
The description should help users understand the content of the tracks and reviews the concepts or analysis represented. Often a publication abstract can provide a good description.

Example text: This track represents the Ensembl Regulatory Annotation of regional function and activity in each of 17 human cell types. The Ensembl Regulatory Build provides a genome-wide set of regions that are likely to be involved in gene regulation. These regions are classified into six functional types (see below).

Display Conventions and Configuration

This section describes track configuration controls, or any special display conventions such as the meaning of different colors in your tracks.

Example text: The colours used for each of the functional classification follow the agreed ENCODE segmentation standard:

(Example from the Ensembl Regulatory Build Public Hub)


This section describes the methods used to generate and analyze the data and helps users understand how the track data was produced and sometimes has subsections if useful.

Example text:


Credits list the individuals and/or organizations who contributed to the collection and analysis of the data. Be sure to include a preferred contact email address for users who have questions concerning the data.

Example text: Data were generated and processed at the X Institute. For inquiries, please contact us at the following address: info (at)


This section describes relevant literature references and/or websites that provide background or supporting information about the data. Can be filled in with getTrackReferences.

Example Text: Zerbino DR, Johnson N, Juetteman T, Sheppard D, Wilder SP, Lavidas I, Nuhn M, Perry E, Raffaillac- Desfosses Q, Sobral D et al. Ensembl regulation resources. Database (Oxford). 2016;2016. PMID: 26888907; PMC: PMC4756621