# the paths below assume youre are running the test # from withing Baltica directory path: /home/tbrittoborges/sirv_test/ # full path to the alignment files sample_path: /home/tbrittoborges/Baltica/data/ samples: mix1_1: mix1_1.bam mix2_1: mix2_1.bam mix3_1: mix3_1.bam mix1_2: mix1_2.bam mix2_2: mix2_2.bam mix3_2: mix3_2.bam mix1_3: mix1_3.bam mix2_3: mix2_3.bam mix3_3: mix3_3.bam mix1_4: mix1_4.bam mix2_4: mix2_4.bam mix3_4: mix3_4.bam mix1_5: mix1_5.bam mix2_5: mix2_5.bam mix3_5: mix3_5.bam # which comparison should we make? # in the format case-vs-control # conditions groups are extracted from '{group}_{replicate}' contrasts: mix2-vs-mix1: - mix2 - mix1 mix3-vs-mix1: - mix3 - mix1 mix3-vs-mix2: - mix3 - mix2 assembly: GRCh38_90 # In case of doubt, please RSeQC infer_experiment result strandness: fr-firststrand # If the read length is variable, use the maximum value read_len: 101 # full path to the reference transcriptome model ref: /home/tbrittoborges/Baltica/data/SIRV.gtf # full path to the reference sequence ref_fa: /home/tbrittoborges/Baltica/data/SIRV.fa # Leafcutter-specific parameters leafcutter_min_samples_per_group: 3 leafcutter_min_samples_per_intron: 5 leafcutter_min_coverage: 20 leafcutter_min_cluster_reads: 30 leafcutter_max_intron_length: 500000 # Majiq-specific parametes majiq_non_changing_threshold: 0.05 majiq_threshold: 0.2 majiq_minreads: 5 # adjusted p-value threshold for LeafCutter and JunctionSeq fdr: 0.05