--- attribution: crown-copyright collection: central-activities-zone consideration: central-activty-zones dataset: central-activities-zone description: '' end-date: '' entity-maximum: '2299999' entity-minimum: '2200000' entry-date: '' fields: - field: description - field: documentation-url - field: end-date - field: entity - field: entry-date - field: geometry - field: name - field: notes - field: organisation - field: point - field: prefix - field: reference - field: start-date key-field: '' licence: ogl3 name: Central activities zone paint-options: '' phase: beta plural: Central activities zones prefix: '' realm: dataset replacement-dataset: '' start-date: '' themes: - development typology: geography version: 1.0 wikidata: '' wikipedia: '' --- The [Greater London Authority](https://www.london.gov.uk/) (GLA) designates a central area of London with [implications for planning](https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/planning/implementing-london-plan/london-plan-guidance-and-spgs/central-activities-zone) This dataset combines data provided by the GLA with the boundary from the individual London boroughs.