--- layout: default parent: 30 Teaching Processes grand_parent: Teaching nav_exclude: true template: true --- # 30.11 Seminar template Field | Value --- | --- Title | TODO Lecturer | TODO Link: VC | TODO Link: Website | TODO Status | ⟳ in-preparation ## Process **TODO**: set deadline etc. - Flexnow: Seminars must be created for each semester (decentral exams), a seminar paper and presentation are mandatory - Grading: the secretary registers students for the seminar, enters grades, and submits them online. ## 1. Announce the seminar (4 months before) Start: December (summer term), May (winter term) - [ ] Professor: Announce seminar on the website for the next semester (without dates/rooms). - [ ] Secretary: Create the course in Flexnow. - [ ] Secretary: Update information in Univis (**add keywords „WI-Seminar“ and „WI-Seminare“**), check information on the website. - Note: If the course is mentioned on the website, it should automatically be announced in the [Fachschaft WIAI newsletter](https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/course/view.php?id=284){: target="_blank"}{: target="_blank"} Deadline: mid-May (summer term), December/January (winter term) ## 2. Prepare the seminar (1 month before) Start: March (summer term), September (winter term) - [ ] Secretary and Professor: Set dates and request lecture rooms. - [ ] IT department: Create the VC course, two weeks before the semester starts (automatically based on Univis). - [ ] Professor: Create a reminder for the evaluations. - [ ] Secretary: Add moderator and session dates in VC. - [ ] Professor: Activate course in VC (visible to students). Deadline: April (summer term), October (winter term) ## 3. Offer the seminar Start: April (summer term), October (winter term) - [ ] Professor: Schedule evaluations in the pen-ultimate week ([30.21.evaluations]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/30-teaching/30_processes/30.21.evaluations.html)). - [ ] Professor (Secretary): Prepare the exams (Deadline: day of the exam), information is typically provided one month before the semester ends (E-Mail: "Prüferbestellung"). Check whether points add up, whether the number of points per task is consistent with the grading expectations - e.g., "list two examples" should correspond to 2 or 4 points. (**TODO: where to store the exam**). Review the exam for typos. Print it and prepare the exam materials. Add the date of the exam to the calendar and prepare to hand it over personally. - [ ] Scheine ([Formular](https://www.uni-bamberg.de/ism/studium/anmeldung-scheinklausur/){: target="_blank"}), Scheinklausur-anmeldungen bei Erstellung der Klausurbögen berücksichtigen ## 4. Grading and documentation Grading - [ ] Create reminder for the deadline. - [ ] Use the [grading scripts](https://github.com/digital-work-lab/handbook/tree/main/src/grading){: target="_blank"} to assign grades and prepare Flexnow import - [ ] Have failed exams reviewed by a second professor (?) Entering Grades into Flexnow - [ ] Secretary: [Enter grades in Flexnow](../30_processes/30.15.flexnow.html#entering-grades) (or create certificates if exam is not yet available in FlexNOW ([script](https://github.com/digital-work-lab/handbook/tree/main/src/scheine))). - [ ] Professor: Archive grades presentation protocols (projects and seminars: digital is sufficient) at [14.03](https://nc-2272638881871040784.nextcloud-ionos.com/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/10-lab/14_grades/03_seminars&fileid=72){: target="_blank"}. Sending exams to the examination office - [ ] Professor: Exams are sent to the examination office (in person): [Silke Nüßlein](https://univis.uni-bamberg.de/prg?search=persons&show=info&department=322130&fullname=Silke+Nue%C3%9Flein){: target="_blank"}, Kapuzinerstr. 25, 00.01 Documentation - [ ] Professor: Analyse the evaluations, store the files, and document the improvements (see [evaluations]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/30-teaching/30_processes/30.21.evaluations.html)). - [ ] Professor: [Report]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/30-teaching/30_processes/30.20.reports.html) teaching efforts at the end of the semester. Deadline: End of August (summer term), March (winter term)