[dibeneditto.com](https://dibeneditto.com/) ⇒ tools [[raw]](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dibeneditto/dibeneditto.github.io/main/tools/README.md) [[edit]](https://github.com/dibeneditto/dibeneditto.github.io/edit/main/tools/README.md) # dibeneditto.com tools A collection of handy online tools that can help with various things. ## tools * [**links: helpful links and useful snippets of code**](/tools/links/) * [define: Biomedical Engineering Dictionary (BMEDIC)](/tools/define/) * [**pretty-text: A simple JavaScript application to automatically format text, HTML, or LaTeX and make text pretty and easier to read.**](/tools/pretty-text/) * [stay-awake flasher: A simple JavaScript application to help you stay awake. Use it while studying, or working.](/tools/stay-awake/) * [words: add to define](/tools/words/)   --- © Lukas W. DiBeneditto, [dibeneditto.com](https://dibeneditto.com/) [[top]](#)