootstrap.py # or # curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dials/cctbx/dials-1.3/libtbx/auto_build/bootstrap.py > bootstrap.py # Utililty function to be executed on slave machine or called directly by standalone bootstrap script def tar_extract(workdir, archive, modulename=None): try: # delete tar target folder if it exists if modulename and os.path.exists(modulename): def remShut(*args): func, path, _ = args # onerror returns a tuple containing function, path and exception info os.chmod(path, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE) os.remove(path) shutil.rmtree(modulename, onerror=remShut) # hack to work around possible race condition on Windows where deleted files may briefly # exist as phantoms and result in "access denied" error by subsequent IO operations cnt=0 while os.path.exists(modulename): time.sleep(1) cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt > 5: break # using tarfile module rather than unix tar command which is not platform independent if sys.hexversion >= 0x02060000: tar = tarfile.open(os.path.join(workdir, archive), errorlevel=2) tar.extractall(path=workdir) else: import copy import operator tar = tarfile.open(os.path.join(workdir, archive)) directories = [] for tarinfo in tar.getmembers(): if tarinfo.isdir(): # Extract directories with a safe mode. directories.append(tarinfo) tarinfo = copy.copy(tarinfo) tarinfo.mode = 0700 tar.extract(tarinfo, workdir) # Reverse sort directories. directories.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('name')) directories.reverse() # Set correct owner, mtime and filemode on directories. for tarinfo in directories: dirpath = os.path.join(workdir, tarinfo.name) tar.chown(tarinfo, dirpath) tar.utime(tarinfo, dirpath) tar.chmod(tarinfo, dirpath) tarfoldername = os.path.join(workdir, os.path.commonprefix(tar.getnames()).split('/')[0]) tar.close() # take full permissions on all extracted files module = os.path.join(workdir, tarfoldername) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(module): for fname in files: full_path = os.path.join(root, fname) os.chmod(full_path, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE) # rename to expected folder name, e.g. boost_hot -> boost # only rename if folder names differ if modulename: if modulename != tarfoldername: os.rename(tarfoldername, modulename) except Exception, e: raise Exception("Extracting tar archive resulted in error: " + str(e) + "\n" \ + traceback.format_exc()) return 1 return 0 # Mock commands to run standalone, without buildbot. class ShellCommand(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs def get_command(self): return self.kwargs['command'] def get_description(self): if 'description' in self.kwargs: return self.kwargs['description'] return None def get_workdir(self): return self.kwargs.get('workdir', 'build') def get_environment(self): # gets environment from kwargs env = self.kwargs.get('env', None) if env: for key, item in env.items(): env[key] = os.path.abspath(item) rc = os.environ rc.update(env) env=rc return env def run(self): t0=time.time() command = self.get_command() description = self.get_description() workdir = self.get_workdir() env = self.get_environment() if not self.kwargs.get("quiet", False): if description: print "===== Running in %s:"%workdir, description else: print "===== Running in %s:"%workdir, " ".join(command) if workdir: try: os.makedirs(workdir) except OSError: pass if command[0] == 'tar': # don't think any builders explicitly calls tar but leave it here just in case modname = None if len(command) > 3 and command[3]: modname = command[3] return tar_extract(workdir, command[2], modname) if command[0] == 'rm': # XXX use shutil rather than rm which is not platform independent for directory in command[2:]: if os.path.exists(directory): print 'Deleting directory : %s' % directory try: shutil.rmtree(directory) except OSError, e: print "Strangely couldn't delete %s" % directory return 0 if 0: print 'command',command print 'workdir',workdir try: #if not os.path.isabs(command[0]): # executable path isn't located relative to workdir # command[0] = os.path.join(workdir, command[0]) stderr, stdout = None, None if self.kwargs.get("silent", False): stderr = stdout = open(os.devnull, 'wb') p = subprocess.Popen( args=command, cwd=workdir, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env, ) except Exception, e: # error handling if not self.kwargs.get('haltOnFailure'): return 1 if isinstance(e, OSError): if e.errno == 2: executable = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(workdir, command[0])) raise RuntimeError("Could not run %s: File not found" % executable) if 'child_traceback' in dir(e): print "Calling subprocess resulted in error; ", e.child_traceback raise e p.wait() if p.returncode != 0 and self.kwargs.get('haltOnFailure'): print "Process failed with return code %s"%(p.returncode) sys.exit(1) if 0: if description: outl = "%s - %s" % (workdir, description) else: outl = "%s - %s" % (workdir, " ".join(command)) print '===== Time to %s : %0.1f' % (outl, time.time()-t0) return p.returncode class Toolbox(object): @staticmethod def download_to_file(url, file, log=sys.stdout, status=True, cache=True): """Downloads a URL to file. Returns the file size. Returns -1 if the downloaded file size does not match the expected file size Returns -2 if the download is skipped due to the file at the URL not being newer than the local copy (identified by A. matching timestamp and size, or B. matching etag). """ # Create directory structure if necessary if os.path.dirname(file): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file)) except Exception, e: pass localcopy = os.path.isfile(file) # Get existing ETag, if present etag = None tagfile = '%s/.%s.etag' % os.path.split(os.path.abspath(file)) if cache and os.path.isfile(tagfile): if not localcopy: # Having an ETag without a file is pointless os.remove(tagfile) else: tf = open(tagfile, 'r') etag = tf.readline() tf.close() # Open connection to remote server try: if sys.platform == "win32": # Downloading from http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx_dependencies caused # SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error on Windows only as of today (why?). # Quick and dirty hack to disable ssl certificate verification. import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context url_request = urllib2.Request(url) if etag: url_request.add_header("If-None-Match", etag) if localcopy and (sys.hexversion >= 0x02060000): # Shorten timeout to 7 seconds if a copy of the file is already present # This is only supported in python >=2.6 socket = urllib2.urlopen(url_request, None, 7) else: socket = urllib2.urlopen(url_request) except (pysocket.timeout, urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError), e: if isinstance(e, urllib2.HTTPError) and etag and e.code == 304: # When using ETag. a 304 error means everything is fine log.write("local copy is current (etag)\n") return -2 if localcopy: # Download failed for some reason, but a valid local copy of # the file exists, so use that one instead. log.write("%s\n" % str(e)) return -2 # otherwise pass on the error message raise try: file_size = int(socket.info().getheader('Content-Length')) except Exception: file_size = 0 if os.path.isfile(tagfile): # ETag did not match, so delete any existing ETag. os.remove(tagfile) remote_mtime = 0 try: remote_mtime = time.mktime(socket.info().getdate('last-modified')) except Exception: pass if (file_size > 0): if (remote_mtime > 0): # check if existing file matches remote size and timestamp try: (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) = os.stat(file) if (size == file_size) and (remote_mtime == mtime): log.write("local copy is current\n") socket.close() return -2 except Exception: # proceed with download if timestamp/size check fails for any reason pass hr_size = (file_size, "B") if (hr_size[0] > 500): hr_size = (hr_size[0] / 1024, "kB") if (hr_size[0] > 500): hr_size = (hr_size[0] / 1024, "MB") log.write("%.1f %s\n" % hr_size) if status: log.write(" [0%") log.flush() received = 0 block_size = 8192 progress = 1 # Allow for writing the file immediately so we can empty the buffer tmpfile = file + '.tmp' f = open(tmpfile, 'wb') while 1: block = socket.read(block_size) received += len(block) f.write(block) if status and (file_size > 0): while (100 * received / file_size) > progress: progress += 1 if (progress % 20) == 0: log.write("%d%%" % progress) elif (progress % 2) == 0: log.write(".") log.flush() if not block: break f.close() socket.close() if status and (file_size > 0): log.write("]\n") else: log.write("%d kB\n" % (received / 1024)) log.flush() # Do not overwrite file during the download. If a download temporarily fails we # may still have a clean, working (yet older) copy of the file. shutil.move(tmpfile, file) if (file_size > 0) and (file_size != received): return -1 if remote_mtime > 0: # set file timestamp if timestamp information is available from stat import ST_ATIME st = os.stat(file) atime = st[ST_ATIME] # current access time os.utime(file,(atime,remote_mtime)) if cache and socket.info().getheader('ETag'): # If the server sent an ETAG, then keep it alongside the file open(tagfile, 'w').write(socket.info().getheader('ETag')) return received @staticmethod def unzip(archive, directory, trim_directory=0, verbose=False): '''unzip a file into a directory. Requires Python 2.6.''' if verbose: print "===== Installing %s into %s" % (archive, directory) if not zipfile.is_zipfile(archive): raise Exception("%s is not a valid .zip file" % archive) z = zipfile.ZipFile(archive, 'r') for member in z.infolist(): is_directory = member.filename.endswith('/') filename = os.path.join(*member.filename.split('/')[trim_directory:]) if filename != '': filename = os.path.normpath(filename) if '../' in filename: raise Exception('Archive %s contains invalid filename %s' % (archive, filename)) filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) upperdirs = os.path.dirname(filename) try: if is_directory and not os.path.exists(filename): os.makedirs(filename) elif upperdirs and not os.path.exists(upperdirs): os.makedirs(upperdirs) except Exception, e: pass if not is_directory: source = z.open(member) target = file(filename, "wb") shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) target.close() source.close() # Preserve executable permission, if set unix_executable = member.external_attr >> 16 & 73 # Python 2.5 does not allow octal notation with 0o prefix # rwxrwxrwx => --x--x--x => 0o111 => 73 if unix_executable: mode = os.stat(filename).st_mode mode |= (mode & 292) >> 2 # copy R bits to X # r--r--r-- => 0o444 => 292 os.chmod(filename, mode) z.close() @staticmethod def git(module, parameters, destination=None, use_ssh=False, verbose=False, reference=None): '''Retrieve a git repository, either by running git directly or by downloading and unpacking an archive.''' git_available = True try: subprocess.call(['git', '--version'], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) except OSError: git_available = False if destination is None: destination = os.path.join('modules', module) destpath, destdir = os.path.split(destination) if git_available and os.path.exists(os.path.join(destination, '.git')): # This may fail for unclean trees and merge problems. In this case manual # user intervention will be required. # For the record, you can clean up the tree and *discard ALL changes* with # git reset --hard origin/master # git clean -dffx return ShellCommand( command=['git', 'pull', '--rebase'], workdir=destination, silent=False ).run() if os.path.exists(destination): print "Existing non-git directory -- don't know what to do. skipping: %s" % module return if isinstance(parameters, basestring): parameters = [ parameters ] git_parameters = [] for source_candidate in parameters: if source_candidate.startswith('-'): git_parameters = source_candidate.split(' ') continue if (not source_candidate.lower().startswith('http') and not use_ssh): continue if source_candidate.lower().endswith('.git'): if not git_available: continue reference_parameters = [] if reference is not None: if os.path.exists(reference) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(reference, '.git')): reference_parameters = [ '--reference', reference ] cmd = [ 'git', 'clone' ] + git_parameters + [ source_candidate, destdir ] + reference_parameters if verbose: cmd = cmd + [ '--progress', '--verbose' ] returncode = ShellCommand( command=cmd, workdir=destpath, silent=False ).run() if returncode: return returncode # no point trying to continue on error if reference_parameters: # Sever the link between checked out and reference repository cmd = [ 'git', 'repack', '-a', '-d' ] returncode = ShellCommand( command=cmd, workdir=destination, silent=False ).run() try: os.remove(os.path.join(destination, '.git', 'objects', 'info', 'alternates')) except OSError: returncode = 1 return returncode filename = "%s-%s" % (module, urlparse.urlparse(source_candidate)[2].split('/')[-1]) filename = os.path.join(destpath, filename) if verbose: print "===== Downloading %s: " % source_candidate, Toolbox.download_to_file(source_candidate, filename) Toolbox.unzip(filename, destination, trim_directory=1, verbose=verbose) return error = "Cannot satisfy git dependency for module %s: None of the sources are available." % module if not git_available: print error error = "A git installation has not been found." raise Exception(error) class cleanup_ext_class(object): def __init__(self, filename_ext, workdir=None): self.filename_ext = filename_ext self.workdir = workdir def get_command(self): return "delete *%s in %s" % (self.filename_ext, self.workdir).split() def remove_ext_files(self): cwd=os.getcwd() if self.workdir is not None: if os.path.exists(self.workdir): os.chdir(self.workdir) else: return print "\n removing %s files in %s" % (self.filename_ext, os.getcwd()) i=0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(".", topdown=False): for name in files: if name.endswith(self.filename_ext): os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) i+=1 os.chdir(cwd) print " removed %d files" % i def run(self): self.remove_ext_files() class cleanup_dirs_class(object): def __init__(self, dirs, workdir=None): self.dirs = dirs self.workdir = workdir def get_command(self): return "cleanup dirs in %s" % (self.workdir).split() def remove_dirs(self): cwd=os.getcwd() if self.workdir is not None: if os.path.exists(self.workdir): os.chdir(self.workdir) else: return print "===== Removing directories in %s" % (os.getcwd()) for d in self.dirs: if os.path.exists(d): print " removing %s" % (os.path.join(os.getcwd(),d)) shutil.rmtree(d) os.chdir(cwd) def run(self): self.remove_dirs() ##### Modules ##### class SourceModule(object): _modules = {} module = None authenticated = None authentarfile = None anonymous = None def __init__(self): if not self._modules: self.update_subclasses() def items(self): return self._modules.items() @classmethod def update_subclasses(cls): for i in cls.__subclasses__(): cls._modules[i.module] = i def get_module(self, module): if module in self._modules: return self._modules[module] raise KeyError, "Unknown module: %s"%module def get_url(self, auth=None): repo = None try: repo = self.get_authenticated(auth=auth) except KeyError, e: repo = self.get_anonymous() if not repo: raise Exception('No anonymous access method defined for module: %s. Try with --%s'%(self.module, e.args[0])) repo = repo or self.get_anonymous() if not repo: raise Exception('No access method defined for module: %s'%self.module) return repo def get_authenticated(self, auth=None): auth = auth or {} if not self.authenticated: return None return [self.authenticated[0], self.authenticated[1]%auth] def get_tarauthenticated(self, auth=None): auth = auth or {} if self.authentarfile: # and self.isPlatformWindows(): return [self.authentarfile[0]%auth, self.authentarfile[1], self.authentarfile[2]] return None, None, None def get_anonymous(self): return self.anonymous # Core external repositories # The trailing slashes ARE significant. # These must all provide anonymous access. # On Windows due to absence of rsync we use pscp from the Putty programs. class ccp4io_module(SourceModule): module = 'ccp4io' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] class annlib_module(SourceModule): module = 'annlib' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] class scons_module(SourceModule): module = 'scons' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] class boost_module(SourceModule): module = 'boost' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] # external modules class amber_module(SourceModule): module = 'amber' # this doesn't work anonymous = ['curl', 'http://cci.lbl.gov/externals/AmberTools15.gz'] # this doesn't work authentarfile = ['%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov', 'AmberTools15.tar.gz', '/net/cci/auto_build/externals'] authenticated = [ 'rsync', '%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov:/net/cci/auto_build/externals/amber14/', 'externals', # not mapped yet! 'amber_rsync', # not plumbed ... ] class rosetta_class(SourceModule): module = 'rosetta' authenticated = [ 'rsync', '%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov:/net/cci/auto_build/externals/'+rosetta_version+'/', ] authenticated = [ 'scp', '%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov:/net/cci-filer2/raid1/auto_build/externals/'+rosetta_version+'.tgz'] class afitt_class(SourceModule): module = 'afitt' authenticated = [ 'scp', '%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov:/net/cci-filer2/raid1/auto_build/externals/'+afitt_version+'.gz'] class libsvm_module(SourceModule): module = 'libsvm' anonymous = ['curl', 'http://cci.lbl.gov/repositories/libsvm.gz'] authenticated = ['rsync', '%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov:/net/cci/auto_build/repositories/libsvm/'] # Core CCTBX repositories # These must all provide anonymous access. class cctbx_module(SourceModule): module = 'cctbx_project' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'git@github.com:dials/cctbx.git', 'https://github.com/dials/cctbx/archive/dials-1.3.zip'] class cbflib_module(SourceModule): module = 'cbflib' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/dials/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] class ccp4io_adaptbx(SourceModule): module = 'ccp4io_adaptbx' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] class annlib_adaptbx(SourceModule): module = 'annlib_adaptbx' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] class tntbx_module(SourceModule): module = 'tntbx' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] class clipper_module(SourceModule): module = 'clipper' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] class gui_resources_module(SourceModule): module = 'gui_resources' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] class opt_resources_module(SourceModule): module = 'opt_resources' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/opt_resources/trunk'] class eigen_module(SourceModule): module = 'eigen' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'https://github.com/cctbx/%s/archive/dials-1.3.zip' % module ] # Phenix repositories class phenix_module(SourceModule): module = 'phenix' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/phenix/trunk'] class phenix_html(SourceModule): module = 'phenix_html' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/phenix_html/trunk'] class phenix_examples(SourceModule): module = 'phenix_examples' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/phenix_examples/trunk'] class phenix_regression(SourceModule): module = 'phenix_regression' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/phenix_regression/trunk'] class plex_module(SourceModule): module = 'Plex' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/Plex/trunk'] class pyquante_module(SourceModule): module = 'PyQuante' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/PyQuante/trunk'] class chem_data_module(SourceModule): module = 'chem_data' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/chem_data/trunk'] class elbow_module(SourceModule): module = 'elbow' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/elbow/trunk'] class amber_module(SourceModule): module = 'amber_adaptbx' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/amber_adaptbx/trunk'] class ksdssp_module(SourceModule): module = 'ksdssp' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/ksdssp/trunk'] class pulchra_module(SourceModule): module = 'pulchra' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/pulchra/trunk'] class solve_resolve_module(SourceModule): module = 'solve_resolve' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/solve_resolve/trunk'] class reel_module(SourceModule): module = 'reel' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/reel/trunk'] class muscle_module(SourceModule): module = 'muscle' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/muscle/trunk'] class cxi_xdr_xes_module(SourceModule): module = 'cxi_xdr_xes' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/cxi_xdr_xes/trunk'] class buildbot_module(SourceModule): module = 'buildbot' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/buildbot/trunk'] # Phaser repositories class phaser_module(SourceModule): module = 'phaser' anonymous = ['git', 'git://git.csx.cam.ac.uk/cimr-phaser/phaser.git', 'https://git.csx.cam.ac.uk/cimr-phaser/phaser.git'] class phaser_regression_module(SourceModule): module = 'phaser_regression' anonymous = ['git', 'git://git.csx.cam.ac.uk/cimr-phaser/phaser_regression.git', 'https://git.csx.cam.ac.uk/cimr-phaser/phaser_regression.git'] # DIALS repositories class labelit_module(SourceModule): module = 'labelit' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/labelit/trunk'] class labelit_regression_module(SourceModule): module = 'labelit_regression' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/labelit_regression/trunk'] class dials_module(SourceModule): module = 'dials' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'git@github.com:dials/dials.git', 'https://github.com/dials/dials.git', 'https://github.com/dials/dials/archive/dials-1.3.zip'] class dials_regression_module(SourceModule): module = 'dials_regression' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/dials_regression/trunk'] class xfel_regression_module(SourceModule): module = 'xfel_regression' authenticated = ['svn', 'svn+ssh://%(cciuser)s@cci.lbl.gov/xfel_regression/trunk'] class xia2_module(SourceModule): module = 'xia2' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'git@github.com:xia2/xia2.git', 'https://github.com/xia2/xia2.git', 'https://github.com/xia2/xia2/archive/dials-1.3.zip'] class xia2_regression_module(SourceModule): module = 'xia2_regression' anonymous = ['git', '-b dials-1.3', 'git@github.com:xia2/xia2_regression.git', 'https://github.com/xia2/xia2_regression/archive/dials-1.3.zip'] # Duke repositories class probe_module(SourceModule): module = 'probe' anonymous = ['svn', 'https://github.com/rlabduke/probe.git/trunk'] class suitename_module(SourceModule): module = 'suitename' anonymous = ['svn', 'https://github.com/rlabduke/suitename.git/trunk'] class reduce_module(SourceModule): module = 'reduce' anonymous = ['svn', 'https://github.com/rlabduke/reduce.git/trunk'] class king_module(SourceModule): module = 'king' anonymous = ['svn', 'https://github.com/rlabduke/phenix_king_binaries.git/trunk'] class molprobity_moodule(SourceModule): module = 'molprobity' anonymous = ['svn', 'https://github.com/rlabduke/MolProbity.git/trunk'] MODULES = SourceModule() ################################### ##### Base Configuration ##### ################################### class Builder(object): """Create buildbot configurations for CCI and CCTBX-like software.""" # Base packages BASE_PACKAGES = 'all' # Checkout these codebases CODEBASES = ['cctbx_project'] CODEBASES_EXTRA = [] # Copy these sources from cci.lbl.gov HOT = [] HOT_EXTRA = [] # Configure for these cctbx packages LIBTBX = ['cctbx'] LIBTBX_EXTRA = [] def __init__( self, category=None, subcategory=None, platform=None, sep=None, python_base=None, cleanup=False, hot=True, update=True, revert=None, base=True, build=True, tests=True, doc=True, distribute=False, auth=None, with_python=None, nproc=1, verbose=False, download_only=False, skip_base="", force_base_build=False, enable_shared=False, ): if nproc is None: self.nproc=1 else: self.nproc=nproc """Create and add all the steps.""" # self.cciuser = cciuser or getpass.getuser() self.set_auth(auth) self.steps = [] self.category = category self.subcategory = subcategory if self.subcategory: self.EXTERNAL_CODEBASES = [self.subcategory] self.platform = platform if self.isPlatformWindows(): self.op = ntpath else: self.op = os.path self.name = '%s-%s'%(self.category, self.platform) # Platform configuration. self.python_base = self.opjoin(*['..', 'base', 'bin', 'python']) if self.platform and 'windows' in self.platform: self.python_base = self.opjoin(*['..', 'base', 'bin', 'python', 'python.exe']) if sys.platform == "win32": # assuming we run standalone without buildbot self.python_base = self.opjoin(*[os.getcwd(), 'base', 'bin', 'python', 'python.exe']) self.with_python = with_python if self.with_python: self.python_base = with_python self.verbose = verbose self.download_only = download_only self.skip_base = skip_base self.force_base_build = force_base_build self.add_init() # Cleanup if cleanup: self.cleanup(['dist', 'tests', 'doc', 'tmp', 'base', 'base_tmp', 'build']) else: self.cleanup(['dist', 'tests', 'tmp']) if self.platform and 'windows' in self.platform: # only executed by buildbot master from buildbot.steps.transfer import FileDownload # download us to folder above modules on slave so we can run the utility functions defined above self.add_step(FileDownload(mastersrc="bootstrap.py", slavedest="../bootstrap.py")) # Add 'hot' sources if hot: map(self.add_module, self.get_hot()) # Add svn sources. self.revert=revert if update: map(self.add_module, self.get_codebases()) # always remove .pyc files self.remove_pyc() # Build base packages if base: extra_opts = ["--nproc=%s" % str(self.nproc)] if enable_shared: extra_opts.append("--python-shared") self.add_base(extra_opts=extra_opts) # Configure, make, get revision numbers if build and not self.download_only: self.add_configure() self.add_make() self.add_install() # Tests, tests if tests and not self.download_only: self.add_tests() # docs if doc: self.rebuild_docs() # Distribute if distribute and not self.download_only: self.add_distribute() # Distribute does this but uses correct PHENIX_VERSION if build and not self.download_only: self.add_dispatchers() self.add_refresh() if self.platform and 'windows' in self.platform: # only executed by buildbot master self.add_rm_bootstrap_on_slave() def isPlatformWindows(self): if self.platform and 'windows' in self.platform: return True else: if sys.platform == "win32": return True return False def add_auth(self, account, username): self.auth[account] = username def set_auth(self, auth): self.auth = auth or {} def get_auth(self): return self.auth def remove_pyc(self): self.add_step(cleanup_ext_class(".pyc", "modules")) def shell(self, **kwargs): # Convenience for ShellCommand kwargs['haltOnFailure'] = kwargs.pop('haltOnFailure', True) kwargs['description'] = kwargs.get('description') or kwargs.get('name') kwargs['timeout'] = 60*60*2 # 2 hours if 'workdir' in kwargs: kwargs['workdir'] = self.opjoin(*kwargs['workdir']) return ShellCommand(**kwargs) def run(self): for i in self.steps: i.run() def opjoin(self, *args): return self.op.join(*args) def get_codebases(self): # we can't currently compile cbflib for Windows if self.isPlatformWindows(): rc = set(self.CODEBASES+self.CODEBASES_EXTRA) for r in windows_remove_list: rc = rc - set([r]) return list(rc) rc = self.CODEBASES + self.CODEBASES_EXTRA if hasattr(self, "EXTERNAL_CODEBASES"): rc = self.EXTERNAL_CODEBASES + rc return rc def get_hot(self): return self.HOT + self.HOT_EXTRA def get_libtbx_configure(self): # we can't currently compile cbflib for Windows if self.isPlatformWindows(): rc = set(self.LIBTBX+self.LIBTBX_EXTRA) for r in windows_remove_list: rc = rc - set([r]) return list(rc) return self.LIBTBX + self.LIBTBX_EXTRA def add_init(self): pass def cleanup(self, dirs=None): dirs = dirs or [] self.add_step(cleanup_dirs_class(dirs, "modules")) def add_rm_bootstrap_on_slave(self): # if file is not found error flag is set. Mask it with cmd shell cmd=['cmd', '/c', 'del', '/Q', "bootstrap.py*", '&', 'set', 'ERRORLEVEL=0'] self.add_step(self.shell( name='removing bootstrap utilities', command =cmd, workdir=['.'], description="remove temporary bootstrap.py*", )) def add_step(self, step): """Add a step.""" self.steps.append(step) if 0: print "commands "*8 for step in self.steps: print step #try: print " ".join(step.get_command()) #except: print '????' print "commands "*8 def add_module(self, module, workdir=None, module_directory=None): action = MODULES.get_module(module)().get_url(auth=self.get_auth()) method, parameters = action[0], action[1:] if len(parameters) == 1: parameters = parameters[0] tarurl, arxname, dirpath = None, None, None if self.isPlatformWindows(): tarurl, arxname, dirpath = MODULES.get_module(module)().get_tarauthenticated(auth=self.get_auth()) if self.isPlatformWindows(): if module in windows_remove_list: return if method == 'rsync' and not self.isPlatformWindows(): self._add_rsync(module, parameters, # really the url workdir=workdir, module_directory=module_directory) elif self.isPlatformWindows() and tarurl: # if more bootstraps are running avoid potential race condition on # remote server by using unique random filenames randarxname = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) + "_" + arxname self._add_remote_make_tar(module, tarurl, randarxname, dirpath) self._add_scp(module, tarurl + ':' + randarxname) self._add_remote_rm_tar(module, tarurl, randarxname) elif method == 'scp': self._add_scp(module, parameters) elif method == 'curl': self._add_curl(module, parameters) elif method == 'svn': self._add_svn(module, parameters) elif method == 'git': self._add_git(module, parameters) else: raise Exception('Unknown access method: %s %s'%(method, str(parameters))) def _add_rsync(self, module, url, workdir=None, module_directory=None): """Add packages not in source control.""" # rsync the hot packages. if not workdir: workdir=["modules"] if not module_directory: module_directory=module self.add_step(self.shell( name='hot %s'%module, command=[ 'rsync', '-rptgoDLK', #'-aL', '--delete', url, module_directory, ], workdir=workdir, )) def _add_remote_make_tar(self, module, tarurl, arxname, dirpath): """Windows: tar up hot packages for quick file transfer since there's no rsync and pscp is painfully slow""" if dirpath[-1] == '/': dirpath = dirpath[:-1] basename = posixpath.basename(dirpath) cmd=[ 'ssh', tarurl, '"' + 'cd', posixpath.split(dirpath)[0], '&&', 'tar', 'cfz', '~/' + arxname, basename + '"' ] mstr= " ".join(cmd) self.add_step(self.shell( # pack directory with tar on remote system name='hot %s'%module, command=mstr, workdir=['modules'], description="create remote temporary archive %s:%s" %(tarurl, arxname), )) def _add_remote_rm_tar(self, module, tarurl, arxname): """Windows: Delete tar file on remote system, unpack tar file locally, then delete tar file locally""" self.add_step(self.shell( # delete the tarfile on remote system name='hot %s'%module, command=[ 'ssh', tarurl, 'rm ', arxname ], workdir=['modules'], description="delete remote temporary archive of %s" %module, )) self.add_step(self.shell(command=[ "python","-c","import sys; sys.path.append('..'); import bootstrap; \ bootstrap.tar_extract('','%s', '%s')" %(arxname, module) ], workdir=['modules'], description="extracting archive files to %s" %module, )) self.add_step(self.shell( # delete the tarfile locally # use 'cmd', '/c' as a substitute for shell=True in the subprocess.Popen call command=['cmd', '/c', 'del', arxname], workdir=['modules'], description="delete local temporary archive of %s" %module, )) def _add_scp(self, module, url): self.add_step(self.shell( name='hot %s'%module, command=[ 'scp', '-r', url, '.', ], workdir=['modules'], description="getting remote file %s" %url.split("/")[-1], )) def _add_download(self, url, to_file): class _download(object): def run(self): print "===== Downloading %s: " % url, Toolbox().download_to_file(url, to_file) self.add_step(_download()) def _add_curl(self, module, url): filename = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')[-1] self._add_download(url, os.path.join('modules', filename)) self.add_step(self.shell( name="extracting files from %s" %filename, command=[ "python","-c","import sys; sys.path.append('..'); import bootstrap; \ bootstrap.tar_extract('','%s')" %filename], workdir=['modules'], description="extracting files from %s" %filename, )) def _add_unzip(self, archive, directory, trim_directory=0): class _indirection(object): def run(self): print "===== Installing %s into %s" % (archive, directory) Toolbox().unzip(archive, directory, trim_directory) self.add_step(_indirection()) def _add_svn(self, module, url): update_list = ['update'] if module in ["reduce", "probe", "king", "suitename"]: pass elif self.revert: update_list = ['update', '-r', self.revert] thisworkdir = 'modules' if module == 'molprobity' : thisworkdir = '.' # avoid stalling bootstrap with prompts # or when encountering unknown server certificates svnflags = ['--non-interactive', '--trust-server-cert'] if os.path.exists(self.opjoin(*[thisworkdir, module, '.svn'])): self.add_step(self.shell( command=['svn'] + update_list +[module] + svnflags, workdir=[thisworkdir] )) self.add_step(self.shell( command=['svn', 'status', module] + svnflags, workdir=[thisworkdir], quiet=True, )) elif os.path.exists(self.opjoin(*[thisworkdir, module])): print "Existing non-svn directory -- don't know what to do. skipping: %s"%module else: # print "fresh checkout..." self.add_step(self.shell( command=['svn', 'co', url, module] + svnflags, workdir=[thisworkdir] )) def _add_git(self, module, parameters, destination=None): use_git_ssh = self.auth.get('git_ssh', False) reference_repository_path = self.auth.get('git_reference', None) if reference_repository_path is None: if os.name == 'posix' and 'diamond.ac.uk' in pysocket.gethostname(): reference_repository_path = '/dls/science/groups/scisoft/DIALS/repositories/git-reference' if reference_repository_path is not None: reference_repository_path = os.path.join(reference_repository_path, module) class _indirection(object): def run(self): Toolbox().git(module, parameters, destination=destination, use_ssh=use_git_ssh, verbose=True, reference=reference_repository_path) self.add_step(_indirection()) def _check_for_Windows_prerequisites(self): if self.isPlatformWindows(): # platform specific checks cannot run on buildbot master so add to build steps to run on slaves self.add_step(self.shell(command=[ "python","-c","import sys; sys.path.append('..'); import bootstrap; \ bootstrap.CheckWindowsPrerequisites()"], workdir=['modules'], description="Checking Windows prerequisites", )) def add_command(self, command, name=None, workdir=None, args=None, **kwargs): if self.isPlatformWindows(): command = command + '.bat' # Relative path to workdir. workdir = workdir or ['build'] dots = [".."]*len(workdir) if workdir[0] == '.': dots = [] if sys.platform == "win32": # assuming we run standalone without buildbot dots.extend([os.getcwd(), 'build', 'bin', command]) else: dots.extend(['build', 'bin', command]) self.add_step(self.shell( name=name or command, command=[self.opjoin(*dots)] + (args or []), workdir=workdir, **kwargs )) def add_test_command(self, command, name=None, workdir=None, args=None, haltOnFailure=False, **kwargs ): if name is None: name='test %s'%command self.add_command( command, name=name, workdir=(workdir or ['tests', command]), args=args, haltOnFailure=haltOnFailure, **kwargs ) def add_test_parallel(self, module=None, nproc=None, **kwargs): if nproc is None: nprocstr = 'nproc=auto' else: nprocstr = 'nproc=%d'%nproc self.add_command( 'libtbx.run_tests_parallel', name='test %s'%module, workdir=['tests', module], args=['module=%s'%module, nprocstr, 'verbosity=1'], haltOnFailure=False, **kwargs ) def add_refresh(self): self.add_command( 'libtbx.refresh', name='libtbx.refresh', workdir=['.'], ) # Override these methods. def add_base(self, extra_opts=[]): """Build the base dependencies, e.g. Python, HDF5, etc.""" if self.with_python: extra_opts = ['--with-python', self.with_python] if self.verbose: extra_opts.append('-v') if self.download_only: extra_opts.append('--download-only') if self.auth.get('git_ssh',False): extra_opts.append('--git-ssh') if self.skip_base: extra_opts.append('--skip-base=%s' % self.skip_base) if not self.force_base_build: if "--skip-if-exists" not in extra_opts: extra_opts.append("--skip-if-exists") self.add_step(self.shell( name='base', command=[ 'python', self.opjoin('modules', 'cctbx_project', 'libtbx', 'auto_build', 'install_base_packages.py'), '--python-shared', '--%s'%self.BASE_PACKAGES ] + extra_opts, workdir=['.'] )) def add_dispatchers(self, product_name="phenix"): """Write dispatcher_include file.""" """Generating Phenix environment additions for dispatchers...""" envcmd = "export" dispatcher = os.path.join("build", "dispatcher_include_%s.sh" % product_name) if self.isPlatformWindows(): envcmd = "set" dispatcher = os.path.join("build", "dispatcher_include_%s.bat" % product_name) if (os.path.isfile(dispatcher)): os.remove(dispatcher) env_prefix = product_name.upper() # e.g. "Phenix" -> "PHENIX" prologue = "\n".join([ "%s %s=\"%s\"" % (envcmd, env_prefix, os.getcwd()), "%s %s_VERSION=%s" % (envcmd, env_prefix, "dev-svn"), "%s %s_ENVIRONMENT=1" % (envcmd, env_prefix), #"%s %s_MTYPE=%s" % (envcmd, env_prefix, "none"), ] #+ self.product_specific_dispatcher_prologue()) ) #epilogue = "\n".join(self.product_specific_dispatcher_epilogue()) dispatcher_opts = [ "--build_dir=%s" % ".", "--base_dir=%s" % "../base", "--suffix=%s" % "phenix", "--gtk_version=2.10.0", # XXX this can change! #"--quiet", ] #if (not self.flag_build_gui) : # dispatcher_opts.append("--ignore_missing_dirs") # FIXME this will happen regardless of whether the GUI modules are being # distributed or not - will this be problematic? self.add_step(self.shell( name='gui dispatcher', command=[ self.python_base, #'python', self.opjoin("..", 'modules', 'cctbx_project', 'libtbx', 'auto_build', 'write_gui_dispatcher_include.py'), '--prologue=%s' % prologue, #"--epilogue=%s" ] + dispatcher_opts, workdir=['build'] )) def add_configure(self): self.add_step(self.shell(command=[ self.python_base, # default to using our python rather than system python self.opjoin('..', 'modules', 'cctbx_project', 'libtbx', 'configure.py') ] + self.get_libtbx_configure(), workdir=['build'], description="run configure.py", )) # Prepare saving configure.py command to file should user want to manually recompile Phenix configcmd =[ self.python_base, # default to using our python rather than system python self.opjoin('..', 'modules', 'cctbx_project', 'libtbx', 'configure.py') ] + self.get_libtbx_configure() fname = self.opjoin("config_modules.cmd") confstr = subprocess.list2cmdline(configcmd) if not self.isPlatformWindows(): fname = self.opjoin("config_modules.sh") confstr = '#!/bin/sh\n\n' + confstr # klonky way of writing file later on, but it works self.add_step(self.shell(command=[ 'python','-c','open(r\"%s\",\"w\").write(r\"\"\"%s\"\"\" + \"\\n\")' %(fname, confstr) ], workdir=['build'], description="save configure command", )) def add_make(self): self.add_command('libtbx.scons', args=['-j', str(self.nproc), # #"--skip-version", # for Phaser ]) def add_install(self): """Run after compile, before tests.""" self.add_command('mmtbx.rebuild_rotarama_cache', name="rebuild rotarama", ) def add_tests(self): """Run the unit tests.""" pass def rebuild_docs(self): self.add_command('phenix_html.rebuild_docs') def add_distribute(self): pass ##### Specific Configurations ###### class CCIBuilder(Builder): """Base class for packages that include CCTBX as a dependency.""" # Base packages BASE_PACKAGES = 'all' # Checkout these codebases CODEBASES = [ 'cbflib', 'cctbx_project', 'gui_resources', 'ccp4io_adaptbx', 'annlib_adaptbx', 'tntbx', 'clipper' ] CODEBASES_EXTRA = [] # Copy these sources from cci.lbl.gov HOT = [ 'annlib', 'boost', 'scons', 'ccp4io', 'eigen', #"libsvm", ] HOT_EXTRA = [] # Configure for these cctbx packages LIBTBX = [ 'cctbx', 'cbflib', 'scitbx', 'libtbx', 'iotbx', 'mmtbx', 'smtbx', 'dxtbx', 'gltbx', 'wxtbx', ] LIBTBX_EXTRA = [] ##### CCTBX-derived packages ##### class MOLPROBITYBuilder(Builder): BASE_PACKAGES = 'molprobity' # Checkout these codebases CODEBASES = [ 'cbflib', 'cctbx_project', 'ccp4io_adaptbx', 'annlib_adaptbx', 'tntbx', ] CODEBASES_EXTRA = [ 'molprobity', 'chem_data', 'reduce', 'probe', 'suitename' ] # Copy these sources from cci.lbl.gov HOT = [ 'annlib', 'boost', 'scons', 'ccp4io', #"libsvm", ] HOT_EXTRA = [] # Configure for these cctbx packages LIBTBX = [ 'mmtbx', ] LIBTBX_EXTRA = [ ] def add_tests(self): pass # def add_base(self, extra_opts=[]): # super(MOLPROBITYBuilder, self).add_base( # extra_opts=['--molprobity', # ] + extra_opts) def add_dispatchers(self): pass def rebuild_docs(self): pass class CCTBXBuilder(CCIBuilder): BASE_PACKAGES = 'cctbx' def add_tests(self): self.add_test_command('libtbx.import_all_python', workdir=['modules', 'cctbx_project']) self.add_test_command('cctbx_regression.test_nightly') def add_base(self, extra_opts=[]): super(CCTBXBuilder, self).add_base( extra_opts=['--cctbx', ] + extra_opts) def add_dispatchers(self): pass def rebuild_docs(self): pass class DIALSBuilder(CCIBuilder): CODEBASES_EXTRA = ['dials', 'xia2'] LIBTBX_EXTRA = ['dials', 'xia2', 'prime', 'iota', '--skip-phenix-dispatchers'] def add_tests(self): self.add_test_command('cctbx_regression.test_nightly') self.add_test_parallel('dials', flunkOnFailure=False, warnOnFailure=True) def add_base(self, extra_opts=[]): super(DIALSBuilder, self).add_base( extra_opts=['--dials', #'--wxpython3' ] + extra_opts) def add_dispatchers(self): pass def rebuild_docs(self): pass class LABELITBuilder(CCIBuilder): CODEBASES_EXTRA = ['labelit'] LIBTBX_EXTRA = ['labelit'] def add_base(self, extra_opts=[]): super(LABELITBuilder, self).add_base( extra_opts=['--labelit'] + extra_opts) def add_tests(self): self.add_test_parallel('labelit', flunkOnFailure=False, warnOnFailure=True) def add_dispatchers(self): pass def rebuild_docs(self): pass class XFELBuilder(CCIBuilder): CODEBASES_EXTRA = [ 'dials', 'labelit', 'cxi_xdr_xes' ] LIBTBX_EXTRA = [ 'dials', 'labelit', 'xfel', 'cxi_xdr_xes', 'prime', 'iota' ] def add_base(self, extra_opts=[]): super(XFELBuilder, self).add_base( extra_opts=['--labelit'] + extra_opts) def add_tests(self): self.add_test_command('cctbx_regression.test_nightly') def add_dispatchers(self): pass def rebuild_docs(self): pass class PhenixBuilder(CCIBuilder): CODEBASES_EXTRA = [ 'chem_data', 'phenix', 'phenix_regression', 'phenix_html', 'phenix_examples', 'labelit', 'Plex', 'PyQuante', 'elbow', 'amber_adaptbx', 'ksdssp', 'pulchra', 'solve_resolve', 'reel', 'gui_resources', 'opt_resources', 'muscle', 'reduce', 'probe', 'king', 'suitename', 'dials', 'xia2', 'phaser', 'phaser_regression', ] HOT_EXTRA = [ ] LIBTBX_EXTRA = [ 'chem_data', 'phenix', 'phenix_regression', 'phenix_examples', 'solve_resolve', 'reel', 'phaser', 'phaser_regression', 'labelit', 'elbow', 'amber_adaptbx', 'reduce', 'probe', 'dials', 'xia2', 'prime', 'iota', ] def add_base(self, extra_opts=[]): super(PhenixBuilder, self).add_base( extra_opts=['--phenix', '--labelit', '--dials' ] + extra_opts) def add_install(self): Builder.add_install(self) #self.rebuild_docs() def rebuild_docs(self): self.add_command('phenix_html.rebuild_docs') def add_tests(self): # Include cctbx tests. self.add_test_command('libtbx.import_all_ext') self.add_test_command('cctbx_regression.test_nightly') # Windows convenience hack. if self.isPlatformWindows(): self.add_test_command('phenix_regression.test_nightly_windows') else: self.add_test_command('phenix_regression.test_nightly') # Other Phenix tests. self.add_test_parallel(module='elbow') self.rebuild_docs() self.add_test_command('phenix_regression.run_p9_sad_benchmark', name="test p9 sad", ) self.add_test_command('phenix_regression.run_hipip_refine_benchmark', name="test hipip", ) # commented out until bugs are fixed #self.add_test_command('phenix_regression.wizards.test_all_parallel', # name="test wizards", # ) run_dials_tests=True if self.isPlatformWindows(): if 'dials' in windows_remove_list: run_dials_tests=False if run_dials_tests: self.add_test_parallel('dials', flunkOnFailure=False, warnOnFailure=True) class PhenixExternalRegression(PhenixBuilder): EXTERNAL_CODEBASES = [ "afitt", "rosetta", "amber", ] def cleanup(self, dirs=None): lt = time.localtime() cleaning = ['dist', 'tests', 'doc', 'tmp', 'base_tmp'] if lt.tm_wday==5: # do a completer build on Saturday night cleaning += ['base', 'build'] PhenixBuilder.cleanup(self, cleaning) def add_tests(self): pass def get_environment(self): # "AMBERHOME" : amberhome, # used to trigger Property on slave environment = {} for env, dirs in envs.items(): environment[env] = os.path.join(*dirs) return environment def write_environment(self, env, filename="setup_externals", ): # called by add_make which is called in build outl = "" for key, path in env.items(): outl += 'setenv %(key)s "%%(PWD)s/../%(path)s"\n' % locals() fname="%s.csh" % filename self.add_step(self.shell(command=[ 'python', '-c', 'import os; open("%s","w").write("""%s""" %% os.environ)' %(fname, outl) ], workdir=['build'], description="save csh external paths", )) outl = "" for key, path in env.items(): outl += 'export %(key)s="%%(PWD)s/../%(path)s"\n' % locals() fname="%s.sh" % filename self.add_step(self.shell(command=[ 'python', '-c', 'import os; open("%s","w").write("""%s""" %% os.environ)' %(fname, outl) ], workdir=['build'], description="save sh external paths", )) def add_make(self): # pre Phenix compile # Amber # Rosetta # AFITT env = self.get_environment() self.write_environment(env) # not universal but works because only slave running this is same as master amber_c_comp = "clang" if sys.platform == "linux2": amber_c_comp = "gnu" for name, command, workdir in [ ['AFITT - untar', ['tar', 'xvf', '%s.gz' % afitt_version], ['modules']], ['Amber update', ["./update_amber", "--update"], [env["AMBERHOME"]]], ['Amber configure', ["./configure", "--no-updates", "-noX11", "-macAccelerate", # ignored if not on Mac "-nofftw3", # because compilers on slave are 4.1 not 4.3 #"-noamber", # this is for the "real" amber amber_c_comp, ], [env["AMBERHOME"]]], ['Amber compile', ["make", "-j", self.nproc, "install"], [env["AMBERHOME"]]], #['Amber clean', ["make", "clean"], [env["AMBERHOME"]]], ['Rosetta - untar', ['tar', 'xvf', '%s.tgz' % rosetta_version], ['modules']], ['Rosetta - link', # not windows compatible ['ln', '-sf', '%s' % rosetta_version, "rosetta"], ['modules']], ['Rosetta compile', ["./scons.py", "-j", self.nproc, #"mode=release", ], ["modules", 'rosetta', "main", "source"]], ]: if self.subcategory: if name.lower().find(self.subcategory)==-1: continue self.add_step(self.shell( name = name, command = command, workdir = workdir, description= "", env = env, )) self.add_refresh() # Phenix compile PhenixBuilder.add_make(self) # post Phenix compile # Amber if self.subcategory in [None, "amber"]: self.add_command( 'phenix.build_amber_interface', name='phenix.build_amber_interface', workdir=['.'], env=env, ) # Rosetta if self.subcategory in [None, "rosetta"]: self.add_command( 'rosetta.build_phenix_interface', args = ["nproc=%s" % self.nproc], name='rosetta.build_phenix_interface', workdir=['.'], env=env, ) def add_tests(self): # amber if self.subcategory in [None, "amber"]: self.add_test_command('amber.run_tests', env = self.get_environment() ) # rosetta refine if self.subcategory in [None, "rosetta"]: self.add_test_command('rosetta.run_tests', env = self.get_environment() ) # MR rosetta if self.subcategory in [None, "rosetta"]: self.add_test_command( 'phenix_regression.wizards.test_command_line_rosetta_quick', name="test rosetta quick all", env = self.get_environment() ) # afitt if self.subcategory in [None, "afitt"]: self.add_test_command('afitt.run_tests', env = self.get_environment() ) # erraser if self.subcategory in [None, "rosetta"]: self.add_test_command('erraser.run_tests', env = self.get_environment() ) def run(root=None): usage = """Usage: %prog [options] [actions] You may specify one or more actions: hot - Update static sources (boost, scons, etc.) update - Update source repositories (cctbx, cbflib, etc.) base - Build base dependencies (python, hdf5, wxWidgets, etc.) build - Build tests - Run tests doc - Build documentation The default action is to run: hot, update, base, build You can specify which package will be downloaded, configured, and built with "--builder". Current builders: cctbx, phenix, xfel, dials, labelit You can provide your SourceForge username with "--sfuser", and your CCI SVN username with "--cciuser". These will checkout and update repositories with your credentials. Some builders, like phenix, require this argument for access to certain repositories. You can run the compilation step in parallel by providing a the number of processes using "--nproc". Complete build output is shown with "-v" or "--verbose". Finally, you may specify a specific Python interpreter using "--with-python". Example: python bootstrap.py --builder=cctbx --sfuser=metalheadd hot update build tests """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) # parser.add_option("--root", help="Root directory; this will contain base, modules, build, etc.") parser.add_option( "--builder", help="Builder: cctbx, phenix, xfel, dials, labelit, molprobity", default="cctbx") parser.add_option("--cciuser", help="CCI SVN username.") parser.add_option("--sfuser", help="SourceForge SVN username.") parser.add_option("--revert", help="SVN string to revert all SVN trees") parser.add_option("--sfmethod", help="SourceForge SVN checkout method.", default="svn+ssh") parser.add_option( "--git-ssh", dest="git_ssh", action="store_true", help="Use ssh connections for git. This allows you to commit changes without changing remotes and use reference repositories.", default=False) parser.add_option( "--git-reference", dest="git_reference", help="Path to a directory containing reference copies of repositories for faster checkouts.") parser.add_option("--with-python", dest="with_python", help="Use specified Python interpreter") parser.add_option("--nproc", help="number of parallel processes in compile step.") parser.add_option("--download-only", dest="download_only", action="store_true", help="Do not build, only download prerequisites", default=False) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose output", default=False) parser.add_option("--skip-base-packages", dest="skip_base", action="store", default="") parser.add_option("--force-base-build", dest="force_base_build", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_option("--enable-shared", dest="enable_shared", action="store_true", default=False) options, args = parser.parse_args() # process external options.specific_external_builder=None if options.builder.lower() in ["afitt", "amber", "rosetta", ]: options.specific_external_builder=options.builder.lower() options.builder="external" # Root dir # options.root = options.root or root # Check actions allowedargs = ['cleanup', 'hot', 'update', 'base', 'build', 'tests', 'doc'] args = args or ['hot', 'update', 'base', 'build'] actions = [] for arg in args: if arg not in allowedargs: raise ValueError("Unknown action: %s"%arg) for arg in allowedargs: if arg in args: actions.append(arg) print "Performing actions:", " ".join(actions) # Check builder builders = { 'cctbx': CCTBXBuilder, 'phenix': PhenixBuilder, 'xfel': XFELBuilder, 'labelit': LABELITBuilder, 'dials': DIALSBuilder, 'external': PhenixExternalRegression, 'molprobity':MOLPROBITYBuilder, } if options.builder not in builders: raise ValueError("Unknown builder: %s"%options.builder) auth = { 'git_ssh': options.git_ssh } if options.cciuser: auth['cciuser'] = options.cciuser if options.sfuser: auth['sfuser'] = options.sfuser if options.sfmethod: auth['sfmethod'] = options.sfmethod # Build builder = builders[options.builder] builder( category=options.builder, subcategory=options.specific_external_builder, platform='dev', with_python=options.with_python, auth=auth, hot=('hot' in actions), update=('update' in actions), revert=options.revert, base=('base' in actions), build=('build' in actions), tests=('tests' in actions), doc=('doc' in actions), cleanup=("cleanup" in actions), nproc=options.nproc, verbose=options.verbose, download_only=options.download_only, skip_base=options.skip_base, force_base_build=options.force_base_build, enable_shared=options.enable_shared, ).run() print "\nBootstrap success: %s" % ", ".join(actions) if __name__ == "__main__": run()