function data = CWA_readFile(filename, varargin) % % NOTES: % * .AXES returns [time Ax Ay Az] or [time Ax Ay Az Gx Gy Gz]. % * The accelerometer values are scaled to units of 'g' (9.81 m/s/s). % * The gyro values are scaled to units of degrees/sec. % * This Matlab importer does not (yet) verify the per-sector checksum. % % DATA = CWA_readFile(FILENAME, [OPTIONS]) % % Reads in an CWA binary file. % Returns a struct filled with data. % % Input arguments: % FILENAME Path to CWA file % % OPTIONS: % % 'info' If set to 1, just reads information % from file. Such as start time of % logging, sensor id, etc. (see example % below) % % 'packetInfo' A Nx3 matrix containing pre-read % packet locations, timestamps and % timestamp offsets (produced by % info-mode). % % 'startTime' Use this combined with 'stopTime' for % sliced reading. i.e. read all samples % from startTime to stopTime. Has to be % given in Matlab-time format (see % example below) % % 'stopTime' See above. % % 'modality' A three element vector [1, 1, 1] that % indicates which sensor modalities to % extract. Order is: % [ AXES (time+accel+gyro), LIGHT, TEMP ] % % 'verbose' Print out debug messages about % progress. % % 'useC' Attempt to speed up parsing of samples and % timestamps by relying on external % c-code (parseDate.c). Requires compilation % using mex-interface or pre-compiled % binaries (.mexXXX files). % % 'step' (NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED) % Skip samples (1 = no skipping), % inefficient for small numbers that are not 1. % % % EXAMPLES: % % Reading file information: % >> fileinfo = CWA_readFile('foobar.cwa', 'info', 1, 'useC', 1) % fileinfo = % packetInfo: [991997x3 double] % start: [1x1 struct] % stop: [1x1 struct] % deviceId: 33 % sessionId: 0 % >> fileinfo.start % ans = % mtime: 7.3492e+05 % str: '22-Oct-2019 12:56:25' % % subsequent read of slice using pre-read packet info: % >> data = CWA_readFile('foobar.cwa', ... % 'packetInfo', fileinfo.packetInfo, ... % 'startTime', datenum('22-Oct-2019 00:00:00'), ... % 'stopTime', datenum('23-Oct-2019 00:00:00')); % % >> data = % packetInfo: [73059x5 double] % AXES: [8766736x4 double] % ACC: [8766736x4 double] % % data.AXES will be [time Ax Ay Az] for accelerometer-only recordings % or [time Ax Ay Az Gx Gy Gz] for accel + gyro. % % data.ACC will be [time Ax Ay Az] for backwards compatibility with AX3_readFile % % v0.1 % Dan Jackson, 2019-2020 % derived from AX3 loader by Nils Hammerla, 2012 % % data = CWA_readFile('CWA-DATA.CWA'); % t = datetime(data.AXES(:,1), 'ConvertFrom', 'datenum'); clear plot; hold on; yyaxis left; plot(t, data.AXES(:,2),'r'); plot(t, data.AXES(:,3),'g'); plot(t, data.AXES(:,4),'b'); yyaxis right; plot(t, data.AXES(:,5),'c'); plot(t, data.AXES(:,6),'m'); plot(t, data.AXES(:,7),'y'); hold off; % % Copyright (c) 2012-2020, Newcastle University, UK. % All rights reserved. % % Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without % modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: % 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, % this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. % 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, % this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation % and/or other materials provided with the distribution. % % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" % AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE % IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE % ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE % LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR % CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF % SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS % INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN % CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) % ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE % POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. % % parse arguments p = inputParser; % define optional arguments with default values addOptional(p,'info',0,@isnumeric); % just get file-info? addOptional(p,'packetInfo',0,@isnumeric); % pre-read packet info addOptional(p,'startTime',-1,@isnumeric); % start time (matlab) addOptional(p,'stopTime',-1,@isnumeric); % stop time (matlab) addOptional(p,'verbose',0,@isnumeric); % print out progress addOptional(p,'useC',0,@isnumeric); % use external c-code for date conversion addOptional(p,'modality',[1 0 1], @isnumeric); % specify modality [AXES LIGHT TEMP] addOptional(p,'step',1, @isnumeric); % specify step size (default 1), this is inefficient for small numbers other than 1 % parse varargin parse(p,varargin{:}); % dispatch if > 0 data = readFileInfo(filename, p.Results); else data = readFile(filename, p.Results); end end function metadata = cwaMetadata(metadataBytes) function ret = urldecode(str) function hex = isHex(char) %hexChars = ['0':'9' 'A':'F' 'a':'f'] char = double(char); hex = (char >= double('0') && char <= double('9')) || (char >= double('A') && char <= double('F')) || (char >= double('a') && char <= double('f')); end ret = []; ofs = 1; while ofs <= length(str) if double(str(ofs)) == double('%') && length(str) > ofs+2 && isHex(str(ofs+1)) && isHex(str(ofs+2)) %sprintf('%s%c', ret, char(hex2dec(str((ofs+1):(ofs+2))))); ret = [ret hex2dec(str((ofs+1):(ofs+2)))]; %#ok ofs = ofs + 3; elseif double(str(ofs)) == double('+') ret = [ret 32]; %#ok ofs = ofs + 1; else % not matched as hex %ret = sprintf('%s%c', ret, str(ofs)); ret = [ret str(ofs)]; %#ok ofs = ofs + 1; end end ret = native2unicode(ret, 'UTF-8'); end function params = decodeParams(str) params = {}; str = str.'; %disp(urldecode(str)); if ~isempty(str) && str(1) == double('?') % Skip initial '?' str = str(2:end); end breakIndexes = find(str(:)==double('&')).'; breakIndexes = [1-1 breakIndexes length(str)+1]; for idx = 2:length(breakIndexes) pair = str(breakIndexes(idx-1)+1:breakIndexes(idx)-1); equals = find(pair(:) == double('=')); if isempty(equals) equals = length(pair) + 1; else equals = equals(1); end key = pair(1:(equals-1)); if equals + 1 <= length(pair) value = pair(equals + 1:end); else value = []; end key = urldecode(key); value = urldecode(value); params{end+1} = struct('key', key, 'value', value); %#ok end end % Trim end (0x00, 0xFF, or ' ') while ~isempty(metadataBytes) && (double(metadataBytes(end)) == 32 || double(metadataBytes(end)) == 0 || double(metadataBytes(end)) == 255) metadataBytes = metadataBytes(1:end-1); end params = decodeParams(metadataBytes); keySet = {}; % zeros(1, length(params)); valueSet = {}; % zeros(1, length(params)); for i = 1:length(params) keySet{i} = params{i}.key; %#ok valueSet{i} = params{i}.value; %#ok end metadata = containers.Map(keySet,valueSet,'UniformValues',false); % num2cell(valueSet) end function data = readData(fid, packetInfo, options) if options.verbose fprintf('preparing to read data\n'); end % get the timestamps for each sample for interpolation later % ... with positive timestamp offset (packet where clock flicked over to current time) %packetIds = find(packetInfo(:,3) > 0); packetSampleCount = packetInfo(:,4); packetSampleOffset = [0; cumsum(packetSampleCount)]; packetSampleOffset = packetSampleOffset(1:end-1); % now, use timestamp offset to get (sample) position on which timestamp occurred (40/80/120 samples per packet). % TIME will be used for interpolation of other timestamps (offset, timestamp) TIME = [packetSampleOffset+double(packetInfo(:,3)) packetInfo(:,2)]; % TIME_full just contains integer packet numbers for LIGHT and TEMP. %TIME_full = [packetIds packetInfo(:,2)]; % Number of samples numActualSamples = packetSampleOffset(end) + packetSampleCount(end); numSamples = floor(numActualSamples / options.step); % Scale packetNumAxesBps = packetInfo(:,6); packetLightScale = bitand(packetInfo(:,7), 64512); % 0b1111110000000000 numAxisBps = packetNumAxesBps(1); scaleCode = packetLightScale(1); % 0x32 (top nibble: number of axes, 3=Axyz, 6=Gxyz/Axyz, 9=Gxyz/Axyz/Mxyz; bottom nibble: packing format - 2 = 3x 16-bit signed, 0 = 3x 10-bit signed + 2-bit exponent) axes = bitshift(numAxisBps, -4); packing = bitand(numAxisBps, 15); if packing ~= 2 && (packing ~= 0 || (packing == 0 && axes ~= 3)) fprintf('Error: Unknown packing format %f.\n', numAxisBps); data = []; return; end if axes ~= 3 && axes ~= 6 fprintf('Warning: Unexpected number of axes may not be fully supported: %f.\n', axes); end % Which IDs to read validIds = packetInfo(:,1); validIds = validIds(packetNumAxesBps==numAxisBps); validIds = validIds(packetLightScale==scaleCode); if length(validIds) < length(packetInfo(:,1)) fprintf('Warning: Only reading %f of %f sector(s) as the other %f was/were of another format.\n', length(validIds), length(packetInfo(:,1)), length(packetInfo(:,1)) - length(validIds)); end % AAAGGGxxxxxxxxxx top three bits are unpacked accel scale (1/2^(8+n) g); next three bits are gyro scale (8000/2^n dps) accScale = 1 / pow2(8 + bitshift(scaleCode, -13)); gyrScale = (8000 / pow2(bitand(bitshift(scaleCode, -10), 7))) / 32768; % see what modalities to extract... data = zeros(numSamples, axes + 1); if packing == 0 % Packed format dataRaw = zeros(numSamples, 1, 'uint32'); else dataRaw = zeros(numSamples, axes, 'int16'); end if options.verbose fprintf('reading data\n'); end if options.step == 1 % for each packet in valid packets, read samples for i=1:length(validIds) try % read values fseek(fid,(validIds(i)-1)*512+30,-1); dataOffset = packetSampleOffset(i) + 1; % dataOffset = (i-1)*dataCount+1; dataCount = packetSampleCount(i); % dataCount = 40|80|120; if packing == 0 % Packed format dataRaw(dataOffset:(dataOffset+dataCount-1),1) = fread(fid, dataCount, 'uint32',0,'ieee-le'); else % reads shorts (16 bit). dataRaw(dataOffset:(dataOffset+dataCount-1),1:axes) = fread(fid, [axes,dataCount], 'int16=>int16',0,'ieee-le')'; end catch err fprintf('Warning: problem during data read: %s - %s\n', err.identifier, err.message); %rethrow err; end end else disp 'Error: Stepped reading not currently supported.'; data = []; return; end if options.verbose > 0 fprintf('scaling\n'); end if axes == 3 && packing == 0 % Packed format % calls external c-code to unpack values (for speed pass on full block instead of loop) if options.useC data(:,2:4) = parseValueBlock(dataRaw)' .* accScale; else % Stored accel packed into DWORD data(:,2:4) = double(parseValueBlockML(dataRaw)) .* accScale; end else if axes >= 6 % Stored Gx,Gy,Gz,Ax,Ay,Az data(:,5:7) = double(dataRaw(:,1:3)) * gyrScale; data(:,2:4) = double(dataRaw(:,4:6)) * accScale; elseif axes >= 3 % Stored Ax,Ay,Az data(:,2:4) = double(dataRaw(:,1:3)) * accScale; end end clear dataRaw; % clear some memory if options.verbose fprintf('Calculating timestamps.\n'); end % interpolate using TIME, linearly between known sample-based timestamp locations. % clean TIME so that they are in strict monotonic order TIME = TIME([diff(TIME(:,1))~=0 ; true],:); data(:,1) = interp1(TIME(:,1),TIME(:,2),1:size(data,1),'linear','extrap'); % clean up cases outside of known timestamps %data = data(data(:,1)>0,:); end function data = readFile(filename, options) % read data from file according to specified options % open file fid = fopen(filename); if options.verbose fprintf('reading file: %s\n', filename); end % check if we have pre-read packet information... if length(options.packetInfo) == 1 % we don't, so read information data.packetInfo = getPacketInfo(fid, options); else % get the valid packet position from the given matrix data.packetInfo = options.packetInfo; end % get relevant parts of data if sliced reading enabled % % pre-set boundaries first = 1; last = size(data.packetInfo,1); % if startTime & stopTime given, get slice of data if options.startTime > 0 && options.stopTime > 0 if options.verbose > 0 fprintf('Finding relevant packets from %s to %s.\n',datestr(options.startTime),datestr(options.stopTime)); end % find relevant parts of valid packets (second column = matlab-timestamp) timeList = find(data.packetInfo(:,2) >= options.startTime & data.packetInfo(:,2) <= options.stopTime); if isempty(timeList) fprintf('No packets found in desired time-range! Aborting.\n'); end first = timeList(1); last = timeList(end); clear timeList; end % filter positions for period of interest data.packetInfo = data.packetInfo(first:last,:); % check if any packets are left... if isempty(data.packetInfo) fprintf('Warning: no data after filtering for start and stop dates given.\n'); %fclose(fid); %return end % Get all 'AX' packet ids seekType = hex2dec('5841'); %packetIds = (1:length(packetInfo))'; packetHeaders = data.packetInfo(:,5); packetIds = find(packetHeaders==seekType); if isempty(packetIds) fprintf('Warning: no data packets found.\n'); %fclose(fid); %return end packetInfo = data.packetInfo(packetIds,:); % see what modalities to extract... if options.modality(1) data.AXES = readData(fid, packetInfo, options); % For backwards-compatibility with AX3_readFile, store accelerometer-only data to data.ACC data.ACC = data.AXES(:,1:4); end if options.modality(2) if options.verbose fprintf('processing light data\n'); end lightRaw = [ packetInfo(:,2) packetInfo(:,7) ]; lightRaw(:,2) = bitand(lightRaw(:,2), 1023); % TODO: AX6 and AX3 have different raw scales data.LIGHT = lightRaw; end if options.modality(3) if options.verbose fprintf('processing temperature data\n'); end % Read timestamped data tempRaw = [ packetInfo(:,2) packetInfo(:,8) ]; % Mask bottom 10 bits tempRaw(:,2) = bitand(tempRaw(:,2), 1023); % Scale from raw tempRaw(:,2) = tempRaw(:,2) .* (75.0 / 256) - 50; % Assign to output data.TEMP = tempRaw; end % close the file, done. fclose(fid); end function packetInfo = getPacketInfo(fid, options) % read all the valid ids (packets in file) % get length of file in bytes fseek(fid,0,1); % goto eof lengthBytes = ftell(fid); % get position fseek(fid,0,-1); % rewind numPackets = floor(lengthBytes / 512); % number of packets % Now reading headers and timestamps, etc. % get headers if options.verbose fprintf('reading headers\n'); end fseek(fid,0,-1); packetHeaders = fread(fid, numPackets, 'uint16=>uint16',510,'ieee-le'); % get timestamps if options.verbose fprintf('reading fractional\n'); end fseek(fid,4,-1); packetTimestampFractional = fread(fid, numPackets, 'uint16=>uint16',510,'ieee-le'); if options.verbose fprintf('reading timestamps\n'); end fseek(fid,14,-1); packetTimestamps = fread(fid, numPackets, 'uint32=>uint32',508,'ieee-le'); if options.verbose fprintf('reading light/scale\n'); end fseek(fid,18,-1); packetLightScale = fread(fid,numPackets,'uint16=>uint16',510,'ieee-le'); if options.verbose fprintf('reading temperature\n'); end fseek(fid,20,-1); packetTemperature = fread(fid,numPackets,'uint16=>uint16',510,'ieee-le'); if options.verbose fprintf('reading packing\n'); end fseek(fid,25,-1); packetNumAxesBps = fread(fid, numPackets, 'uint8=>uint8',511); if options.verbose fprintf('reading offsets\n'); end fseek(fid,26,-1); packetOffsets = fread(fid,numPackets,'int16=>int16',510,'ieee-le'); if options.verbose fprintf('reading sample counts\n'); end fseek(fid,28,-1); packetSampleCount = fread(fid,numPackets,'uint16=>uint16',510,'ieee-le'); if options.verbose fprintf('reading rate code\n'); end fseek(fid,24,-1); sampleRateCode = fread(fid, numPackets, 'uint8=>uint8',511); % find valid packets if options.verbose fprintf('finding valid packets\n'); end validIds = 1:size(packetHeaders,1); %seekType = hex2dec('5841'); % little endian: 0x41 'A', 0x58 = 'X'. %validIds = find(packetHeaders==seekType); % return ids and timestamps if options.verbose fprintf('parsing timestamps\n'); end packetInfo = zeros(length(validIds),8); packetInfo(:,1) = validIds; % Use original deviceId field bottom 15-bits as 16-bit fractional time packetTimestampFractional = bitand(packetTimestampFractional, 32767) .* 2; % Undo backwards-compatible shift, as we have a true fractional, by calculating how many whole samples the fractional part of timestamp accounts for. freq = floor(3200 ./ bitshift(1, 15 - bitand(sampleRateCode, 15))); % frequency (3200/(1<<(15-(rate & 0x0f)))) Hz shift = floor((double(packetTimestampFractional) .* freq) / 65536); packetOffsets = double(packetOffsets) + shift; %timestampOffset += (packetTimestampFractional * freq) // 65536 # undo the backwards-compatible shift % Convert 1/65536ths of a second to fractional MATLAB timestamps tsf = double(packetTimestampFractional(validIds)) ./ (65536 * 24 * 60 * 60); % Parse packed timestamps for i=1:length(validIds) ts = packetTimestamps(validIds(i)); if options.useC date = datenum(parseDate(ts)); else date = parseDateML(ts); end packetInfo(i,2) = date + tsf(i); end packetInfo(:,3) = packetOffsets(validIds); packetInfo(:,4) = packetSampleCount(validIds); packetInfo(:,5) = packetHeaders(validIds); packetInfo(:,6) = packetNumAxesBps(validIds); packetInfo(:,7) = packetLightScale(validIds); packetInfo(:,8) = packetTemperature(validIds); end function data = readFileInfo(filename, options) % read file general info % open file fid = fopen(filename); %cleanfid = onCleanup(@()fclose(fid)); % @64 +448 Scratch buffer / meta-data (448 ASCII characters, ignore trailing 0x20/0x00/0xff bytes, url-encoded UTF-8 name-value pairs) [bytes, count] = fread(fid, 512); if count ~= 512 disp('Warning: File header could not be read'); elseif bytes(1) ~= double('M') || bytes(2) ~= double('D') disp('Warning: File header is not valid'); else % Read device type (23=AX3, 100=AX6) data.hardwareType = bytes(5); if data.hardwareType == 0 || data.hardwareType == 255 data.hardwareType = 23; % 0x17/23 = AX3 (or if 0x00/0xFF), 0x64/100 = AX6 end data.deviceId = (bytes(7) * 256) + bytes(6); if bytes(12) ~= 255 || bytes(13) ~= 255 data.deviceId = data.deviceId + (bytes(13) * 256 * 256 * 256) + (bytes(12) * 256 * 256); end data.sessionId = (bytes(11) * 256 * 256 * 256) + (bytes(10) * 256 * 256) + (bytes(9) * 256) + bytes(8); metadataBytes = bytes(65:512); data.metadata = cwaMetadata(metadataBytes); end % read valid packet positions data.packetInfo = getPacketInfo(fid, options); % Only 'AX' packet ids are valid seekType = hex2dec('5841'); % get time of first valid packet firstId = find(data.packetInfo(:,5) == seekType, 1, 'first'); if not(isempty(firstId)) data.start.mtime = data.packetInfo(firstId, 2); data.start.str = datestr(data.start.mtime); data.start.datetime = datetime(data.start.mtime, 'ConvertFrom', 'datenum'); end % get time of last valid packet lastId = find(data.packetInfo(:,5) == seekType, 1, 'last'); if not(isempty(lastId)) data.stop.mtime = data.packetInfo(lastId, 2); data.stop.str = datestr(data.stop.mtime); data.stop.datetime = datetime(data.stop.mtime, 'ConvertFrom', 'datenum'); end % close the file fclose(fid); end % Packed accelerometer values % Matlab version by Dan Jackson, 2012 function res = parseValueBlockML(value) % 32-bit packed value (The bits in bytes [3][2][1][0]: eezzzzzz zzzzyyyy yyyyyyxx xxxxxxxx, e = binary exponent, lsb on right) e = int32(2 .^ bitshift(value, -30)); x = int32(bitand( value , 1023)); x = e .* (x - (int32(1024) .* int32(x >= 512))); y = int32(bitand(bitshift(value, -10), 1023)); y = e .* (y - (int32(1024) .* int32(y >= 512))); z = int32(bitand(bitshift(value, -20), 1023)); z = e .* (z - (int32(1024) .* int32(z >= 512))); res = [x y z]; end function dat = parseDateML(t) persistent lastvalue; persistent lastdatearr; persistent lastreturn; if isempty(lastdatearr) lastdatearr = zeros(1,6); end if (not(isempty(lastvalue)) && t == lastvalue) % do nothing elseif (not(isempty(lastvalue)) && t == lastvalue + 1) lastdatearr(6) = lastdatearr(6) + 1; lastreturn = datenum(lastdatearr); % lastreturn = lastreturn + (1 / 60 / 60 / 24); % accumulates a small error else %%% 'idivide' version -- think this fixes potential problems with initial version lastdatearr(1) = idivide(t, 67108864, 'floor') + 2000; % #define OM_DATETIME_YEAR(dateTime) ((unsigned int)((unsigned char)(((dateTime) >> 26) & 0x3f)) + 2000) /**< Extract the year from a packed date/time value. @hideinitializer */ lastdatearr(2) = mod(idivide(t, 4194304, 'floor'), 16); % #define OM_DATETIME_MONTH(dateTime) ((unsigned char)(((dateTime) >> 22) & 0x0f)) /**< Extract the month (1-12) from a packed date/time value. @hideinitializer */ lastdatearr(3) = mod(idivide(t, 131072, 'floor'), 32); % #define OM_DATETIME_DAY(dateTime) ((unsigned char)(((dateTime) >> 17) & 0x1f)) /**< Extract the day (1-31) from a packed date/time value. @hideinitializer */ lastdatearr(4) = mod(idivide(t, 4096, 'floor'), 32); % #define OM_DATETIME_HOURS(dateTime) ((unsigned char)(((dateTime) >> 12) & 0x1f)) /**< Extract the hours (0-23) from a packed date/time value. @hideinitializer */ lastdatearr(5) = mod(idivide(t, 64, 'floor'), 64); % #define OM_DATETIME_MINUTES(dateTime) ((unsigned char)(((dateTime) >> 6) & 0x3f)) /**< Extract the minutes (0-59) from a packed date/time value. @hideinitializer */ lastdatearr(6) = mod(t, 64); % #define OM_DATETIME_SECONDS(dateTime) ((unsigned char)(((dateTime) ) & 0x3f)) /**< Extract the seconds (0-59) from a packed date/time value. @hideinitializer */ lastreturn = datenum(lastdatearr); end lastvalue = t; dat = lastreturn; end