# Contribution Guideline Thanks for considering to contribute this project. All issues and pull requests are highly appreciated. ## Pull Requests Before sending pull request to this project, please read and follow guidelines below. 1. Branch: We only accept pull request on `master` branch. 2. Coding style: Follow the coding style used in this project. 3. Commit message: Use English and be aware of your spell. 4. Test: Make sure to test your code. Add device mode, API version, related log, screenshots and other related information in your pull request if possible. NOTE: We assume all your contribution can be licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](https://github.com/didi/booster/blob/master/LICENSE). ## Issues We love clearly described issues. :) Following information can help us to resolve the issue faster. * Device mode and hardware information. * Operating System information. * API version. * Logs. * Screenshots. * Steps to reproduce the issue.