import os import numpy as np import errno import torchvision.utils as vutils from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter from IPython import display from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import torch ''' TensorBoard Data will be stored in './runs' path ''' class Logger: def __init__(self, model_name, data_name): self.model_name = model_name self.data_name = data_name self.comment = '{}_{}'.format(model_name, data_name) self.data_subdir = '{}/{}'.format(model_name, data_name) # TensorBoard self.writer = SummaryWriter(comment=self.comment) def log(self, d_error, g_error, epoch, n_batch, num_batches): # var_class = torch.autograd.variable.Variable if isinstance(d_error, torch.autograd.Variable): d_error = if isinstance(g_error, torch.autograd.Variable): g_error = step = Logger._step(epoch, n_batch, num_batches) self.writer.add_scalar( '{}/D_error'.format(self.comment), d_error, step) self.writer.add_scalar( '{}/G_error'.format(self.comment), g_error, step) def log_images(self, images, num_images, epoch, n_batch, num_batches, format='NCHW', normalize=True): ''' input images are expected in format (NCHW) ''' if type(images) == np.ndarray: images = torch.from_numpy(images) if format=='NHWC': images = images.transpose(1,3) step = Logger._step(epoch, n_batch, num_batches) img_name = '{}/images{}'.format(self.comment, '') # Make horizontal grid from image tensor horizontal_grid = vutils.make_grid( images, normalize=normalize, scale_each=True) # Make vertical grid from image tensor nrows = int(np.sqrt(num_images)) grid = vutils.make_grid( images, nrow=nrows, normalize=True, scale_each=True) # Add horizontal images to tensorboard self.writer.add_image(img_name, horizontal_grid, step) # Save plots self.save_torch_images(horizontal_grid, grid, epoch, n_batch) def save_torch_images(self, horizontal_grid, grid, epoch, n_batch, plot_horizontal=True): out_dir = './data/images/{}'.format(self.data_subdir) Logger._make_dir(out_dir) # Plot and save horizontal fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16)) plt.imshow(np.moveaxis(horizontal_grid.numpy(), 0, -1)) plt.axis('off') if plot_horizontal: display.display(plt.gcf()) self._save_images(fig, epoch, n_batch, 'hori') plt.close() # Save squared fig = plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.moveaxis(grid.numpy(), 0, -1)) plt.axis('off') self._save_images(fig, epoch, n_batch) plt.close() def _save_images(self, fig, epoch, n_batch, comment=''): out_dir = './data/images/{}'.format(self.data_subdir) Logger._make_dir(out_dir) fig.savefig('{}/{}_epoch_{}_batch_{}.png'.format(out_dir, comment, epoch, n_batch)) def display_status(self, epoch, num_epochs, n_batch, num_batches, d_error, g_error, d_pred_real, d_pred_fake): # var_class = torch.autograd.variable.Variable if isinstance(d_error, torch.autograd.Variable): d_error = if isinstance(g_error, torch.autograd.Variable): g_error = if isinstance(d_pred_real, torch.autograd.Variable): d_pred_real = if isinstance(d_pred_fake, torch.autograd.Variable): d_pred_fake = print('Epoch: [{}/{}], Batch Num: [{}/{}]'.format( epoch,num_epochs, n_batch, num_batches) ) print('Discriminator Loss: {:.4f}, Generator Loss: {:.4f}'.format(d_error, g_error)) print('D(x): {:.4f}, D(G(z)): {:.4f}'.format(d_pred_real.mean(), d_pred_fake.mean())) def save_models(self, generator, discriminator, epoch): out_dir = './data/models/{}'.format(self.data_subdir) Logger._make_dir(out_dir), '{}/G_epoch_{}'.format(out_dir, epoch)), '{}/D_epoch_{}'.format(out_dir, epoch)) def close(self): self.writer.close() # Private Functionality @staticmethod def _step(epoch, n_batch, num_batches): return epoch * num_batches + n_batch @staticmethod def _make_dir(directory): try: os.makedirs(directory) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise