country,import_restrictions,prohibit_use,license_use,provide_keys BF,,,, CD,,,, ET,,,, KE,no ,,, LR,,,, ML,,,, MZ,,,, RW,,no,no, SO,,,, SS,,,, SD,,,, TZ,,,, UG,,,, ZM,,,, ZW,,,, EG,License required for importation,"Egyptian Telecommunication Regulation Law, no. 10 of 2003",, TN,License required/ total ban,Order no. 2001-2727 ,License required for all users of encryption,yes LY,,,, YE,,,, SY,,no,no, AF,,,, BD,,,, KH,no ,,, IQ,Total ban,yes,, MM,Total ban,yes,, PS,,,, AL,,,, BY,Total ban,yes,yes, BA,,,, GE,,,, XK,,,, MD,License required for importation ,,License likely required from the Ministry of National Security, RU,Total ban,yes,License required for all users and it's issued by the Federal Security Service, RS,,,, TR,no ,no,no, UA,License required for importation,,License required for all users and it's issued by the Department of Special Telecommunication Systems, BO,,,, CO,no ,no,no, GT,,,,