io.github.diegopvlk.Dosage.desktop CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-only Diego Povliuk Diego Povliuk io.github.diegopvlk.Dosage.desktop dosage Dosage Keep track of your treatments

Easily manage track treatments with Dosage: Notifications, History, Multiple Doses, Flexible Frequency, Customization, Stock Monitoring, and Duration Control


  • Notifications — Get reminders at the right time
  • History — See which medications you took, skipped or missed
  • Dosage management — Multiple doses with different times
  • Frequency modes — Every day, specific days, cycle or just when necessary
  • Color and icon — Give a shape for your treatment
  • Inventory tracking — Monitor your stock and get reminded when it's low
  • Duration — Define the start and end dates
#e4e9fc #5e6490 Dosage today window in light theme Dosage preferences window in light theme Dosage edit treatment window in light theme Dosage today window in dark theme
  • Fixed an issue that was removing some recent history entries when auto-clear history was on
  • Improvements and fixed issues with displayed time
  • Fixed an issue with low stock notifications
  • Added Bulgarian translation
  • Notifications are now grouped by the same time
  • You can now select the time group in today tab (by clicking on title time)
  • Ported dialogs to the new Adwaita Adaptive Dialogs
  • Added German translation
  • Added Hindi translation
  • Fixed repeated notifications after confirming/skipping
  • Fixed crash related to history
  • Fixes for history issues
  • It's now possible to edit history entries
  • New preference to auto-clear history
  • New row style for select frequency
  • New row style for select date
  • New badge style for history confirmed item
  • (Snap) Added a preference to disable auto-start
  • Fixes, improvements and translation updates
  • Added Czech translation
  • Added Portuguese (Portugal) translation
  • Fixed UI issues with right-to-left languages
  • Fixed duration date showing if the frequency was 'When necessary'
  • The start date will now shown on treatment list
  • New: when selecting a today treatment, you can now change it's dose
  • Fixed an issue of treatment being marked as missed if had multiple doses, was removed from history and confirmed again
  • Fixed an issue with suspension
  • Small bug fix
  • Fixed an issue of treatments not being confirmed or skipped when using the notification button
  • Fixed an issue when adding a treatment using one-time entry with the today date being marked as missed if the time was the same from today list
  • UI improvements
  • Added release version history to about window
  • New: the cycle next active date will be displayed on inactive days (on treatment list)
  • New: option to add one-time entry as confirmed, skipped or missed
  • Fixed issues with cycle mode and missed items
  • Added Finnish translation (by Jiri Grönroos)
  • New feature: track missed items, when forgetting to confirm/skip the treatment will go to history as missed
  • UI changes, improvements and fixes
  • Fixed notification sound being played on suspension event
  • Fixed duration date text not being shown in local time
  • Slight changed background color of dark theme
  • Added a preference for notification sound
  • Added purism form factor tag for mobile
  • Fixed today page reload sometimes being delayed at midnight
  • Added Dutch translation (by Heimen Stoffels)
  • Fixed a problem with loading a treatment without recurring notification
  • Updated translations
  • Added a preference to disable notification buttons
  • Minor changes to treatment list and other minor fixes
  • Added a donate link in the about window - details
  • Added Belarusian translation (by Yahor Haurylenka)
  • Updated translations
  • Added notification buttons to confirm or skip
  • When inventory is enabled, it will always be visible on treatment list
  • Added an icon for when it's all done for today
  • Some minor fixes
  • New: custom interval for recurring notifications
  • Added Spanish translation (by Sergio Varela)
  • Added Turkish translation (by Sabri Ünal)
  • New feature: recurring notifications
  • Fixed specific days not showing correctly on treatment list
  • Changed notification style and added the time to it
  • Added a description for notification priority
  • Added Russian and Ukrainian translations (by Vovkiv)
  • Added French translation (by Xenelio)
  • Added Norwegian Bokmål translation (by Allan Nordhøy)
  • Added Swedish translation (by skøldis)
  • Added Italian translation (by Albano Battistella)
  • Fixed notifications being delayed after suspension
  • Fixed notifications being sent more than once after saving an existing treatment
  • Added a label to show the frequency on treatments list
  • Brazilian translation updated
  • Initial Release